Lisa Ch. 09a


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"Okay, yes, of course. Thank you." Jessica crawled over the other men as carefully as she could, kissed Josh and scrambled off the bed. She watched as Josh tried to haul himself out of bed, clearly too tired to. "You know what, never mind." She said placing her hands on Josh's chest. "Why don't I just go by myself and I'll meet you for breakfast around ten?"

"You're not tired?" Riley asked cracking an eye open to look at her. "At all?" he added in disbelief when Jessica shook her head.

"No. I'm wide awake."

"Okay. Go ahead we'll meet you back here for breakfast." Riley said.

"Thanks! See you at ten." Jessica said, air blew him a kiss and rushed to the bathroom. In fifteen minutes she was dressed. She smiled as she headed downstairs. Not having the time or patience to try and find some more granny panties she decided to wear some lingerie. She had so much of it packed that it made no sense to not wear it and if the men didn't know, what harm could it do? Just imagining their reactions when they found out had her looking forward to that night.

In Rick and Abe's room the boys were finishing their breakfasts but as soon as Jessica arrived they were all over her.

"Hey, look who's awake." Rick said coming from the bedroom, still buttoning his jeans. He kissed Jessica on the head, "Not that I'm really surprised to see you."

"It's not really fair to expect you two to get up. While the rest of us sleep in." Jessica said, "And I promised to come drop the boys off this morning."

"We appreciate it." Rick said. "We should get going."

"Good morning," Jennifer, one of the three girls who ran the club greeted. They'd met the instructors the previous day and Jessica had liked them right away. They were young, probably not much older than Jessica, and very friendly. But they seemed organized and in control of the kids. From the way the older boys mooned over them, Jessica was sure that it wasn't hard to get co-operation from the teenagers either.

"Good morning." Jessica said. "What are the plans for today?"

"We'll play a few games, maybe go to the park for a while." Sandra said, the second of the three instructors. "They're having an olden day circus and carnival exhibit. Part of it involves teaching some acrobatics. The kids always love that."

"Acrobatics? Really?" Jessica asked glancing at Rick and Abe who were looking at her with an expression of pleasant surprise.

"Are they teaching it right now?" Abe asked glancing toward the park.

"Yes." Laura, the third instructor said with a laugh. "Anyone can participate... you should check it out."

"Jessie, this is Leslie." Leo said. He had been standing waiting for Jessica's attention. He looked so shy and nervous when the girl next to him smiled at Jessica.

"Hi Leslie. It's so nice to meet you." Jessica said and she had to bite her tongue to keep herself from saying 'Aw' when Leslie, so young and adorable smiled at her with a mouth full of braces. "This is Abe and Rick." Jessica said indicating the men that stood on either side of her. "They're Leo's uncles."

Leslie nodded at Abe and Rick but seemed a little intimidated by them.

"Jessie this is Claire and her brother Ryan." Erik said and pretty soon all of the boys were introducing everyone in the club except for a boy and a girl who Jessica noticed standing to the side. They seemed to be sneering at everyone including Jessica, Abe and Rick.

"What's with those kids?" Jessica asked Elliot.

"They're not very nice." Elliot said. "They don't talk to anyone... barely even the instructors."

"Have they been mean to you?" Jessica asked.

"Not any meaner than they are to everyone else." Elliot said.

"Avoid them if you can. You don't need to put up with that especially not on vacation." Jessica said.

"Okay." Elliot said and smiled at her.

"Come here." Jessica said and when he moved forward she kissed his cheek and hugged him. "Have fun and let me know if those kids cause you any problems today. We're here for fun. No one has the right to ruin that for you. Tell the other boys that too."

"Thanks Jessie." Elliot said and his cheeks flushed pink. Jessica knew that Brett and Nathan were substituting Jessie for mommy but she suddenly realized that it may not have been limited to the ten year olds.

Jessica hugged and kissed the rest of the boys goodbye and pretty soon it was just her, Rick and Abe standing on the porch of the club.

Jessica looked in the direction of the park and soon realized that Rick and Abe were doing that too.

"It's only nine fifteen." Jessica said looking at her cell phone. "The men aren't meeting us for breakfast till ten. We could go check out that acrobatic workshop for forty-five minutes."

"I like the way you think." Abe said.

"Let's go." Rick said.

