Live on Me Pt. 03

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Jessica's experiment put's Layna at risk.
5.4k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/02/2020
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Hello again Readers,

This chapter's warnings are for violence and loss of control.

This chapter took itself in quite a direction and doesn't have any sex in it, so I hope it isn't a complete turn off to all of you erotica fans out there. I would really love to hear your feedback so I can learn and improve my writing skills.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it!



"Layna, the problem is that, as much as I don't want you to be here and don't want to ask this, will you help me conduct this experiment?" Jessica asked. A sense of apprehension hung in the air for a moment.

"Why do you need my help?" I asked. My heart was beating harder against my chest. Jessica looked away.

"For a true test of the effectiveness of the drug, I'll need to have a control trial and an experimental trial. That means you'll need to see how it feels to be around our test subject before and after I administer the drug," Jessica explained. "I'll need to let you experience the full draw of a succubus."

"W- will I be in danger?" I stammered. My anxiety was beginning to fester and form in my stomach.

"The likelihood of being in danger is slim, but you will lose some, if not all, of your self control..." she said, getting up and walking around to my chair and standing behind me. "You may fall into a subspace just from being around her, or even worse. I don't want you to get hurt from sharing that with someone you can't trust." Jessica's hands wrapped around my chest, and she kissed my neck. I squeaked from the possessive gesture.

"But why do I need to be the one to test it?" I asked. Jessica sighed and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Because my boss is a piece of shit sometimes and always tries to take advantage of my roommates," she groaned, walking off across the room and pacing back and forth. "I tell him all the time, my roommates aren't test subjects! They are people I care about! He just doesn't get it!" Jessica said, her voice becoming more flustered than I had seen up to this point.

"For goodness sake, there are plenty of single people who work with or around us who would be eager to spend some time with a succubus alone! But no, he says it's too much paperwork and too many hoops to jump through to get permission, so he just assumes my partner will do it. Ughhhh, he is so-" Jessica stopped as she heard me giggling and turned to me. "Hey, what's so funny?"

"You are so elegant and proper most of the time, but I've never seen you throw a fit like this!" I laughed. Jessica blushed, and her eyes darted away from me.

"Well, I mean, bosses can be frustrating! You can't blame me for being a bit angry about it." she mumbled, only to find my arms wrapped around her.

"I think it's cute that you are so protective of me, and I can completely understand your frustrations," I said, giving her a squeeze. "I'll agree to help you with the experiment so long as you stay nearby to keep me safe."

Jessica looked down and smiled, all her frustrations falling away from her in the light of this beautiful woman.

"I'll do everything I can for you, Layna," she chimed, attempting to turn around and hug me back.


"Okay, so here's the plan," Jessica stated, notebook in one hand, pen scrawling in the other. "You are going to come to the door with me when our guests arrive and then we will make it down to the basement. There, I've set up a privacy screen where I can sit while you two conduct the control trial. If I see you two getting too close through the screen, I'll come out and get you. Otherwise, after five minutes, I'll come out and take you back upstairs for a bit and we can gauge how you are feeling."

"That sounds good," I stated, trying to put on the bravest face I could. Inside, my stomach was crawling..

"After that, I will be having the test subject take the medication, and then you will come back down and do the test again. The second time should be uneventful and more comfortable if all goes well." Jessica put down her pen. "Any questions Layna?"

"No Ma'am, no questions." I said, remembering her instructions to address her properly when she is working with her boss or other important people.

On the first day of preparing for these trials, Jessica explained some of the backstory to her work. The organization she worked for was hundreds of years old, starting as a small group of traveling Other Humans spreading news to others for their safety. Then, they began to organize themselves in a way to better fit into society and stay under the radar, regardless of what set them apart from the majority of the general population. Around the time of the industrial revolution, the group was expansive with members all across the old world, and moving into the unknown territories of North and South America. Through all of their expansions into the modern day, many of the people in the group still held up their traditions and beliefs.

In this case, Jessica's boss was born and raised in old royalty, and held himself high above the general population, only seeing powerful Other Humans as his true peers. If I didn't address Jessica as Ma'am or Master, he was likely to treat it as insubordination and cause problems.

"I think we are ready, Layna. Thank you for being such a good girl and helping me." Jessica purred, squeezing my hand. Nothing made me more proud than doing my very best for her.

