Lonely Days, Lonely Nights


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I knew that Karl's job in Seattle started in just about three weeks, with him spending the first three days of this week visiting, and finding us an apartment.

We talked each night, but with the three hour time difference, we had to be very creative with our talking.

On Thursday, late afternoon, he returned and I just couldn't get enough of him that night. Friday, after work, he took me to his office, closed the door and looked me straight in the eyes and asked me to marry him.

I just couldn't say yes, fast enough. He showed me the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. He told me he would ask for my parents permission on Sunday. I asked him if I should wear the ring, or not. He told me not to jump the gun, but I just couldn't stop staring at this token of our love.

Sunday afternoon, I introduced my Karl to my parents, Brian and Erin Harris. My grandmother, Ellen was there, too. We all sat in the living room, and before my family got their chance to start grilling my fiance, he looked my family in their eyes and said, "Mr. and Mrs. Harris, and grandma, I want to ask your permission to marry Donna."

You could have heard a pin drop. Finally, my mother softly said, it's fine with us, but will it be here, or in Seattle?

"It will be here, as almost all of my family lives here, too."

It was my grandmother who asked if they should be concerned about our age difference. We told them that concerned Karl's parents, too, but it really didn't bother us all that much.

Yes, we all talked about the religious difference, too, just as we did with his folks.

While eating dinner, it was Karl who mentioned there wasn't all that much difference between families.

It was discussed about Karl starting his job in two weeks, and after some getting settled time, I would move out to Seattle, with him. As we were telling my parents this, I noticed mom putting her hand on dads, to calm him down.

"You know, Brian, she's a big girl, so try keeping that in mind."

"Karl, I need to trust you, but if you hurt my little girl, I will finish what your Rabbi started, when you were a baby." He said this with a smile, but I also see a tear in one eye.

Just sitting around talking after dinner, my dad asked Karl what school his mom worked at.

"Overbrook High School."

"Wow, you know that Wilt Chamberlain and Walt Hazzard both went there, don't you?"

"Yes, mom was there when Hazzard was there. He disappointed all the Temple and LaSalle fans when he went to UCLA."

With both families finally meeting each other, and Karl off to the great unknown, I started helping mom and grandma planning my wedding. Yes, they had misgivings. We'd only known each other about six months. Yes, there was the nearly 15 year age difference. And, yes. the religion difference. Of course, my family wanted to know which church would we raise our kids in. I had to tell them we hadn't got married, yet, and barely talked about that subject, ourselves.

About three weeks into Karl's new job, he phones me saying he is sending me pictures of two different places he is looking at for us to live.

Three days later, I was walking into my apartment, with the mail, finding a fairly large envelope. Opening it up, my mouth dropped open, staring at pictures of two different homes. Not apartments, but houses! Just as I was finishing gawking at these two homes, my phone began ringing. Knowing who it was, I picked it up and shouted, are you kidding me!

"Hello to you too, my love!"

"Karl, I thought we were apartment hunting."

"Honey, sit down, please. The two big bosses told me that with the growth all around the campus I would be working near, it was very advantageous to buy a house, sooner than later."

I just couldn't form any words. In actual fact, I started to softly cry.

"Oh, no Donna, don't do that, please."

"Karl, this is beyond my wildest dreams. I thought, maybe 5 to 10 years from now, having a house, nothing like these two, and not right away."

"Honey, one of my signing perks is a low cost loan, for a decent down payment, making this all possible. OK?"

"OK. I love you, so much."

"I love you more."

Three more weeks, and I was on a plane heading West. Never having been West of Pittsburgh, this was quite an adventure. I was carrying a folder full of wedding information, and was going to look at two houses. Houses, for God's sake, not apartments.

Picking me up at the airport, I flew into his arms, and if the jerks waiting behind us hadn't honked their horns, we might still be there.

Getting to his temporary digs, we fell into bed, ripping our clothes off so fast, we nearly forgot a condom. This was not making love, this was fucking, in every sense of the word.

"Tomorrow, we have an appointment to see one of the houses I sent you a picture of."

