Loneliest Man Who Ever Lived Ch. 15


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"Oh Harry," said Goldie, with a genuine smile.

Harry proceeded to pull off her skirt and panties. Goldie wouldn't have stopped him even if she could. Harry rapidly pulled off his own clothes, and in seconds he was inside of her. There was no foreplay; there was just primal, aggressive intercourse.

Goldie's entire body jolted violently upwards every time Harry thrust into her. She felt her head banging lightly against the backboard. She heard the groans of the bedsprings as Harry pounded into her. She felt him taking her with a passion, with an extreme need she never felt before. It excited her in a way she had never felt before.

Harry was so aggressive, so dominant, so alpha male. She saw the glazed look in his eyes as he worked her over. Harry wasn't being concerned; Harry wasn't being thoughtful. Harry had turned into a pure savage, a complete animal. And she had done that to him. She had turned the smartest male in the world into a savage animal. Goldie felt proud. And then Harry's face, contorted like she had never seen it, gave a roar which shook her, and she felt him freeze inside of her tautly, as he exploded deep within her. Goldie's orgasm came at that moment, triggered by the knowledge of her tremendous achievement, that she had turned a shy, procrastinating man into an aggressive, jealous lover. She found herself crying out his name, as he flooded into her, and smiled as she felt her orgasm, radiating out in waves from her vagina, which was a little sore... but didn't prevent her from feeling very, very satisfied, and triumphant.

And then, only after he was done, she saw the light of civilization return to his eyes. Harry looked at himself as if he were a stranger. Then he looked at Goldie, as the bruise marks on her upper arm, where he had grabbed her tightly; the light bruises on her neck, where he had kissed her passionately; and the bite marks around her bright red areolas.

"Goldie..." he whispered. "I'm so sorry."

Goldie slapped him in the face.

Harry looked startled.

"I don't want to hear that word from you ever again, Harry Crater," said Goldie. "I want to hear that you love me, and you'll protect me, and you won't give me to other men, and you won't stand by and let other men fuck me."

"Never," said Harry. "Never again. But...."

"But what?"

"But what if we find the Chair, and we find out what was done to you? Won't you want to reverse it?"

Goldie paused a moment. "I don't know. I don't think so. Not if it means losing you. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. If we come to it. For now, we're together, and I don't want anything to come between us. I love you, Harry Crater."

"And I love you, Goldie MacPherson."

The Second Rule of Alexandra was dead and buried.


"They call it the Archive."

"The what?" said Goldie.

"The Archive," said Harry.

He and Goldie had rented an apartment in Orlando. It was early February and the rest of the nation was still in the grips of winter. Harry had spent the time trying to decipher more of the data he had downloaded from The Foundation.

At first, he had suggested to Goldie that they go after one of the other names on The Foundation's "people of interest" list. But Goldie had put her hands on her hips and said, "Every time we've done that, we've been captured by some group of fanatics."

Harry frowned. "I wouldn't call John Connor a group of fanatics. He was simply an individual who was taking advantage-"

"Of your girlfriend," said Goldie, smiling sweetly.

Harry winced. "Do you have to be like that?"

"Like what?" said Goldie, sitting down on Harry's lap.

"Always so... rough around the edges," said Harry.

"You're right, Harry. You're always right. Would you rather I be like this?" And suddenly her face was blank, and her voice a monotone. "Harry, are we going to investigate another name from the list? What a good idea! I will get my shoes. I cannot wait to start on another fun and exciting adven-"

Her words were abruptly cut off as Harry kissed her. "Mmmm," said Goldie, squirming on his lap and wrapping her arms around him.

When he pulled back, he said, "You're right. Don't change. It's one of the things I love about you."

"You know, Harry, you've never told me exactly what it is you do love about me," said Goldie. "We both know why I love you. It's because I've been programmed to. You have absolutely no redeeming qualities any woman would find attractive." She ticked them off on her fingers. "Handsome, no. Brilliant, never. Creative? Have yet to see it. Good in bed? Wouldn't know." She smiled at him. "But you're not programmed to love me. So what's your excuse?"

Harry felt a stirring in his groin as he felt the warm weight of the very attractive female in his lap. "Are you fishing for compliments, Goldie?"

