Loosening Up Bk. 10 Ch. 36-40 - End


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"No, not at all. They'll ask me about my long-term happiness and maybe my reputation. I am not worried."

"What do you want in the long term?"

Ginger said, "A career where I can contribute in some way to society and make things better for some people, a family of some kind, a couple of kids, and I guess to be making enough money to keep the wolves from the door. From what you described and what Steve Reagan said, I seem to be headed in the right direction by following you home."

"So, more tactically, what will you do after Dallas?"

"Take the big step to go to Sarasota. I'll go back to Wichita, finish the semester, graduate in December -- next month, and work out the details of packing up and heading south. I'll give notice at work, but they'll consider that a blessing. Come late December, I'll pack up my few things in my car and drive to Sarasota. If I can convince Martha, I'll bring her, too. You kind of indicated that would be all right. I guess, I'm asking if it is really okay to have her as a tag-along." Ginger looked hopeful

"It is, but you'd both better read and understand that book I gave you so that you're coming into this with your eyes wide open. I'll get all the videos of the TV show sent to you, too. Those will help give you more of a flavor of what life is like in the Circle and you'll see a lot of the members and pledges so have a feel for how people interact. Of course, most of the pledges on the TV show have now become members by the time the episodes air."

"That'd be super. We have a month and a half before classes and exams end. I'm doing well in everything, so that should help in the transfer. I assume I can call you, Steve, Tatiana, or somebody to help get us situated in Sarasota?"

"You can. I'm skipping motorcycle travel in the winter, so I'm heading back there after the show in Dallas, so I'll be available, too. I might even find a place to leave the motorcycle and reconnect with it and restart my trip come next summer so I can finish traveling through the lower forty-eight states.

"At the airport, I'm sure," she said. "Cessna has a repair facility at the old Dallas airport -- Love Field. I can get you an 'in' there. You could park it safely in a locked-up area, cover the bike to keep it clean, and all that. All I'd need to do is spend a few minutes on the phone to make that happen for you."

Back at the hotel, Ginger got on her phone right away and within fifteen minutes had arranged for Dave to park the motorcycle at Signature Flight Services at Dallas Love Field, only a few minutes from the hotel. They had an unused tool crib where the bike could be locked up, all Dave needed to bring was the bike and a padlock.

Dave quickly made a call to see whether anybody from the Circle was flying up the next day with the jet to attend the concert. As it turned out, Alice was flying six others up in late morning. They hoped to connect with us at the Ritz in the afternoon. Of course, Ashley was flying in with her entourage in a charter flight from Nashville.

Alice was surprised that her husband was cutting the trip short, but Dave reminded her that he'd always talked about NOT doing winter motorcycling. Snow or ice and two-wheeled vehicles were a very bad combination. She was happy he was coming back to the Circle.

Dave checked on Find Friends and discovered that Ashley was on the ground at Love Field. He showed Ginger her picture, and then pictures of each of the band members. He also filled her in on the small orgy the group had shared in Minneapolis. Ginger's eyes got the size of saucers as he told about the bouncing around between partners, Ashley right in the thick of things. Ginger appeared nervous but eager to start to participate in what she called 'the Circle way'.

She'd just recovered from her shock with a smile, when Ashley walked in the door followed by Kyle, Robby Nixx -- the band leader, and Ally -- one of the back-up singers.

Ashley flowed right into Dave's arms and planted a mouthwatering, passionate kiss on him that left lipstick along his right cheek. "I love you," she announced.

"I love you. How're you doing?" He patted junior in her tummy.

"Very well. All the morning sickness crap finally stopped completely. I am starting to show as you can tell. My regular clothes are all kaput. I got some new stuff, and had a seamstress out at the house to adjust some of my costumes. They're not too bad, but in another month, I doubt any of them will fit except maybe a circus tent of some kind." She rubbed her tummy against Dave's.

Dave greeted the others, even getting a nice kiss from Ally, as well. He then introduced Ginger to everybody. She'd recovered enough to not gawk and stare too much. Ashley took her under her wing to share stories. Dave had told her that Ginger was Circle bound.

Dave sat down beside Kyle on one of the sofas. "I think I have good news for you."

Kyle nodded, "I'm hopeful about what you're going to say."

