Life Decisions - Laura 4 Years Later


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"Of course." Sean said as he was quickly getting up of the chair and offering his hands to Laura. He pulled her up and they ended up in a hug, with his arm around her soft body and his hands in her lower back. Sean could smell the putrid cigarette smoke in her hair.

"Oh, I don't mind a hug, and it's nice." Smiled Laura, "But don't squeeze me too much honey," she wiggled, "you will make me pee here, unless you want me to?" She looked up smiled naughtily.

"Ah, I don't think we want that?" Replied Sean releasing his hands, "You'd better let you go upstairs."

Laura shrugged her shoulders with indifference and almost disappointment and toddled unsteadily over to the occasional table, grabbed the cigarette in the ashtray, inhaled, coughed, and headed for the stairs. "Will be back in a bit," she stated as she exhaled and shuffled off in her usual cloud of smoke, rebounding with a thud off the door frame as she didn't quite get her planned trajectory right.

Sean sat back down in the chair to work out what the hell was going on. He was sitting in a house with his fat-chainsmoking-alcoholic-exhibitionist colleague who he somehow all of a sudden found attractive. He got out his phone to check his social media and the cricket banter whilst she was upstairs.

Laura got up the stairs carefully and made for the bathroom balanced the cigarette on the sink and fought her elbows to get her dress over her head and took off her bra and threw both of them at shower, sat down, grabbed her cigarette, and inhaled deeply and relaxed as she peed.

After finishing up she padded into the bedroom, picked up her loose short pyjama shorts and vest top from earlier on the floor, put the cigarette in the ashtray and flumped on the bed in an attempt to get dressed again.

After ten minutes or so Sean was sitting there in the living room wondering where she had gone. He needed the toilet too and the pizza was due to arrive any second now as her phone had buzzed a couple of times. He had heard her walk from the bathroom to the bedroom on the floorboards and now it had gone quiet.

With that the doorbell rang, Sean went to answer it, it was the pizzas. Sean gave the delivery guy a tip and accepted the food and took it through to the kitchen.

"Laura, the pizzas are here!" He shouted up the stairs, to no response. "Laura, pizza!" He shouted again. Waiting patiently for her to bound back down.

In the following silence he proceeded to go up the stairs, checked in the bathroom; she was not there but a pile of her clothes was. As he was there, he went for a pee himself. Once he had flushed, he then looked in the bedroom and firstly enjoyed the view and secondly was a tad embarrassed. As Laura was naked spread eagled on her back her large breasts like blancmange with a large cherry in the middle hanging off her body either side, her stomach looked almost flat, her chunky untoned thighs spread eagle showing off her thick thatch covered crotch. Her new clothes scrunched up in her right hand, and with her head off to the side, she was clearly snoring and fast asleep.

Sean was frozen to the spot. In a moment of thought, he picked up the pink dressing gown on the chair beside the bed and put it over her, to give her some modesty whilst he spoke to her.

"Hey Laura, the pizzas are here!" Sean said gently shaking her shoulder.

Laura rolled on to her side throwing off the dressing gown as she coughed hard several times. Her naked body juddered with each cough. "Eh?" she asked after swallowing her phlegm and lung gunk.

"Hey Laura, the pizzas are here." Sean smiled as he repeated himself.

Laura rolled on to her back and grabbed hold of the dressing gown as she sat up. "Oh fuck, sorry." Laura instantly started looking for a new cigarette and grabbing the empty pack on the bed side table and tutting, "I must have sat down on the bed to get dressed and just fallen asleep." She said meekly.

"It's ok Law, I will go downstairs and let you get dressed and I shall see you in a minute!" Sean suggested helpfully.

"I will put on the dressing gown on and be down honey, thanks for waking me up!" Laura's face bright red with embarrassment as she held the dressing gown tightly to her chest.

"It's ok, I am starving, and pizzas smell nice!" replied Sean, "Shall I boil the kettle?" He asked looking back as he got to the door.

"Nah, I've had my nap, I am ready to go again!" smiled Laura, trying to be bright and breezy, but needing a big hacking cough as Sean left to go downstairs.

Laura fought her arms through the holes and got the dressing gown on and padded to the bathroom to hunt for a cigarette, found a pack on the windowsill and lit it. She inhaled deeply and exhaled whilst holding the wall for support and headed down the stairs on her way to find her pizza.

