Like a Moth to a Flame

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Can a wife really forget her first lover?
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Author's note #1 I'm well aware that the proper way to change POV character is at a chapter change. However since this is a short story and I wanted to experiment a bit, I've tried to indicate a shift in POV character or TIME FRAME like so*****

Note #2 Constructive criticism, both positive and negative is welcome. Simply hateful comments will be deleted. I hope both BTB and RAAC readers can find something to like in this one, for there is a little of both in this one.


Rick knew something was wrong; he just couldn't put his finger on it. Debby really wasn't acting all that different—but dang it, she wasn't acting like his Debby—the woman he'd loved for the last twenty years.

From the first time Rick laid eyes on her, his was a lost cause. He still remembered fondly their whirlwind romance. He'd felt like the luckiest man on earth, even if it was months before she only allowed him to reach third base. She always insisted home base was reserved for after the wedding or at least after the wedding was assured.

After the wedding, that woman was sexy but quite conservative, for instance, oral sex was acceptable—so long as he was the one doing "Lickee-de-split" but she'd return the favor only about once in a blue moon. It was a good thing Rick didn't really care for anal sex; the one time he'd asked her if she wanted to try, he realized it was a definite no-no. Simply asking got him a look of disgust that would knock flies off the wall.

Truth be told, he was probably making it sound worse than it really was—except for a couple of taboos, she was a sexy, fun loving, happy-go-lucky woman and remained so from the time of their marriage until the kids started demanding so much of her time. Even then it wasn't something he couldn't live with—he'd have had it different, if he had his choice, but he realized people don't always get their choice.

Rick supposed all couples went through the same phase—a time when their focus went from themselves to the children, when sex went from every night to every other night to Wednesdays and Saturday nights to those rare times when they both weren't too pooped to pop.

Then, starting a while back, Debby started to change—started to become more like the old Debby, the girl who didn't always have a headache or was too tired, or any of the other excuses men of every era had learned to accept after years of marriage. Sometime she would even be on the bed, naked and waiting as he finished his shower.

But one night about two weeks ago, it was like something out of the 'Twilight Zone', like somehow aliens had come down and took his conservative wife and replaced her with a flirty, fun loving, party girl; a woman as much or even more into sex as the woman he'd married. She was not at all like the wife he'd known since the kids were in their teens. She became more like a tigress, seemingly always in heat.

Rick remembered the night it began—he had run into town for a tractor part and had stopped by the Empire Restaurant for some Chinese take-out. He was just reheating it before setting the table when Debby breezed in the door.

"Forget that, Honey." She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the bedroom. "I got a taste for something a lot better." Once in the bedroom she started shedding clothes, throwing them into a corner.

"Hurry!" Apparently he wasn't getting naked fast enough for her, because she started helping. Any button difficult to loosen was simply jerked off. As soon as Rick managed to step out of his boxers, his hard cock was engulfed in a wet, warm cave—this one with teeth—and it felt like he'd stuck it in the milking machine, and it just kept milking and milking until it felt so good he was clenching his teeth, trying to make it last longer. Her tongue continued to swirl around his glans before her lips would wrap tightly around the shaft and slide down until he touched the back of her throat. And then she would repeat, and repeat, and repeat...

"Careful, Honey, I'm about to cum."

"Not yet, Stud." Her hand clamped round the base like she had vice grip pliers and the immediacy faded. She pushed him backwards onto the bed, where he lay with his rampart cock sticking up like a flagpole. Straddling his pelvis, Debby lifted her hips and used one hand to support herself while guiding his cock to her entrance.

Rick felt his glans rub against the soft slickness of his wife's body, a sensation he'd felt many times before, but this time something was somehow different. This time he'd slipped into another warm, slick cave, only this one wasn't lined with teeth and didn't suck, but it was sure making up for it by clasping and un-clasping his dick as Debby lifted her hips until he could almost feel the cool air on his glans before dropping down to embed his cock in her all the way. None too soon for Rick, he felt her spasms as she pressed hard and rotated her pelvis while she moaned about how good it felt and how she wanted this moment to never end.