"I'm going 'all in' on this game -- the singing. I'll even try to learn to play a guitar or whatever you want. I had a good experience in the Dakotas and met someone that helped me sort out all the conflicting feelings in my head about this. I guess, if you want, you have another singer in your stable."

"That's good, because the song you introduced as your solo in Minneapolis is selling like hotcakes on Apple iTunes. We're using your concert version as the single because it was so emotional. I think it's their number one hit this week." He punched and swiped at the screen on his phone, and up came the music video of Dave singingThis Town's Too Small, solo on stage at the Target Center. It was an Apple download and trending.

"You're my agent?"

"I hope so, yes. There's some paperwork, and I guarantee you won't get a better deal anywhere else in the world. Moreover, I'm throwing my wife into the deal; she's yours to love whenever you want and she's willing." She smirked and laughed.

Dave chuckled, "I already had that and she's willing all the time."

"There you go," Kyle laughed. "Good deal, huh?" The two shook hands and did fist bumps.

"The best. Send me the stuff in Sarasota and I'll sign and return or whatever. Anything I need to know? I know you'll be exceptionally fair. I won't read it."

"Yeah. We had enough time with this concert that you are the co-star of the show, not just a tag-along with Ashley. As she'll tell you, you'll have a couple more solo numbers to sing, but it's stuff we think you already know including the new single. You have just moved up into the big time."


"You need to come up to Nashville and do some recordings. I know you'll say you want to do them at the recording studio at the Circle, but we have many more other resources than you have there, including a larger band and more back-up singers."

"How soon?"

"Within a month or two would work -- let's say right after New Year's. It's too late to have you put out a Christmas album, but we might get a song or two of that ilk out of you for iTunes. We can do that from Sarasota. We were thinking of a spring release for your first solo album, so get your head around that. You've been around Ashley and Circle-X Productions enough so that you understand the lead times for audio and video stuff."

Dave nodded, "I guess we're rehearsing this afternoon?"

"After lunch. We have a room booked downstairs in this hotel. The band was going to set up after they finished checking in. We should be ready to go about two o'clock. Plan on three or four hours. We thought we'd do a group dinner here, too; and then see what unfolds after dinner. I should warn you that Ash is horny; apparently her hormones mid-pregnancy have gone even crazier. Does your new playmate know about our wanton habits?"

"I've tried to reveal everything, but at this point it's all theoretical. Tonight, it'll all become real for her if she doesn't run screaming out of here and run all the way back to Wichita. She wants to pledge the Circle, but maybe she'll change her tune after a small orgy."

"Seat her with Robby at dinner. I'll give him a heads up to romance her. He's as smooth as silk, and she'll love every minute with him. If we had a smaller Circle of some kind in Nashville, he'd be the leader of it."

"If I'm going to be around Nashville as much as it sounds, maybe he and I could actually start some kind of Circle there. I think we have a critical mass of people already inclined to participate."

Kyle nodded, "Include the two of us and Marina in on that, for sure. Yes. I'd help you."

After sorting out luggage, the group went down to the main dining room for lunch. A separate alcove had been set aside for the group. A few of the other band members were already eating and waved as Dave, Ginger, and the others came in. Most of the group had salads or burgers. Dave also noticed Kyle talking to Robby and the two of them sizing up Ginger as she sat next to him.

Dave suggested that Ginger bring something to read. She brought her iPad-Mini with her that had Cricket's book on it. Mostly, she watched all the set up and discussions about music and the order of things in the room. He noted some hero worship both for himself and for Ashley had started that hadn't been there earlier.

Dave had a side discussion with Ginger as they ate. "Just to remind you that we all get kind of horny as the day goes on and then we knock all those edges off after dinner with each other -- kind of like the Circle. It's the exhibitionism and sexual freedom thing I mentioned. You don't have to participate. I'm sure there's someplace you could hide, unless you want to participate to see what it's like."

Ginger gave a noncommittal, "I'll think about it. Does everybody here participate?"

"Mostly. For one reason or another, there are usually some drop outs ... usually a few of the band members, but often it's due to other commitments and not about the sex. There might be one or two others that show up, too. It's fun and can be romantic and it's certainly arousing and fun. I need to be with Ashley for part of the evening given our long-term relationship and my having fathered another child with her."