"You're very welcome Ma'am," I replied. Jessica smiled down at me.

"You better not call me that even when you don't have to. It is much too stilted for you," she giggled.

There was a knock at the door. I straightened my dress and she adjusted her lab coat. I pulled up my long socks and made sure my hair was looking proper in the hallway mirror. I followed behind Jessica as she approached the front door.

"Mr. Belero, welcome," Jessica said after opening the door. She waved in the large man. His stature was an incredible sight, making my body feel insignificant. His build could crush any normal person with ease. He wore a well fitted suit and had a scraggly beard.

"Hello Doctor Harper, thank you for having us. I hope you don't mind that I brought over a couple other guests." he said, his tone denoting that he absolutely didn't care whether or not she minded the guests.

"Not at all, please come in everyone," Jessica smiled.

"It is nice to see you again Dr. Harper," said an older gentleman as he walked in. The two shook hands, clearly on friendlier terms than Mr. Belero was with her. The older man held his head high and was dressed casually with a silver chain hanging from his hip and a wooden cane with a color as deep as the darkest chocolate.

"It's nice to see you too, Master Gilbert. What brings you?" Jessica asked as he passed.

"Just a check in to see how my last project is doing," he smiled as he moved toward the living room. He gave me a smile as he passed and I returned the smile, not saying anything as Jessica had instructed.

"Thank you for having me, Doctor," said the next guest. She was tall and slender, her limbs like twigs and her complexion dark. Her hair was in a long braid, and she bowed slightly as she passed through the door. She stood next to Mr. Belero, making her stature stand even more apart. Her dress was light and flowing around her with the slightest movements.

"It's my pleasure," Jessica replied, returning the bow. She then turned to the final guest. "And you must be Dawn, correct?" She stepped through the door and as I laid eyes on her, I felt a warmth rush through me. She wore a very professional blouse with slacks, her eyes shielded by her sunglasses. She nodded and stood by Dawn, letting Jessica close the door.

"Shall we head to the lab right away?" Jessica asked the group, making her way to the door, motioning for me to go first.

"Ivy, stay here with Master Gilbert," Mr. Belero grunted.

"You got it Bud!" She said with a bit too much pep for the boss. He grimaced as she bounded off. I went down the stairs and took my seat next to Jessica's desk. She then sat next to me and the other two moved down the stairs. Mr. Belero moving further into the room, and Dawn staying on the far side of the room.

"So, you think this batch will be the one to work for her?" Mr. Belero asked, approaching the lab table as Jessica rolled her chair over and pulled out a rack of vials. They were full of a grey liquid, and looked cold to the touch.

"If my prior experiment was correct, this batch should work as intended. We have Layna here as the partner for the control trial. I'll need you to head upstairs and wait as we begin," Jessica explained as Mr. Belero was examining a vial. He put it back and turned to me.

"This kid is your new blood? Is it any good?" he asked. I felt a chilling fear run through me for a moment, conflicting very heavily with the warmth from being in the room with Dawn. I could already say for certain that my body was reacting strangely to her presence alone. Jessica stood between the large man and myself. My mind didn't even think twice about the strange question he pointed my way.

"That is my personal business. Just be glad I allowed her to do the trial and didn't make you find someone else for it," Jessica said, her stern tone conveying her will to protect me. I noticed a sweet smell in the air, or maybe a more potent and alluring musk. It was hard to say for certain. Dawn quietly stood, her attention diverted away from the rest of us.

"I don't quite get why you are always so protective over your food, but whatever you say Doctor. I'll be upstairs," he grunted, turning and walking out of sight without another word. Jessica turned to me and smiled her beautiful smile, briefly pulling my attention away from Dawn.

"Don't worry about him, Layna. Are you ready to start?" she asked, her soothing words registering strangely within my mind. She took my hand and I realized I needed to speak.

"Yes Ma'am. I am ready," I replied, my willpower barely able to keep me in the moment with her.

"Are you ready as well, Dawn?" Jessica asked the other woman. "Just like the last time, you merely need to be here with Layna for five minutes. Of course, you will need to remove your sunglasses during the trial."

