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Alexander has pined for Kodan... Will he finally get her?
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/28/2012
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Hi, guys! This is my first story post, so feel free to comment and what not! This is not a sex story—don't worry, the sex will come soon!! I just wanted to try my hand at setting the atmosphere, so lemme know if I'm hitting the mark, or crashing and burning. Anyway, thanks for reading!

Alexander Rydderch sighed to himself as he lulled over his theory notes. To any bypasser, he would appear to be a normal university student—scratch that, nonormaluni student would be sitting, let alone studying, in the university library on a Friday afternoon. To any bypasser, he'd look like a lonely bookworm.

It wasn't as if he really would care if anyone thought him to be as such. He had the capability to be social. He just no longer had the desire to bother dealing with twenty-something-year-olds, who would rather act as if they were still in secondary school. He was a senior in college, for Christ's sake! He didn't have time for children.

In fact, Alexander wasn't even alone at the library. He just happened to be sitting a few feet away from the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on—a woman he had known now for two years—and yet couldn't muster up the courage to ask her on a proper date. Hell, he could barely ask her any type of question without her prompting him, for that matter.

Alexander was a far cry from shy when it came to women, even as a young boy. He had always been a good looking male, and he knew it. He was originally from Wales, and he was damn proud of it. He had transferred to Stanford University in the States, just to piss his mother off. He loved her to death—but she was a pain in his ass. He wasn't short, but he wasn't overly tall, either. The last time his physician measured him, he was two inches short of six feet. He was content with his height; he preferred women of shorter stature, anyway. He had an angular face: strong jawline, broad neck. His facial features, as a grown man of 23 years, reminded most people of Iwan Rheon's character, Simon Bellamy, on the TV series Misfits. Alexander never quite understood why people said he looked like the television character, and not the actual actor himself. He worked out regularly, almost religiously. His body was well defined, and only slightly tanned. His hair was a deep, rich brown, and his eyes were usually a warm grey... that is, until he got pissed. The soft, inviting grey would transform into an icy, piercing, slate hue when he was angry.

He had a deep timbre in voice, though not quite a baritone. He was definitely a tenor. He was softspoken, with a fairly heavy Welsh accent that would make anyone swoon who listened to him for more than two seconds.

Oh no, he had no problem with attracting women at all.

Except for this Aphrodite goddess sitting next to him.

"Duw, gadewch i mi gael geiriau i siarad heddiw..." he thought, fervently praying to God to let him have words to speak today. But he knew what would happen: he would give himself a pep talk about how even though she was the most incredible woman he'd ever met, she was still a woman, and he was a man. A Welsh man. A confident, Welsh man. And he could do this, and she would say yes. Then he'd look up, see those full, pouty lips, feel his cock instantly harden, freeze in his tracks, and lower his head down in shame and defeat. 'Confident, Welsh man, my ass.' his conscience screamed to him.

Kodan Girard pretended to study her Calculus notes. Normally, she would be immersed in her studies—but she was on edge for some reason. She couldn't help but notice that her study companion, Alexander, was glancing at her far more than usual today.

She was used to this kind of behavior... from almost every man she met, actually. Most tried to come off as confident, but made themselves look like complete fools. She wasn't into dickheads. A few of them were literally afraid to talk to her. She found those quite amusing. But, she wasn't looking for scared boys. She was very much interested in men—and women, if she was completely honest.

Kodan was no ordinary woman. She had graduated high school in the top 3% of her class at 16, gotten her bachelor's degrees in Accounting and Actuarial Science at 19, and was now working on starting her second year of graduate studies in both fields at 21. She was extremely intelligent, beyond attractive—and comically short.

Kodan stood at one inch below five feet, on a good day. She was of mixed descent, truthfully. Her father was Italian-American, her mother was Haitian. She rarely associated herself with her Italian descent. Her mother was all she knew for most of her life, and as far as Kodan knew, she didn't need nor want to have any Italian pride. She was destined to be a small woman, as she knew that her father was only 5'8", and her mother was 5'2". Still, Kodan never expected that she would never even reach five feet. Her physician was adamant in making sure that she understood this.

It never detracted from her beauty, though. Her skin was the warm color of toffee, almost bronzed. She definitely resembled more of an African than an Italian. Her eyes were almond-shaped, and were a deep shade of green with a hazel inner ring. She didn't know where she got her eyes from: both her parents' eyes were brown. She had a small button nose, and full lips, like her mother. The only trait she possessed from her father was the ability to grow her hair quite long. Her locks were a deep burgundy/brown fusion that lengthened almost to the small of her back. She was a very petite woman in relation to her waist up. She was blessed to have a full chest, but her waist looked dreadfully pinched. To add to the awkwardness, her butt and hips were an easy 38 inches. Her mother always laughed and said, "Petit, the good Lord spliced you together."

