Lisa Ch. 09a


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"Really off." Jessica said. "Hi boys, what's going on?" she asked.

"We're just waiting for you." Tom said.

"Did it go okay this morning?" Jessica asked and placed an arm around Brett and an arm around Nathan when they came to hug her.

"Yeah, fine." Reese replied but didn't sound very convincing.

"Jessie, can we go now?" Tom asked suddenly. He grabbed her arm and tried to rush her along but he was looking past her. Jessica turned and saw an older woman with a sneer that matched the sneers of the boy and the girl Jessica had noticed earlier. The woman was marching toward her and the boys, an arm round the very boy and girl with whom she shared the distinctive facial expression.

Jessica noticed that Chad had wandered over to Riley. Riley had bent down so Chad could whisper in Riley's ear and suddenly Riley snapped his eyes over to Jessica, stood up and began moving toward her.

"Come on Jessie, let's go." Tom said more insistently.

"Okay..." Jessica said letting Tom pull her a few steps but suddenly, from behind her, Jessica heard a woman's voice say, "So you must be the mother of all of these boys."

Jessica froze. Her tone had been undeniably disbelieving. And rude.

As Jessica turned to look at the woman she thought she heard Riley say 'Jessica no.' But she wasn't sure and the expression of superiority on the woman's face distracted her enough that she disregarded Riley entirely.

"I didn't think so." The woman said running her eyes up and down Jessica and then pinning them on Tom. "I didn't think you'd adopt this many kids to begin with..." she snapped and Tom seemed to shrink and his cheeks flamed red, "But just look at you," the woman said turning her eyes back to Jessica, "You're not old enough to be anyone's mother. You're probably younger than this young man with a wild imagination..." she sneered looking back at Tom. "And five husbands, humph. You're not old enough to have one original husband much less have had time to be married to five."

Jessica felt her blood boil.

"I don't think you're setting a very good example for your grandchildren." Jessica said in controlled fury and was far too angry to get any real sense of satisfaction when the pompous sneers slid off the woman's face only to be replaced with a look of surprise followed by the beginnings of a pout. "I was taught not to disrespect my elders, especially not the really ancient ones, so I'll skip what I'd really like to say to you. I did adopt these boys. I am their mother, these are the boys' fathers and you will never speak to our son like you just did again. You and your great grandchildren will keep whatever thoughts, comments, opinions, and ugly facial expressions you have away from our children. There was a conduct of behaviour form we signed for this club and if I have any indication that you or your descendants have breached it in any way I will go to the management and demand your progenies removal from the club. Do I make myself clear?"

"Well I never..." the woman began to stutter.

"I said, do I make myself clear?" Jessica demanded.

"Yes." The woman said.

"Good. And for the record, I don't have a husband. I have husbands. Now, before you go I suggest that you apologize to Tom."

The woman looked between Tom and Jessica, clearly at a loss for what to do.

"It begins with 'I'm' and ends with 'sorry'. Give it a try." Jessica said.

"I'm sorry." The woman bit out and then marched away, dragging her kids with her.

Applause erupted around Jessica and the boys. Jessica hadn't realized how many other parents were within hearing range.

"It's about time someone put that old bitch in her place." A man said shaking Jessica's hand. "I'm Tony, Leslie's dad. We've been coming here for years and had nothing but trouble with that woman. Somebody should have told her off years ago. Listen, Leslie has really enjoyed Leo's company and she was wondering if he could join us for dinner tonight."

"Oh, um, I can't see why not..." Jessica said turning to look at her men for input.

"I'm sorry." Tony said stepping forward and offering his hand to Riley, "I'm Tony. Leo said that you are his and Tom's father. We'd really love it if Leo could join us for dinner." Tony repeated looking from Jessica to Riley, "from say five thirty to seven? Leslie's coming back to the club for the evening too, we could drop him off here for you."

"Sure. If Leo wants to." Riley said clearly surprised and out of his element.

Leo's face split into an even bigger smile then it had when Jessica had finished chewing out the old woman. "Thanks mom, dad." He said in a shy voice.

"Where would you like us to bring him for five thirty?" Jessica asked.

"We'll meet you in the lobby of the Louvre Hotel. We're staying there also." Tony said.

Arrangements made Tony and Leslie left, and the instructors moved closer.

