Locked by My Teacher Ch. 01

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Teacher disciplines a horny student.
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A hand landed roughly on my shoulder and snapped me out of my daydreaming. I was in class. And Mr. Porter was squeezing my shoulder hard. I looked up and saw his stern face looking back down at me.

I froze with terror as I realized that he had caught me rubbing my dick through my shorts during class. I was in trouble. Fortunately, as I looked around the room, it seemed no one else had noticed. But I was certain from how deeply Mr. Porter was staring at me, that he knew what I was doing.

I don't know what had been going on with me lately but ever since turning 18 just before the start of my senior year I had been hornier than ever. It seemed to build throughout the day and by final period, Mr. Porter's class, I could barely contain myself or even pay attention.

I would try to listen to Mr. Porter as he taught the lesson but no matter how hard I tried, my mind would start to drift as his voice carried on. My hands would inevitably find my throbbing cock straining against the fabric of my pants. It was only the second week of classes and already I had rubbed myself off three times as I listened to Mr. Porter's deep voice drone on. Fortunately, this was the last class of the day and I had been able to sneak out quickly after everyone had left and slip home.

Mr. Porter for all his sternness, seemed a little amused as he stared down at me, having caught me red-handed. As terrified as I was, knowing he had caught me seemed to only turn me on more and my dick throbbed against the fabric of my jeans.

Looking up at him from this angle I was able to see just how large he actually was. He stood about 6'2", and seemed more intimidating than ever. His thick arms and shoulders were hugged tightly by the sleeves of his polo. Dark hair ran up the length of his arms and you could see it spilling out from the neck of his shirt. He had an imposing gut that protruded from above his jeans and often brushed up against my back and arms as he wandered the narrow aisle between desks. It seemed to invade my whole space in this moment as he stared down at me knowingly.

Mr. Porter resumed his lesson and walked toward the front of the class leaving me scared and of course, still horny. I refrained from touching myself for the rest of class and tried my best to pretend it hadn't happened.

I hoped that I might be able to leave quickly but just as the bell rang, Mr. Porter asked myself and two other students to stay seated after class. "Fuck" I thought to myself.

He took his time with the other two students, going over their latest papers for several minutes with each of them, the whole time leaving me to squirm in fear of what was to come. After finishing with them, they each left and he turned to me.

I must've been bright red as I could feel my face flushing with embarrassment. He walked over and sat on top of the desk next to mine and looked down at me. He spread his thick legs and for the first time I noticed a large bulge pressing out from his crotch, underneath his massive belly.

"I think we need to talk, Dan." He said in a kind but patronizing voice. "We both know you've been having a hard time behaving in my class lately."

I was mortified and looked away from his eyes. He must've seen me rubbing myself off more than just today and finally decided to say something.

"Do you have anything you'd like to say?"

I tried to meet his eyes but was too embarrassed. "I'm so sorry Mr. Porter." I squeeked out. Tears were welling in my eyes. "I barely realize I'm even doing it! I try to pay attention but I'm just so..." I paused searching for a better word.

"Horny?" he asked bluntly. I just nodded vigorously.

"I understand that feeling very well, boy. It's natural at your age to be feeling that urge, and you shouldn't be ashamed of it." He said making me feel a little better.

"However," he sounded sterner this time, "there's just no way I can allow you to continue to act on those urges in class. And since you even admit that you are barely aware of yourself when you are doing it, I'm afraid I'll need to speak with your parents about this."

My heart sank in an instant and I started breathing heavily as the terror of my strict evangelical parents finding out that I had been jerking off in public, hit me.

"Please wait!" I started to frantically sob. "Please I promise I can stop. We don't need to tell them! Please I'll do anything, just please don't tell my parents!"

"I'm sorry, Dan. But you even admitted that you're hardly aware that you're doing it." He replied, unmoved by my pleading. "You're going to need to be disciplined, and there will have to be consequences for your inappropriate behavior."