Laura filled up both their wine glasses, Sean thought unwisely, and then they both sat in the kitchen eating their pizza. Sean's eyes were forever drifting to her legs as her dressing gown gaped open.

"I'm sorry to fall asleep like that Sean." said Laura after chewing on a mouthful of pizza.

"It's ok, I was concerned as it had gone quiet up there!" Sean chuckled. "At least you were just asleep rather than anything more concerning!"

"Good point!" replied Laura picking at wedge.

"I was worried you had fallen over and hurt yourself or something?" A genuinely concerned Sean muted.

Laura slapped her thigh knocking further open her dressing gown whilst saying "I wouldn't worry I have enough cushioning I tend to bounce!"

They both laughed.


Laura unapologetically lit her second post pizza cigarette sitting back on her seat on the sofa, she felt full, drunk, tired, horny, but happy.

"I think I ought to go and leave you and let you sleep," Sean mused.

"Oh, are you sure?" Laura smiled and fluttered her eyelids attempting seductive but sounding confused.

"I have had a good evening with you, but I think we are both relaxed and you are definitely tired."

Laura nodded, "I've had a good day stalking you." She smiled, and then had a pull on her cigarette, as she exhaled as she tugged her dressing gown down her breast a bit, trying to tease. "I enjoyed sleeping in the sun during the cricket this afternoon."

"We are at home again next week, so you can feel free to come up and watch again?" Suggested Sean could not help but notice her dressing gown loosening and more of her breasts being revealed.

"Oh, you play every weekend?" Asked Laura, stretching for her wine glass, enabling her left breast to drop out of the gown.

"When I get picked and when it's not raining!" replied Sean trying desperately not to stare at the large sagging breast, so took a swig of wine instead.

"So, do I have to do a rain dance this week to see you at the weekend?" Asked Laura followed by an attempt to dance on the seat, her loose breast bouncing and jiggling. All which ended in a cough.

"Well, yes, or I say I'm not available, as I have something far more important to do!" Suggested Sean fighting and losing the ability to be mesmerised by her free breast bouncing around whilst she drunkenly attempted a sitting 'rain dance' on the sofa. Which was again followed by another large coughing fit.

"Oh, I see." Said Laura slowly whilst getting her breath back, "What does one need to do to be more important than cricket?" She flirted, fluttering her eyelids, and then followed by what could be called an attempt at a seductive drag on her cigarette.

"Erm, not sure," stuttered Sean as his eyes followed her hand, "maybe we can come up with something tomorrow?" Sean suggested whilst not sure if he should say something about the breast or just watch Laura's exhale go to the ceiling. He finished his wine and suddenly got up from the sofa.

"Oh, you are actually going to go home?" asked Laura followed by a deep inhale.

"Well, I will go to the toilet first, and then yes, I think it best that I do." Sean firmly stated again whilst watching the exhale to keep his eyes away from her inviting naked thatch showing between the opened flaps of her dressing gown in front of him.


"Give me two minutes, and I will be right back!" Sean said heading for the stairs; Laura had a large final inhale and exhale of the current cigarette, extinguishing it in the very full ashtray beside her. Finished her wine by wiping her face with the back of her hand and tried to get up off the sofa and fell ending up sitting cross legged naked on the floor next to the sofa with her dressing gown on top of the sofa like a flowing cape.

She chuckled to herself, stayed where she was, leaned behind, grabbed another cigarette, lit it, coughed heavily, and then took yet another drag, as she patiently waited for Sean to come back down the stairs.


"Oh, hey Law, are you comfortable down there?" Sean asked as he came back down the stairs

"Yeah, LOL, I didn't quite get to the upright standing position I was aiming for." Laura said looking up at him, then drunkenly giggled.

"Shall I help you up or are you staying there for the night?" Sean asked, his hands on his hips looking down at her.

"Please, I need to get up for piss too!" Replied Laura smiling looking hopeful up at Sean, she put the cigarette in her mouth, and offered both hands. With a groan and a grunt Sean pulled her up back on the sofa, and then took the cigarette out of her mouth and gingerly held it and put it in the ashtray.

"Oh." Said Laura looking at her cigarette burning in the ashtray as residue smoke came out of her mouth and nose.