She had a surprisingly strong voice for someone so small. Yelling was rarely something she ever participated in, but when she did, she could shut down an entire roomful of conversations. She was a spunky little thing.

Still, she longed for someone that just wouldn't be so damn juvenile... she was tired of the asswipes to tried to ask her out. Just because she was only 21 didn't mean she had to date beneath her. She was definitely sick of the neediness of women. All the damn shopping, girl talk, and crying was driving her insane. Her last girlfriend... "Ugh," Kodan shivered, trying to shake loose the memory of her ex, Lauryn. That bitch was crazy.

She remembered the first day she met Alexander. He was sitting in her usual study spot in the Special Collections Library.

'Who the hell is in my spot?!' Kodan thought, fuming that some jackass decided to help himself to her seat.

"Hey, Jacob," she called out to the student aide behind the information desk. "Who's that kid?"

"Which kid, Kody?" Jacob silently prayed that Kodan would keep her cool.

"You know damn well which one I'm talkin' bout, Jake. The kid with the big ears, and the screwed up haircut, who's sitting in my goddamn chair!" she barely remembered to whisper this time. Last time a student sat in 'her spot', Kodan almost got thrown out.

"Kody, his ears aren't even that big,"

"That'sallyou have to say?! How long has he been there?!"

"Only about half an hour-"

"He sat inmyseat forhalf an hour, and youknewthat I was gonna be here, and you didn't tell him to move?!"

"Kody, would you chill out? All the other seats were taken, and he just needed to-"

"Oh, so it's full right now, huh? Ain't no empty seats?!" Kodan interrupted once again, dramatizing the emptiness of the room with her arms.

"Damn it, Kodan! I will go tell him to move!" Jacob stormed off, muttering obscenities to himself that Kodan didn't quite catch.

Kodan honestly didn't know why she always threw a fit over that damn chair. Maybe it was the fact that she had sorted out most of her college problems in that seat. It was her security blanket, so to speak. It's where she found out her father's true occupation, and that she would soon be taking over. She learned that she had no choice in the matter, either. It was where she quietly cried, until she could muster up the strength to get back to her apartment. That chair was her comfort—and she damn sure wasn't gonna let some punk with a bad haircut take her comfort away from her.

'Okay,' she admitted, 'his haircut is actually pretty cute. From the back, at least.'

That's when he stood up, stretched, and turned around.

Her breath caught in her throat. He was an Adonis! Tall, fine, built, and every bit of sexy. She was instantly remorseful about badmouthing him earlier.

She was instantly wet, too.

She then realized that he could possibly be leaving. "Fuck!" she said out loud, loud enough for Jacob and Alexander to stop talking to one another and look to her direction. Jacob motioned for Kodan to come toward them.

"Kody, this is Alex," Jacob began. "And Alex, this is the hellion pygmy who ordered me to get you out of her seat."

"What the fuck, dude?!" Kodan jabbed Jacob in the ribs.

"Jesus, woman! Is it not enough for you to verbally abuse me; now you gotta hit me, too?! I swear, I dunno why I'm friends with you!" Jacob teased, while rubbing the now bruising skin of his abdomen.

"Go do some work, jackass."

Kodan turned to Alexander. "Hey love, I'm Kodan. You can call me Kody."

"Hello." Alexander reached his hand toward her.

Kodan could've melted onto the floor from just his hand touching hers. She noticed the clean way he dressed: Black trousers that seemed to fit his thighs perfectly... a grey button down shirt that didn't do well to hide those impeccably ripped arms he had... Grey Toms. She was in love. And fuck, was that Bvlgari she smelled? She practically jumped him when his scent filled her nostrils.

She was determined to woo this man.

Little did she know, he was hoping to woo her.

Kodan let his mind drift back to the day he met Kodan.

He actually saw her months before he got the chance to meet her. She was walking into the same apartments he had lived in.

He remembered every stitch of clothing on her body... a black Vans baby tee that dipped perfectly into the sides of her waist... Black and green DC sneakers, which he found to be interesting... grey shorts that graced the object of his affection: the two globes of round flesh that made up her perfect ass. God, he would fantasize about that ass...

He watched her as she walked past him in the lobby. He noticed when she tucked her hair behind her ear, revealing four different ear piercings, each adorned with a small diamond stud.

When she looked at him, she smiled.

His heart practically stopped beating, his head became slightly foggy. He stayed focused enough to smile back. But, as soon as stepped out of sight into the elevator, his legs gave out on him.

He couldn't believe what this woman, this angel, this goddess, was doing to him. And all she'd done was smile! Heaven knows what would've happened if she spoke to him! 'Oh God,' he thought. 'I have got to get it together.'

He would occasionally 'run into' her—most would call it stalking—though she never seemed to notice him, much to his dismay. He figured that she just wasn't interested in him enough to regard his presence.

He remembered how ecstatic he was when he saw her in his physics class... and then he saw a young woman sit next to her. He was just about to open his textbook when he saw the other woman kiss Kodan!

