Lies Truths or Perception Pt. 02

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Maybe it does.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/10/2019
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(Maybe it Does)

Part one should be read first for this to make sense. The story follows a timeline.

It had been a busy week. On Monday the stock market took off like I thought it would. I made good money for my clients and me. Once again, I had proved to myself that I had done my job and successfully done my homework. Every day this week Bridget and I met for lunch to discuss what was going on in our day. Every night I took home little thank you gifts from clients who had a lot of extra money thanks to me.

For Dinah and me when we were home together it was ice cold. I wouldn't give an inch until she could prove that she was not involved with someone else. Dinah said I was being a horse's ass about our situation because she had done nothing wrong and felt she did not have to answer to anyone. I said we shall see about that.

The New York Times gossip reporter had captured Dinah and the boy toy she got to go with her boarding the plane on Wednesday afternoon. He was now totally outed according to the paper as her latest romantic interest. It looked like the gossip reporter had taken the bait.

She also now had part of Dinah's entourage public saying that Dinah and I had to be in an open marriage for a few years. It had been a mutual decision between the two of us to keep our lifestyle choices private. Those who were in the know knew it to be total bullshit. They had a close up of Dinah's left hand lacking her wedding rings just before she loaded the plane.

When I was contacted about the article as it was printed all I said, "Well if it's in the New York Times it must be the truth that Dinah is telling everybody. If it is, it's news to me because it was never discussed with me."

Somehow my comments had got back to the gossip lady. She had a whole piece on my personal views about Dinah's and my relationship. Amazingly she had never talked to me. Those who read it just assumed she had. The perception was that I had just found out about being dumped in such a public way and was having a hard time coming to terms with it. I got phone calls from both of my in-laws concerned about my wellbeing because of it.

Emerson Stevens called me on Friday trying to figure out what his daughter was doing. I replied proving my feelings right. He threatened to lower the boom on his daughter right away. I got him calmed down and told him that until we get actual proof that can't be denied, the truth means nothing because perception meant everything. Besides the truth means nothing except to a few. Most will buy the views of the media without question. For now, although Dinah feels she was in the driver's seat she had no clue about what her family knows.

Her meeting with the prospective new client was on Monday. They would be wining and dining her for the next few days to smooth her into signing. It was going to be promoted to the extreme because free publicity meant everything. For both sides, it made it possible for big money to be made without much cost. I wondered if the boy toy on her arms would be stupid enough to make a serious move upon my loving and apparently willing wife.

Dinah had learned from Bridget just the day before she left that I was now becoming her father and her financial advisor. Quietly behind the drama, Bridget was making her move. Somehow, she got Dinah's blessing to keep my mind off our situation until she was able to return to deal with it. Dinah still thought we could resolve our differences if she could sit down and lead me through it. All she thought she had to do was to set my thinking right about what the media was reporting.

The updates from my divorce lawyer were looking good. The background material she was gathering was outstanding. The hospital and health insurance company had both provided documented proof that the operation to have her tubes tied had taken place. The surgeon's lawyer was now in negotiations to resolve the issue to our satisfaction. Thursday night Bridget and I spent an evening together. I found it enjoyable being just us.

As a result, I got informed by Bridget late Friday afternoon that she would like me to spend the day with her doing something she always wanted to do. I pointed out it would not look good for her to be with a married man for that long. She said, 'Dinah gave me her approval for us to spend as much time together as possible." I ended up scratching my head on that.

When she told me what she had planned for us to do on Saturday. I readily agreed because it had been something, I had thought of doing but never had. The chance to go with someone just as interested in it as I was, was something I could not say no to.

My in-laws had me go out for dinner with them that night just to make sure that I was not hiding from them what was really going on with me. My mother in law who loved me dearly was very concerned and made it clear that her support of me was unshakable.

I picked Bridget up at nine am on Saturday and off we went to Coney Island. We spent the day at the New York Aquarium going through three of its exhibits: the Aquatheater, Conservation Hall, and Ocean Wonders.

