Living as Four Bodies and One Mind


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Appu seemed to have realized I had something up my sleeve. "Ok, so game it is," Appu he said, suddenly showing much enthusiasm.

"First we'd need to turn the chair around," I said, pointing to the sofa chair that was in the front, and on which Appu and had their fun just now. "Get up and turn that one also, so that both are facing each other.. And leave 3-4 feet of distance between them," I suggested, getting up to go to my study table to make a lottery.

I looked around for a notebook to tear a page off, and then realized that we did not have any. Finally found a computer print out, divided it into four parts and wrote 'shama' in two and 'appu' in two of them, rolled them up and put them in a bowl.

"Ok, the rules of the game are like this -- it's a blindfold GK quiz. Two people will be in each team. The special rule about this is that all participants will be blindfolded and you are not allowed to touch your feet on the ground, and both members of the team have only one chair to sit on," I said. "There is one more rule, but that I'll tell when are ready to play," I said, with a smile.

"Blindfolded? With what? And only one chair? For two people?" Shama asked, showing mock irritation.

"Yeah.. This is not a plain old boring quiz," I said.

"Ok," Sara quickly intervened, "so who are the teams?"

"Oh, we have a lottery for that.. You pick your own team-mate," I said, holding out the bowl to Shama.

"No, I don't want to pick.. Someone else should pick," she said.

"Ok," I said, moving the bowl in front of Appu.

"Go ahead Shama, don't be shy," Appu said, pushing me away again to Shama.

"Ok, fine," she said.

She picked up a roll, opened it and laughed. "Aiyyo, this is my name only," she said.

"Ok.. Pick again till you get one of our names," I said.

"I hope I get Somettan as my partner," she said, dipping for the second time.

This time, she didn't say anything, and turned the roll to us so that we could see the name - on it was written 'Appu'.

"Hm.. That means you two are the team, and then we will be other team," I said, turning to Sara.

"Yay, we will beat you guys so easily now," Sara said.

"Ha, ha, we'll see," Appu said.

"Can you get the blindfolds please.. Towels would be fine, like we had last time," I suggested. I was getting a hard on already, and it was apparent from the rising bulge in my knickers.

I saw Sara's eyes slipping towards my knickers even as we were speaking. I hope she doesn't jump up and pull it down, I thought. Though I had done oral sex to her twice, she was yet to return the favor, I remembered. Fact is, I had never had any one suck my dick since I was an adult. (There was a guy near our house who used to suck it some times when I was kid, on my way from school. But I was too scared and young to enjoy it. Now, when I wanted it, nobody would do it - and I didn't want to force my wife, who had once said she didn't want to do it.)

"Ok, now Appu, you tie one for Shama, I'll tie for Sara," I said. Earlier, in conversations with Appu, I never referred to Sara by name, always calling her 'your wife'. Somehow it didn't feel right to call her by name, though Appu had always called my wife by name. Now, somehow, I didn't feel like calling her his wife, rather, I wanted to call her Sara. Sara was neutral, and didn't imply that she was his, or for that matter, mine. It was open to interpretations.

Shama was still reluctant, and showed no signs of leaving her plastic chair. So Appu went behind her with a piece of red cloth Shama had thrown on the sofa, kneeled down and gently started putting the cloth over her eyes.

"No.." she said, shaking her head slightly.. But Appu was having none of it. "How can we play the game if you don't wear it?" he asked, and slowly managed to tie the cloth behind her bead.

Sara stood up with all the enthusiasm of a school girl, facing the other way, waiting for me to tie it for her.

"Now, your turn," I told Appu, and tied the blindfold for him as well, making sure it was not too tight, unlike for Sara.

"Ok, now I am done too," I announced after tying one on myself.

"Now Appu's team go to the chair in front and we will be on this chair," I said.

I stumbled across to the main sofa where Sara was sitting, thinking I will help her locate our chair. I put my hand on her shoulder, almost stumbling on top of her as she sat. She held my hand to help me balance, without saying anything, and holding onto my hand, stood up - her body pressing against mine. I could feel her breath of my neck. She put both her hands behind me and hugged me tight, as I bent down, our lips joined hungrily.

