Life with: Kat and Alejandro Ep. 06


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She continued to sing the song, louder than she previously was.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Kat looked over her shoulder and toward the voice slightly behind her. She felt her lips part minimally. She momentarily forgot he'd asked her a question and gave him an obvious once over.

His hair was salt-and-peppered and neatly combed back toward his neck. His black suit was tailored to perfection and fit him like a glove. His build was lean and proportionate along his tall frame. He seemed to be as tall, if not taller, than Alejandro. His eyes were a warm mahogany and his lips were pouty. He put his hands in his pockets, revealing a rose gold Movado on his wrist only momentarily before it was covered by the fabric.

"Hello." Her greeting was misplaced and overly sultry. She continued to look at him over her bare shoulder and he smirked before taking a small step forward. She could then see his age, which he wore well. His smile revealed handsome fine lines and a row of white teeth with the smallest gap. He had to be in his mid-fourties.

"Good evening." He was intentionally ten times more enticing than she'd been originally. His voice was deep and his accent striked her differently than Alejandro's. This man's way of talking was more languid yet his words were spoken with powerful precision. He was definitely a leader by nature. Kat straightened up.

"Oh—I'm so sorry I interrupted your speech. I know I distracted you." He was standing alongside her, but his head was turned in her direction. When she finished her sentence, he turned his head forward, in the direction of the stage with a smile pushing at his lips.

"No need to apologize." He paused, but Kat knew he would speak again. "My distraction had nothing to do with anything within your control." Kat wasn't a confident flirt while sober; alcohol had opened her up significantly more. Although she still couldn't handle him. It was like his levels of flirtation were on another planet. She was self-assured, relaxed but he still had her speechless and gushing—even after 3 full glasses of wine.

She turned toward the stage too, not knowing where to go from there. She took a sip of her wine to hide her growing smirk.

"Dance with me." Kat directed her gaze to his upturned palm over the rim of her glass. She took two large gulps and placed her glass on the bar countertop. Her personal bartender was ready to pick up the glass and clean it with a smile.

"She needs a raise. She is wonderful." Kat told the man just before she took his hand in hers and let him lead her toward the dance floor. On the journey, he unbuttoned his jacket. Once they got to the center of the floor, he held her hand at their side and wrapped the other tightly around her waist. Kat positioned her hand against the back of his neck, reveling in the feel of his warm, smooth skin.

She was dancing with another man to her husband's favorite song. That had to be some form of infidelity. Not to mention the pangs of butterflies hitting the pit of her stomach every time she felt his breath against her ear. They were attracted to one another without a doubt, but the feeling of being in his arms satiated some craving she'd been setting on a backburner for far too long.

Other people had begun to pile onto the dance floor. Seeing them had invited other couples to join them.

"I'm married." She had blurted it out without a second thought. She almost wondered if she'd meant to say it mentally instead of verbally. She waited for him to release her and look around anxiously for an upset husband in the crowd. But he didn't. He held her tighter.

"I know." He toyed with the wedding ring on her finger as confirmation. "But you aren't happy."

"And how do you know that?" Kat was a bit defensive. Indeed, she wasn't happy with her marriage at the moment but she made a special effort not to let that hopelessness show. She kept herself up for the gaze of strangers and made sure her attitude was always positive. He chuckled lowly in her ear.

"Because you're here, alone, looking very beautiful and in my arms." He'd whispered it in her ear, intentionally trying to conceal his lips and lower his volume. Kat gulped roughly and tried to ease her racing heart.

The song finally changed and something softer yet still fairly upbeat played. He released her hand and placed it behind his shoulder. Her breath hitched in the back of her throat as he placed one open palm against her upper-back and the other against the very small of her back. She could feel his wide hands on her bare skin and it was invigorating. He hunched over slightly to hold her as close as he could. Her pelvis was pressed flush against his. She twisted her hips with his as he spun them in circles.

"What's your name?" His lips were touching the space beside her ear. She focused to ensure she replied properly. Her drunkenness and his body were both playing tricks on her concentration.

"Kat." She put both of her hands behind his head to cradle it lightly. She gently massaged his scalp and he moaned deeply yet almost inaudibly.

"Kat, I am Franco." He repositioned his head to look down on her. His eyes were hard. "I don't want to scare you away, but within the last 25 years, I haven't wanted a woman as much as I want you."