I just stared up at my hubby to be and nodded. Whispering in his ear, asking if he had another condom close by. Showing me another, we got down to love making. Slow, sensual, love making. I just couldn't get enough.

Finally getting into bed, after cleaning up, I was still too excited to sleep. Hearing the alarm, I forced myself into the shower, and was soon joined by Karl, with his cock already rock hard. Lifting one of my legs, he started thrusting into my very welcoming cunt. As I could feel him tensing up, I yelled, not inside of me! He pulled out just in time, and shot his stuff all over the walls, while holding me tight enough to keep me from falling.

I had to remind him, we really weren't ready for children, just yet.

To say the first house knocked my socks off was an understatement. Four bedrooms, plus a den/home office. 3 full bathrooms and just over 3,800 square feet. The real estate agent must have thought I was off my rocker, as I stood in Karl's arms sobbing. Sobbing with joy.

"Do we even need to look at the other one." Knowing it wasn't as nice as this one. Instead of looking at the second house, we sat with the agent writing our proposal.

With a wedding to plan in just a few more weeks, Karl drove me around our new area, showing me the vast difference in Redmond, Washington, founded in 1912, and Philly being founded in 1682.

After two more full days, I hated to leave, but I needed to put the finishing touches on our wedding. I also needed to get a few things packed and ready to start my new life.

Our wedding was in my family's church, but we held it on a Sunday afternoon. Our families were all ready. The bride and groom were more than ready. We showed both our families pictures of our new house, which they both loved.

My dad was over the moon walking his only daughter down the aisle. Both my grandmother and Karl's grandfather were adorable, walking down the aisle, together.

We said our vows and I do's. Karl smashed a little glass, which was a Jewish tradition. Wow, at just under 21 years of age, I was married to the man of my dreams.

Our reception was in full swing with some lively music and dancing. After sitting watching the guests dance, Karl's granddad walked up to my grandma and asked her to dance, as it was a slow song. They were absolutely adorable.

As they finished, right in front of us, George gave Ellen a little peck on the cheek, saying "not bad for a 'goyisha kopf' (non Jewish head)" to which my grandma replied, "not bad for a 'randy scouse git' (horny Liverpool bastard)' Everybody within earshot cracked up. The two oldsters really seemed to hit it off.

Our honeymoon, if it could be called that, was spent moving into our beautiful, new house. My things arrived a few days after we returned, and I spent a full week, getting everything arranged just how I wanted it.

A week later, I started my new job, assisting, but rarely working directly with Karl. This was OK with me, because I was in a constant state of horniness. Almost every night, as soon as dinner was finished, we were in bed. Condoms were replaced by pills, and we seemed to find new an exciting ways to show our true love for each other.

As our first anniversary was nearing, with both our jobs proving to be exactly what we both wanted, we were enjoying so quiet time, one weekend, when we turned to each other, and virtually said, let's start a family, at the same time.

I couldn't stop taking my pills fast enough, and we practiced as often as possible. Just about ten weeks later, I was positive I was pregnant. Both sets of parents were overjoyed, and the oldsters were over the moon, with another addition to the family.

My OB/Gyn confirmed my suspicion, and after an ultrasound we found out we were going to have a little girl.

"Karl, were you hoping for a boy?" I asked, once we returned home.

"Not a chance. We could have an entire basketball team of girls and I wouldn't be disappointed."

Just over six months later, Barbara Jean Howard made her debut, tipping the scales at 7 pounds 4 ounces and exactly 20 inches long. What little hair she had was a light brown, just like mine. She was the most beautiful baby in the world, but my mom reminded me I was a little biased.

We emailed pictures back east so each set of parents could brag to their friends on this new addition.

As we were getting into our routine, at home, it was my wonderful hubby who suggested me taking some extra time off, telling me he wasn't a huge fan of day care, and we were doing well enough financially, it could be possible.

It took me about 30 seconds to agree. Becomming a full time mommy suited me just fine.

Approaching Barbara's 7 month birthday, yes we celebrated each month, Karl whispered in my ear, after a great love making session, "you know, my dear, I'm not getting any younger, so if we want to add another child, we shouldn't wait too long."