The busiest members of the band that afternoon were Robby and the keyboardist Floyd. They'd work out some passage or transition with Ashley or Dave, and then everyone would run through the whole song.

Ashley set Dave up to sing theBluest Eyes in Texas with the back-up singers supporting him. They ran through that a half-dozen times. He was worried about forgetting some of the lyrics since they were new to him. She coached him how to bridge through whatever got 'spacey' for him and rely on the back-up singers as though it was all planned.

By five-thirty, everyone had gone through all the concert songs at least once. They'd also worked on their encore and how to take their bows. Plans were made for the next afternoon to work through their paces with the crews that ran the lights, video, and sound systems in the arena.

Dave wanted a run and suggested that to the group. Ginger was interested, but the others wanted to just take a short rest. Bandmembers Floyd and Glenn wanted to find their wives and see what damage had been done to their credit cards that afternoon.

After changing into exercise shorts and a singlet, the two left the hotel and ran for an hour. Ginger was quiet for a while and obviously thoughtful. After a couple of miles, she spoke, "I read the first part of Cricket's book during the rehearsal and then jumped around in it a little. I was fascinated watching you practice. You can really sing."

Dave panted back at her, "That's good. Cricket is a good writer and captured the spirit of the Circle in what she did."

"She wrote about the sex. I got the feeling that it goes on constantly, even during the day if people are around, for instance, on the weekends."

"It does. Mostly, the men are limited by their physiology. The women are very loving throughout, even with each other. I think I mentioned that."

"Oh, you did and I told you about Martha and me playing. I ... I just don't want to get a reputation with you or the others that I'm a slut or anything."

Dave couldn't help but break out laughing. His response puzzled Ginger. She asked, "Why are you laughing at my concern?"

"Because it is so remote from possibly happening. If you want to judge yourself by the rest of society's standards that's what you'll be, BUT you'll find yourself in good company with two hundred others. I told you and you probably read about ALL of us being involved with sex with multiple people each day. If you use that outside standard, we're all sluts. If you use the Circle's mores, we're expressing our love, affection, and interest in many other people, and yes, sometimes, we're just horny and playful.

"Tonight, I will probably make love to four, five, or six women depending on the evening and their mood. What's that make me? If I meet someone who I'm attracted to but don't know I will still love them because that's my nature. I honor my feelings of love and attraction rather than reject or suppress them. I will hope that we are starting a longer-term relationship, but in some cases that may not be possible. There is no stigma in our group about being what others call promiscuous. We all are. The group that's here from Nashville is the same way; they are a mini-Circle in their own way."

"And everyone is safe and not into pain, bondage, or anything?"

"That's a given, otherwise they aren't part of our group. If they are, they hide it well. Ashley insists on regular tests for all the members of her entourage, just in case she makes love with them. It's a pretty insular group. We say, consenting adults can do whatever they want about sex. What's more apt to happen in the Circle and with our friends is the opposite of pain or marking; we protect each other and go out of our way to be empathetic and caring."

"And Ashley is this way? I mean, she ... sleeps around."

Dave laughed again as they trotted along. "Watch and see. Kyle told me she was especially horny because of her pregnancy. He blamed it on hormones, but that's also just her nature. I've been through that with my wives and other lover moms. She'll be all-over every male in the suite tonight. Her baseline was being hypersexual -- a nymphomaniac to some. Add even more hormones to that and tonight is what you'll get. She'll be insatiable."

"Is she a role model? She's older than I am and I'm still sort of star struck by her."

"That's up to you. There'll be the other women and I don't know their baselines or normal states of horniness that much: Ally -- one of the singers, Jan, Paula, and Ronnie from the band, and maybe Floyd and Glenn's wives. I suspect there'll be more males than females, but it depends on what else they want to do in the city, I guess.

"Ginger, you owe us nothing. We are not trying to pressure you into wanton sex or even into the Circle. You can go off by yourself or whatever else you want to arrange. If you choose to stay, I will be there and be your protector and guardian and lover. I don't want you to fret or wake up tomorrow morning feeling badly about yourself."

"Thanks. I knew that intuitively, but it felt good to hear you say that."