They had so much fun learning new acrobatic moves that they completely forgot about the time so it was an hour later that they stumbled off the elevator on the top floor.

At ten after ten Rick, Abe and Jessica got off the elevator on the floor that Jessica shared with the men.

"We almost had it though." Rick was saying when they stopped outside the hotel suite door. "It's just practice, look try again." He said grabbing Jessica's hands. "Ready?" he moved his hands over her wrists, and when Jessica nodded he started to count. And on three the hotel room door opened just as Jessica jumped and swung up to stand on Rick's shoulders.

"What the...?" Scott asked looking up at Jessica from the doorway.

"We took an acrobatics course." Rick said. "Okay, ready?" he said tapping Jessica's ankle.

"Yup." Jessica said.

"Abe?" Rick said as Abe lined up to face him head on.

"Ready." Abe said.

"One, two..." Rick counted, bending at the knees slightly as did Jessica. "Three..." at which point Rick extended his legs while Jessica jumped, somersaulted and landed Abe's shoulders. For a second it looked like she'd fall off the other side but both Rick and Abe caught her.

"Holy shit, that's amazing!" Scott said. "You just learned that this morning?"

"Just now." Jessica said jumping off of Abe's shoulders. "If we ever have to we can run away with the circus." Jessica added, laughing and giving Rick and Abe high fives.

"What's going on?" Angus asked coming to the door. "Are you coming in?" He added.

"You have to see this." Scott said when Jessica, Abe and Rick entered the room to find all the other adults already there and a large cart filled with food in the middle of the room.

"Watch this..." Scott said to the others, "Do it again." He prompted.

So they did, Jessica's landing on Abe's shoulders followed by applause and whistling.

"They have a carnival going on all day." Jessica said, "We could go by later. They teach you how to tight rope walk, some tricks on the trapeze, and other neat things. The club is taking the boys for an hour or so this morning but I think they'd like to go for longer later."

"Sounds like fun." Riley said.

"Hey Jessica." Sean said moving back to the sofa, "They have a show on about the royalty of France. You should come and see it." He added patting the spot on the sofa next to him.

"It's like a soap opera." Leah said from her spot next to Sean.

Jessica went to sit next to Sean. Abe sat next to her.

"Coffee Jess?" Josh asked.

"Please... oh thanks." Jessica said when Sean held a bagel smothered in cream cheese in front of her. She took a bite, while taking the cup of coffee Josh gave her and turned her attention to the television show.

Half an hour later the show was over, the bagel was gone and Sean and Abe were grinning at her.

"What?" Jessica asked looking from Sean to Abe, and then down at herself.

"Nothing Jess. All is good. Where do we want to go before we pick the boys up at one?" Sean asked handing an empty plate to Abe.

"Well, we'll save the carnival for the boys later this afternoon right? Where does everyone else want to go? Jessica asked.

"They have an exhibit at the castle about weapons and demonstrations on how they're used." Corey said, "I wouldn't mind seeing that."

"Great." Leah said in a tone that made it clear it was anything but great.

"They also have a fashion exhibit, displaying clothes worn by the aristocrats over the years in France." Jessica said.

"A fashion show?" Sara asked with excitement. Justine, Amanda and even Leah seemed thrilled by that idea.

"I read on the website that they also have a cooking exhibit..." Jessica said looking at Abe, "and a medical exhibit." She added looking at Rick and Caleb and then she added, looking back at Abe, "you may have to split your time between the two."

"Well, in that case..." Leah said, "Let's go."

"So how'd the drop off go this morning?" Riley asked as they walked to the castle. The men and Jessica were walking behind the others and Jessica was holding Riley and Angus' hands.

"It was great. Abe, Rick and I met all their friends. They're so adorable." Jessica said. "But there are a boy and a girl who I think are going to be trouble."

"Trouble? How?" Angus asked.

"Elliot said they've been mean to everyone... not just the boys. And the way they were giving everyone dirty looks this morning." Jessica said.

"How old are they?" Josh asked.

Jessica shrugged, "I'd say around ten and twelve."

"Kind of young to be trouble don't you think?" Scott asked.

"I don't know. Bullies start pretty young." Jessica said.

"You sound like you've had experience with bullies." Jim said.

Jessica nodded. "I met a few at school. I told the boys to let us know if they have any trouble with them. We're here to have fun."