Wow, did I want more children? You bet your behind I did. I couldn't toss out my pills, fast enough. With the size of our house, it needed more kids to really make it a home.

Just over two months later, I knew before my Doctor's appointment I was pregnant, again. This time we really were shocked. We were having twins! Even better, we were having one of each. Barbara would have both a brother and a sister.

With twins, I was told that the pregnancy could be difficult, but I guess I was lucky, as I had a minimum of issues. Yes, I was the size of a house, and, yes, I had weird food cravings, but all in all, with the most loving husband by my side, this truthfully wasn't all that bad.

About three weeks early, our twins wanted to join their big sister. Getting prepped, and getting wheeled into the delivery room, I was more than ready to see our new arrivals.

After about 90 minutes of labor Janet Elaine made her presence known. 5 pounds 11 ounces, 18 inches exactly, and just a tiny bit of dark brown hair, just like her daddy's. Three minutes later, Jerome Michael joined us. 5 pounds 8 ounces, 17 1/2 inches and the same hairdo as his sister.

To say I was exhausted would have been an understatement. To say Karl was ecstatic was another understatement. To see both our babies laying on my chest, staring up at me nearly had me in tears.

Was our family complete? We both thought so. After carrying these two for nearly nine months, my body needed a rest. I knew daddy would help with diapers, but his boobs weren't equipped for feeding.

Two days later, we took our newborns home. At 14 months, Barb was walking all over the place, and just started talking a few words. After seeing her new siblings, her only words were 'oh' twice. One oh for each sibling.

With Karl becoming very well placed in the tax world, we knew I wouldn't ever need to go back to work. With three little ones, under the age of 14 months, I had more than enough to keep me busy.

With two newborns and a toddler, I never lacked for things to do. Chasing after a very active toddler, while tending to twin babies, got my body back into some semblance of shape in no time. About the only time Barb would slow down was when I was nursing one of her siblings. She just showed a natural curiosity. Each evening when daddy came home, she was daddy's little girl. I never objected, because I did truly need a break.

Some people talk about twins being so alike, but ours were exactly opposite. While Janet was quiet, studying all of her surroundings, Jerry was always moving either his arms or legs and always babbling.

Watching both of them prosper, growing by leaps and bounds, as well as Barb really helping me in many ways. I kept thinking she just might be a teacher, some day.

When Barb started kindergarten, and the twins were in preschool, I didn't know what to do with my time. I became a volunteer. At both schools.

I met many other mothers, some very nice, and some not so much. I guess that was to be expected in any group.

After a few months at preschool, the teacher asked if both of us could come in for a talk. Naturally, we were concerned.

As we entered their classroom, the very nice teacher asked us both if we competed in sports.

When we told her we didn't, she told us that Jerry was extremely coordinated for a pre schooler. He was throwing and catching a ball, tossed by one of the volunteers. He also ran faster than most of the other kids.

Wow, we both thought, we might have a budding athlete. Karl promised me he would never push him to do anything he didn't want to do.

All through grade school, neither girl was interested in sports, except to watch their little brother play baseball. When he was old enough, he asked to sign up for Little League. He asked Karl what position he should play. Dad's answer floored me.

"Son, the more positions you can play the more valuable to your team you become."

In Little League, he started out playing both shortstop and second base. As he progressed into Junior High, he made the varsity as a 7th grader. He had worked his behind off, playing any position the coach asked. Except catcher. By the time he was a Sophomore in high school, he was starting to get noticed, both by pro scouts, and major colleges.

With the twins entering their senior year, and Barb off to Western Washington, majoring in education, Jerry asked both of us about what he should do, after graduation.

Both of us sat him down, with Janet, too, telling him he had to make up his own mind. Yes, education was and still is important to us, we told him, but playing a professional sport is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

During his career in high school, he kept a very decent .320 batting average, and hit for a modest amount of power. What set him apart was, no matter what position he played, his fielding was top notch.

With Janet already accepted to Seattle U, thinking she wanted to be a lawyer, Jerry was getting dozens of colleges looking at him. Pro scouts, too.

After their graduation, and accepting an offer to Stanford, we waited to see how high he would go in the June amateur draft.