"I understand, Doctor Harper," she said, making her way to a chair across the room from me and sitting down. Tingles ran down my body from hearing her voice. I could barely hold my mouth closed.

"Then we will begin..." Jessica said, trailing off as she went to sit down behind a screen she had set up by her lab table. "...Starting now."

I took a deep breath and looked at the woman as she took off her glasses. She kept her eyes shut as she stowed them away. She sighed and opened her eyes. As they locked with me, I felt a wave of pain, like my heart was breaking, and emerging from that pain was a deep desire, a need to get closer to her. Hey eyes sparkled in a shade of pink.

"As you know, my name is Dawn. Nice to meet you, Layna," she said, her voice seemingly laced with the sweet sound of song, or maybe it was a sultry, sugary taste. There was something in her voice. I wanted to hear that voice more.

"Dawn... It's nice... to m- meet you," I stammered, my face hot and my body urging me to get up and come closer.

"As I'm sure the Doctor told you, I'm looking for a cure to my... attraction," her voice sang out. I couldn't remove my eyes from hers. My mouth watered and my body shook. My mind screamed for me to get up and go to her, but some aspect deep inside forced me down, like I was following deeply ingrained instructions.

"Yeah, she... told me that I might... lose control being... around you," I breathed in heavy breaths, the heat of my body rising. I gripped my seat, but the alluring aroma in the room was overpowering. Her voice smelled so sweet.

"I hope that I never have to make anyone feel like this again, you know," she whispered in my ear from across the room.

"I r-really hope... she can help y-you," I nearly moaned as her words tickled around my neck and her eyes asserted themselves on me. The need for touch was unbearable, like I had been deprived of it for all my life and she was the only one who could give it to me. In my mind, nothing had existed before except her. Echoes of Jessica were hidden deep within, but I couldn't find them. My mind could only focus on this one desire as it eclipsed everything.

"Layna... Layna?" the voice said. I was on my feet and following the voice through this dark tunnel I found myself stuck in, and then I suddenly hit the light at the end, like a painted wall in an optical illusion.

"Layna," a familiar yet hollow voice said. "Let's get you upstairs."

As Jessica picked me up and carried me upstairs, I clung to her and moaned for that sweet touch I needed over and over again, my mind completely blinded to what was happening. Darkness consumed my body and everything felt cold.

"I should have known she would fall this hard... fuck, why did I let her do this?" Jessica fumed on her way through the living room.

"Oh shit, do you need any help Doctor-" Ivy said, but her arm was held back by Master Gilbert.

"Let Doctor Harper take care of this, Ivy. Those two will need some privacy." he chuckled. She looked over to the backyard and sighed.

"I'm going to go outside for a bit. I need some sun," she said. Master Gilbert nodded. Mr. Belero said nothing and kept his eyes glued to his phone.


Jessica entered her room and shut the door. She flipped the lamp on and sat with me while I clutched onto her, hoping for the sweet smell and sweet words to come back and for that soft skin to envelope me. Now, all I could feel was an unfeeling wall of a person. The musky smells were gone.

Jessica frowned and freed her arms from my grasp. She caressed my head and rocked back and forth.

"Shhhhhhh, you're okay my little kitten, I am here. You're safe and sound," she whispered in my ears. I didn't react with the usual shudder or moans, and I gripped onto her harder.

"Let me wake you from your desire little one," she said, the sadness tainting her otherwise comforting tones. She leaned down and licked my ear, letting her saliva soak into my skin. In the dull place my mind had trapped me in, I felt gentle rays of light crackling in.

"It's me Layna, I'm here," Jessica murmured, managing to pry my hands away from her lab coat and taking it off. She quickly lifted her shirt as I wrapped my arms around her. I buried my cheek into her, my ear able to feel the softness I so desperately needed.

"I'm scared... What do I do?" I asked the vague murmurs of care that pierced into the darkness. Jessica pulled my head up, and my eyes were open, but unfocused..

"Layna, can you hear me? It's time to come back, Layna," she said, her words echoing through the cracks in the darkness. She pressed her lips to mine, the warmth spreading throughout my head. As she pulled away, I desperately tried to follow her lips.

"Jessica...? Please... help me," I breathed, pressing myself into her and trying to find her lips. Instead, her lips found my neck.

"I'm going to have to bite you. Are you ready?"