"Speaking of fun." Scott said coming up behind Jessica and squeezing her shoulders, "What attractions at the castle did you think we'd enjoy?"

"That's easy." Jessica said leaning her head back against Scott's chest and looking up at him. "For Riley there's the use of dogs in hunting and the military," she rolled her head so she could look at Riley, "Angus there's maintenance and building of their vehicles of war. That includes things like catapults for some reason." she rolled her head the other way to look at Angus, "Jim, there's the history of their music and musical instruments." She said looking at Jim who walked next to Angus, "Josh, history of entertainment including story telling in both oral and written form. And Scott. We may never see you again... but there's the history of sexual practices."

"You're shitting me." Angus said, completely dumbfounded.

"Nope. It's not for kids, obviously. But apparently there are sex and torture devices that they have on display. Um, maybe we'll never see any of you again." Jessica said when all the men looked beyond interested.

"And will you be joining us at this exhibit?" Scott asked Jessica bringing his hands down to rest on her waist.

"Do you think that would be wise?" Jessica asked. "I don't think anyone is expecting a live demonstration on how the devices are used which they're likely to get if we go there together... but, um, I wouldn't mind getting a demonstration of my own later tonight."

"Oh you can count on it." Riley said giving her a toothy grin.

"So what are you going to see?" Angus asked Jessica when they got to the castle.

"Everything I think. Do you think we can handle the sex exhibit together?" Jessica asked.

"Probably not." Angus said with a laugh. "Well, I'm interested in the weapons and the vehicle exhibit... aside from the sex one, of course. I'll tag along with you to one of those if you're starting there."

"We're all interested in the weapons, right? Let's start there together and then go our different ways after that?" Jessica asked.

So they spent the morning at the castle. Jessica wasn't shy about showing affection openly to all five of the men in public and for the most part there was little to no reaction.

Jessica went to the sex exhibit last. She went with the girls and although she saw the wisdom of not going with the men, she wished she had. So many devices created to cause pleasure from pain. She moved from one to the other getting more and more turned on. She remembered the hook and what the men had done to her after she'd raced for Paul and it wasn't a stretch to imagine the men using the devices on her. And that turned her on even more.

When she followed the girls out of the exhibit a hand clamped down on each of her arms. Jessica looked around to find Scott on one arm, Angus on the other. Riley, Jim on either side of Scott and Angus, and Josh pressed up behind her. Jessica could feel his cock pressing against her ass. She shuddered with pleasure... just barely registering that Sean had grabbed Sara's hand, Corey, Leah's. Quinn and Don stood on either side of Amanda, holding each of her arms, Caleb close by, Chris and Mark had each of Justine's arms.

"We have to go back to the hotel room... now." Scott said to the murmured agreement of the other men.

"But the boys..." Jessica began, her tone making it evident that she needed the men just as much as they needed her.

"We have half an hour before we have to pick them up." Riley replied.

"Oh, then what are you waiting for?" Jessica said in sudden urgency.

No sooner did she say that then she was being carried along between Scott and Angus as they rushed back to the hotel. The others hurried to their rooms too.

The second they stepped off the elevator Jessica was relieved of her shirt and pants.

"Jesus Christ Jessica..." Angus growled staring at the lingerie for all of two seconds before tearing it off of her. Stripped naked, Jessica lifted Angus' shirt with one hand and tried to undo Scott's pants with the other. Once all the men were equally naked, they moved to the bedroom and a sex frenzy ensued, lasting for the next twenty minutes. They cleaned up and Josh for some reason insisted on redressing Jessica but stopped when he began wanting to take the clothes off rather than put them back on.

Jessica laughed and kissed the top of his head as he crouched in front of her where he'd been buttoning her pants.

"I can't wait till tonight." Josh said, kissed her belly and forced himself to stand and move away, dropping on to the bed where the other men, already dressed, lay.

"Me neither." Jessica said putting her bra and shirt on.

"What did you think of that sexual practices exhibit?" Scott asked pulling Jessica onto the bed with them. She settled between Scott and Riley, both of whom propped their heads on bent arms and looked down at her, running their other hands over her tits, down her belly, between her legs, over and over.

"It was very stimulating." Jessica said with a moan, rocking her hips up to meet their hands as they met her pussy. She gave a breathless laugh when Riley looked at her like she'd made the biggest understatement ever.

