Little Miss Laser Ch. 01

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Kidnapping a magical girl goes awfully, awkwardly wrong.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 03/29/2024
Created 11/19/2023
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CW: attempted kidnapping, kink and sexual references, mentions of transphobia and sanism.

Milly tried really hard to hold herself still. Her small-fry villain persona -- Before you laugh, I'm still workshopping it, okay -- calling for hand-me-down biker leathers that squeaked like hell, not helped by her then lacing it with ten different types of anti-super materials.

And there she was, slipping through Milly's overly-obvious busted wall, right into her trap.

Oh-- God. Is it okay to use that word? Because she's-- Oh fuck, her thighs have totally gotten bigger again.

Milly tried pushing her thoughts to the side, the ones about how the padded-rubber super-uniform hugged her heroic guest's ass, about how she could probably justify petting those fluffy, brown curls later as an act of reassuring her soon-to-be hostage.

That wouldn't be too much, right? Villainously-creepy but not actually-creepy.

She trod, unawares, onto a tiny fleck of electrical tape -- that was far enough. Milly grabbed her helmet, flicked cropped-and-bleached hair over her head, and hastily clasped its front and back halves to her face, magnet-locking together with a click.

She pulled herself together, then around the corner, and then let Biker Hood step out.

"Love to see the punctuality, Little Miss Laser. You always are such a good girl for me." Milly got the briefest glimpse of a blush before-- Dvooom.

Searing, white light brushed over the helmet, and while she blinked instinctively, a few layers of UV-filtering had entirely dissipated the damage. Biker Hood held her posture while Milly was secretly screaming success in her head, it had worked.

It hadn't been that hard to figure out -- it was silly no one had seemed to try it before. It was nearly all of what Laser ever did, quietly dishing out photokeratitis -- read: absolutely ruining your eyesight for weeks -- from the rear while her teammates handled the real work.

That is if you even registered as bad enough to warrant multiple Little Misses, or just any other than Laser. Which was definitely never gonna be Biker Hood, but Milly was gonna change that all today.

Occasionally Laser would spit out enough energy to bust a lock or cut a teammate's bonds, but that always exhausted her. Wiped her out, really. Her shoulders slouching down in this sweet little show of weakness. Fearful eyes checking if someone will spot it and catch you out Doll, fuck.

Step One of the Becoming-A-Major-League-Villain Plan just meant baiting out those blasts, wearing her down for Step Two. To that end, Biker Hood made a merry, mocking show of reeling her head back, "Ow, I think that almost hurt. Not in the mood today, Doll?"

She totally hated Doll -- but wasn't showing it. Just her cloying disapproval of Biker Hood's as-of-yet undetermined nefariousness. "Where's the factory workers, Hood. If you've done anything to them--"

Milly laughed. She really think I could be that dangerous? Wrong, but cool.

"Look around you, Little Miss. Dumb doll like you wasn't even born when this place got shut down." She tried to casually slip a hand into her jacket, fingers grasping for the matte plastic controller she'd stashed in there.

Dvooom. Left. Dvooom. Right. Dvooom. Left. Step One, in-progress.

The opening volley was predictable, Hood catching heat on her left shoulder. She could maybe have played into the 'missing workers' thing, if Laser really was that gullible, but it introduced a bunch of risks Milly hadn't planned for. The goal was to annoy, not escalate.

The Little Miss was beginning to wear herself down. Getting a touch desperate for me, Doll? Biker Hood pulled her hand out, and flicked up the lid on an otherwise unassuming bit of kit. Laser's eyes flashed, she knew what it was. And it was too late.

"Today it's just you--" Click. "--and me." Boom.

Laser dove forward -- that's right, get to the second mark, three seconds -- bricks clattering behind her, blocking the only way out. Two seconds. Milly still made sure she'd be clear at the first mark, plan didn't call for dropping building on her. One second. Just her Step Two.

Dvoom. Dvoom. Dvoom. Dvoom. Thonk.

Rainbows erupted out of Laser's paws in a panic -- fruitlessly trying to forestall the metallic crash of Biker Hood's Doll-Suppressant Metal-Net Drop-Trap, pinning her to the ground. Even woven to a flexible mesh, it was damned heavy. But that wasn't the point.

