Lori Goes All Out Chasing a Feeling

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Partially completed dare leaves her wanting to do more!
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Lori didn't know even a quarter of the people at the party.

She fully expected to have an epic hangover in the morning.

She was sure Emma, their babysitter, had to have noticed her slurred speech when she called home to ask if the college sophomore could stay a few more hours.

She hadn't been to anything like a party in more than a year, maybe two, and Lori was loving this one!

After a difficult pregnancy, including a couple of months of bed rest and ending with an emergency C-section several weeks before her due date, Lori had spent almost a year at home with Winnie, their tiny new daughter and Derek, their rambunctious two year old. It had been the most rewarding year of her life, but she missed being with adults, and being able to every so often do things just because she wanted to.

Stuck in full time mothering mode, when Kevin told her that their friends Paul and Andrea had invited them to a party that Friday, her first reaction was to say no. Kevin didn't just let it go, pointing out how she'd often told him how she felt isolated. "I think you could use a night out," he said, "and since Winnie gave up nursing last month, I don't see any reason we can't go." She had to agree that a night out would be a nice change from their usual routine, and told Kevin she was up for it!

The night of the party, Lori tried on at least five different outfits, asking Kevin for his opinion. Seeing how worried she was about her appearance after months of mostly dressing in sweatpants and baggy t-shirts, he told her, "Honestly, sweetie, you look great in any of the outfits you've tried. I don't know how you've managed it, but you look hotter right now than you ever have!

She still was a little nervous about her appearance, but could have explained how she'd managed to get herself back in shape; busy as her two tykes kept her, she found time to work out on the various equipment in their basement which Kevin had bought but never found time to use. He hadn't noticed that the treadmill, rowing machine, stationary bike and stepper never seemed to get dusty.

Arriving to the party, which was already in boisterous progress, both Lori and Kevin jumped in; Paul and Andrea introduced them to a few people, but Lori's small talk skills were a bit rusty. Taking advantage of not having to worry about passing on any alcohol to her daughter, she relaxed after a few glasses of wine and even had a couple of tequila shots!

A bit past Midnight, the party was clearly winding down; other than Paul and Andrea there were at most three other people Lori knew and a handful of Paul's co-workers hanging in. Though she'd really liked being out in the world, Lori knew they had to get home before too much longer; the problem was both she and Kevin were in no shape to drive home or give the babysitter a lift to her home. Paul offered them the use of a guest bedroom for the night, but Kevin and Lori insisted that they couldn't stay the night.

"You can hang out here as long as you need to," Paul said, "It'd be nice to just sit out on the patio and chat, we didn't get to catch up when the party was in full swing!"

Lori was happy to have a quiet conversation with their hosts; she had known Paul since she and Kevin had met during their Senior year in college, but she'd only met Andrea a few times before she and Kevin had become focused on their kids. Andrea and Paul chatted mostly about their work, Lori and Kevin mostly talked about how different their lives were with two young kids. "We must sound really boring to you two," Lori said.

"That's not true," Andrea replied, still slurring a bit, "I was actually thinking the same thing, I mean that our work stories have to seem unimportant compared to having to take care of your two youngsters!" Realizing that all four of them were still fairly intoxicated, she said, "hold that thought, I'll be right back!" Moments later she returned with a handful of Red Bulls and passed them out.

"I appreciate the thought, but I think it'll take more than this to wake us up," Kevin said, noticing it was almost 1:00 AM, "besides the alcohol, the truth is we're usually sound asleep way before this time!"

"Maybe we should stop talking about our day to day and try something different to keep you two awake while you sober up," Andrea said, "How about a game of Truth or Dare?"

Lori had never played Truth or Dare in college, somehow managing to miss the fun she heard her roommates discussing the handful of times they'd gotten into a game. From the stories they told, it seemed like the game always ended up including some sort of risque behavior!

Lori turned out to be the only holdout, finally giving in only after getting Andrea, Paul and Kevin to agree that sexual behavior was forbidden. The group also settled on a few other ground rules:

The game would start with one of them spinning a bottle to point at a second player, who then had to choose to either truthfully answer a question or perform a dare given by the first player.

