All Comments on 'Looking Back'

by DG Hear

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AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
ha ha ha ha

I loved it! The sick bastard gets what he deserves and is going to slowly rot away from AIDS as his body strives to catch up to the decay in his putrescent soul. Karma kicks ass!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
this is a rape story

This is a story about rape, abuse, and a couple felonies... and the pathetic thing is the author doesn't even seem to understand it. The fucking guys that rape the women get off scott free and the author writes the story as if the woman wouldn't care that she was raped. In real life you fucking moron! she would have wanted to take a knife and cut the rapists dick off and then drive it thru the other slut's eye. instead, this ridiculous fantasy lady in your story doesn't care that she was drugged and raped. Gee, I wonder what the author is... oh look a make, who would have guessed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
So he continues his swinging and wants her back

even as he test positive for HIV. Great give it to the world. Reminds me of a young woman I was dating years ago. Her sister had HIV, what did she do? Actively seduce men and woman as many as she could married or not. She wanted everyone to share her experience! Would be funny if it wasnt true. I am afraid the wife in this story isnt really to intelligent. She was raped, over and over, drugged and used. Maybe she could not bring herself to act on it but she then had an actual video of her being raped as evidence. Even being drugged without your permission is a crime. Never to late for revenge. I am happy she and Mary became lovers sharing an apartment, that would keep them both happy. Not really sure how her husband got AIDS unless of course it was years later after other "fucking games". All in all, not a bad story of one guy trying to force his wife into actions she did not want to take but it could have been written with a better plot and smoother action.

PEATBOGPEATBOGover 16 years ago
Another great tale!!!

Yes this was a most despicable multiple rape and Helen reacted as most women would after such a humiliation by keeping quiet about it. The divorce was inevitable and John got what he deserved. However, somebody should have cut his cock off to stop him spreading it about! I would have liked to see a more painful retribution for Tom and Mary was far from innocent in the scheme of things. Yes a story that shows just how destructive fantasies can be especially when one fails to see that it is just a fantasy and continues to force his sick ideas on the other. Another great one DG! Pete.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I really liked the story

So many readers don't seem to understand that this stuff really happens in the real world. Not every man or woman reacts the same. The husband got what he asked for and is now paying the price. Thanks for the warning at the beginning DG but if I see your name on it, I'm going to read it. You're one of the few authors that isn't afraid to tell it from a true perspective. I never know what I'm going to get when I read a DG story, but I do know it will be a good read.

I would sign my name but the last time I did, I received hate mail. There must be some readers out there who really don't like you.

A reader of DG Hear's stories.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 16 years ago
NONE of this really makes ANY sense

Sorry DG.. there are big plot holes and No one to like. MARY is Liar and gets away with a lot.


The story starts off well enough-- about a married couple that is going through a crisis b/c the husband.. a most awful and self centered person has become morally bankrupt and has developed a mental ilness... He cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality.


Early On John says this....


<i> Love had nothing to do with it other than the feelings we had about each other. I read it in stories all the time. Hollywood is loaded with husband and wives like this. These men watch their wives play these parts and get felt up and everything but they go home together at night. </i>


<b>HOLLYWOOD?!</b> you have to be fucking kidding me. Who the hell bases their sexual morality on what Hollywood does?


who the hell bases their sexual morality on what stories are posted that week at LIT or SOL? Anyone who does so has serious mental problems .


John asks "does that make me a wimp?"


Yes it does... and it makes him 1 stupid sonofabitch. It make him to be a total failiure as a Man a hsuband and as a father ... a failure b/c his sexual urges are more important to him than his pathetic revolting mid life crisis than his wife and family. He is a cheater and the entire reason for the Atlantic City trip was based on deception.


MARY gets away with far too much here. She claims that it is wrong for anyone to be forced into swinging


<i> John wanted to involve you with possible swapping but told Tom that if you said no, to forget about it. Yes, I fucked John. <b>Tom told me to give him some sleeping pills which I did. I'm so sorry. No one should have been forced. It's something a person should choose to do.</b> </i>


If we assume that Mary's views is NOT some form of elaborate bullshit then <b>she KNOWINGLY gave JOHN sleeping pills while at the same time KNEW her husband TOM was going to rape Helen.</b>


Even if MARY did not know about the planned rape per se... when MARY returned to the room she KNEW Helen had been given something and she saw Helen being raped. <b>Yet MARY still KNOWINGLY partitipated in the rape</b>... even to the point where she placed her pussy over Helen's mouth.


what happened to No one being forced?


HELEN.... First her conclusion that Mary was not a bad person just made bad choices is crap... as I showed above.