"What do you think, Doll? Took three weeks of stripping this building bare of old wires to make that. Copper, your totally-not-secret weakness." The Little Miss's gorgeous little wriggles gave out suddenly at that. Obviously because she knows it's not worth trying.

Honestly, Milly had no idea how Laser even qualified for the Little Misses. The others were, as far as she was concerned, monsters. Inferno could melt through the depleted uranium of tank armour, Tremor had collapsed a villain's lair on them before, Cyclone had literally cancelled out a tropical storm. Glacier -- well actually, Glacier seemed chill.

Not a weakness between them -- unless you counted Laser's own or cruelly counted her as the weakness. They never cared about anyone like Biker Hood, who spent her time robbing betting parlours and dodging balls of mutant spit from guys in frog outfits.

She was so far beneath the pay-grade of a Little Miss she may as well be living in a pre-monetary society. Except Laser, putting herself in harm's way, in Biker Hood's way. Out to prove something by mopping up the city's most loser villains. But, always failing on her.

Good, that was Milly's in. No-one would be expecting it, someone like her capturing the cutest, sweetest, gentlest Little Miss. Putting her on camera in oversized copper chains, maybe break the innocent thing with a kiss. Just on the cheek, obviously, nothing more.

Just enough threat to force a massive sum be sent to Milly's untraceable Panamanian bank account -- The hedge-fund assholes all have one, or nine, why can't I? -- and to get her noticed as a proper, major-leagues villain.

Milly was in her own head about it, but Biker Hood had to crash the party for Step Three. Surrender. Laser had moved on from blasting wildly wherever her hands could wiggle to, and was now fumbling at her bracelet, squeaking out a cry for help.

Biker Hood moved to stand over her, chuckling to herself.

"Fern? Glass? It's Laz. Please I--" It was sweet, scared birdsong.

She pressed her boot against it, giving Laser an earful of the sickening leather squish.

"I told you it was just us. Figured out the frequency a while ago, when you left one of your little bangles behind." By left she meant desperately clawing on to Laser's wrist when she tried to run, getting flashed, and being left there half-blind, communicator in hand.

Hood crouched down, tilting her head back for a maximally-dismissive downward glare. She lifted the net over Laser's head, grasping her chin and pulling her close.

There was a new sort of fear in her eyes, a much more serious one. It worried Milly, Laser was finally getting that today would be different, but she had to make sure not to escalate.

"You're going to listen to me very closely. That's what gets you out of this safe, Doll."

Laser's eyes clicked with a sudden fury. Milly should have practised this step more.


She reeled back for real this time, bashing her head against a steel pillar and sending the helmet sprawling in pieces. And when her vision had stopped spinning she realised Laser had just melted through half the damn faceplate.

If she'd held on for just another moment my head would be--

Milly looked up, lingering plasticated fumes sending tears streaking through her eyeshadow. But there was a bigger problem than one near-miss. Laser had pulled herself up, glowing hands just sloughing the net off of her. Staring like a doll that didn't want to be played with anymore. And Milly was now guessing that one blast wasn't just a last-chancing trick.

Dvooom. Dvooom. Dvooom.

She rushed behind the pillar, grabbing the copper-plated baseball bat from Step Oh Fuck and tried to squeeze all her terror into it. Biker Hood wasn't gonna cut it here.

She rounded back, bounded several paces, and-- DVAM.

She was lucky she'd led with the bat. Unblinking her eyes, Milly quickly dropped the thing as it slagged off into two big pieces, dripping out a hundred smaller ones from melting metal wounds. Too close, again. But the same was true for Laser, who hadn't been backing up.

Sorry, Doll. Thwack.

She decked the fuck out of her. Relieved the heat-proof bitch wasn't also fist-proof, cringing though as she rapidly began to tumble and-- Oh shit, she's gonna fall on concrete.

Milly swerved her arms out, catching her but getting pulled down along with. Damn Doll, how much does your fucking ass weigh. But there wasn't a moment to recalibrate to what the fuck Laser had just tried -- straight to Step Four.

Pivoting her over she quickly shoved Laser's hands into a linked pair of giant cylinders. Anti-Super Cuffs. It should shut her down regardless, but the internals were electroplated just to be sure. Which Milly maybe wasn't quite so sure about anymore.