"Shit, nothing seems to go according to plan today," I thought, as we engaged in a passionate kissing session, and I moved down further. I put both my hand on the under her t-shirt, on the sides of her belly, slowly moving them up -- pulling the t-shirt up along with them.

I embraced her tightly, as tightly as she held me. This time, I realized I was embracing her out of love. Earlier, it was always sex. This time, perhaps the 25 minutes or so of interruption had made both of us restless, and it felt good simply to just hold her, my face on her shoulder.

The intensity of the embrace was so high that her legs were in the air, and I felt her I might have bitten her lips a bit too deeply. But we were beyond care, and kissed like two long lost lovers meeting after 5 years.

The cloth held over our eyes was making me uncomfortable, but I didn't take it off, as I didn't want to leave her even for a minute. After about two minutes, we moved as one towards our chair, stumbling and swaying.

I sat first and she sat over me, facing me. I moved to the edge of the large chair, adjusting her in my lap even as I kept her close to my body in a tight embrace. Her legs went over the sides and met behind me, holding me in a sort of 'leg embrace' as if our hands were not enough.

At that moment, I knew one more truth -- no matter what I had planned, this was going way beyond all that. I was in love. There was no running away from that fact. I felt I could spend an eternity in her embrace like that as I hungrily inhaled the sweet smell of scented coconut oil from her hair. I realized I was happy - simply happy as I have ever been. I realized I was a fool to have thought I could keep my feelings in check. "No way, Som, you are just the old love fool you've always been, and now you're in love," I heard a voice say inside my head.

"Ok, you guys set?" It was Appu's voice that broke me from my reverie.

I must have lost track of time.

"Yes, we are," I said.

"Ok, so how do we take it forward," Appu asked.

"First, are you sure both are sitting on the same chair," I asked to make sure they were not 'cheating'.

"Yeah.. We are on the same one, opposite you guys," he said.

"And you are not supposed to have your feet on the ground.. If it's too tough, one of you can have your feet on the ground, but the other person definitely cannot," I said.

I used one of my hands to ease the blindfold on my left eye so that I could see what they were doing. They were sitting with Shama on Appu's lap, but Shama was facing us, not like how we were sitting. However, Appu was holding Shama tight with his hands over her stomach.

I could also see that he had kept his head on her shoulder, and was possibly kissing her on the neck as well.

However, Shama's feet were also on the floor.

"Ok.. One minute then," Appu said. Shama was wearing a salwar kameez, which restricted her maneuverability. Appu now put both his hands on her thighs and pulled it sideways, indicating to her that he wanted her to lift her legs from the floor to the sides.

Shama lifted her ass a bit from Appu's laps and with her hands, pulled up her brown kameez to her stomach level. Though that was not her intention, doing so exposed a bit of her naked stomach and by coincidence or luck, as Appu was trying to pull her back to his lap, his hands found the opening.

He spread his hands on her stomach, moving from the sides to the front. For a moment, Shama was perfectly still, laying back but not moving at all. Appu now pulled her towards him tightly, with his hands still on her creamy skin, and started kissing her neck again, moving the hair out of the way with his face at the same time.

I could see the expression change on Shama's face, to an intense expression of lust and love. She turned her head so as to give Appu more access to her face and soon, after some rubbing of the cheeks and lips, their lips found each other and drank hungrily from each other.

My dick was even harder than it had been. This the first time that I had directly seen Shama make out with Appu, or for that matter, with anyone, and it was not like watching just two people making out.

This was someone I knew very closely.. In fact, two people I knew very closely. My dick started pulsating as I saw the intensity with which my wife was slurping and biting Appu. I realized what had been missing from our sex life. We never kissed like that, with so much passion and intensity. It looked like the two were love, or perhaps it was just my own experience two minutes earlier that made me think like that.

But seeing Shama give devour Appu with no shame was a life changing sight for me -- and did for my sex life more than anything else could have. It was not about cuckolding tendencies -- as some would argue, but was more related to the sheer taboo of the situation -- the fact that the unthinkable was happening. That was the turn on -- the forbidden was happening. It was nice to see my wife, who always played sati-savitri, without the mask of good behaviour -- to see her as a shameless pleasure seeker. We are all like that inside, but a lot of us pretend that we are not. My wife always pretended that she never thought about anyone else etc.. Seeing her enjoy herself openly, without any masks or inhibitions, was a very big big turn on. The pleasure of the forbidden is unlike anything else. Sex is sex only when there's an element of the forbidden in it.