For both of us, it was the first time we had been there. It was fun to discuss the things we were seeing as we both were developing new interests together while learning more about each other. It was a fun relaxing day because we both agreed to shut our cellphones off and leave them locked in the glove box.

It's nice when you share a day with someone you respect because it ends up drawing you closer. Not having the phone constantly bothering you was refreshing. It seemed to be a day we both needed for different reasons. With the stresses of life going all with us we set it all aside and focused on being comfortable with each other.

It was nice watching some parents get caught up by the wonderment of their children in the things that they were seeing. At these times Bridget would hold my hand extra tight as if she was trying to protect me. I think she was thinking that seeing children was reminding me of what my wife Dinah had done.

Before we called it a day, we took a walk down the Boardwalk as dusk was coming in. Even though it was a cool evening we seemed to be oblivious to it as we were lost in the joy of each other's company. At one am we were sitting at an all-night pizzeria sharing a freshly made pizza with a couple of drafts.

When I dropped her off and walked her to her door, she invited me in, but I declined by saying, "My heart wants to but I best not. Two wrongs don't make a right. Before I do anything, I want to be sure it's for the right reasons. So, until I have served her because I know where we would end up, I will discipline myself because I don't want anything to cheapen what we have. That is why I haven't made a move."

With that, I wrapped her into my arms leaving her with a deep tongue exchanging a kiss as her body seemed to fold into mine. It blew me away because it was the first time, I had ever experienced that.

I didn't realize that in Bridget's eyes the dance of romance between the two of us was already in full swing. My words to her conveyed my deep respect for her as a person. I would later learn that she had texted her mom before going to bed to tell her that she had just experienced one of the most romantic days in her life. A second text to her a few minutes explained that she felt like she was falling in love.

I slept in on Sunday having nothing planned but doing somethings around the house. Once I got the coffee brewing, I threw a load of laundry in. I finally turned my cellphone on after having a bite to eat. Since it was going to be a nice mild day I was going to rake and fertilize the yard. I had a text message from Bridget.

It read: Thank you for yesterday. It was a delightful wonderful day. It surprised me to find it totally relaxing to be with you. You left me feeling totally content for the first time in a long time. To be honest it's a feeling that I could get used to. When I hit the pillow, I was out instantly. My dad's text woke me up this morning. He wants to meet you sometime today if that's possible. Let me know if that's okay.

I thought about what she said while I poured myself another coffee and reflected on our relationship so far. Once I decided I called her, Bridget answered right away.

"Good morning, I'm going to need two hours to rake the lawn otherwise the rest of the day I'm free," I said. "and I have to agree with your text because I felt the same way. I'm still wearing the smile you put on my face."

Bridget said she would talk to her dad and let me know what the arrangement would be, I made myself a couple of bacon and egg sandwiches to eat before starting to work. I had finished the front yard and was working on the back. Being warm-blooded even though the temperature was in the forties I was working shirtless. I could not help noticing that Bridget was watching me work as she drank a hot beverage out of a mug. When done I went and laid the fertilizer down.

I had gone back inside to have a coffee, before cleaning up when I saw a text from Bridget waiting for me. It read were going for supper at my parents. Attached was a picture she had taken of me while I worked out in the yard.

I texted back; What should I wear?

She replied; clothes would be appropriate; Mom might have a heart attack if you walked in half-naked.

I typed back; smart ass.

She responded; Giggling, blue jeans fine, not a working day. Pick me up at four,

As soon as we were out of the neighborhood Bridget slid over from her side of the front seat to be right beside me saying, "I could get used to this."

I laughed, "I would drive the car more if it didn't cost so much for bridge tolls and parking. That's why I haven't replaced it. Can't justify the extra expense because of the cost of public transit."

"You don't like the city, do you?" Bridget noted.