Kat groaned and let her head fall roughly against his chest. Her drinks were doing a number on her but his words were not helping at all. She closed her eyes and let him support her weight. He held her closer.

"Are you okay?" His voice was caressing and full kind concern.

Kat filled her lungs with air and as she let the breath go, she replied "Yes."

"I'm going to walk you to your room." Franco spoke to someone close to the stage briefly. Kat couldn't make out what he was saying, and was too lazy to lift her head to pay closer attention. Although she could hear the authority in his voice and the bass like vibrations in his chest.

He was shifting her. She opened her eyes and found herself nestled into the groove of his hip. Franco had a firm hold on her waist and used his free hand to lift the hem of her dress and gently hand it to her. Kat felt as if he were running; her feet didn't seem to be moving quickly enough.

"Why are you walking so fast?" Her words were slurred and hushed.

"I'm walking regularly." He said on a laugh. He pushed them through the double doors she'd come through earlier. The volume differences were astounding. The pulsating rhythms of drums were no longer rattling her brain. Franco's shoes clacked on the marble floors as he led her to one of four elevators. Someone walked by and he halted them with a touch of the arm.

"Meet me at my office in 45 minutes—find Camila and bring her too." Kat peered over the mound of Franco's chest to see who it was on his side. An employee dressed in a suit. He looked more like a manager than Franco did.

"Yes, sir." He could barely let his eyes fall on Kat before Franco had whisked her away. She desperately wanted to know his position at the resort, but even her intoxicated self knew it wasn't her place to ask such a question.

"Do you remember what floor you're staying on?" Kat was mortified to realize she didn't. She had no idea how to get to her room. Franco sensed her worry and tried to calm her. "It's alright, I'll find out. Relax." He guided her toward the front desk where she'd checked in just a few hours earlier.

The same man, who'd checked her in with her husband, was giving her an uninterruptable look as she lay in the arms of his superior. Her cheeks were hot with embarrassment. She cast her gaze downward to avoid him.

"Someone with the name Kat checked in today, what room is it?"

He vigorously typed on the keyboard and did a few scrolls.

"1015" She was on the 10th floor. After hearing the digits, she wondered how she could've forgotten. Franco shuffled her back toward the elevators and pressed the button. They waited in silence.

The elevator doors opened and they stepped on. He let Kat lean against the wall and he pressed her floor. As the doors closed, he turned to her. He reached for her hands as he took his position directly in front of her. His cologne was soft, warm and with her best guess; expensive.

"Kat, I know you're married. But I want to spend as much time with you as you'd allow. Is that okay?" Kat nodded lightly, her lips parted and her eyes glassed over. The dinging noise of floors they were passing faded into the background. "I also want to kiss you. Very badly."

Kat didn't remember when her mind agreed to nod in agreement, but she did. Franco wasn't moving swiftly enough. Kat sprung up on the tops of her toes and placed both palms on his cheeks. She kissed him hard, with the built up passion she'd been harboring for months. Franco was experiencing it. A man she'd just met was swallowing all of the loving she'd been praying to give to her husband.

Franco flimsily swung his arms behind himself to hit the elevator's break. The dinging stopped and the sound of their flesh and saliva meeting took its place. Franco wrapped Kat's body in his arms, pulling her upward and closer to his lips. Kat's feet were just barely touching the ground.

His lips were so supple. She couldn't remember the last time she'd kissed like this. Franco slipped his smooth tongue into her mouth and caressed hers. Kat pressed his head as close to hers as she could, hoping to get even more of his mouth into her own. Franco gently pushed her back against the wall of the elevator. Kat's bare back was flat alongside the cold metal, only adding to the pleasure of the kiss. He held her lips to his but reached down to rub her calves and lift her dress mid-thigh. He was then able to grip the backs of her knees and wrap them around his waist.

Her head was now level with his and her feet pressed into his backside. Franco rubbed her full, waxed legs and followed the trail up to her lace thong. His hands gripped around the material roughly, allowing her scorching flesh to fill his palms. He grew irritated with the cloth and reached under the hip-band to delve his fingers into the crack of her ass. Kat moaned when the pad of his finger briefly came into contact with her pussy lips.

Kat could feel herself moistening and the guilt followed soon after. She stopped kissing him and unhooked her legs from around his hips. Although Franco held her until she was safely on the ground. Kat took a step away from his body. She intentionally looked everywhere but at his eyes. Franco read her face and sighed. He filled the space she created and kissed her neck lightly as he adjusted the bulge in her dress where it got caught in the string of her thong.