She flipped Laser back over, head lolling to and fro. Was this the cuffs? She hadn't actually hit her that hard, right? Fuck, wake the hell up, please. Being unconscious -- even for a few minutes -- was bad news. Doll was supposed to be an affectation, not an aphorism.

"Hey-- Laser?" Finally, a little squeak came out, Milly clutching the Little Miss into her arms.

Quickly she packed herself away, trying to front what was left of Hood. Whatever step she was on, it was time to seal the deal. "Ha! That net may have been impure, but you have no chance against my Pure Copper Super Bindings."

"Oh god, Hood, I can't--" She was squirming at the cuffs. God, please be working.

"There, safe in my grasp at last." A little of Milly came out trying to emphasise that point, maybe some of the wrong part. "No hiding just how pathetic you really are."

"I know, I know," the Little Miss muttered. Milly had Laser's gaze, other senses locking on as they flickered back to life, binding to her. "Worthless, useless without the team. Just trash they're being forced to hold on to."

Ugh, okay? Talk about turnaround, Doll. Maybe she was spoiling her too strongly -- Milly wanted her to surrender, not have a breakdown.

"Woah, hey now. You are not worthless."

"But-- But you just said I was--" Pathetic. There were tears now, streaming from twinkling grey eyes, spilling over her mask. Breakdown it was, shit.

"I know, which you are. But that's like-- hot?" She tried looking away but Laser's eyes were burrowing into her, hurting more than any blasts ever did. "You put on this face, and try to beat me, but never can and--"

Milly shoved Laser out of her arms and onto the floor.

"Fuck. No. Just go. I can't do this anymore."

"Wha-- wha--" Laser trembled in surprise, twisting around to face her. "Do what anymore?"

"Well, the plan-- plan was to capture you with the drop, tie you up, drag you somewhere safe for ransom. And then start breaking you mentally and stuff. But, like, slowly?"

Laser didn't say a thing, just staring as Milly's face buckled like a sinking ship. She was gonna make Milly finish -- forcing her with those perfect, sobbing eyes.

"Okay, look. It's a stupid idea, was a stupid idea. Fuck, what was I thinking."

More agonised moments dragged by, like peeling sunburnt skin -- compliments of the Little Miss -- off her back. But, just as she was ready to dig deeper, Laser did it for her.

"You wanted to do it-- slowly?" There were less tears now.

"Ugh, yeah." Why the fuck are you following this line of questioning. "Like, pay attention to your needs and limits and stuff. I mean, obviously, kidnapping pushes some boundaries, but I'd make sure I wasn't hurting you too bad. Threatening and--" Shut up. "--sexy, but like--" Oh my god, please shut up. "--not violating?" Milly you're so dumb.

"Oh. Oh I--" Laser was blushing again. At the sweetness, right? Not the-- Maybe she didn't hate her.

"Look, Miss Laser--" Getting up to walk over to the wall.

"--it was a monstrous idea, okay. Realising that a lot in hindsight. But I'm way off it now." Thumbing buttons on electrical gear hoisted there. "No more jammer, so like, call or go for help before your friends figure something's up and I gotta hold you hostage."

"Yeah-- Of course-- Sorry."

Why was she apologising for this--


"Wait, WHAT. Could you--" The binders clattered to the floor, one of them sprawling down a loading ramp with an aching screech. Another thing cut through like it was nothing.

"Oh, kinda yeah? But like, you were in my head and stuff. So I forgot." She said it like she'd forgotten to buy more sugar, not--

"Shouldn't that have exhausted you by now. And your weakness!?"

Laser sighed, annoyed but sympathetic to her oafish, would-be kidnapper. "Copper? Come on, Hood, that's super fake. What other Little Miss even has a weakness."

Milly was searching for a comeback, and not finding one. "So, could you just do this the whole time? Not just today, but like--" she flailed her hands around wildly.

Guilty and puppied-up eyes answered her. "Yeah."

"Was I ever actually in control there or-- No, how come people don't realise this?"

"They do." It was utterly matter-of-fact, she'd answered this before. "Try searching 'little miss laser truth' or 'little miss laser fake'."

Milly pulled out her phone, rushing to key in the code before Laser could see the wallpaper. After a few more moments she had a video playing.