"Always," she said, kissing him again.

"All right," he said, looking at her appraisingly. "You're beautiful. You're sexy-"

"It's funny how those are always the first two things out of a man's-"

"Are you going to let me finish?" Harry asked.

Goldie, uncharacteristically, fell silent. "As I was saying. You're beautiful, and great in bed. But you're also wild, usually in a good way-"


He kissed her to silence her again.

"And you're funny, and witty, and... lively. It really came to me, when we were on the island and they were trying to get me to...."

"Fuck all those women?"

"Yes, as you so delicately put it. They were wonderful girls, all of them. But they didn't have your... vivaciousness," said Harry.

Goldie looked at him judgmentally. "Just for that, you've earned another kiss." And she pressed her lips against his straddling him so her legs were on the ground, and her groin was almost flush against his. She felt his burgeoning hardness, and smiled. "So, what have you come up with? Besides the other thing, I mean."

She loved it when Harry reddened. She grinned as she climbed out of his lap.

"I have decoded another section of the database I downloaded from The Foundation. This one is full of information about genetics."

"Genetics? What does that have to do with anything?"

"I don't know," said Harry. "But there are repeated references to a place called 'The Archive'."

"Do we have a location?"

"No, but one of the files has a photo."

"Carl!" said Goldie.

"Yes, Goldie?" said Carl.

"Say, Carl, I just had a thought. Do you listen in when Harry makes love to me?" Goldie asked.

"Carl, don't answer that," said Harry. "I'm uploading a photo. I want you to check all planetary databases and find us a location."


Goldie wrapped her arms around Harry's chest. "While Carl's processing, why don't we do the same?"

Harry smiled and got up.

"But first, turn off the link to Carl! I don't want him listening in!"

"But what if he finds the location?"

"So? You can't wait five minutes to find the location?"

"Five minutes?" said Harry.

"Or ten, if we do it twice," said Goldie.

"Come here, woman," he growled, as he pulled her towards the bedroom.

It was actually two hours before Harry reactivated the link to Carl. They didn't actually have sex for all that time, of course. Harry just liked lying next to Goldie, and looking at her. Especially when her eyes were closed. She looked so angelic when she was sleeping.

Her breasts, so round and firm, were fun to look at too. Harry hated to admit it, but when he made little bite marks on them, it turned him on even more.

The dark triangle between her legs also filled him with lust. Somehow the idea of a blonde woman with dark pubic hair excited him beyond reason. He especially enjoyed seeing it after sex, when her pubic bush was wet and sweaty, and he could see their combined wetness oozing out of her slit.

Goldie, of course, noticed him staring at her body, but Harry think she liked it. At least, she smiled at him as he looked at her. Whenever Harry would get hard, just by looking at her, she would grin and look very pleased with herself.

Two hours later, feeling refreshed and relaxed, they found a location. It was in St. Louis, Missouri.

It was a non-descript office building on the seedier side of town. Harry and Goldie observed it for a while. It seemed empty.

"Do you think we should call in the FBI, Harry?" Goldie asked.

Harry shook his head. "They'll just chase us away. There may be information in there that will lead us to Claire." He paused. "Besides, I don't want Greg muscling in on my woman."

Goldie hugged him. "FINALLY! You're starting to act like a man, Harry, and I like it!"

Harry grinned.


Harry and Goldie, with compression pistols drawn, snuck into the building under the cover of darkness.

The offices were abandoned. There was a lock on the door, but Harry overrode it. He had a number of handy tools he had developed for missions like these.

They crept inside. They used flashlights, since all the lights were off. They came across row after row of empty desks, and pulled out computer cores.

"Looks abandoned," said Goldie.

"Let's keep looking."

They eventually went down into a basement, where they saw large drawers, rows and rows of them, as far as the eye can see.

Goldie moved to open one of them, and shined a light on the contents. She screamed, almost dropping her flashlight.

It was a human body.

"Is it..."

"Dead," said Harry, feeling for a pulse.

"But... he looks so young?"

"We'd need an autopsy to find out more," said Harry.

They quickly checked several more drawers.

They all contained human bodies.

The drawers were alphabetized. Harry started walking down the rows.

"Harry, where are you going?"

"To follow up a nasty hunch," said Harry.