The two continued their run, spent a half-hour in the gym, and then returned to the suite for showers. Ashley had just gotten up from a nap and was doing yoga and stretching in the living room area. A few band members were present munching on some nacho chips and dip that had been delivered and drinking beer. Kyle was on the phone, as he usually was.

Kyle smiled, "Our openers tomorrow night will be here tomorrow about noon. They're really excited."

"Who's opening?" Dave asked.

"Oh, I thought I told you. Zoey and the Circle. They're a big hit, so having them open for us is a real boost for them and for us. Their first album just came out, so they're doing really well. Like you, they struggled leaving their old careers behind in order to become musicians. I'm lining up a summer tour for them. I might double-bill the two of you in one place or another."

Dave said, "I'm going home to the Circle for the cold season up north. I'm leaving my Harley motorcycle here. I'd love to tour the rest of the states next summer into fall. Keep that in mind if you're serious about a tour of some kind. I could do the western states."

"Would you use Ashley's band? She'll have just delivered your baby and won't want to be on the road for a while."

"Hell, yes. That'd be fabulous. Back-up singers, too?"

"I'll make it happen, otherwise they're out of work and might disperse to other gigs. It'd be nice to keep them together. Personally, I like their sound."

Ginger came out of the bedroom dressed in the one dress she'd brought -- a little black dress, or LBD. She'd put on her sexy heels, too, and looked delectable. For a more casual look she'd pulled her hair back into a ponytail, what she'd worn during her run with Dave.

Robby was out of his chair like a shot. "Hi. You're Ginger, right? I'm Robby, the bandleader. I was going to ask what you thought about the music this afternoon?"

Ginger gave Robby a megawatt smile, and their chat began.

Chapter 39 -- Texas III

Dave and Ashley stood naked in the dimly lit living room. He'd just removed the last of her clothing. They'd started sharing kisses over dinner, just the way some of the others in the private dining room had. To not embarrass the hotel staff, everyone had kept things pretty tame.

Dave was surprised to see Ginger and Robby making out in the elevator back up to their large suites of rooms. What he hadn't expected was what he saw across the room as the two of them hugged. Robby had removed Ginger's little black dress. She stood completely naked in front of him, having followed Dave's challenge to go commando unless there was a 'feminine' reason that panties were needed.

Ginger was kissing Robby and using one hand to rub his crotch through his jeans. Behind her, with his hands wrapped around her was Ricardo -- another bandmember. He had her breasts in his hands as he kissed the right side of her neck and nibbled on her ear. Both men had removed their shirts so there was some not so subtle skin-on-skin contact between each man and Ginger. She seemed to be wound up.

Ashley whispered, "It looks like someone is about to have her first MFM encounter."

Dave whispered, "Kyle said Robby was really smooth. I don't know Ricardo."

"Also, a very skilled lover. She sat between the two of them at dinner. I saw them both kiss her. She's been loosened up for this event by two of the best Casanovas in the room ... present company excluded, of course."

"I'm supposed to be her protector tonight. Do I need to worry?"

"Not a bit. She'll be a basket case because she'll have had so many orgasms, she won't be able to count. She's in safe hands -- safe and very loving. If she says 'Stop', they will. I'd trade places with her in an instant, but I want us to connect. It's been a couple of weeks and I miss you -- baby and I miss you. Did I tell you that my OB/GYN told me that the baby daddy's sperm in the vagina and near the cervix improves the gestation and provides for a happy baby later in life?"

"No; that sounds like an urban myth. As for Ginger, this is her introduction to group sex and exhibitionism."

Ashley snickered, "Look around the room. She hasn't run screaming yet."

Dave did glance around the room. Most of the others were already nude. There were blowjobs and cunnilingus in process in each quadrant of the space; wherever people had decided to sit or lie back. Even the heavy rug in front of the faux fireplace had a couple already fucking on it -- Ally and Jack from the band.

Dave helped Ashley lie back on the sofa they'd adopted as their space. Ginger was behind him, but he resisted studying his new 'girlfriend' lest he make her nervous. Ashley spread her legs and Dave dipped his tongue into her hot love box and started licking. She'd obviously been thinking about this evening for a while; she was flooded with her girl juice. He even licked some from where it had run down her thighs.