Lets talk about her decison NOT to tell her Husband John that she was drugged and repeatedly raped. Her decision was supposedly based on trying to save a marriage...


Yet mary tells her that John and TOM had been conspiring to get Helen into swinging something she really did NOT want to do...


So...Helen now sees that John's out of control sexual deviancy has led to the gang bang rape of his wife... Yet Helen decides NOT to confront John in order to try and save the marriage?



cageyteecageyteeover 16 years ago
I never cease to be amazed

at your imagination and story telling ability. You seem to be able to come up with some sort of variation in an already overdone genre and I continually find myself interested and entertained. Having written a little myself and although I finished a few of them, I have far more partly written but unfinished works still sitting in my files. I know how hard it is to write these stories yet you seem to write them with ease.

Thank you for sharing them! As always, I'm looking forward to the next one(s)!

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 16 years ago
An interesting story

but not really a happy one even though she is contented now.. John really messed up. He got what he wanted, more or less, but I can't see him [anyone] being excited about his wife being raped.. Tom should have been sued for the video without permission.. Could put him away for a few years so he doesn't do that again for awhile.. Then, I am sure, he would receive more sex than he ever wanted!!

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 16 years ago
A story of the ravage of a marriage

Wow DG you still got it, you have the readers up in arms (Forget Harry he is always up in arms about something)! I didn’t read more then the first page and scanned a few other paragraphs. Thank you for the preface as it saved me time. I am sorry this type story is not entertainment to me so I’ll give you a 50 as your writing style is worth that, Oh what the heck! you write about subjects that rev up the masses you have to have at least a 75.<P>Looking forward to your next fantasy story<P>PT

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
If there is anything as horrible as

a cheating wife it's some super arragont masturbator of a husband that wants his wife to do this or that, no matter who she does it with. Only that she does it. John in the story is the typical male asshole that get's his wife drugged and fucked. The only problem is that this parells real life and these bastards like John are in positions of power but still have the warped minds of the low life pervert. They make tons of money and make things hard for other men who don't feel as they do to get a job. I loved that Helen took him to the cleaners. He deserved it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

As an avid reader of a few selected authors I look for the stories each day hoping to find my favorite authors stories,i often reread old stories. thank you for the intro to this story as i will not read any interacel crap It is just my mixing is my trigger. any other mixing is ok...I do thank you for most of your quality yarns...

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
A good tale

on morality/choices. No real likable characters and a decent story line. However, I'm with Harry on the two gals. I had to laugh out loud at Helen's reaction to Mary the day after the rape and then at her justification for keeping quiet to hubby. Rather amusing and pure "chick logic". Good job on that joke if thats what you were going for. If not then it becomes yet another tale of a man=bad, woman=good and totally stupid and feel sorry for her even though she was a major player in her own marriage's downfall while she gets down and dirty with her girlfriend who helped rape her and drugged her husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
i hate both lifestyles

why in the name of holy would a couple after raising a family fuck it up like this.dumbest group of adults in the world.its funny to me when people try and make you accept their lifestyles.i've a mind of my own and if you're gay or swingers that your business,but don't bring it to my house.if you're gay or swingers it ok,but don't bully me with how much you like it.that turn people off towards you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Too predictable

The plot was entirely predictable given the disclaimer. It differs from the usual "slut wife" genre only in that it involves "slut husbands"

The feel good ending was likewise predictable. The sex was, sadly, not at all hot.

The point of erotica is to make the trip to the invariable conclusion (sexual intercourse of one or more sorts) as interesting as possible. In this story the author plods ahead - no suspense whatever, and no twists at any point. The usual garnishes are provided (the gang bang is videotaped) and the husband meets a bad end (testing positive for HIV)

Overall - another day, another dollar

DG HearDG Hearover 16 years agoAuthor

I receivedthis feedback. I found it interesting and thought you might also.


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Your latest story, "Looking Back" was a very very good story. In my marriage, I knew that my wife had had a lot of wild times with other men. She has told me many of the stories. Well, I thought that it would be HOT to watch her with another guy and I was trying to get her to agree to it. We had the opportunity once, but i wasn't ready at the time. And, then she decided against it altogether. That was fine with me. Though I sometimes feel like "John" did in the story. My sexual experiences are not many... And, at 45 I sometimes wonder if I have missed out on much...

Anyway, Great Story... Made me think....

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 16 years ago
Well written tragedy

Helen should have gone to the cops the very next morning and had Tom et al arrested. Big mistake to try and keep it quiet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I know that you are capable of drafting excellent stories with believable characters who are worthy of the reader's concern. This just was not one of them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Now, you received that private, didn't you?