What's up WHITE STATUE NATION. It's your king AristotleOfAthens6572 here, a hard man out to save the West from--

"Skip, like, 60 seconds. It's always this kind of shit." Laser knew exactly what was coming.

Today I'm uncovering for you the secret horror the woke media won't tell you about Little Miss Laser, or should I say LITTLE DICK LASER. You see HE isn't--

Milly paused. "Think I get it."

"Yep. That er-- preoccupation keeps them busy. Puts off anyone more serious."

Laser grabbed one of Hood's helmet fragments, effortlessly carving something in with the tip of her finger. "Hey um-- sorry I got a little heated earlier. We could chat more about this another time? And like, if you still wanna break me outside of this then maybe--"

"Send me a message sometime?"

Okay, Milly got it now. Neither of them was in control. This girl was-- Oh, she was out of her mind. She reached out to take the fragment, there was a phone number lasered into the surface, dimly visible black-on-black.

Summoning a foolish moment of confidence. "And here I thought my kidnapping idea was fun because you were Little Miss Innocent." Laser looked a little brusqued up by that one.

"Still am-- and will be." Milly got the threat, Laser's glowing hands were a useful clue, and she remembered her dangerous panicking earlier.

The glow faded.

"But like-- outlets are good. I deal with-- a lot of stress. That's why I've always liked you."

Hold on. She likes me?!

Before Milly could bluster an objection she was gone. A clean, round hole left in the steel shutters. There was evidence to clear up, and valuable gear to bug-out with, but first-- Milly was saving that number, muttering to herself what the fuck is going on.

Milly sat down at the breakfast bar -- vest strap fallen off her shoulder, stubby ponytail missing half her hair -- and nursed her third increasingly-caffeinated attempt to re-energise after the last six hours.

Was that their sixth meet-up, or the seventh? It was bleeding into fights too, that wasn't helping. Laser had asked within five minutes every single time, though at least waited for Milly to start messaging first. She really wasn't sure it was a good idea to say no now.

So Laser had turned up, looking at Milly messily stuffing week-old vegan pizza down her gob, and utterly unfazed by the butched-up mess had slipped off her trench coat to reveal a sexy, halloween knock-off of her own uniform.

It gets logged when I take the real thing out, and then I'd have to, like, file a report. Giggling at her own mischief while Milly gawked in horror at the suggestion on how to use it.

Laser did not stay over. She napped, and Milly never dared wake her up, but always dodged before it got too late. It'd be a report to file. Good thing, because Bri would have killed her.

Bri who was sitting across from her right now, a thorough contrast in appearances. Two-piece suit with hedge-fund-asshole tailoring and locs painstakingly straightened into what every HR department would call 'workplace appropriate' while insisting they took DEI very seriously.

She was ready for today's job, and Milly was not.

"Milicent, you've been delaying this job for weeks. If it doesn't happen today, it doesn't happen at all!" She'd avoided telling Bri the reason for a while, failing to notice how the insatiable Little Miss had devoured her runway. "You have to explain what's up with you."

"I'm uh- I'm kinda seeing this girl?" Understatement of the fucking millennium, Milly.

Bri was too sharp for this. "Okay, that's nice, but that shouldn't knock you out like this."

She was not going to get it. She was going to kill her. Bri was a lightweight, admittedly one of the best criminals in the city, but as far as superheroes were concerned -- superheroes like the Little Misses -- she wasn't their problem. She was boring, competent, white-collar about it. And she tolerated Biker Hood so long as it kept Milly focused and useful.

She did not get the supervillain thing. It was profoundly anti-thetical to her goal of make money and bug the fuck out to Australia or Austria or wherever's nice and far away.

"So you know that Little Miss I encounter a lot -- Laser?"

Milly cringed, she could audibly hear dots snapping into alignment in an instant, that and the thundering of Bri's eyes rolling into the back of her skull and then out onto the floor.

"I may have been working on a plan to kidnap her, and it sort of turned into-- an arrangement?"

The first time they met in an alley, Laser pretending to be lost while Milly was there to predate on her. Strappy dress showing off her shoulders, Laser pinching her fingers together, awkwardly trying to pull-in and hide the breadth of them. Mostly, it served to push her trembling tits together, made Milly want to eat them.

"Go on then-- fucking do it you bitch." That's right, give me that last bit of will, Doll.