Goldie ran after him.

Harry went to the row of filing cabinets that said "C" over them. He opened up one after another after another... until one made Goldie scream again.

Inside the drawer was Harry. Harry opened up another drawer, and another, and another.

All in all he found four Harrys.

All dead.

"What... how?"

Harry didn't answer. He started walking down the rows. He went to the letter M.

"No," Goldie whispered, as he started opening drawers.

It took him seven tries before he found her.

The Archives contained four dead Harry Craters, and one dead Goldie MacPherson.

"What are they?"

"Clones," said Harry.

"But... they're fully grown. No one has the technology to do this."

"Evidently The Foundation does." Harry looked around. "Let's get out of here."



They made it back to their hotel without incident.

"This explains a lot of things," said Harry.

"It does?" said Goldie. She shivered, and Harry wrapped his arms around her.

"That medical exam they wanted so badly. I thought they wanted my brainscan."

"They didn't?"

"Oh, they did. I saw Doctor Severin practically drooling over it. But that was only a secondary goal. I think primarily they wanted my blood."

"For cloning?"

"Yes," said Harry.

"But... why would they want to clone you? Four times? And me, one time?"

"Think of it. I'm the smartest man in the world, so they say. Imagine four Harry Craters, working for them."

"But they weren't working for them. They were dead."

"Or were killed, when they failed to meet expectations. I'm no coroner, but my guess is that they were poisoned."


"We'll need autopsies to be sure," said Harry.

"Harry, I'm frightened," said Goldie. "That other me... in that drawer... they remade me, and then they killed me."

"It wasn't you," said Harry. "It was another you."

"But why?"

"It's all too clear now," said Harry.

She hit his arm. "Well, tell the rest of us, who aren't geniuses, Harry!"

"What do mind control and clones add up to?" Harry looked at Goldie. "An army, Goldie. They're planning to take over the world. They fast grow clones of the most promising people, and then brainwash them to suit their purposes."

"But an army, Harry? You're no soldier. And I'm certainly not."

"An army needs more than just soldiers," said Harry. "These are just the ones we found. Who knows how many more Harry's or Goldie's there are running around, out there."

"Well, if there are any more Goldie's, they can't have you. You're taken," said Goldie. She turned her head to face him, giving him the signal. He responded obediently, kissing her.

"Ummm," said Goldie, her eyes closed.

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Boyd PercyBoyd Percy12 months ago

Harry needs help. He doesn't know much about women!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Saved by Goldie wielding a compression pistol twice in two successive chapters. Are the creative wellsprings running a bit dry? 3 stars for this chapter

edewsgibedewsgibabout 1 year ago

Ugh, Harry is such a moron I can't take it any more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It's a shame Harry couldn't put a clone of himself inside his loving companion Goldie. Then put a clone of her in her belly, too. Harry had better marry his loving wife soon, and try reversing her disease and put an army of babies in his wife-Goldie. As frustrated as she gets, she loves him, and for all they've been through, she's Mrs. Harry Crater, loving wife and hopefully, mother! THAT is HER dream!

Comentarista82Comentarista82about 1 year ago

To be fair, I wouldn't say this installment was perfect, but I still rated it a 5, and mainly because Goldie literally slapped sense into Harry and it was getting tiresome to see him continue doubting her love and what he has to offer. She loves him and wants him and she should have told him off and slapped the hell out of him for so readily giving her over to Greg and to John (obviously you love Terminator), and I can't say I blame her for having sex with him--if only to make Harry jealous.

Them finding the clones makes sense because Severin took Harry's brainscan and obviously was hoping to transfer it into a clone. However, for this series to look stronger, Harry has to start thinking AHEAD and taking proactive steps so he follows Goldie's advice in 1) not walking into a trap and 2) having some countermeasure in place to help them. Also, it can't continue just being the "two of them against the world," as they need to find some allies--but not necessarily to gum up the works, either (no cucking, swinging, etc). These 2 work well as a couple and should not be separated.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbumabout 1 year ago

Who was keeping the garden beautiful. John had “run” off chief gardener and had her and doing stock market trading? The cloning seems to a failure if there is so many corpses.

Bronco56Bronco56about 1 year ago

Keeps getting better. 5stars

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