"I've never felt like I fit in, my roots are from a farm in the mid-west,' I said. "That's where the professor and his partner are from."

"Omg that's where my dad started too," Bridget said. "When he officially retires at sixty-five, he's moving back. He claims it's a different style of life back there."

Bridget got quiet, I wondered why finally I asked her "What are you thinking about?"

"I spent years trying to find the right man to fall in love with," Bridget said. "Being with you, talking with you has made me realize that the man I was looking for couldn't have grown up here on the east coast. There's something about your inner soul that sets my dad and you apart from most who grow up locally."

"I don't know if I would call it depth. I first time I saw it, was in the way you related to the professor and his partner. It was more than friendship and respect. It was clear if you needed them, they would be here tomorrow." Bridget continued. "And you would do the same for them. That type of bonding is forged not granted."

"I found that making friends even with neighbors is getting harder in our society on the coast," I said. "Look how long it took for us to get to know each other. Just going to and getting back from work each day takes four hours. Here to protect themselves most speak in half-truths and don't open up."

"My father used to frustrate his staff to no ends because he would not stay a minute longer than absolutely necessary," she replied. "The rest could wait until tomorrow. His home life came first."

"Funny that you would say that, my dad used to say, if a man is working long hours, he is looking for an excuse not to go home. When you see someone doing that you know their marriage is over, but they have not realized it." I said. "I just realized that he could have been talking about me. I guess that explains how long I should have known that Dinah and my marriage was dead."

It's a good thing I had punched her parent's address into the Google Maps because Bridget leaned her head on my shoulder and was soon fast asleep. To most, it would not mean anything but to me it said everything because to me it conveyed her trust in me. A fact that was noticed by her parents when we pulled into their driveway. She awoke as I brought my vehicle to a stop.

Clarence Smith and his wife were a nice looking couple. I could clearly see that Bridget took after her mother. If Bridget looked as good as she did at her age the man who would end up being married to her was one lucky feller.

Before we got into the house introductions were made. Clarence led me off to the kitchen so we could grab us a cold beer. He offered me a bud light, a regular miller or a stout. I said the stout if I could be allowed to pour it myself into a beer glass. He took out two and then opened up the fridge freezer to take out two frosted mugs out. After pouring out our own we sat at the kitchen table.

"I want to thank you personally for giving my daughter the information you did," he said. "She also told me about your situation, so I wanted to see how you're handling it."

"One day at a time, for now, it's a waiting game until the lawyer confirms and gets to the truth. Once we have it, she will be kicked to the curve. I won't live her life of lies, and I'm sure in her eyes I am not worth changing her ways for." I said. "I will be going for an annulment instead of a divorce because as it looks now, that I was conned into the marriage."

"And your relationship with my daughter for now," Clarence asked.

"Strictly platonic until my divorce is granted, although I know in her own way, she has been trying her hardest to slowly rope me in," I said. "And sir, more importantly, she knows that this is the way it has to be. If I expect honesty, I have to show it to."

Clarence smiled, "My daughter said I would be pleasantly surprised by you. I must admit that she is right. I knew the first time she talked about you, by the way, her face lit up that there was more than just a casual interest in you. Thank you for making it clear that you're not going to take advantage of her because many would."

"Off the record sir, anyone who took the time needed to really know your daughter as I have these last few weeks would find her easy to love." I said, "You should be proud you raised her well."

It was at that moment that Bridget and her mother joined us. I could see that Bridget seemed nervous but as soon as she saw the look on her father's face it began to dispel.

I took the time to discuss my plans about their investments going forward and chastised her father for not setting up a retirement account for his wife and using it to his advantage. I explained that sometimes we get so busy in life that we overlook the obvious.

"Sir I saw the size of your bonus's to your upper management last year, and I am ashamed to tell you there's a better way," I said. "Give them a choice, by suggesting that they direct the corporation to directly deposit it into their retirement account thus giving them the opportunity of avoiding losing it to the tax department because it boots them into a higher tax rate."