"That was amazing." Jennifer said. "That witch and her 'progeny'" she said with a laugh, "have been nothing but a drag at the club. Thanks for telling her off. I was going to tell you how hard both she and her kids had been on Tom today. Mostly because he refused to let his brothers be abused. I was impressed with how well he handled himself."

"Thanks." Jessica said in as light a tone as she could muster since she still felt angry at the woman.

"We'll see you tonight?" Sandra asked the boys, who all agreed.

"What the hell just happened?" Angus asked when the instructors and the other parents and kids left, leaving the boys, and the adults standing alone in front of the club.

"You were so awesome Jessie." Tom said wrapping his arms around Jessica, "We should have known you'd take care of that bit... witch..." he paused when Jessica looked at him clearly not going to tolerate bad language. "You always take care of everything."

Jessica hugged him back and giggled, "No one talks to my kids like that and gets away with it..."

"Back the fuck up." Angus said, "What's this about Jessica being your mother and us your fathers? What happened to the whole nephew thing?"

"It's my fault." Nathan said. "I told some of the kids that Jessie was our mom and you were our dads. I was just pretending that we were your nephews and that you adopted us. But then, suddenly, everybody knew..."

"And we all liked the idea." Casey said. "We split ourselves up between you." He continued looking at Angus. "Max, Erik and Chad are Scott's, Tim and Reese are Josh's, Leo and Tom are Riley's, Brett and Nathan are Jim's and Elliot, Frank and I are your kids. Sorry, but that's the way we wish it really was..."

"It's okay." Jessica said when all the men could do was stare at the boys in astonished silence, "Right?" Jessica prompted looking at her men.

"Sure." Josh said nodding, "That's fine. If that's what you want to pretend, that's okay."

Riley, Scott, Jim and Angus nodded and then turned their attention to Jessica. At first she couldn't decipher what the expressions on their faces meant but when the realization came to her she gasped, "Oh. I guess I told everyone about us being married... I'm sorry." Jessica said and moved into Riley's arms, taking Angus' hand. "But I think it's better this way. I really don't want to hide our relationships. Are you mad?"

"We're not mad." Scott said.

"I think we're in shock." Jim said. "You really told that old bat off." He added with a laugh.

"You seriously don't care what anyone thinks." Angus said in awe.

"That's not true. I care what you think. What all of you think. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Jessica said looking around at her men and then the rest of the family.

"Are you kidding me?" Caleb demanded, "That was fucking awesome. You're really not afraid of anything."

"More importantly," Riley said, "You're committed to this lifestyle, even outside of the clan."

"Of course I am." Jessica said looking at Riley in confusion, "Did you think I wasn't?"

"Jess, it's easy to be committed when you're in an environment that accepts polygamy. But in society where it's not accepted... it would be understandable if you were embarrassed or hesitant to put yourself in a position to alienate yourself." Jim said.

"Kind of like the first time we were intimate." Scott said cupping Jessica's face, "Remember how right it felt in the bedroom but outside the bedroom, you were embarrassed."

Jessica nodded. "I remember. I don't feel that way now, about you..." she said looking at the men, "or anything about my family." She said looking around at everyone.

"I guess we underestimated you." Josh said.

"Again." Angus added and pulled Jessica into his arms. "I love you Jess."

"I love you too." Jessica said. All of her men moved in giving Jessica a hug and kiss.

"Should we go to the park?" Rick asked when the hugging and kissing finished. "We can all learn some acrobatics."

There was a loud chorus of agreement from the boys so they all moved to the park, Jessica holding Scott and Jim's hands, Justine holding Mark and Chris' hands , Amanda holding Caleb and Quinn's hands, Sean and Sara, Corey and Leah holding their respective hands. While a few heads turned, and there were several second looks, no one seemed to react to these signs of affection.

As the afternoon progressed Jessica was disturbed to realize that her family must have truly expected her to abandon them as soon as they were in a public setting. Not just her men but the other adults too. Her declaration to the world caused bigger smiles and elicited a great deal of pats, hugs and kisses. Jessica realized that they hadn't just wondered what she'd do, they'd known. In their minds it had been a forgone conclusion. It made her sad to think that she hadn't properly expressed her feelings for them.

They had a great time at the park. Jessica learned several acrobatic stunts with each of her men, some with the boys and the other adults too. But by five o'clock they headed back to the hotel to clean up for dinner, and it seemed that the more often they were able to express their polygamous relationships in public the more jovial everyone became.