"Please, you don't understand. My parents will kill me. Give me detention!" I pleaded desperately as the fear and shame filled me up like a balloon. I felt like I was going to explode at any moment. "I'll help you in class! I'll stay after every day and help you clean up or something. Please I'll do anything, Mr. Porter." Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

He continued to stare at me intensely as I glanced up trying to meet his eyes but casting them back down to fixate on his massive gut. For a second I swear I saw his thick bulge throb in his khaki pants. I looked back up and saw he had a hint of a smile on his face. I felt like I had been caught again.

"Listen boy, I don't think that detention or having you do some menial tasks is going to really help you keep your hands off yourself in my class."

He paused and looked around for a moment before looking back at me with that hint of a smile. "You're clearly not in control of your own horniness. But perhaps there's something else we could try, that wouldn't involve your parents."

I looked up, feeling suddenly hopeful. "Yes please! I'll do anything" I reiterated.

"Mind you, this will be very unconventional. But you'll need to obey me and do exactly what I tell you to do." He spread his legs a little wider and I noticed that his bulge had definitely grown. I could make out the outline of his cock growing along his left pant leg. I quickly looked back up to his eyes.

"If I'm going to let you remain in my class I need to know for sure that you won't be trying to jerk your little dick while I'm teaching. You understand?"

"Yes of course!" I replied frantically. "I'm so sorry and I promise I won't do it again."

"No you won't. And I'm going to make certain of that." He said firmly.

He stood up off the desk bringing his belly and his thickening crotch right up close to my eyeline, before turning and walking back towards his desk at the front.

"Tomorrow morning, you will report to my classroom 30 minutes before first period. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir." I quickly replied. "Thank you. Ummm what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to do what I said. I'm going to make sure you can't keep behaving like a little pervert in my classroom, or any other classroom for that matter! Now gather your things and head home. I'll see you in the morning."

"Yes sir. Thank you, sir." I quickly jumped out of my desk and shouldered my backpack. Just as I was about to reach the door, his voice froze me in place.

"And boy," he said ominously "you better not be late."

I rushed out the door and went straight to the stairwell, stopping halfway down to catch my breath. I must've been one of the only students still in the building. I looked down at my pants and saw that my little boner was raging hard. And despite not actually ejaculating, a small wet spot had formed at the head where I had been apparently leaking tons of precum.

I spent the rest of the day in a haze. I was relieved that I would not have to face my father's wrath or my mother's guilt, but wondered what Mr. Porter had in store for me tomorrow. I jerked off twice before finally falling asleep.

I awoke the next morning and gave myself an orgasm before I even rolled out of bed. As soon as I was finished, I remembered my deal with Mr. Porter and frantically checked the clock. His finally words rang ominously in my head as I rushed to shower and get ready for school. I rode my bike extra hard and got to the school with ten minutes to spare.

As I locked my bike in the yard, I saw Mr. Porter getting out of his car in the teacher parking lot and walking in to the building. He really was an impressively built man. From this distance I could appreciate just how powerful and intimidating his large body was. His pants clung to his thick legs and his ass jutted out behind him the same way his gut did in front. Above that his pecs mounded up impressively. He had to be in his mid-fifties with how peppered his thick moustache was. He was completely bald headed on top but a well-trimmed beard darkened the bottom half of his face.

He glanced in my direction and locked eyes with me as he walked and let out that hidden smile again. He looked down at his watch and then back up at me before opening the door and heading inside. I suddenly realized I had been staring at him without moving since he got out of his car. I looked down to see that my cock was hard again and I quickly tried to get myself together and focus.

I went to my locker and got myself ready for first period. Since I didn't know exactly what Mr. Porter had in store for me. I got to his door and knocked timidly before opening it slowly.

"Step inside, boy." Mr. Porter's voice ordered from within. "Come have a seat here." He pointed to a single chair that was next to his desk facing it.

He typed away on his computer while I walked over and settled in. I looked around the room and noticed that the window blinds had all been drawn closed. Once he finished typing he turned to look at me.

