Little Guy with a Big Surprise Pt. 04


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He drizzled lubricant on me and I laced my fingers behind my head. He worked the opening over my mushroom cap and I gasped. He plunged the toy down the full length of my near foot-long shaft and I bit my lip hard. He worked that thing up and down repeatedly and the interior bumps and grooves were magical on my senses. Then he began twisting with each up and down stroke. I moaned and gripped the sheets. Next he pulled it up so high, it almost came all the way off before he plunged it all the way back down as far as it would go and my head reached the end of the tube. He began to alternate between each of these maneuvers and I could hold my load no longer. My toes curled as my body thrashed in orgasm. What I had feared would be an awful summer was turning to be the best.

As the first weekend approached, Chad mentioned that one of his high school friends was turning 21 and there was a get together at a nearby bar. I told him that I didn't mind if he went, but he said he wanted me to be there with him. I was unsure. I didn't know any of Chad's high school friends. He assured me that they were all nice and if I was uncomfortable, we could leave after putting in an appearance. He said that his good friends wanted to meet me. I was afraid they'd be disappointed, but I agreed.

It was crowded. We each ordered a beer at the bar and Chad recognized his group across the masses. We made our way over to them and Chad introduced me to his friends with one arm around my shoulders. He really had "come out". Unlike me, Chad excelled in social situations. He had the remarkable ability to make everyone in the group feel like they were the most important person to him. He talked and laughed with each of them and never let me feel left out. I don't know how he did it. I also noticed that none of his friends were sneaking looks at my crotch. Chad really had matured. He wasn't talking out of school about my secret. I had learned that when people hear about the heat I pack, they can't help but let their eyes drift downward.

Chad and I each had finished our first beer and I volunteered to go to the bar and get us seconds. As I waited in line I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and didn't recognize its owner. He looked to be about my age, bigger than me, of course...who wasn't, and with black hair and green eyes. He was a decent looking guy but he was swaying a little and I thought he might be drunk. He said to me, "You came here with Chad, right?" His speech was slurred. He was definitely drunk.

I replied, "Yes, I did." I noticed he had a friend with him. A guy standing just behind him, like a guard or an enforcer maybe.

He said, "Chad and I were friends before college. Maybe he told you about me? I'm Corey."

The name didn't sound familiar. I said, pointing, "Chad is right over there if you want to say hi."

Corey didn't budge. "He must have told you about me. We were particularly good friends the summer between high school and college. We spent that whole summer together. Like together, together." He didn't have a drink in hand but he was slurring more and more.

Chad had told me about a guy he messed around with that summer, but he never mentioned a name. I remembered that Chad had said he didn't even like him as a friend or as a person. They were attracted to each other and experimented with each other physically, exploring their sexuality. They had gone off to separate colleges and not seen each other since. Maybe they had actually hooked up on breaks over the last three years and Chad just didn't want to tell me. Either way I gave nothing away to Corey, no sign of recognition. It was my turn at the bar. I placed my order, paid, grabbed the beers and turned to go, but Corey and his silent enforcer blocked my way.

Corey continued, "I saw him with his arm around you. You must be his new play thing."

I was already past uncomfortable. "Chad is right over there. Why don't come over with me?"

He went on, "You know, it's really okay. I haven't even seen him in three years. I was away at school and didn't even come home for breaks. But I'm back now. For good."

I asked, "Did you finish school in three years?"

Corey said, "Sort of. Or at least they finished with me." He looked me up and down and said, "You're kind of cute. We should all get together and have some fun. Are you adventurous in bed?"

I hardly comprehended the word adventurous through his impaired speech. I said, "I can only speak for myself, but no, I'm not interested."

He smiled and it made his face turn sinister. He said, "As I recall, Chad is not exactly biggest guy where it counts the most. He probably picked a little guy like you so he'd feel better about himself. I think I was too much for him to handle. Do you think you could handle me?"

I said, "Okay, that's enough. This is over. Excuse me." I started to push my way past him and his sentinel.

He called out behind me, "No, it's not over. Not until I say it's over."

I kept going and didn't look back. I made it back to Chad's little gathering. He smiled at me, took his beer and put his arm back around me. I felt safer already, with Chad and away from that creepy asshole. A couple of Chad's friends decided to head back to the bar and our group was suddenly smaller. I pulled Chad aside and told him about the encounter I had with Corey. Chad crinkled his nose and said, "Corey? I haven't even seen him in three years."

I said, "Well, he's back now. Permanently. I think he was kicked out of school. He's drunk and I think he's jealous. Maybe your summer with him meant more to him than it did to you. I think he wants a threesome with us. Or maybe a foursome."

"A foursome?" Chad asked.

