Letter to Max

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What would an immortal goddess write to her mortal husband?
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This story is part of the Letters of Love 2022 Story Event. Many thanks to SisterJezabel for organizing this event.

The letter is written by Adrestia Rhamnousia, who appears in several of my stories. She is the central character in my "Cheater's Gallery" series, and is featured in two of my "Cheating Zone" stories. She also appears in "Carol's Christmas," and in two of my e-books, "Justice Rides," and "The Cursed Phallus of Baalak-Ra." The letter is written to her mortal husband, Max Burnage, who is featured in my "Max Burnage" series.

This particular letter was written after the events in "The Cursed Phallus of Baalak-Ra."

All sexual activity mentioned in this story takes place between consenting adults 18 years of age or older.


To my dearly beloved husband, Max:

I know this letter may seem strange to you. It's a bit strange for me as well. As you know by now, I would normally just come to your thoughts and speak directly to your heart. But I thought that maybe what I have to say would have more impact if you had something tangible you could hold in your hands.

I got the impression that you were a bit upset after I told you what happened with my brother, Baalak. After our discussion, I realized that perhaps I had given the topic short shrift, which was never my intent. You are, without question, the most wonderful mortal man I have ever encountered, and you deserve so much more than what I gave you.

First off, let me categorically state that I love you in a way you can never fully understand. In all the millennia of my existence, no man has ever touched my heart the way you continue to do every single day. And you, my dearest Maximilian, are only the second man in all of human history who has ever physically touched me in an intimate way. And I intend to see to it that you are the last.

I know that I have already shown you all this, but I understand you sometimes need to hear it from me as well.

Having said all that, please let me explain about Baalak. As you know by now, I was not born into immortality. I had a mother and a father, just as you did, and I came into the world just like you - kicking and screaming.

But the world I came into was nothing like the world you know. Things were very different, and it was dominated by a race of beings that thankfully no longer exist. Baalak was my older sibling, and I looked up to him as I grew up. I suppose you could say that I loved him as well, as any sister would love her older brother.

In our society, it was a common - and accepted - practice for women to be given to their oldest male sibling when they reached the age of adulthood. It was a rite of passage and nothing more. It should have been a happy event, but it turned out to be the worst experience of my life.

To be honest, I was more than a little frightened. Baalak was quite well endowed, and had already gathered quite a harem to satisfy his lust. To him, I was just another conquest. I was also concerned that he might get me pregnant.

Baalak assured me that wouldn't happen, that he had control of such matters. I wasn't sure how he was able to do that, but I took him at his word. When the time came, my parents prepared me, then handed me over to him. Yes, they watched as my older brother took me. That was the way things were done back then.

It would be an understatement to say that the experience was both painful and humiliating. I stayed in bed, bleeding, for five days straight when the ordeal was finally over. I never felt pain like that in my entire life, and I swore it would never happen again. Because of Baalak, I never let another man touch me that way - until I met you.

I also felt something else - hatred. I hated Baalak for what he did, and swore that one day I would have my vengeance. It took years, but it finally happened.

By then, Baalak had formed a phallus from a mold of his own genitalia. He used it to sap the strength and libido from the men he targeted. With it, he created an army of willing cuckolds who would die at his order. He also formed a sex cult and gathered women from all over the known world, the way a stamp collector would gather those little slips of paper.

He used the phallus to strike fear in the powerful. Eventually, he began to see himself as a god. Even the most powerful kings feared the day Baalak's phallus would appear in their domains.

One day, I was approached by a man who called himself Joshua. He warned of the threat Baalak posed and promised me immortality if I disposed of him. I spent years learning everything I could of Baalak's phallus.

Thanks to the abilities Joshua gave me, I was able to entice Baalak and trap him inside his own creation. The day I dropped that hideous thing in the sea was one of the happiest days of my life. Joshua lived up to his promise, and I was granted immortality. But it came with a heavy price.

From that time on, I was to dispense justice to those who deserved it. After the great flood, I thought my troubles would be over, and I would never see Baalak again, but that hope was dashed a few thousand years later, when his phallus was found on an island in the Mediterranean.

Baalak never regained enough power to become the threat he once was, thanks to two people who sacrificed themselves at my request. I still carry the weight of that with me. They willingly gave their lives, but as it turned out, not even that was sufficient.

I am happy to say that Baalak is finally where he belongs - where he should have been many thousands of years ago. And thankfully, no one died this time. But it was close - too close for comfort.

It's difficult to explain, my dear husband, the burden I carry from so many years of dispensing justice to so many. The only thing that keeps me going these days is your love. I crave it the way a starving man craves food. I honestly do not know what I would do if you were no longer in my life.

There are many days that I wish I could shed my immortality. What was given as a promise and a gift has become a curse - a curse made tolerable only by your love. I can only hope that my love sustains you as yours sustains me.

For as long as there is breath in my body, please know that you are the only man who has ever touched my heart, and I will love you and cherish you until the very end of time.

All my love,

Your wife, forever,



Fade to black...

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ImshakenImshaken4 months ago

The downside of immortality and an unfortunate life mission.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I am the same as the anon 17 days ago.

I worry about Adrestia as well. In one of your other stories you intimate that she almost lost her mind and nearly did something bad.

She has married Max and is happy and content. However Max is a mere mortal and will eventually die (as we mere mortals do). So Adrestia is now bereft with grief at loosing her love. In her grief she COULD turn against ALL cheaters and kill them off. There goes a large part of the human race.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I worry for Adrestia. Max is mortal and his life will come to an end 50 or 60 years.

Adrestia, while terror to the evil, has the soul of an angel and deserves her Max for eternity.

I think all of us want to have more on this story so, if your still with us, please write thus one(s)...or more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Dear Moral Compass,

Please read and comment elsewhere for clearly your heart is cold.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

There is a book!

OMG! Is it in print or Audiobooks?

I don't do e-books so PLEASE tell me how to find this!!!!

I justv,love Adrestia. And feel for her!

What's to become her when Max has pass?

I can't begin to comprehend her agony at losing him for truly theirs has to a live foe eternity.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


SisterJezabelSisterJezabelalmost 2 years ago

I might need to read the original I think! Thanks for your contribution to the event :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great connection, both between characters and between stories. Waiting for Book 2!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Love it! I gotta read that book!

Robcan57Robcan57about 2 years ago

That was awesome!!

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