Sara seemed to have realized something hot was going on, as she was sitting directly on my dick and could feel every pulse on it.

She too adjusted her blindfold and had turned her face to look at what was going on. I could feel her hold tightening on my back as she kept track of the action on the chair opposite. I wanted to kiss her again, but the action opposite us was just too riveting.

After a bit, they seemed to relax, as a smile spread over Shama's face. Then Appu sort of lifted Shama up as she pulled both her legs up beside her, bending her knee. Now she was sitting on top of Appu directly on top of where his dick would be, with her legs folded on the sofa-chair and placed on both sides of Appu's thighs. She was still facing us, but it looked like she was reverse-riding Appu's cock. All that prevented it from happening were the clothes.

"Ok, we are ready," Appu said.

"Ok, great," I said, putting my blindfold back on, and indicating to Sara to look towards me so that in case one of them removed their blindfold, they wouldn't catch us staring them. I gave Sara a juicy kiss, before making the next announcement.

"Now, the last two rules," I said. "First is that you get only 5 seconds to answer the first question.. In fact, you need to wait 5 seconds before giving the answer. For every question, this time delay will double. So, for the second answer, you need to wait 10 seconds, and for the third 40 seconds and so on," I explained.

"Ok," Appu said. "What is the second rule?"

"This is the most important rule, and reason why we are all blindfolded," I said, "If you are not able to give answer to any question, you need take any one item of clothing and throw it in front of you.. In front of both of us," I said.

"What? What sort of quiz is this," that was Shama's voice, and there was a touch of mock-scorn in her voice. "I don't want to be part of such dirty games!"

"Don't worry Shama," Appu cut in quickly, reassuringly. "We are very strong, we won't lose even a tie. Let them try their best."

"But still.." Shama went on..

"I told you no.. They will be the losers," Appu said confidently.

"Fine.. We'll see," I said, "you can ask the first question -- anything related to general knowledge, and nothing related to C++," I said, referring to his specialization at work.

"Hm.. Capital of Nigeria," he said.

"Lagos," I said, waiting a bit so that 5 seconds were up.

"Who sang most of the songs in Sargam, the movie," I said, lobbing an easy one as I knew the film was one of Shama's favorites and she knew everything there was to know about it.

"Yesudas," Shama said with a squeal as expected.

"That answer won't count, as you are supposed to wait for 10 seconds before saying," I said.

"Ok, we can forgive this time Sometta," Sara said.

I couldn't see Shama's face when Sara said that, but I would have loved to -- it was the first time Sara was calling me Sometta -- a term of endearment, normally reserved for relatives.

I changed my position a little, bringing both of my legs up on the chair and attempting to sit cross legged -- my left foot under my right thigh and vice versa. That way, Sara was now sitting in a sort of trough in created by my legs in front of me. She had her legs around me and I had mine around her. This was much more comfortable as I was not supporting all of her weight unlike when I had my feet on the ground.

Besides, it had the advantage of squashing our crotches together - with only her panties separating her pussy from my knicker as her skirt was covering our combined laps and our hips met under the cover of the skirt. I could feel the heat coming from her pussy now.

"Ok.. Next question -- who's the commander in chief of the Pak army," Appu said.

I knew the answer, I think it was some Kayani or someone. But I asked Sara: "Do you know?".


"Ha ha, see, see how the game is turning," Appu said. "Ok, so what are you dropping?"

"I'll drop my t-shirt," I said, and pulled it off.

I had to take off the blindfold to pull my t-shirt over my head. I saw that Sara still had only one eye covered. In a way, it was ok for her since she was facing away from the other two. Now that the t-shirt was gone, she lovingly slipped her hands under my arms and started sexily caressing my back and chest, slowly.

She bent down sucked at my nipples, which was kind of titillating (no pun intended). I put the blindfold back on.

"Done?" Appu asked.


I had a feeling that at that moment he peered through the blindfold to see whether I had actually undressed or whether I was bluffing. Perhaps he wanted a bit of the voyeuristic pleasure.

"Now the next question -- which minister is in charge of department of space?" The answer was the PM.