Franco turned toward the elevator's doors and continued the journey to the 10th floor. He fixed himself in his pants as Kat watched from behind.

She felt nauseous. She was ruining her marriage and the lives of her children. She couldn't risk all of that for short lived pleasure. Kat took a breath before she stepped off of the elevator—unsteadily but still standing.

"Maybe I should walk with you—" Kat replied immediately.

"No." She used the wall to help get her to the end of the hall. She was slow, partially because the walls were distorting and because she needed time to prepare herself to see Alejandro. She heard the elevator doors close behind her.

A few seconds later, she heard them open again. He placed a hand on her back.

"Sweetheart, I know you love your husband. I don't want to change that for you. But I do want the chance to make you happy." Kat kept walking, her eyes transfixed on the window seat right beside her door. Franco was right beside her. He paused momentarily. More so to himself, he said "I shouldn't have even kissed you while you were so drunk." Kat looked at his face to see he wore an expression of agitation. He outstretched his arm to keep her still.

"Please look at me." He asked gently. Kat reluctantly did. "I'd invite you to my suite if you weren't so intoxicated. I want nothing more than to lay you down in bed and spend time with you the next morning. I'll let you decide tomorrow, when you're capable of deciding. Goodnight." He kissed her evenly on her forehead and disappeared behind her.

Kat opened the hotel door at a snail's pace, feeling like a teenager who'd snuck out after curfew. Only a light in the kitchen was on and she checked to see if Alejandro was there. He wasn't, but the microwave timer read it was close to two in the morning.

The blinds were open and the moon cast a glow into the living room. She could make out Alejandro's frame on the couch, sitting in darkness and silence. Kat approached him cautiously.

"Honey? Are you awake?" She couldn't tell on her own.

"Yes, I'm up." He stood with a groan and walked toward his bedroom door. "I just wanted to make sure you got in okay. Goodnight." Kat grew panicked.

She desperately wanted him. She needed him. "Wait." Kat approached him in the dark, stumbling over her feet a little on the way. Alejandro was statuesque, barely moving. She laid a hand against his bare chest and delicately rubbed his skin in circular patterns.

"Please." She whispered. He knew what she wanted. He waited a few seconds to reply.

"I can't." Kat could feel stinging at the back of her eyes.

"Please, Alejandro." Begging. She was begging her husband to express his love for her.

"I'm sorry." He clasped her hand and lowered it to her side. She stood in place as he walked into his bedroom and the door closed with a click. Kat robotically went to her own room, stripped to her underwear and jumped into bed.

The moon met her skin and she looked down on herself. She tried to imagine someone in between the meeting of her thighs, eager to pleasure her. She put her fingers between her slippery folds and moaned at the feel of her soaking clit.

She gently stroked her puckered bud, shuddering when she rubbed it with a bit of pressure. Soon she built up a rhythm and shut her lids to let her imagination guide her to climax. Her left hand reached to pull her taut nipple.

Her thoughts were vague; someone was kissing her but their face was unrecognizable. They were rubbing and massaging her lower half from above. Suddenly, her clit was probed by the smooth tip and a large dick. It slipped up and down the length of her slit. Then it was pushing at her entrance, forcing her to open and receive his width.

She moaned as he bottomed out inside her. Their pelvises were snug against one another. They began thrusting harder, rapidly building momentum and forcing her breasts upward with each stroke. She looked between her thighs to see him disappearing deep inside her.

Kat followed the structure until she met her husband's profile.

She climaxed around him mentally, but on her own fingers in actuality. When her high fell, she flipped herself onto her stomach and nuzzled up to her pillow.

She tried to hold it, but her wailing came full force. She sobbed until her exhaustion consumed her.

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brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutiealmost 8 years ago

Please finish this story?!

dark_huntressdark_huntressabout 8 years ago

Has this story been abandoned?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Please finish!!!!

I can't take it anymore! Next chapter please!

MikkaRoseMikkaRoseover 8 years ago
Love this couple

Please next chapter, hope we don't have to wait to long for the next one, not happy with Kat or Alejandro to be honest, but love the story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
So sad

I just re read cultural diffusion and I'm so sad for this couple. Alejandro fought so hard to have Kat stay with him and Kat gave up so much to be with him and now it's like all her fears are coming true. Let them get better. Please! I

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