After he emptied his balls into her baby maker, they lay awhile enjoying the afterglow. Rick felt the erect nipple when he brushed the back of his hand over her breast. He couldn't help it, his mouth was on her nipple in a jiffy and she was insisting he eat her out. He wasn't too crazy about tasting cum, but then it was his own and she did look so appealing lying there spread eagle, so he figured, 'what the heck.'

It wasn't as bad as he expected, but she damn sure better not ever tell anybody about it. As he flicked his tongue across her little nubbin, she pulled his head tighter against her pussy moaning and squirming so much he soon forgot about the residue left in the box her cherry had once come in.

She'd almost fucked him to death by the time they finally dropped off to sleep sometime around three that morning. By that time her pussy was sore and he figured he'd never get it up again.

He was wrong. He awoke with sunbeams streaming through the window , warm lips nipping on his cock, and guess what—the darn thing was standing upright again and like a good soldier, it made one final stand, until with one last gasp it slipped out of the battlefield, promising, like McArther, "I shall return."

After a quick shower she rushed into the kitchen where Rick had a cup of black coffee, and a slice of toast topped with peanut butter waiting for her. After gulping it down, she said, "Bye Honey. I'm already late," and then with a peck on the lips Debby was gone in a cloud of dust; and he was left standing with his head still spinning around in circles wondering what just happened. Where was the woman who used to drag off to work each morning? What brought on such a change?


For her part, Debby who had been raised in a strict Baptist home was a mass of contradictions. She was seldom allowed to date until her senior year in high school, and even then she had to kind of slip around and not let Daddy know everything, but she'd started making up for lost time in college.

However, while she'd pushed aside a lifetime of do's and don'ts; she hadn't burned them from her mind. They were still with her enough that she was very discrete and never reached the point of being known as a slut.

By some miracle she'd made it through the first three years with only a select few seeing her wild side. She was spending the summer between her junior and senior years with her parents, who'd recently moved from North Carolina to the Low-Country of South Carolina, when she met Rick. This tall, handsome, bashful farm boy was everything she'd dreamed of for a future husband.

He was just fun to be around; his easy humor kept her laughing throughout their dates and best of all, he was so busy working the family farm he never took time for the four hour drive to visit her on campus, so she could continue having her fun for one last year. Then she'd move back to her home town where the perfect husband waited at the ideal little cottage surrounded by the white picket fence, perfectly trimmed grass and different colored rose bushes in each corner. There they'd have the perfect little family with two children; a girl who'd look like her and a boy that'd be the spitting image of Rick.

Until then she had the entire summer to enjoy with Rick, the true love of her life—all she had to do was keep him interested in 'buying the cow' at the end of next summer. That meant that regardless of how hot he got her or how much she might want to feel him inside her, she had to always remember nobody 'buys a cow when milk is free'.

So after a summer of freedom and frolic—a summer when every spare moment Rick could manage was spent by the two of them swimming in the big farm lake, or maybe joining a couple of Rick's old school buddies and their dates at the dance, which was held every Friday night at the American Legion Hut. Of course Sundays after church were reserved for an afternoon picnic fish fry using freshly caught fish. It was during this time Debby discovered the old saying about a fish tasted better if cooked immediately after it was caught was true.

Their summer passed far too quickly for either Rick or Debby, but finally the time of departure was at hand. They stood staring at Debby's restored 57 Chevy hardtop which was packed with everything a well-kept Clemson senior needed to survive the rigors of Tigerland.

Unable to delay longer, Rick wrapped her up in a tight bear hug, his hands cupping her butt cheeks and pulling her so tightly she could feel his cock pressing her mons, causing her to wonder if she'd done the right thing by making them wait to get the satisfaction they both so desperately wanted.

Finally managing to tear themselves apart, the lovers parted; but few miles down the road she stopped to slip her hand inside her panties where a first one finger, then two coaxed her little nub to come out of its hiding place. If the Highway Patrol had bothered to stop and check on her they'd probably have gotten a surprise to hear her moaning through a well-deserved orgasm, after which she used a handful of tissue to mop up the slick juice leaking from her pussy.