A player would be allowed to change their choice of a Truth or a Dare after hearing what would be required, but if they did so they would have to accept whatever substitute Truth or Dare the other players agreed on.

Still somewhat doubtful that this was a good idea, Lori was the first person to be chosen to submit to a question or perform some sort of dare. She chose Truth. Paul asked her,"Who was the last guy you kissed other than Kev?"

"Terry Wachovsky," Lori answered immediately. Still a bit addled by the drinking, Kevin tried to remember if he'd ever known anybody by that name, and if so, when would he have been around! Lori wanted to get on with the next person; wasting no time, she spun the bottle.

The bottle pointed to Paul, who smirked and looked straight at Lori and said, "Dare."

Annoyed by his smirk, Lori blurted, "Take off your shirt!"

"Raising the stakes a bit, are we?" Paul asked, but he didn't seem to mind, having his shirt off before Lori could answer.

Lori defended her choice of dare as Paul spun the bottle, saying, "I didn't think it was a big deal, Paul's been on this patio without a shirt too many times to count. It's not sexual."

Paul's spin pointed at Andrea, who called for a Truth. Paul asked her, "Of the vast number of men you've kissed, who was the best?"

Depriving her husband of the answer he expected, Andrea said without delay, "That's easy, Tom Hervart, my first boyfriend in college." Seeing a look of disappointment on Paul's face she added, "Sorry, love; you're better at SO many things, but that boy knew how to kiss! Besides, it was years before we met." Even though it didn't involve her, Lori felt herself blushing as her friends joked with each other. Andrea spun the bottle, which ended up pointing at Kevin.

"Truth," Kevin chose, thinking it safer than whatever Andrea might have in mind as a Dare.

Looking pleased with herself, Andrea asked, "When was the most recent visit you've made to a strip club?"

Looking a bit uncertain of how to answer, Kevin tried to guess if Paul would back him up if he tried to say his last strip club experience was way back before he and Lori were married. Paul had been with him less than two months ago at a club one town away, but would he want to rat out Kevin if it meant admitting to Andrea he was there as well? He decided the hot water he'd be in when Lori heard the truth would be nothing compared with what he'd be in for if he tried to lie now and Paul snitched on him. "Middle of July, this year," he said sheepishly.

"What the fuck?" Lori grumbled, glaring at her husband, shaking her head as he tried to explain that it was a co-worker's choice for celebrating his last day in the office. He considered quitting the game but went ahead with his spin, which pointed right back at Andrea!

"Dare!" Andrea chose.

Kevin somehow didn't consider how, in her current mood, Lori would view his asking of Andrea what he did, announced her dare; "Flash us your bra!"

"Okay," Andrea replied slowly, "any part at all, or something specific? How long a flash?"

"All of it, for at least one minute," Kevin answered unwisely.

"Not what I was expecting from you, but I can do that!" she replied, pulling her tank top up to her chin! She stood up and did a leisurely spin around to let her companions see her bra, a semi-sheer red thing, size 36C, in its entirety from all angles. When Paul announced her minute was up she let her top settle back in place and sat down.

Lori was surprised that Andrea went through with the dare, especially wearing such a revealing bra. She was more shocked that the dare had been Kevin's idea! She guessed he was even more loaded than she'd realized. "Or maybe he just wanted to see Andrea practically topless," she thought, "maybe both!"

Andrea gave the bottle a spin; Lori groaned when it stopped pointed straight at her, and was immediately worried by the gleeful look on Andrea's face. Thinking it might have less potential for embarrassment, she haltingly said, "Truth." When Andrea asked her question, Lori remembered too late an indiscreet conversation the two of them had a few years earlier, and regretted her choice.

The question from Andrea that Lori maybe should have been expecting, but wasn't, "of all your partners, who had the biggest cock?"

"I'd like to switch to a dare," Lori blurted out. Though refusing to answer the question more or less amounted to the answer being some guy other than her husband, she thought she could make up some other explanation when they were alone. The last thing she wanted was to say the answer was Kevin and then have Andrea tell the group about that massively hung guy Lori had hooked up with one time Freshman year and had foolishly mentioned to Andrea!