'Fuck me! She's gay?!' Alexander's heart dropped. This couldn't be! The woman he had been lusting after for months isn't even into men?! He began to hyperventilate, the walls closing in on him with every breath.

"Dude, you okay?" His good friend and roommate, Jacob tried to console him.

"I'm... fine." Alexander replied, trying to make his lungs work properly.

"No, like, for real. Are you okay? I saw you do this before, man. You fuckin' flipped. All wheezing and shit... Aw, fuck, is she here, man?!"

Alexander regretted at this very moment everything he had told Jacob.

"Point her out, dude," Jacob demanded, clearly not listening to his friend's pleads for a civil class session. "Nah, I wanna know who the fuck—aw, you're crushing on Kodan? She's cool people, bro!"

"You know her?" Alexander stared his friend in the face, incredulously. Her name was Kodan; it fit her, he thought.

"Yeah, she studies like a madman at the Special Collections Library like, every day. 2:30, on the dot."

"Who is the girl that just kissed her?"

"Lauryn. Psycho bitch. Everybody sees it but Kody... You know, Kody probably knows she's a psychotic head case. Girl must be good enough in bed for Kodan to be sporting her."

"So, Kodan is a lesbian?"

"Dude, no. She's not a lesbian," Alexander's heart skipped a beat when he heard Jacob say what he needed to hear. "She's just every bit a bisexual. Switches between sexes all the time. This season's pussy season, I guess. She thinks just like a dude, man... I love that girl."

Alexander almost choked his roommate, until he realized that the 'profession of love' was more brotherly than anything. 'Good,' he thought to himself. 'She's mine.'

He and Jacob had orchestrated the day in the library. Jacob knew that Kodan would go bat-shit berserk over her damn chair, and that Alexander had a strong possibility of getting some face time with Kodan.

And he had prayed to every benevolent being he could think of that Kodan would at least refrain from punching the poor boy in the nose.

Kodan quickly looked up from her book just in time to catch Alexander gazing at her.

"Hah, I caught you, Xan!" she teased triumphantly. "Why do you keep staring at me?"

Alexander could say nothing; his member reacted every time she spoke his pet name. He loved hearing her call him Xan. It was different, and edgy. He felt powerful when she used it. Yet, he felt so weak at this moment—she caught him staring. His cheeks blushed profusely as he scolded himself for not being more careful.

"You're just gonna sit there, and say nothing? Xan, you have sat there and stared at me for two years, now. And not once have you asked me theonequestion I have been hoping to hear," Kodan softly spoke, a tinge of sadness laced in her voice.

Silence flooded the air between them.

"I—you—are you sure?" Alexander finally spoke up, finally coming down from the high Kodan had just put him on.

"Duh, Xan. Just say it. Please."

Alexander cleared his drying throat; he had been preparing for this moment, and now that it was here, he was struck with the realization that nothing could prepare him for this. So, he let it all jumble out on its own.

"Will you be exclusively my girlfriend?"

Another silence. Alexander's insides threw themselves violently against his body... he was already dying inside. He had asked the woman of his dreams to be with him, only to be cruelly rejected—

"That's a rather formal way of putting it," Kodan joked. "But, I gladly accept."

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mimi186mimi186almost 12 years ago
All I read was Iwan

Even if I wanted to stop reading this, I couldn't! Iwan Rheon is all that needed to be said!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Promising intro.


brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutiealmost 12 years ago

All I can say that each got it bad!! I hope that they are good for each other.

SavannahSkySavannahSkyalmost 12 years ago

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels like that...

SavannahSkySavannahSkyalmost 12 years ago
You had me at Iwan...

I loved Simon in Misfits and I'm crazy about Iwan Rheon. I'm pretty sure I'll be the biggest fan of this piece of work.

cantbuymycantbuymyalmost 12 years ago
great first post

keep it up - gvae u a 5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Love it

Really like where this is going and cant wait to read more!!! Also i like how you described alexander to Simon Bellamy from Misfits. Lol love that show and he's my fave character too. Anyway post sooooonnn!!!

liberallysexualliberallysexualalmost 12 years agoAuthor
Aww, thanks!

Thanks, guys! I'll definitely be uploading another story, and hopefully it'll be up in a couple of days... It's gonna be a series full of surprises!! :)

EroticLitKittyEroticLitKittyalmost 12 years ago
Set the mood huh?

Well you definitely did that! I'm in the mood for more of these two. BTW, I nearly choked when I saw the nickname Xan in this chapter because that's the name of my female lead in the next story I'm releasing...trippy!

Caramex16Caramex16almost 12 years ago
Score 1 for the Haitians!

My God Samuelx was starting to make us look bad lol >_< Anyway I'm loving this start...Kodan is spunky I'm feeling it =)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Great Start!

Please continue with your story as I have been pulled in...

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