So while Rick carried on his normal life of running the farm seeing Debby only on the occasions she returned to her parents' new home; other times Debby continued the fun loving co-ed life—just she scaled it back greatly. There was little chance for any hint of her behavior reaching Rick's ears.

Rick did attend her graduation, along with both families, where Debby made sure they met very few of her friends. She was walking on eggshells until all her belongings were loaded into the F-250 Ford, with its high rack, that Rick had brought along for the purpose. She was a little anxious when the families insisted they stop at a Cracker Barrel just before hitting I-85 but her luck held; not one of the many families and students, who had the same idea, knew her.

For the next twenty years or so, Debby's dream of a perfect marriage came as close to fulfillment as anyone could expect, including the not so little white cottage trimmed in Clemson Orange, Ned and then Lucy—both were now attending Clemson—and a husband she was absolutely sure loved her and only her.

Yes, she had it all, everything she ever dreamed of—so why was she tempted to cross the line she could never uncross, now that an old flame had entered her world again? She really couldn't answer her own question, but just as surely as the moth was attracted to a summer campfire, she was attracted to the flame.


For his part, Rick knew this thing about 'Love at first sight' not existing was bullshit. At least if what he felt the first time he was introduced to Debby wasn't love it was most assuredly a world class case of lust; he couldn't sleep at night, he barely ate, and for a man always teased about how he could eat so much and not get fat, that was remarkable,. He even got so distracted thinking about Debby that he left a major bolt out of a tractor he was reassembling and the darn thing came apart after running only a half hour under load. That's when his Dad got on him about either getting married, or forgetting about Debby.

So after only dating the months between junior and senior years and almost every night since her graduation, Ricky finally got up the nerve to ask her to marry him. Funny how a fellow can be so sure the girl will say "Yes!" and yet his knees seem to shake so bad when time comes to actually pop the question.

But pop it he did, and she said "Yes! Yes! Yes!" So while Rick and his Dad was busy with the fall harvest, Debby and both mothers were busy planning the biggest wedding the county had seen in quite some time.

He remembered fondly the day they'd married; he still rated it as the best day of his life. True, for most of the day he hardly knew which end was up, but finally at Three O'clock that afternoon he stood at the alter watching the love of his life walk down the aisle. After what seemed an eternity, the preacher reminded him he could kiss the bride; they stood in the reception line shaking, what seemed to be every hand in the county—twice—before all the "must do's" for a country wedding were done and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lake rushed through a shower of well-wishers and birdseed, jumped into Rick's new car that was decorated with "Just Married" signs and started on their Honeymoon, dragging a bunch of tin cans behind.

In the next town Rick stopped at a carwash where, for double the normal charge plus a good tip, the two guys running it got the car looking new again.

Next on his agenda was finding a motel; as luck would have it he spotted a Holiday Inn sign just three blocks from the carwash. Walking back to the car with the key to 106 in his hand and all ready to begin married life, Rick felt like he could tackle Hell with a bucket of water.

As soon as Rick slid under the wheel Debby scooted across the bench seat snuggling tightly against him. One glance at the love reflected in those sparkling blue eyes and Rick was sure no man had ever felt this way before. What he and Debby had was something special and he was glad she'd insisted they wait for the main event.

She looked so pretty he just had to kiss her even before cranking the engine to drive around back to room 106. Her lips met his and they locked into a passionate embrace; now he sensed no hesitation on Debby's part as her sweet tongue was first to probe. 'Hot Dog!' Rick thought when they finally pulled away. 'I'm gonna finally steal home tonight.'

Beginning that night, Ricky started to discover the Debby he'd dated and the Debby he'd married were two different sexual beings; Miss Debby Brown was a cautious girl, seemingly just getting her sexual 'sea Legs', but Mrs. Debby Lake, while a proper lady in the rest of the house, was a woman who threw caution to the winds in the bedroom—within reason, that is.

They'd barely made it to the room and locked the door before Debby had already shed everything except her bikini panties and was lying back on the bed in a most tantalizing pose, while he was still trying to unbutton the waist of that damn too tight suit Momma had insisted he change into after he'd ditched the rented Tux.