Andrea, Paul and Kevin huddled to decide what Lori's dare should be. Lori wasn't too worried, expecting that Kevin would keep her dare reasonable. He was still processing the likelihood that her oft-stated assurance that she'd never had a lover with a bigger dick than his was probably so much fiction; he seemed to be going along with their hosts, nodding his head as Paul smiled and said, "Your dare is to perform a striptease!"

Lori was too stunned to reply immediately. When she did, her response was delivered with nervous laughter, "You're kidding, right? I mean this has to be some kind of joke."

"Nope," said Paul.

"No joke," said Andrea.

Kevin just shook his head.

Lori stared at her companions, her still fairly inebriated mind juggling a mixed bag of thoughts. She'd never done anything remotely like this, or even seriously thought about it. "This just isn't the kind of thing a responsible wife and mother does, is it?" She suddenly recognized how she was seeing herself the way almost everyone else did these days, and didn't like it any better when it was her own viewpoint. Still in her late 20's, she was already tired of being seen only as a Mom.

She played for time, hoping to think of some way to bow out without any more embarrassment; half scolding, half pleading, "I can't believe you'd even ask for something like this!"

"In a way," she thought, "this sort of validates Kevin's flattery earlier this evening. They wouldn't want to see a drab, harried Mom strip, but they would like to see a hot babe undressing!" She still wasn't completely convinced that she was all that, but couldn't help but enjoy being thought of that way!

"Maybe with some extra rules I could do someth...," she thought, blushing and losing her train of thought as she looked around the table at her companions, who were all staring expectantly at her!

Lori was at least as surprised as Paul, Andrea and Kevin that for all her protests and pleading, she still hadn't ruled out actually going through with the dare! She could hardly believe it, but all her delaying had accomplished was to allow her thoughts to drift away from finding a graceful way to bail out towards actually doing some sort of striptease!

"This is way beyond what I was expecting, and not an area I can say I have any skill in," Lori said quietly, "but I'll give it a try, if you all accept three new rules!"

Andrea asked, "What new rules?"

Lori answered in a shaky voice, worried that there might be other important rules she hadn't thought of, "Pretty simple, really:"

"No cameras, none at all, even you, Kevin!"

"No contact. Anyone thinking they'll be getting a lap dance needs to adjust their expectations!'

"This will NOT be a fully nude show! I get to end up with two items I'm currently wearing on!"

Paul, Andrea, and Kevin seemed surprised; they conferred for all of 5 seconds before Paul replied, "Agreed!"

Lori felt herself shaking, thinking, "So I'm actually doing this?" She pulled her chair about 15 feet away from the table, slipped her sandals off, and kicked them under the chair; under normal circumstances taking her shoes off wouldn't cause even a raised eyebrow, but this situation was anything but normal! "Looks like I am," she thought as she unbuttoned the vest she'd added to her ensemble at the last moment in case the evening turned chilly. The temperature had actually dropped several degrees since she and Kevin had arrived, and the handful of other guests still partying had moved inside long ago. As she took the vest off and draped it over the back of her chair she felt warmer, not chillier!

Lori hadn't had much time to make a plan for which articles of clothing she was going to remove, let alone what order they should go in; she was now down to a mid length gray silk skirt with a slit to her lower thigh, an off white linen button down blouse, light gray thigh high stockings, black boy shorts, and a plain white t-shirt bra, size 34D. She was already regretting her choice of bra, which had been comfortable enough between her two pregnancies but felt a bit too snug now.

In another surprise in a night full of them, she found herself regretting not having chosen some more exciting lingerie, now that the undies she was wearing would almost certainly end up being seen, and probably were destined to be all she was wearing by the time her strip was done!

Her next move showed a serious commitment to the show she was putting on; it definitely felt to her like a different level of daring! She began unfastening the row of buttons running from the top of her skirt's slit to the waist, slowly working her way from the bottom to the top. In less than a minute she'd given her audience a glimpse of the lace top of one of her stockings, then a narrow peek at her panties! Grasping the final button, Lori's heart was racing. Taking off her sandals and vest had been no big deal, but getting her skirt off felt like another thing entirely! Her hands shaking slightly, she let one side go and set the discarded item on her chair.