"Give me your hands again, please?" asked Sean

Laura wavered forwards and backwards a little and held out her hands and was pulled up into a hug with Sean he kissed the smoky hair, then steered her towards the living room door and tried his best to help her up the stairs. He manoeuvred her into the bathroom where she dropped her dressing gown on the floor on top of the dress from earlier and waddled naked to the toilet where she stumbled around and flumped down on the seat, coughed loudly, farted, smiled at Sean, and giggled naughtily. Laura continued to smile at Sean as she started peeing, as Sean made a quick exit to the landing.


"Oh hell, I'm late for work" said Laura after a couple of large coughs. Sitting upright in bed, "am I? or is it still only Sunday, oh fuck my head!" Laura said to no one.

Laura reached across for a cigarette to find the bedside table devoid of a pack. She stared for a good four minutes hoping one would appear. "Fuck must have left them downstairs last night?" She said aloud to no one. She gingerly got out of bed and regretted moving. She stumbled naked to the bathroom on the hope of finding a cigarette.

Sat on the toilet and lit up, had a double pump inhale, and relaxed as she exhaled through her nose and waited for the bathroom to stop slowly spinning and her stomach to settle down.

With the stray butt picked up off the floor and the toilet flushed, Laura dangled her cigarette as retrieved her dressing gown from the floor by the shower and went downstairs to find a coffee in her cloud of smoke.

As she was sitting having her coffee and fourth morning cigarette as the doorbell went. Laura stubbed the cigarette out and padded over to the door and tightened her dressing gown around her waist. Looking through the window on the door she could see it was Sean, and relaxed.

Laura opened the door and smiled, to unsmiling Sean. "Oh, hey Sean, good morning?" Laura asked, "Come in, and I will get you a coffee!" she stated very confused with life.

"Oh, that would be great." said Sean.

"Milk, Sugar?" she asked as they got in the kitchen.

"Just milk" replied Sean.

"Coming right up," she attempted a happy reply, "Have a seat" Laura smiled pointing in the direction of the kitchen table with her elbow and got the coffee machine to whirr again.

"I didn't know if you would be cross about me leaving you last night?" Sean asked as he sat down, pushing the full stinking ashtray away from him with his fingertips.

"Nope, can't really remember the end of last night" Laura pondered and then coughed, "when did you leave?" she looked at him blankly.

Sean smiled took a sip of his coffee "After struggling to get you in to bed!" he stated. "Trying to get a drunken, sleepy, naked Laura into a bed is not an easy task!"

Her eyes widened. "Oh, I'm so sorry to put you through that." Laura said, "was I not being helpful?" then sipping on her coffee and then fiddling with a cigarette in its pack and then extracting and lighting it.

"It's ok, you were rather drunk, and I thought it wise to leave you be," he stated, "and to be honest, I wasn't sure you would be awake now!" Sean said then had a sip of his coffee. "But I wanted to see you this morning." He smiled fondly at her.

"I don't think I should be awake." Laura said yawning, "but I needed to get up for a pee and I needed a coffee this morning." She said with her exhale.

"You can certainly drink girl!" said Sean "You drank almost solidly from leaving work!" He joshed with her.

"Guilty as charged officer!" Replied Laura with a cough, "I know it's not good for me, but I get carried away, it makes me happy, and I can just bumble along out of work and be free." said Laura

"To be serious Law, we might have to talk about the drinking." Sean said sternly.

"Oh?" replied Laura taking a deep inhale, "I know I drink a little too heavily". She replied factually. "With your help, maybe I can reduce a little?" She asked.

"I can try, but it will need your willing too Law?" he said firmly.

"Oh?" She said deeply inhaling on her cigarette "I guess so!" she said with the exhale.

"I might be able to cope with a beautiful 'smoke breathing dragon' being my girlfriend?" Sean said using his fingers for the quotation marks whilst watching her latest exhaled cone go up to the ceiling and disperse around the kitchen light fitting. "But I don't really want to have to steer a girlfriend to bed with me every night or have that girlfriend forget what we may or may not have done in bed that night?" he stated.

"Dragon?" she asked smiling.

"Ok, you are maybe not a dragon, unless you can't find your cigarettes?" He replied jokingly.

"But girlfriend?" asked Laura manicuring her cigarette in the ashtray, then taking a large gulp of her coffee,

"If you will be?" Asked Sean offering his hand across the table.

The End, or was it?

Back to Friday Night

"I think my lift will be waiting for me now." Suggested Laura. "Do you want to come too?" She giggled.

Zoe also gently stood up and unsteadily wobbled as she had equally had a few to drink and gave Laura a hug and a knowing smile. "Ooh Karen I could do with a lift."