"I don't know. He has some weird, silent guy with him. A partner, a friend, I don't know. And I haven't seen them since I walked away, but I have a feeling they haven't left."

Chad's friends made it back from the bar and group was full again. We finished our second beers and, since we aren't big drinkers, we did not order thirds. Chad said he needed to use the restroom. He told me to stay right there with his friends and not to move. Like a potted plant, I stayed where I was told. The minutes ticked by and Chad hadn't returned. I hadn't been watching the restroom hallway because I kept scanning the room for Corey. Once it had gotten to be 10 minutes, I began to worry. I took out my phone and called him. Voicemail. I excused myself from his friends and headed to the men's room.

I entered and it was empty. Where was Chad? The two beers had gone through me and I needed to relieve myself. I stepped up to one of the urinals, unzipped my pants, pulled out my member and began to pee. I was almost done when I heard the door behind me open. I don't like looking at people in men's rooms so stared at the wall straight in front of me. Two hands grabbed my shoulders and I heard Corey's slurred voice. He said, "I told you it wasn't over. Great news! I talked to Chad and he's into it. He's waiting for us out back. He sent me to come and get you. Let's start by seeing what we're each dealing with here. I heard him unzip his pants.

I had just finished urinating when Corey put his hands back on my shoulders and spun me around. He was standing there with his fully erect 7 inch penis pointing right at me. I was completely soft and my 8.5 inch flaccid tool swung like an elephant's trunk. A few lingering drops splashed onto Corey. His eyes bugged out and the sight seemed to sober him up some. His companion, who was guarding the door, uttered his first sound in my presence: "Whoa".

Corey took an involuntary step backwards. He was 7 inches, but he was pencil-thin, maybe not even 4 inches of girth, giving it the appearance of being smaller than it was. My girth was almost 7 inches, totally soft. Corey asked stupidly, "Is that thing real? How big does it get?"

Suddenly I wasn't afraid of these guys. There was a toilet plunger with a wooden handle on floor next to the urinal and I picked it up and raised it as an improvised weapon. I yelled, "Where is Chad?"

Corey said to his friend, "Come on. Let's get out of here." I wasn't sure if he was afraid of the stick in my hand or the stick hanging between my legs. His erection was subsiding and he shoved his dick back in his pants and zipped up. They backed out of the restroom and I yelled again, "Where's Chad?"

I put down the plunger, tucked away my member and zipped back up. I left the men's room and scanned for Corey. I didn't see him anywhere. I looked over to where our group had been hanging out all night. No sign of Chad. I walked outside and scanned the parking lot. I had my phone in my hand and was ready to call 911, but first I walk around the building. I called out for Chad but there was no reply. When I made it to the back of the building, I saw him.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and ran over. His eyes brightened when he saw me, but he was a disheveled mess. His hair was a mess, his shirt was untucked and half unbuttoned, his pants were unzipped and just barely hanging on to his hips. He looked like he had taken a couple of punches. He was tied to a huge metal fire wheel. There was a zip tie tightly securing his wrists and another that looped his wrists around the fire wheel. His ankles were also bound together and they were secured to the fire wheel as well. His right foot was bare and his sock was shoved in his mouth.

I pulled the sock out of his mouth and Chad said, "Thank God you're okay. I was so worried. Corey said they were going to get you and I didn't know what they were going to do!"

I said, "Unbelievable! You are the one who was abducted and attacked and all you could think about was how worried you were about me!" I gave him a quick hug, but I wanted to get him freed. I always carried a small Swiss Army Knife in my pocket. I don't know why. It was too small to be an effective weapon and it almost never came in handy, but it did now. My hands trembled as I pried the blade open. One by one I cut the four nylon zip ties and Chad fell away from the pipe and into my arms. We held each other tight and I felt him shudder. "Are you okay?"

He said, "I will be, now that I know you are. I just kept hoping that you stayed right with my friends like I told you to. I knew you'd be safe if Corey and his goon couldn't lure you away and get you alone. So I guess they never found you?" Suddenly his tone was urgent, "We need to get out of here before they come back."

I said, "They did find me. But it's okay. Take your time. They're not coming back."

He looked at me quizzically. As he straightened his clothes and put his sock and shoe back on, he told me what happened. He went into the restroom and no one was in there. He used a urinal. As he was going, the door opened and Corey and friend stepped inside. Chad was still urinating so he was helpless. It was four hands against two as they pulled his arms behind him and zip tie his wrists.

I asked him, "How did they get you out of the bar and around back?"