He wound up being drafted with the 3rd pick of the 2nd round. This was a very good point to start. Karl wasn't thrilled having him drafted by the Kansas City team, but at least when he made the Major Leagues, he would play in Seattle every year.

After much discussion, including both of his sisters, he signed his first professional contract. With Barb starting her second year at Western, and Janet going to Seattle U, and Jerry playing baseball in Southern Oregon, our house would soon be very empty.

Even with Janet planning to live at home, to start, I had to find more to keep me busy. I was approached by several lady friends who asked if I wanted to volunteer at the foundation that was started by Gates, Jr. and his wife. Oh, my, helping a foundation that had millions, if not billions of dollars at their disposal. Not only would it get me out of the house, it would give me some extra purpose in my life.

Don't get me wrong, raising three beautiful children, seeing all three on their own roads to success, was extremely fulfilling, but I just wanted more.

Karl and I planned a short, impromptu road trip to watch Jerry's very first professional game. It was only Class A ball, but he had to start somewhere.

Just seeing him take the field, brought tears to our eyes. His team didn't win, but he did get one hit, and played shortstop, perfectly.

It was driving back home, the next day that Karl complained about a pain in his left arm and shoulder. If I hadn't nagged him, he would have ignored it, but he did go to his doctor, two days after our return.

He was told that he needed at least one stent in his heart, maybe two. This procedure was scheduled for the following Monday.

Two stents were placed, and he was given a little different diet. It was also suggested that he exercise a bit more. Not to lose weight, but just to get his body stronger.

Jerry called telling us he was moving up to a Class AA team for the last three weeks of the season, so it seemed as if someone was seeing something promising in his play. He told his dad that what he told him when he first started to play, that the more positions he could play the more valuable he would be.

Our girls were doing well in school, and Jerry was very proud of his first foray into pro baseball. My volunteering was very exciting, as I met some very interesting people. I learned quite a bit from these folks. I also learned, the first time I called the head honcho Mrs. Gates, that she was Melinda, and just one of 'The Team'

Barb was on course to graduate in three years, and was accepted into grad school at Western. Janet was doing very well, in Pre-Law, with her sights set on law school. Jerry was invited to the major league spring training site, with no guarantees of making the big team.

Barb was off to grad school, Janet starting her final year of college, and Jerry was to start at a AAA minor league team. Next stop, the major leagues.

Didn't they all just learn to walk?

Karl was working less hours, and keeping to his diet and exercise routine. Yes, some of his exercises took place in bed, but that was getting less frequent. With his medications, he truly felt bad that he wasn't up to the challenge as he once was.

One night, after just cuddling and a not too successful attempt at sex, Karl took my face in both hands and tearfully told me he was OK if I needed another outlet for sex.

"Oh, Karl, I could never do anything like that, to you. With or without your permission, that just isn't me!"

One afternoon, a few days later at my work, two ladies, both older than me took me aside and told me they noticed a sadness in my eyes.

I trusted them enough to tell them why, when together they showed me, online, a website for sex toys. They both told me they used either a plain dildo or vibrator, with their husband's knowledge and permission.

When I told Karl, that evening, he just grinned like a teenager.

The next day, Jerry texted us that he was being called up to the Majors, and his first game would be in Seattle, in three days!

My God, we couldn't get tickets fast enough. Barb asked if she could bring her special boyfriend, that we had only met once, but found him to be a very nice young man. Janet told us a few of her friends would be there, too.

All in all, there wound up being 18 people in our group. Sitting in very good seats, right behind Kansas City's dugout, cheering for our son. Jerry was in the big leagues.

His dad was beaming. His mom was too, even though I still wasn't all that well versed in the game. His sisters were yelling louder than all of us, which seemed to embarrass him the most.

As he spent the rest of the season in the majors, we got to see him a few more times. He finished his rookie season making the rookie all-star team and winning a Gold Glove, which I had to be told was for being the best fielder at his position.

Oh, yes, my purchase had arrived, and it took a little coaching both from my friends at work and an online tutorial to make sure to get the most out of my MBF. Mechanical Boy Friend.