Well, comrade readers, I don't know about you, but as for me, I'm gonna start nominating THAT reader of DG Hear (a 45 year old man who, after having read what the promiscuous and errr "experimenting" man in DG HEAR's story did to HIMSELF and his family), dreamily said to DG HEAR, <p>

"Y'know, dear author, I don't know, here I am, a 45 year old man, with a wife who's told me totally wild stories about her having fucked many many men and women in her life, but who refuses to fuck them in front of me, so I could watch it,,, I keep wondering what I am missing in life, having never watched my beautiful, loving, and wild wife fuck men and women in front of me,,,,"...

----- Again, I don't know y'all but I'm start nominating THAT READER for both the Nobel Prize and the MacCarthur Genius award! <p>

Please, dear writer DG Hear, tell us that faithful reader of yours,,, give us his name, so we could more properly submit his name to the various committee overseeing the Nobel and the MacCarthur awards! <p>

Such a private and genius man, at 45 and still missing so much but having thought so deep into human nature (like why in the whole cosmos this one woman, wife of his, a woman who has EXCHANGED SO MUCH exciting BODILY fluids with so many men and women previous [possibly still do it these days],,, why would SHE deny him the pleasure of watching her in the act in their lovely home and marital bed.... the world should not let him pass without rewarding him for his deep thoughts into DENIED private porn from his own wife!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Harry has a point

Harry has a point, or two, or three; despite the naysayers. The story is good enough, though the characters are all pretty nasty. And Mary is the worst because she went along with the program, till she saw a chance to dump hubby, and drag Helen out of the Lesbo closet. The bottom line is the story has little or no redeeming social value. Except; live a good life, and chances are you won't get involved in these little soap situations.

SleeplessinMDSleeplessinMDover 16 years ago
A Good Story but...

there were parts of it that made no sense! First of all Helen and John do not love each other. That was obvious prior to the Halloween party. Any man who wants his wife to be another man (or woman's) sex toy regardless of her feelings loves only himself. Any woman who realizes the problems in the marriage and does not deal it and then entraps her husband by acting badly really does not care for him. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The part of the story I have a problem with is your casting of Mary. First, during the party she seduces her husband, drugs him, and then forces Helen to have sex with her (including making her suck her husband's cum out of her pussy). Then later Mary is the innocent party and moves in and live happy ever after with Helen. Huh! What person in their right mind wants to have anything with a person who facilities their rape? Helen gets upset with John who views her rape tape but is ok with Mary who enabled it to be made. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The end of the marriage was a relief. Helan and John brought dishonor to the institution of marriage. This story was more silly than dark.

TLeeTLeeover 16 years ago

This piss-poor crap is proof that the great DG can be just as fucked up as the queers and perverts that have infested this site. Way to go Ms Hear. You have lowered yourself to the same level as the other assholes posting these days.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

This is not a contest story. You write one of your interminably boring and poor quality diatribes against women and try to dress it up as a Halloween fantasy.

This is taking advantage of the system and your story is so streotyped. What makes this stand out from all the other average stuff?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

You sure you're not related to JustPlainBob? Same style, similar load of shit, but at least your grammar is good and your "tell-not-show" style isn't the worst I've seen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Disappointing story by a fine writer

Your usual excellant writing, but you portray John as such a stupid ass-hole that it is hard to like the story. Helen should have had the whole group arrested for drug use and rape. I can't believe Dg wrote this story.

the Ct. Yankee

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Stupid husband

I couldn't share my woman. Serves him right in the end tho. Like your stories. keep up the good work!

StoneyLodgeStoneyLodgeover 13 years ago
Reprehensible and sad but erotic

The rape scene is not about swinging -- it's rape. One of my stories ("Kate's Date With Destiny" under "Non-Consent") also involves a rape which the hubby had a role in setting up but did not forsee. That she enjoyed the sex or needed it to cope with the aphrodesiac in this story makes it erotic.

Frankly, I was disappointed or perplexed with the ending because John was not aware of her being raped and she had lied about what transpired -- understandably. No doubt John would be infuriated if he knew she had been drugged; and presumably, he would not know of this from viewing the tape -- Tom would not have put something incriminating on tape. Furthermore, any would-be "voyeur hubby" would likely find the gang bang showing her acquiescence arousing and it's not surprising he would masturbate. Wherefore her fury at John? She had known his confessed role (wanting to swap plus fucking Mary) for months -- not to mention his fantasies for years -- so why demand a divorce now -- because he was maturbating? I don't quite get that. But, hey, it's a story and that's what the author wanted.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

You know where this is heading when John says he "sort of had an affair". They may have been separated but he was still married then he cheated AGAIN!