"What's wrong Jess?" Angus asked when everyone had gone back to Jessica and the men's room for dinner. Jessica had stopped in the middle of the room and watched her men, the boys and the others zip around the room preparing for dinner, everyone making an effort to come by her and pet her head, arm or back, hug her, kiss her. And they were so happy, like they'd won the lottery.

Her men had stopped to look at her and with Angus' question the other adults did also.

"Nothing is wrong. I just wish that I could have been more convincing about my feelings for you."

"More convincing?" Riley asked with a laugh, "Babe, I don't think that's possible."

"But you were all so sure I'd want to hide our lifestyle. That must have hurt you." Jessica said.

"But we told you Jess, it's not the same thing when you're in a different environment." Jim said, "We wouldn't blame you if you wanted to keep it quiet."

"Trust me." Mark added, "It was one thing to come out as a bisexual man with you all. But I would never...ever... show affection to another man in public. I just can't do that."

"And you know we don't." Abe said when everyone's eyes moved to Rick and Abe. "We can't either. It doesn't mean we love each other any less, but it crosses a line that we just can't live with. We weren't sure if you could live in your old world with your new world relationships. It didn't mean we thought you loved us less."

Jessica nodded. Looking at it from Rick, Abe and Mark's points of view it made more sense.

"So why do you look like you feel guilty now?" Angus asked.

"If you felt more comfortable keeping our marriage quiet, I just told the whole world. I'm sorry. But I don't think I could hide it even if I wanted to. I just forget it's supposed to be a secret."

"We don't want it to be a secret." Scott said. "Not at all. We just wanted keeping it a secret to be an option for you."

"I guess we forgot who we were dealing with." Corey said. "You don't do secrets."

"So can you stop being so sad?" Quinn asked, "I feel like I kicked a fucking puppy."

Jessica forced a smile that quickly turned into a real one.

"I love that smile." Caleb said planting a kiss on Jessica's forehead and pulling her in for a hug.

"Leo, you've got to go meet Leslie and her father in the lobby." Riley added after checking the time on his cell phone. "I'll walk you down."

"Have fun." Jessica said when Leo gave her a hug before leaving.

"Let's order some dinner." Abe suggested and went to the phone.

Twenty minutes later the food arrived.

"Hey Jess, look what's playing on the TV." Abe said sitting on the sofa with a plate full of food. "Pearl Harbor. Didn't you say you wanted to see it?"

"Oh yeah!" Jessica and climbed onto the sofa between Abe and Sean, pulled her feet up and leaned against Sean as she watched.

Caleb and Chris moved a couple of the sofas from the other rooms next to the sofa that Jessica, Sean, Abe and Sara sat on, in front of the TV. By the time the movie was half over most of the food on Abe's plate was gone, and he'd barely eaten anything himself. When it was clear Jessica wasn't going to handle any more food, a silent high five went around the room. Abe finished the rest of the food and went for more.

Dropping the boys off at the club after dinner Jessica held Josh's hand, kissed the men goodbye, said goodbye to the others and followed Josh down the street. Josh pulled Jessica under his arm, squeezing her to him as they walked.

"So I thought we'd go back to the castle." Josh said. "They have an artisan night. There's French poetry, some old style dancing and singing, and even an old fashioned carnival."

"That sounds great." Jessica said.

"And later, I want to draw you for the comic."

"Sure." Jessica agreed.

"But in one of the other rooms. I want you to wear the garter belt... and not much else. If the other guys are around we won't get very far with the drawing." Josh said.

Jessica giggled, "Yes, I think it may be better if they're not involved. What's wrong?" Jessica asked when Josh suddenly looked serious.

"Nothing." He said, "I was just thinking about what I used to do to you, before we got married. The sleep rape..."


"I'm not beating myself up about it, I just find it weird that ever since we've been married I haven't sleep raped you once. That's odd, isn't it?" Josh asked.

"I don't think so. It actually makes sense." Jessica said.

"How?" Josh asked.

"Well, you have to admit that since we've been married we've had a lot of sex. Like, a lot, a lot." Jessica said.

Josh nodded.

"So maybe all your extra sexual energy is used up now and it wasn't then." Jessica said, sliding her hand around his waist and squeezing one of his butt cheeks while smiling up at him.

"It's not that used up..." Josh said suddenly looking very sexually hungry.