However, they couldn't get it, and this time, it was Appu's turn to be shirtless.

The next question came and went without doing us any damage, and it was our turn again.

"Shall I ask," Sara asked me.

"Sure, go ahead."

"Name Mahesh Bhatt's younger daughter who has just entered the film field?"

It was simple question -- but either Appu didn't know or he pretended he didn't know. My wife was no big fan of Hindi movies, so it was unsurprising that she didn't know the answer.

My wife was wearing only the salwar and Kameez and her undies, and Appu only had his jeans and his underwear.

"Ok. I'll do it," he said, after about half a minute of silence in their team.

I pretended to be rubbing my eyes, and managed to move some of the cloth to see what was going on.

Shama was getting off Appu's lap onto the floor.

"By the way, you are not supposed to get on the floor, ok?" I said, looking away from them. "That is the rule."

"But how am I supposed to change on the chair?" Appu asked.

"Well, you got to," I said.

I could not really see very clearly, since I was peering through a thin layer of red cloth, and could only make out the outlines.

Appu removed his blindfold, stood up on the chair and indicated to Shama to get back on the chair. Shama kneeled on the chair, facing him, with her face where Appu's zipper was. Of course, she was still blindfolded.

Appu somehow wriggled out of his pant, revealed grey jockey underwear and a very erect dick. As he wriggled, his dick (inside the underwear of course) rubbed against Shama's face as both were at the same height. Shama did not move back her head or anything, though her expression could not be seen.

It was obvious that he liked the way we were sitting, because after he dangled his legs on the two sides of Shama, and put his hands on her hips and indicated her to sit down facing him, as she was kneeling.

He then pulled Shama's feet from under her, and put them around him all the way to the back, supporting her by holding her from behind using his free hand. He raised her kameez once again, and put his hands under it, just below her bra.

The new posture was too much for Appu who pulled Shama to himself and started kissing her. Shama was also responding well, going by what I could see from behind her.

We couldn't get the next question, and I too ended with up in only my underwear, and this time, unlike in the case of the other couple, our dicks and pussies were separated only by thin underwear. Her pussy was smoldering hot, but I didn't do much more as I wanted the game to go on.

"Who invented computers?" I asked.

Living as four bodies and one mind - a tale of love and wife swapping PART 16-b I was pretty sure Appu would know the answer, being from the same field. But he said he didn't. That led to silence as everyone knew that Appu only had his underwear left on him.

I saw him raise Shama from his lap, and with a grimace, slide his underwear on his legs all the way to the floor. He was now completely naked, and Shama was sitting in his lap facing him.

As soon as Shama sat down, I saw Appu do some juggling with his hips, probably poking her in her pussy and letting her know that little Appu was now fully ready.

I answered the next question, and then I asked -

"Who got the state government award for the best actor this time?"

"I am not sure.. So it's Shama's question," Appu said, putting the ball in her court.

"Mohanlal," she said.

"Wrong, it was Prithviraj," I said.

"When will this quiz end?" Shama asked.

"After 10 more rounds."

"Ten more?" she asked, taken aback.

"Yeah. In all, there has to be 15 rounds," I made up a rule on the fly.

"So what are you putting down now?" Sara asked.

"We'll do something," Appu said.

I saw him mumble something in Shama's ear, and saw Shama shake her head vigorously.

He mumbled again.

"Can we quit?" Shama asked.


"You guys are all blindfolded, right?" she said.


"No peering?"

"Of course, not."

To my surprise, she slowly pulled off her Kameez to Appu's total delight. I saw Appu run his hands all over her back and pull her so close to him that I felt she had some breathing difficulty. She too had her hands behind Appu for a long time, partly to ensure that she didn't fall of the chair.

They spent a minute hugging and kissing.

While pulling the top off, her blindfold had moved, and it was clear that she was now able to see.

I saw her look down in between, probably at Appu's equipment, and then she looked back at us, turning her head. Because I was seeing through cloth, I couldn't read her expression, but she quickly looked back in Appu's direction.

The next question turned out to be a tough one, and it was clear I was going to be totally naked as well. To my surprise, Sara whispered in my ear "I'll do it."

"Ok," I said.

Even without taking her blindfold off, she stood up on the chair and next thing I see is her panties slide down her legs.