"What was your favorite device?" Jim asked. He lay across the top of the bed. His fingers swept down along her cheekbone, jawbone, and circled the lips of her mouth, before gliding back up to her forehead. Jessica moaned when his thumb reached her lips again, and she sucked it in, gave it a slow, sensual, suck as she considered Jim's question.

"Fuck, I wish we had more time." Angus growled from his place at the foot of the bed. He'd been massaging her feet, gently at first, but his grip had noticeably tightened.

"Babe, if you want to pick up the boys on time I suggest you stop working Jim's thumb like that, or we're going nowhere but down on you." Josh warned. Scott had moved over to make room for Josh who know lay with his head near her belly.

Jessica let Jim's thumb slip out of her mouth and nodded, "Sorry... I wish we had more time too. A lot more time." She said in a breathless voice.

"Don't worry little girl, there will be loads of time tonight." Riley growled, "But answer Jim's question, what was your favorite device?"

"Mmm," Jessica said, thinking. "I liked them all." Jessica said, running through each device in her mind. "They were all very scary..." she added, panting a little. "They reminded me of the hook and what you did to me after the race." Jessica said. "With the machines..." Jessica glanced around at the men, "and how you tied my tits..." her pussy squeezed hard. Not just from the memories but from the looks on the men's faces. It was clear they were remembering too.

Angus' eyes flashed gray as he let out a low growl and the next thing Jessica knew, her pants were off and she was lying face down on Riley. Her holes... mouth, pussy, asshole, were suddenly and violently filled and her hands were guided to two hard cocks. Unprepared for the sudden invasion Jessica gagged as the huge cock lodged deep in her throat. Two huge, juicy balls pressed against her chin. Her nose and forehead pressed against a rock hard abdomen. And as her asshole and pussy burned from the abrupt stretching, Jessica came... hard. The men lost all control. Fast, deep, hard, thrusts into her holes, hands bruising her head and her hips as they held her in place, made it difficult for Jessica to focus on the hand jobs she was giving. Finally she resorted to gripping the cocks firmly and letting the men fuck her hands. Jessica moaned on the cock in her mouth as she felt her swollen clit begin to throb... the shafts of the cocks rubbing it hard. Loud growls erupted around her and she felt the cocks in her holes and her hands jerk hard. She gulped the cum that shot into her throat, and felt the hot cum from the cocks in her hands spray over her, and she came again. A sudden and blinding orgasm made her whole body spasm, hard.

"Holy shit!" She heard Jim repeating and she realized that it was his cock in her mouth.

"Fuck yeah!" Scott agreed.

"Shit baby, you're a mess again... come on, I'll clean you up quick." Josh said from behind. She felt him withdraw from her ass and pull her into his arms. Scott and Angus had been her hand jobs and they looked wholly satisfied with the mess that covered Jessica's hair, face and back. Cradling her against him, Josh kissed her. "Fuck I love when you're covered in our cum. Christ!"

The other men followed them into the bathroom and any thoughts they may have had about adding to the cum already on Jessica were obliterated when there was a knock on the hotel door.

"Shit...Coming!" Scott yelled toward the door. "Just wait till tonight." He said to Jessica as he lathered shampoo into her hair as fast as he could, "You'll be covered head to toe and it won't be coming off for a long time."

"I can't wait." Jessica replied and shuddered with anticipation.

The rushed washing and dressing did nothing to dull the desire in Jessica or the men but they managed to muster a semblance of control as they met the others in the lobby of the hotel.

On their way back to the club to pick the boys up, the others walking ahead, Scott slid his arm around Jessica, pulling her to him. "You seem really happy." He observed.

"What's not to be happy about? Everything is perfect. And unlike last night at dinner, you guys aren't trying to avoid me." Jessica said.

"That had sucked." Riley agreed. "And I wouldn't want to do that again, but I noticed that we're not staying as low key as we'd planned."

"Really?." Jessica asked. "We haven't told anyone that we're married."

"So to you being low key meant not telling people we're married?" Angus asked.

"Yes... that's not what it meant to you?" Jessica asked.

"That was part of it." Jim said when Angus didn't answer but instead studied her like he was trying to figure something out. "But don't worry about it Jess, everything is fine like this." Jim added when Jessica looked worried.

"Hey does something seem off about the boys?" Leah asked when they all stopped outside the club. Kids were being picked up and the boys were standing quietly in a bunch and looked quite subdued.