He knew his wife's opinion on the matter but went behind her back and set this up. And she ended up gettign raped and taken advantage of. He deserved to loose her and never thought I'd say this but Karma is a bitch and he now has a contant reminder of his actions.

size14shoesize14shoeabout 13 years ago

But John did know Helen was raped. He heard her saying "no" on the tape. He saw her crying. This guy was jacking off to his wife being taken against her will. He was so obsessed with her fucking other men, he started asking her about gang bangs and fucking black men. I often favor reconcilliation but absolutely NOT in this case.

John was almost as insensitive as the anonymous assholes who comment here on Lit about EVERY woman who even looks at another man being a slut and whore.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
Just an old hide story

I rate them 1*.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
The part about HIV spoils it

VERY folks in the US get HIV from heterosexual contact unless they are with partners that are IV drug users. It almost seems like the author _wanted_ things to go bad for John. HSV, Chalymydia are much more likely on the swingers scene-but HIV is just pretty rare.

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

@ Dear Anon The homosexual males use anal sex and the HIV spreads among with anal sex. If the heterosexuals use anal sex without protection the HIV danger is same as among the homosexual males.

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

@ Dear Anon In Africa the HIV speads among heterosexuals without IV drug abusus.

Look at informations in Africa.

coolpencoolpenover 11 years ago

A great read, we'll paced and very credible. Thanks for a great story

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

You rape my woman I sell you ass to Gaye bikers after I cut your cock off.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 10 years ago
It is an old lesson - not learned enough -

Be careful what you wish for - it has also been called a curse - makes sense don't it lol

Well presented

Harsh61Harsh61almost 10 years ago

A very nice story. One temptation leads to a complete disaster in a nice family with wonderful children. The narration as well the grip of the story is very good. Thanks.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
there are predators and there are idiots

idiots are the ones upon whom the predators prey.

it is not the wives, it is the gullible husbands who allow, and go along, with the idiocy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Stupid women

If she was so against what happened to her, why didn't she file rape charges against Tom and the others the next morning? NEVER put up with anything you don't want. That was just stupid of her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
This story has everything...

that you could hate. A wimp husband, drugs, rape, lying husbands, asshole friends, and a whole cast of disgusting friends and acquaintances. All this story was lacking was a selection of farm animals, a bucket of eels, and a squirrel with a jar of mayonnaise. Just when I thought we'd reached the bottom of the barrel, this ends up probably being one of the worst stories from this author that I've read. This was an easy 1* story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
you write brilliant stories

then write this appalling shite..WHY????????????? you must have had a brain lapse to write appalling drivel like this....suggest you delete otherwise it will ruin your reputation as a farely good writer....APPALLING SHITE....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

This one is shit

fifteen16fifteen16about 7 years ago
The Reality

The woman you marry is not the same woman a lifetime later, vice versa of course.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
If one gets HIV, the other will too

They lived together, they were together after the orgy, and the odd's of her NOT getting HIV and it only being him is pretty slim. I'd say "not believable"

DGHear2DGHear2over 3 years ago

I wrote this many years ago. I used to write many stories back then. It's hard to believe I was a pretty decent writer.

DG Hear

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

This can’t be a DG Hear story, but if he admits to it, I have to believe him. This one must have been an early experiment for him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Disgusting mudshark

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It is fun and good to see a woman with enough balls (did she have them on a loan basis or as a permanent transplant?) to follow through to the divorce from a total asshole.

4*, especially for her follow through.


goodshoes2goodshoes2about 2 years ago

I hate date rape drugs, and the people who "slip" them in someone's drink. It has not happened to anyone we know, but one of those friends of a friend type of stories. People like that are despicable and should be jailed for 20 or more years and be made to play with "bubba".

Pjam1968Pjam1968almost 2 years ago

She’s a lot of a great woman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

How did John get hiv,he only fucked Mary, and his wife fucked 6 or 8.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

@previous Anonymous: because he stayed in the swinging life. John was a sick husband, in multiple ways.

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

Tell me again how wanting to be a cuck and sharing your wife isn't a form of mental illness. It's funny that Helen was a promiscuous and wild woman back in her day but ended up being a faithful wife. Sadly her asshole husband dragged her down and ended up getting her gangraped. He truly was a piece of shit. Mind you not as bad as Tom, but still, a piece of shit nonetheless.

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userDG Hear@DG Hear
I want to thank all the readers who read and comment on my stories. If anyone would have told me 8 yrs ago (now it's 16 yrs ago) I would be writing stories (on an adult web site) I would have laughed at them. Thank you so much for the feedback and comments. It's what keep m...