"Bridget, your man pulls no punches, he tells it straight. That is so refreshing to see," Clarence said. "As he said earlier, he thinks you're trying to rope him in. You both have my approval going forward to see where your relationship goes."

Both Bridget and her mom teared up. I was sitting there wondering why. Later as we fired the barbeque up.

He explained why. "I had you checked out when my daughter first mentioned you, so I knew you were married. When she presented me with the confidential information about your firm. I asked why. She said she had to talk to you first when she did, she told me the whole story. It conveyed to me the trust you two were developing in each other."

"It gave me a good idea of what kind of man you were," He explained. "Your approach to me today proved to me that what I thought was right. You had no clue as to what I knew, yet you hid nothing. It was obvious to me that you were not raised in this city that added to your credibility."

I laughed and said, "When you get stuck in the Missouri red clay, you realize that no matter how smart you think you are you are never really in control because God does have a sense of humor and at his time he will show it to you just to keep you humble."

Clarence laughed and said, "To the south, you're not south enough to the North you're not the north you're the south. Back home was the show me state, and to those from there that says it all, Trey you have shown me well."

On the way back to our homes as Bridget sat beside me, I realized that her parents believed their daughter was in love with me. I knew I had to tread carefully. Human emotions should not be played with as I had been reminded the hard way from Dinah.

I had spent most of the weekend with Bridget and it had been two of the best days I had spent in a long time. It had shown me what life could be like if I worked for it. The more I saw the possibility of it the more I wanted it.

Surprising the week at work was quiet and steady, it allowed me the chance to review all of my client's accounts to ensure there was steady growth. On a few, I had to make a few minor adjustments but that was normal. Although we didn't talk during working hours Bridget kept checking on me via short texts. Every night until bedtime we were together. If we were at my place, I walked her home. I had given my word to her father and had taken the relationship no further. If Bridget would have had her way, we would have gone a lot farther.


Dinah had signed the agreement after four days of negations. For the next five years, she would be making millions. The luxury company was the fourth that had come on board. Her tweets and self-promotion with her perception of things was and would remain a market driving force for all concerned.

Sad in building her marketing empire she had built herself into a box that she could get out of. She was about to realize that all her scheming, manipulations, and misdirection to present a certain perception to the masses was the trap that going to end up hurting her the most because it was taking a life of its own.

The gossip lady's contacts had not disappointed, everything Dinah and her boy toy did had made the printed pages back here in the New York Times every day creating quite a few twitter discussions causing more to follower her because everyone wanted to keep up on it. To some, this was like watching the soap operas on tv. It had been a week of them doing nothing but flaunting their relationship in a very public way.

Although there might have not been any sexual activity between the two; their contact, the physical touching, the soft sensual kisses left on cheeks, the eye contact, and gestures implied that theirs was a new love in full bloom. The mass media was presenting it here as a spring Paris romance story.

The perception of the New York Times gossip pages was that Dinah Richards had thrown away her marriage, and even though they had separate suits they were adjoined. The hotel maid, it had been rumored had supposedly confirmed that only one bed was used by the two. Since it was published in the New York Times it had to be true. After all, in the publics' eyes, the New York Times never lies.

As soon as she cleared customs that Friday morning Dinah Richards was served. It had been confirmed that there had been no need for Dinah to have medically had her tubes tied. Until that point, Dinah was completely functional and had been capable of carrying children full term. I had my lawyer courier Emerson Stevens a copy.

The New York Times gossip reporter was there to capture it. So was a news crew assigned to one of the local Saturday morning talk shows. When the reporter asked Dinah all about it. She claimed it was all a huge misunderstanding. That once she talked it all out with her husband Trey Richards the misunderstanding would be straightened out. After all, we have an open marriage, so all this was, was a little fun on the side. The reporter responded for more than a week you appear to be flaunting your relationship with your boy toy.