He answered, "Well, the first thing Corey said was that if I gave them any trouble, you would pay the price when they came back in for you. After that, they had my full cooperation. He told me to act drunk so it would look like they were helping out a friend who over did it. They got on either side of me and each had an arm around me. My tied wrists were concealed from view. They walked me right out and around back. Nobody thought twice. They finished tying me up and Corey wanted to know your name. I wouldn't tell him so they roughed me up a little. I still wasn't talking, but eventually he said it didn't matter. He knew who you were. He wanted me quiet while they went after you so that's when he took off my shoe and shoved my sock in my mouth. I was dying with worry this whole time."

I told him my story. "That's the same thing they did with me. I was waiting and waiting for you and eventually I got worried. I went to check the restroom, but it was empty. I had to pee and that's when they came in. Corey obviously didn't think I posed much of a threat. I never saw any zip ties. He told me that you had agreed to have that threesome and you were waiting for us."

Chad cringed at the thought. I continued, "He wanted to impress me with his penis and get a look at mine. Fortunately, I had finished peeing before he spun me around. I can't blame him for thinking I'd be small, but surprise, I'm not. I think I stunned both of them. I grabbed the plunger that was sitting there and waved it around. Corey literally shrunk and cowered away. Then I set off looking for you."

Chad seemed both proud and angry at the same time. "I told you to hang close to my friends until I got back. You could have gotten hurt!"

"But you did get hurt. Are you okay? We should get you to the ER."

"What? No. I just took a few punches. I'm fine."

I looked at the reddening bruise on his jaw. "Someone once told me that head injuries are nothing to mess around with."

He looked at me through watery eyes and softened. "You saved me. You and your nightstick."

I blushed a little. "Let's not exaggerate. And I was a little late. You're hurt."

I was never in any real danger. I was just a means to get to Chad. I said, "Corey was not over you. He told me he thinks about his time with you every day and he thinks you do too. He was jealous of me being with you but he didn't care about me one way or the other. I was an opportunity, a way back in. If we did have that threesome, I'm sure he expected I would just be mostly watching. He is obsessed with you. And crazy."

Chad smiled down at me and we walked to the car. I drove us to the police station. Chad initially protested but I convinced him that unlike they guy who attacked me at school, who Chad had effectively warned off, Corey would probably be a persistent problem. He had said he was here permanently now. I asked Chad if Corey knew where he lives and Chad admitted that he did. I reasoned that every time Corey got drunk, which was possibly daily, he could pose threat to Chad or his family. Chad relented and we went in a filed a report.

The rest of the summer passed without incident. We never saw or heard from Corey again. Sometimes on weekends we'd drive down to the beach. One weekend, Chad's dad took Chad, Lizzie and I to a Red Sox game. I am not a huge sports guy, but I've always liked baseball. Growing up in Georgia, I had defaulted to being a Braves fan, but I feel no connection or loyalty to Georgia anymore. I could switch to the Red Sox and besides, historic Fenway Park is not the worst place to take in a ballgame.

Chad's family was great all summer. Lizzie thought Chad and I were "cute" together. Chad's parents seemed genuinely happy for us. Chad and I grew closer and closer over the three months. It was the best summer of my life, though in truth, there wasn't even a runner up to consider.

By the end of the summer, thanks to the landscaping job, I had begun to develop some muscle tone. Not a lot, but I no longer looked like a starving Ethiopian. I had gained 7 pounds, none of it fat. And all of the beach time had me sporting a slight bronzy tan. Chad had noticed my physical changes and had demonstrated his approval. Chad, of course, had already been and continued to be the perfect physical specimen.

Chad had really come through for me. He took me in and gave me a home when I had needed one. He saved me from my family and possibly from having to drop out of school. I could have become like Corey! I ended up making and saving more money than I would have if I could have stayed in the house as planned. It had all worked out, thanks to Chad. We moved back to Boston in August and back into our house with Mark and Sam. I knew we would have the next nine months of senior year together before we would have to figure out the rest of our lives.

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Bhamguy3Bhamguy36 months ago

Huge fan of your work. This story needs more though. Please

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You definitely are a brilliant writer. I wish this story would have continued.

dnsontndnsontnover 2 years ago

Hands down the best of the four chapters. Great to see the characters so thoughtfully developed. I know some readers will see this as “unfinished”. I see this as “open ended”. If we never hear from Taylor and Chad again I’ll just assume a HEA. Five Stars, every chapter

FosBoydFosBoydover 2 years ago

WTH, you left us all hanging. It's 2 years now. I guess it's over.

To bad you had a good thing going.

Wolfie699Wolfie699over 3 years ago

Loved it. Wondering if they are saving their virginity for marraige? Hope there is more to come.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

There is a lot of emphasis on their relationship and story wich I love! Are the ever going to do some domination play or anal or something else sexual in the future?

HartlesslyHartlesslyalmost 4 years ago

Love this story! Both guys are so sweet.

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