"Great, I will let him know." She giggled as Zoe staggered off to find Karen.

"Hiya Law, are you ready to go?" Sean asked.

"Yup we are already!" She replied with her drunken smile, "The girls are coming back with me is that is, ok?"

"Oh," Sean with a hint of disappointment, "yeah, of course, there is plenty of room!"

With various jokey wolf whistles from their colleagues Laura, Zoe and Karen slowly followed Sean out of the beer garden and through the throngs of people at the bar and to Sean's little black Clio.

The three ladies stopped and leaned against the car for support "Can I light and smoke this before we go?" asked Laura holding up a cigarette" I don't think we want to get your car smelling of our smoke" being considerate that Sean is a non-smoker.

"Sure," said Sean, watching the three girls light up, "let me open the windows and cool this car down, it's going to be boiling." He grizzled as he got in the car and started it up, opened the front two windows and got the air conditioning going.

"Thanks Sean." The ladies said in unison smoke billowing out of their mouths, shuffling their bottoms and their cigarette smoke away from the now open passenger side door window. It was a three-door car, so the back windows had to be flipped open from inside.

"Sod it girls, get in, we can keep windows are open," replied Sean from within the car looking through the now open passenger side window from the driver's side seat.

"Zoe you are the smallest you should squeeze in the back" said Laura, "Kaz, do you want the back or the front?" She asked Karen.

"I will get in the back with Zoe." Replied Karen winking at Zoe.

The two girls negotiated getting in the passenger side door and into the back without falling on each other with a fit of giggles.

They all helped each other get their seatbelts on with a little difficulty and then Sean drove off with cigarettes and clouds of smoke coming out of three of the windows.

Laura sat with her legs wider than normal apart; Sean had the air con set to feet blower as well in the face, which meant a nice cooling breeze was flowing up her skirt. This did mean that every time Sean got to a traffic light, he knocked her knee with the back of his hand moving the gearstick from 1st to 2nd.

Laura was enjoying both sensations and chatting to girls, it was probably due to the couple of pints of cider and three double G+Ts and this heat she thought. All three girls finished their cigarettes and almost simultaneously flicked them out their windows. As Laura lifted the button for her window to go up, the girls in the back closed theirs.

Once the window was closed Sean started to enjoy the different wafts of their different perfumes, with added cigarette aroma and alcohol as cars blower moved the air around, he was a lifelong, anti-smoker, but for some strange reason didn't mind that smell coming from them.

As they got closer to Laura's house, Laura asked the group "Do you think we should go via little Tescos at the end of my road? As I have almost run out ciggies." She explained looking in her handbag for effect "and I think we need some more supplies"

"Oh yes that would be good idea!" Replied Zoe.

"Yup sounds good to me" replied Karen.

"Yeah of course Law, it's on the way." replied Sean.

Sean pulled up on to the curb by Tesco's. It took a few minutes for the girls to extract themselves from the car. It meant that Sean got a good look at Zoe's evidently thonged arse as she squeezed past the passenger side chair showing the pink thong through her white linen skirt.

The girls spent a good 15 minutes in the shop, which was quick considering their state. They did detour via the chiller for a couple of bottles of white wine each, some milk and then went to tobacco counter for couple of packs of cigarettes each, Laura herself bought three. The girls' handbags clanked their way out of Tesco, carrying their beloved cigarette packs in their hands.

"Thanks for waiting for us honey!" Laura said once the girls were all back in car. "It does mean I don't have to walk back down here in the morning." She said holding the packs for effect.

"No problem, the pleasure has been all mine." Replied Sean smiling at the thought of three pretty girls in the car.

"You are a genuine star!" replied Laura, and as they drove off "do you fancy coming into mine joining us girls for a drink?" thinking he might enjoy having the harem of drunken girls for the evening.

"Sadly Law, I've got to get up early in the morning to cricket club, otherwise I would be there like a shot!" He replied.

"Oh, that's cool have fun tomorrow" she said as retrieved a cigarette and her lighter from the bag on her lap and held on to both for safety. "Us girls will have our own fun wont we!"

"Hell yeah!" Was the response from the back.

"You are all more than welcome to come up and watch me play tomorrow, it's meant to be sunny and there is bar!" Sean said trying to sell cricket.

"We shall see!" said Laura getting out of the car, "Thanks for the lift!"