"You don't want her folks to think we're some country hicks, do you?" she'd scolded, while trying to convince him to wear the two year old suit that hadn't grown along with his body.

Like always, Momma had prevailed and now he couldn't get that blasted button undone. Frustrated, he ripped it off and within moments was standing beside the bed, his dong proudly bobbing about, staring down upon the heavenly sight before him.

Leaning over, he hooked his fingers in her bikini's waistband, she lifted her hips to help, and the final wisp of material standing between Rick and his goal went flying back into a corner. He finally had Mrs. Debby Lake naked and ready for her maiden marital voyage. Of course Rich was too inexperienced, too much in love, and too excited to realize the USS DEBBY had made many voyages on which he didn't serve as Captain.

Their first scrimmage in their battle of the sexes was a very vanilla and very satisfying 'missionary' romp, even if Rick did fire his cannon slightly too soon. Debby understood, even better than Rick himself did, and with the proper preparations she had him fully loaded and charged up for another salvo.

"Fuck me, Baby," she'd growled, flipping over on all fours, her knees on the side of the bed, her wet vagina glistening from her arousal juices. "C'mon, Lover do it to me real dog fashion."

Positioned like she was, Debby's vagina was at the perfect height, and now she began the slow process of teaching a backward husband what she expected of him in bed.

Rick's only previous experience had been the few visits he and some friends had made to "The House of the Harvest Moon" up near Myrtle Beach, but he and his friends had worn out a couple of Super 8 projectors watching X-rated tapes. He had paid close attention and was a quick learner; now he tried to imitate the porn stars he'd watched.

Extending his tongue as far as he could, which was quite a bit since he could lick the tip on his nose while twisting it like a drill bit, something very few men could do, he got in position and started licking the entire length of her slit.

"Oh god! Yes, yes, yes! Just like that, Baby, keep doing that, don't stop."

Rick had no intention of stopping—instead he pushed his middle finger inside, searching for that mysterious g-spot he'd read so much about. That finger was soon joined by another and Debby wrapped her hands in the sheets as Rick, who didn't find the g-spot, still brought her to a very satisfying orgasm.

"My turn now." Rick said, after allowing her to rest only a few moments before aligning his rock hard cock on its target and shoving it home with one swift move. Grabbing her hips with both hands, he pulled her back and forth as his cock slid deep inside.

After a few minutes of this action sweet little Debby completely lost it and started howling like a dog as he plowed into her. She got so loud Rick was afraid the folks in neighboring rooms would call management, complaining about being unable to sleep. Nobody showed up, but the man in 108 gave a a big smile and a high five when they bumped into each other while packing the cars next morning.

This scene was repeated many times over the next couple years, but then the kids started coming and life started taking the same toll it exacted from so many married couples.

Every night sex turned into four times a week sex after their son, Ned, was born; the arrival of Lucy, two years later, ushered in a time of slowing down to about twice a week if they were lucky. Like so many others before them, the happy couple got tied up in so many of the children's activities, as they advanced through school, that they hardly noticed they had less and less time for a 'just the two of them' get together.

By the time Ned was a senior and Lucy a sophomore, sex was a once in a while thing. Rick wanted it more often, but Debby usually complained of being too tired, when in reality she just didn't have the desire for sex that she once had. In other words, married sex had become boring.

Also it didn't help matters that Laura Brown, their nearest neighbor from the adjoining farm was always trying to get Debby to join her in her BBC adventures. "Honey," Laura was always saying, "there's nothing like little bit of BBC a couple times a month to keep your motor revving up the rest of the time."

Debby couldn't say the idea of some strange wasn't appealing, but she just wasn't ready to take that route—at least not yet. Still, was it possible Laura had something there? Debby knew what it was to make love to other men, back before she was married, of course; and yes—it was exciting, but...

She also knew she was falling down on her wifely duties, but she wasn't going to admit that to Rick, so she started finding fault with him; he didn't do this right, he did this wrong, he was too rough, or even he was too tender. She grasped onto any excuse that enabled her to deny ownership of any part of the problem.