"As we discussed, I will be the one who makes sure that you aren't misbehaving in school anymore, if you want to avoid your parents finding out about your perverted little behavior. You understand?"

I nodded nervously. I felt so ashamed and was incredibly nervous about what Mr. Porter was going to make me do. But at the same time I couldn't help but feel excitement.

"Since you aren't able to control yourself, and I can't be with you to correct you when you need it, I'm going to have to give you something that will protect you from indulging your own horny cravings entirely." I was a little nervous about what he could possibly mean, but just nodded in acceptance.

"As I said, this is going to be rather unconventional and you will have to trust and obey me completely if you want this arrangement to work out. You understand, boy?"

My cock throbbed at the word boy and despite my worries, I quickly agreed. I knew whatever he had planned couldn't be worse than what my parents would do to me.

"Good." He said matter-of-factly. "Now stand up and remove your clothing." I froze momentarily but as he continued to stare me down and slowly rose out of the chair and began quietly undressing. He stood up and walked over to the door and turned the lock.

"Don't worry, there's no one here but you and me."

He returned to his desk and pulled out a drawer on the far side, removing a small black box. I was down to my boxers and socks and hoped that he would allow me to keep them on. But as he noticed my hesitation he got a look of annoyance on his face and said

"I told you that you need to obey me completely, didn't I boy?" I nodded and quickly finished removing the last pieces of my clothing.

I was mortified as I stood there now completely naked, in my school, at the mercy of this older man who knew one of my most shameful secrets. Goosebumps formed on my skin as I shivered in the cold room. Unfortunately, despite the cold, my cock was rising again as the humiliation of the situation made me excited.

Mr. Porter, rolled his chair over to me. Even sitting down he was still almost at eye level with my small body. I had always felt self-conscious about being shorter and overall smaller than most of my friends growing up. I had hoped to get above at least 5'10" with puberty, but I had stopped growing just shy of 5'7". Mr. Porter felt enormous as he got up close into my space.

"Hands behind your back." He ordered. "All right let's see what we're working with here." He leaned in to get a closer look at my genitals. "Not very big anywhere, are you boy?" He chuckled.

He reached up and took my little dick into his hands causing me to jump at his touch. He grasped my balls with his other hand and yanked them down roughly, before circling the base with his thumb and forefinger.

I still wasn't sure what he was doing but it all felt very clinical as he seemed to be getting the measure of me. He let go and rolled back to his desk and opened up the black box. Inside were a collection of what looked like large metal rings and other metal objects. He pulled out one of the smaller of the rings, though not the smallest, and brought it over to me.

"The good thing is, you have a rather small dick for a boy your age and that will make this whole process much easier. Men with large cocks are much harder to control than a boy with a little dicklet like you."

I felt a rush of shame wash over as he commented so bluntly on one of my greatest insecurities. He grabbed my junk again began maneuvering my balls through one at a time. My dicklet, as he called it, wasn't fully erect as the cold air seemed to be fighting my erection and he was able to maneuver it through as well without hurting me too much. He leaned back and I looked down seeing the shiny metal band now tightly affixed to the base of my genitals.

He nodded to himself and rolled back over to the box and began searching through it again. This time he pulled out something else that looked like a small tube made of curved metal bars. Before I could process what it could be, he had his hands on my little cock again and began forcefully shoving the tube over it. I winced in pain as he pinched and pulled the skin of my cock until it was firmly inside the small tube. He then connected the small pins of the tube to tiny holes on the metal ring.

As the two pieces fit together, he reached onto the desk and grabbed small metal key with a tiny gold cylinder on it. He inserted the gold cylinder into the device, turned the key, and removed it. He pulled his hands away and sat back to look at his handiwork, smiling with satisfaction. I saw now that my penis was securely encased in the device and realized that getting an erection would be utterly impossible.

I gasped with fear as I realized what I had just allowed Mr. Porter to do to me and looked up to see him smiling fully now and watching my face to see my reaction.