"Please... anything..." I begged, and without a second thought, her teeth sunk into me, and the darkness began to shatter all around me.

Jessica held me tight as my body went limp and my arms fell to my sides. A scream tried to escape my lips, but all that came out was a low groan and a sigh as all my breath was released from me. My body jerked and twitched with the growing feeling of pleasure and pain. It felt like my heart was broken all over again, but slowly yet surely, as Jessica removed her teeth from my neck and began to lick at the wound, each piece of my heart began to come back together, held together by the weak threads of desire.

"You're okay Layna, you're safe," She purred between licks, kissing my cheeks before tending to my wound again. My hands laid empty as she worked in the silence.

She held me close to her, my body beginning to warm, slowly but surely. Her hands rubbed my back and the back of my head as I returned to reality.

"Jessica... where... what..." I moaned, unable to fully control my speech as my brain tried to send words out of my mouth.

"Shhhhh... the hard part is over. Just relax," she said, the sadness in her voice registering in my mind, pulling guilt out of the recesses of my heart. A force of habit.

"I'm sorry Jessica..." I muttered, still shaking, but unable to tell why..

"You have nothing to be sorry for, my sweet kitten.... I am sorry for allowing this to happen to you," she said.

"But I couldn't handle the trial, I fai-" I bemoaned, but a finger slipped over my lips before I could finish, sending shivers through me. Jessica removed herself from my neck, her lips still bloodied and her eyes worn. She took the finger from my lips and firmly caressed my cheek.

"You had no idea what would happen. I was supposed to protect you. I take full responsibility," she said, her eyes locked onto mine. Tears started to flow down her cheek and mix with my blood. "I will never put you in danger like that again, Layna. I swear."


Jessica and I spent the next while in silence as she tended to my fresh wound. She dressed it, making sure to leave plenty of her saliva around the area to help with healing, and taped it down. She never said it out loud, but we both knew that the second trial needed to happen; We both knew I needed to be put at risk one more time. The whole process felt too surreal for me to remove myself from it, and Jessica's confidence in her new drug willed her forward. We both got dressed and headed to the living room where the others, minus Ivy, waited for us. Master Gilbert gave us a smile, while Dawn stared off at the opposite side of the room through her sunglasses. Mr. Belero didn't react.

"I'm glad to see that she is okay," Master Gilbert said. Mr. Belero looked up, put down his phone, and stood.

"What took you so long, Doctor? Got too hungry to keep your hands off her?" he said, pointing a large finger at me. I looked away, his look too intense for me to meet. Jessica held his gaze and scowled..

"The effects on her were far more powerful than I had expected. I had to take drastic action to help her break out of the trance." Jessica explained to him. He came around the couch and loomed before me.

"Why do you keep picking the weaklings to take as food? First that old woman Emily, and now this weak little kid? You'd think our head doctor would-" he began, reaching out to me with his hand.

Before the hand could even come close to my body, Jessica moved in front of me like a flash of lightning, her arm outstretched and batting away Mr. Belero's hand with incredible force. There was a splattering of blood on the floor and the crunching of bones in the air.

"Don't you EVER touch her!" she screamed, her comparatively small frame booming like an explosion. Mr. Belero's face contorted into shock, clearly not a feeling he felt often.

I looked over to her outstretched hand, and it was a dark crimson, her fingers sprouting what looked like claws that extended over a foot from the tips. She breathed heavily in the following silence, her teeth clenched.

Mr. Belero's face returned to a semblance of normalcy, and he folded his hands behind his back.

"I understand, Doctor. Please... carry on," he said as cooly as he could. I reached out a hand toward Jessica's back and she turned to look at me before I even made contact. I froze. Her eyes glowed a bright crimson, heavily contrasting her usual dark red eyes. Seeing my concern, she started to lower her hand and breathe more steadily. The long blades that had shot from her hand started to retract with small crunches and cracks. Her body shuddered and she grimaced, holding in what I could only imagine to be incredible pain. As the retraction ended, she placed each finger in her mouth for a short time, helping them heal enough to keep blood from dripping on the floor. I stood next to her as she tended to herself, unsure of how to respond or act around her at this moment. Too much had happened in such a short time. I felt my sense of reality slipping away from me, as if it was the first day we met.