Once she'd rid herself of her skirt, Lori paused, distracted by the sound of her friends, and unbelievably, her husband clapping and cheering, "Take it off!" She regained her focus well enough to come up with a plan for doing exactly that, at least most of "it", and got on with her show's next project, the unfastening of the buttons on her blouse!

Starting at the highest of the 5 buttons currently holding the lightweight linen garment closed, she moved deliberately, looking at her audience after each was undone. She was pleased to see her lack of preparation didn't dull either Paul or Kevin's appreciation for each new area of her body to be revealed. Fighting a new sensation, the urge to get out of the blouse, and possibly the few other things she was still wearing as quickly as she could, she took her time and savored this new sensation.

Once there were no more buttons to deal with, Lori slipped the blouse over her shoulders and shrugged it off, picking it up off the patio and draping it over the back of her chair. She strutted over to a bench nearer to her audience and sat down facing them. Her stockings weren't covering anything she'd normally have thought twice about having exposed, but the realization that they were covering more of her body than all the rest of what was left of her outfit made her shiver a bit. She thought, "It's not like I can avoid losing the stockings when all that's left besides them is my panties and this ugly bra!" She bent down to roll the one on her left leg down and off, then did the same with her right leg.

"Almost naked," thought Lori, getting up from the bench and admiring her reflection in one of the patio doors, oddly proud that she'd been able to satisfy her companions exceedingly daring dare! "I stripped off everything I possibly could, and met their requirement that I strip down to no more than two bits of clothing," realizing as the thought flashed through her mind that the two garment minimum had actually been her idea; the original dare had just called for her to perform a striptease for them!

As she thought carefully about it, she realized the dare could have been satisfied by something as simple as dancing around a bit and taking off her vest! "Oh, well," she thought, "if I'd done that I'd have missed this experience, which would have been a shame!"

Lori couldn't help but wonder what she would have done if Paul, Andrea and Kevin had insisted she go all the way to nude! "I'd most likely have quit without ever taking off a single thing; they were smart to go along with my rule," she thought, "without that limit I'd never have taken anything off, but now that I know what even a partial striptease can feel like, I kind of wish I hadn't insisted on a limit, just to see what I might do, and how it would feel to shock them by showing them everything!"

As images of what might have been raced through her mind, her audience's cheering changed based on their assumption that her performance was over, with cheers like, "great job!" and "you did it!" With Lori now wearing only a bra and panties, this was a reasonable thing to believe, but she waved off their applause.

Andrea, Paul and Kevin's applause slowed, then stopped, and they looked at Lori for some explanation. She didn't try to explain to them how happy she was to have thought up a way to extend this increasingly exciting once in a lifetime experience while still sticking to her unfortunate rule about ending up her show wearing 2 pieces of clothing! She simply smiled and told them, "Not quite done yet!"

The bench Lori was now standing in front of was no more than 8 feet away from her companions, making her next move all the more intense, as she intended; she pulled the left shoulder strap of her bra off her shoulder, down past her elbow, drawing a quiet gasp from Andrea. Lori pulled her arm free, leaving the strap dangling uselessly at her side. Scanning the three faces watching her, she saw a mix of shock, enjoyment, arousal, and on one face a bit of anger, thinking to herself, "she'll just have to get over it, it was her question which set this in motion!"

Lori freed her right arm, then reached behind her to unhook the bra's back strap while holding both cups as well as her small hand could. The strap popped apart, letting the cups swing partially away from the outside edges of her breasts! Sideboob wasn't an adequate word for the view of Lori's breasts her companions had suddenly been treated to; the bra's cups slipped far enough away to expose almost half of her full breasts, including a partial side view of her stiff, engorged nipples, previously all too well concealed by the heavy fabric of her bra!

The glimpse of Lori's breasts was as brief as it was arousing, as she spun around after a few seconds and headed to the chair where she'd left most of her outfit. Once she was a few steps away from the bench she flung the bra off, giggling as she watched it settle on a tree branch near the edge of the patio! "Uncomfortable and not sexy? Goodbye and good riddance, " she laughed. Reaching the chair with her clothes, she put on her vest, but only fastened one of its buttons, then spun back around to face her audience, announcing, "Okay, NOW I'm done, cheer if you want to!" Turning away from them again, she put her sandals and skirt on.