"This is your new chastity cage, boy. It's a device made just for boys like you who have no self-control." He said proudly. "Each school day you will report here to my classroom just as today, before class, so I can put it on you. And at the end of each day, I will remove it after our final class."

I was in utter shock as I realized that he intended to do this to me every school day from now on.

He turned to his desk and placed the key into the top drawer and closed it. "I will hold on to the key to make sure that you are unable to touch yourself or act on your horny impulses while you are in school." He removed a set of keys from his pocket and I watched in fear as he locked the drawer that now contained my only hope of freedom.

"As long as you behave yourself and don't attempt to disobey me, you will be able to go home and jerk your tiny little dicklet off to your hearts content. But you will not be doing it here. Do you understand me, boy?"

I was feeling so vulnerable in that moment as I processed the extent of my predicament but I nodded my head in agreement.

"Speak up boy!" He barked, suddenly sounding much more demanding.

"Yes sir!" I chirped.

"You're going to obey me. You understand boy?" His tone longer sounded like he was asking, but instead commanding me.

"Yes sir." I affirmed.

"Good boy. Now put your clothes back on and head off to class. I'll see you at the end of the day."

I felt a rush of warmth travel down my spine and into my now imprisoned cock as he called me a good boy. I quickly started putting my clothes on left the room.

Once I got into the hall I realized that despite the fact that I couldn't jerk off, I was hornier than I'd ever been in my whole life!

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Off to a great start!

nakedfaggotnakedfaggot11 months ago

I forgot how hot this story was. Can't wait for part 2

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Love it and can't wait for part two

bisub22bisub2212 months ago

Can't wait for part 2

nakedfaggotnakedfaggotabout 1 year ago

I'm happy this story got the Hot tag. 7th time I've cum to this story

bobswallowsbobswallowsabout 1 year ago

Loved it, cant wait for more

BoyMeetsCageBoyMeetsCageabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks so much for the positive feedback y’all! I’m brand new to this and that comment was actually really discouraging. But I’m glad to know that others enjoyed it and now I’m excited to finish and post part 2 for y’all soon!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Boymeetscage, as much as I'd love for your to read my stories I only post on a03. Its the site that isn't clogged with ads and isn't designed like a early 2000s forumn. I come here out of boredom from time to time, usually for the lols.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

@BoyMeetsCage I think it was a great story, even if the real world implications were as bad as they are .. I can't tell you how many times I fantasized about something just like this happening to me while I was in school.

Now that I'm legal, (almost too late to make a difference, lol) I enjoy my cage very much because it means my CBT top isn't hurting me, and my (soon to be) wife has my complete loyalty. And the anticipation of her releasing me for her pleasure is so delicious.

RSchwulerRSchwulerabout 1 year ago

Great story. Ignore the sad trolls. This was fun and hot, and I'm excited for part 2.

nakedfaggotnakedfaggotabout 1 year ago

idk what's wrong with the below comment but this story was hot and I can't wait for more. I don't like it when the story later makes it a permanent situation but it's also not my story. Either way, I've now came 3 times to this story. I hope you write more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Can't wait to see what other fun tasks the teacher has.

Keep the story rolling.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Oh what a wonderful start , can’t wait for the next part

BoyMeetsCageBoyMeetsCageabout 1 year agoAuthor

Dear anonymous, I’m so sorry the free jerk-off material I wrote wasn’t groundbreaking enough for you. I can’t believe I wrote a story for a fantasy site that is not completely realistic. I’d love to read some of your work sometime in order to help me learn.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

LOL. Do you fucking know how easily this teacher can be reported for sexual harassment. Holy shit this would never work or happen in real life. It's so insanely stupid you can even suspend your disbelief to 'enjoy' this carbon copy story.

Lemme guess slowly the teacher starts giving the kid increasingly impossible tasks to be 'unlocked' until eventually he cant complete tasks and is entirely at the teachers will. The teacher then will start fucking him or having the boy be fucked by the football coach or some other men from school. Probably will takenpocs of the boy as further blackmail....yawn. won't be continuing.

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