"I'm glad." Jessica replied, feeling equally turned on.

"What should we do about this?" Josh asked pulling Jessica to a stop and looking around. "There's definitely no privacy here and I need to... Christ, you're still wearing that lingerie too, aren't you?"

Jessica nodded, moving into Josh's arms, running her hands over his chest, kissing him. Josh kissed back and for a few minutes they were oblivious to the world but then Josh came up for air.

"Let's go back to the hotel." Josh said.

"I want to." Jessica said, panting with desire, "But what about our plans? We shouldn't miss the castle. Who knows when we'll be back again."

"I know, but I don't think I can wait." Josh said.

"What about those bushes." Jessica said, "I could get you off. Would that be good enough till we get back to the hotel later?"

"We could get each other off." Josh said. "Come on." He pulled Jessica into the trees. "You get off first." He said between kisses. Josh slid his hand down Jessica's pants and began to rub, slide his fingers into her. Pleasure rocketed through Jessica.

"What about my screaming?" Jessica asked.

"Shit." Josh swore, panting.

"You better stop." Jessica said grasping his arm and trying to pull his hand out of her pants, "Or else everyone will hear me. And love making isn't going to cut it."

"But you need release." Josh said.

"I can live with it for now. I did last night with Jim." Jessica said, smarting from the burning want between her legs when Josh reluctantly removed his hand. Jessica dropped her forehead against Josh's chest, panting. Finally she said, "But I can help you out." She slid her hands to his pant buckle and starting to lower herself to her knees.

"No, it's okay." Josh said grabbing her by her arms. "If you can wait, so can I."

"Really, I don't mind." Jessica said, pulling his zipper down, "It serves me right for not finding a way to keep quiet."

"I can wait Jess." Josh said, "I can do it." He said more to himself then Jessica.

"You can't walk around all night with a hard on." Jessica said placing her hand over the bulge in Josh's pants, "It's okay Josh..." she said taking direction from the growl he made when she caressed him over his pants, "If I suck you off I'll clean you up too and no one will know the difference. It's the best solution."

"Wait." Josh said when Jessica began to lower herself again. "Lie down." He said with sudden urgency and pushed her to the ground.

"I'll make too much noise." Jessica said when he pulled her pants down. "Not with my cock in your mouth..." Josh panted, "At least not enough noise to really matter."

Jessica was too far gone to care when Josh pushed her down, crawled over top of her, slid his cock in her mouth and brought his mouth to her pussy. Moans escaped both of them as Josh thrust in her mouth and she thrust in his. And when pleasure erupted Josh kept Jessica's mouth too full for her to scream.

Despite that Jessica made enough noise. Rather than collapse on Jessica and enjoy the aftershocks of the orgasm, Josh looked around. Turning he crawled up Jessica until both of his arms were planted on either side of her head.

"We should move." He said after kissing her, "Just in case."

Jessica nodded. They dressed quickly, Josh pulled leaves out of Jessica's hair and smoothed it down, and then they moved further into the forest to emerge at a different location.

"God I love you." Josh said holding Jessica firmly against him.

"I love you." Jessica said in a dreamy tone, still revelling in the afterglow of pleasure. She pressed herself hard against him. "I should go to a bathroom, clean up."

"Okay. Let's go."

They went in the castle, found washrooms and fifteen minutes later wandered the halls of the castle.

"A portrait for the happy couple?" a man asked as they walked by his stand. He had a large easel set up with black pastels littering the small table beside it. "Let me draw you." He urged.

Josh and Jessica stood in one another's arms and posed.

"Oh Josh! That's exactly how I feel about you!" Jessica gasped when the man turned the easel for them to see the picture. The picture was so real, so well done and it reflected their love of one another so clearly that Jessica and Josh were stunned. In the picture Jessica was turned in to Josh, looking up at him and he was looking down at her. Neither had realized how clearly they expressed their emotions until they saw it in the picture.

"That's how I feel about you..." Josh murmured into her hair. "How much?" he asked the artist.

"On the house." The man said while sliding the picture into an envelope.

"Thank you." Jessica said when the artist handed her the envelope.

"Thanks a lot." Josh said handing the man a hundred dollar bill. "It's a tip." Josh said when the man tried to wave it away. Finally he took it.

"You can leave the picture at the service desk if you'd like." The man said, "If you don't want to carry it around all night. You can pick it up any time... tonight or tomorrow."