Lost Ark Ch. 01


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Danton followed in a daze. As he approached the bed he dug his fingers at his flight suit, eager to be free of it.

"Not yet," Skye panted. "Just take your cock out."

Why did anything surprise him at this point? Danton opened his fly and tugged out his swollen organ. When the head reached her mouth bliss flooded him. Skye's approach to a blowjob was nothing like the tentative, teasing experiences of Danton's past. She briefly circled the head of his cock with her tongue, but almost immediately urged him forward, subtly adjusting her position as he went deeper. And although his instinct was to move carefully, as soon as he slowed, Skye made a wet, garbled sound. She grabbed his ass and yanked.

"Fawwwk," Danton groaned aloud. She had taken all of him into her mouth, sending a rush of hot ecstasy across his body. And although her eyes were beginning to water, Skye showed no sign of gagging. She held him in place, his balls pressed against her nose. He reached to grope and paw at her breasts, kneading the soft flesh while Skye moaned, somehow, around the cock in her mouth.

Skye at last nudged him back. "Fuuuck," she moaned as the head popped free. Saliva ran from her lips, connected to the cock bobbing just in front of her. Danton thought she might want to change positions, but she surprised him by taking his hand and guiding it to her throat. "I thought you were going to fuck my mouth."

It was the most porn-like beginning to sex that Danton could remember, and he didn't hesitate. Keeping his hand on Skye's offered neck, he leaned in, slid his cock past her lips, and once again buried himself balls deep. "Yeah," he grunted, "I'll fuck your mouth."

He pumped, then pumped again as Skye moaned and wriggled against the bed. She did want him to fuck her mouth, to take her throat as hard as he cared to. Danton surprised himself with how turned on he was, how willing he was to use her throat. His cock was a chisel which he greedily thrust into the welcoming mouth, his hand on her throat highlighting how submissively she was giving herself to him.

"Mmm yeah, that throat. Fuck!" Skye's mouth was a perfect home for his cock. Danton didn't feel any teeth, only the brunette's tongue slipping and swirling around him as he used her. Tears ran freely, and globs of saliva were escaping to further dampen her cheeks, but the compact brunette showed no sign of reluctance. She fingered her slit, revealing a pussy just as wet and welcoming as her mouth. Danton wanted to keep pumping, drawing the moment out, but the pleasure was intense and encompassing, too much to handle. He pulled out, releasing a web of spit connecting his cock with Skye's soft lips.

"Oooh," Skye sighed, "I thought maybe you were going to give me your cum." She rolled upright, then lounged back on the bed. Giggling, she caught one of the spit strings, spun her finger around it, then popped it into her mouth. All the while she held Danton's gaze.

"I almost did," Danton confessed. He tugged off his shoes and flight suit, welcoming the touch of air against his skin. At some point, he realized, lights had come on over the bed.

"Good," Skye moaned. "You can have the pussy now." She was still touching her bare slit, coating a finger with slickness before withdrawing it to circle her clit.

Danton didn't need any more encouragement. He joined Skye on the bed, knelt between her parted thighs, and pressed his cock against her wet center.

"Be gentle with me," Skye said. She was biting her lip, eyes fixed on Danton's cock. "I haven't had sex for a while."

That's for sure, he thought. How long had she been in suspension? Did the young woman even know what year it was? Danton fought back a wave of guilt. He was too far along to stop, and Skye had woken up horny. He would ask for her story later.

"Ohhh!" Skye said as Danton pushed.

"You are tight."

"Don't stop," Skye panted. "I need it."

Torn between restraint and lust, Danton worked his cock into Skye's slick, snug pussy. The brunette let out a long groan.

"That naughty cock." Skye lay back, legs spread, fingers at her slit. She met Danton's gaze through half-closed lids. "You can do what you want to me now."

What Danton wanted was to fuck. He did, pumping slowly at first, then a touch faster, his cock thoroughly slick with Skye's abundant desire. For her part, the brunette continued to touch herself, circling her clit while holding Danton's eyes. She fondled and tugged at a breast, pinching her nipple.

"Yeahhh, use it." She looked to where the two were connected, as if surprised to discover an achingly hard cock violating her insides. "My poor little pussy."

"Feels so fucking good," Danton groaned. He was awash in pleasure even more intense than the blowjob, his world narrowing to just the bed, Skye, and how sweet her pussy felt.

His new friend must have felt the same. Skye's lips were slightly parted as she looked up to meet his eyes. Her body moved with each thrust, breasts jiggling. The fingers she held against her clit moved faster now, chasing her pleasure as Danton chased his.

"You like it?" Danton managed to ask, his voice rough with lust. Skye's pornographic approach to sex was coloring his experience, bending his own behavior and language to mirror hers. When she said fuck me he asked how hard? Instead of laying close for a kiss, he kept at a right angle, watching his cock piston into her. And as they neared release, he flipped her over, filling her ear with dirty talk as he took her recklessly from behind.

"Gawwwd," Skye moaned, her fingers digging at the sheets. "Tear me up with that naughty cock. Hit it."

"Yeah, fuck!" Danton was at the cusp, no longer able to hold back. "Gonna fill that pussy."

"My poor, dirty pussy."

Orgasm caught Danton, plunging him into a swirl of bliss. "Fuuuck, take it. Take it!"

"Your hot cum," Skye gasped, thrashing beneath Kyle, joining him in ecstasy. Her pussy tightened, milking the cock buried in her depths. They came together, Danton releasing one pulse of cum after another, a month of frustration and loneliness resolving in a searing moment of bliss. The orgasmic wave drove them under as the two shuddered and came.

At last, depleted, the pair collapsed together in a tangle of limbs. Danton's breath was rough, his body dripping from exertion. Skye lay beside and beneath him, no less exhausted, her pussy gradually surrendering his softening cock. For several more minutes he did little more than bask in the post-fuck glow. Danton was drained and content, successfully ignoring any misgivings he might have felt about letting Skye seduce him. He had needed it and she had wanted it. Why did it have to be more complicated than that?

"I need a shower," Danton mumbled eventually. He rolled free from Skye, stretched, and found the shower. Skye joined him, but this time she made no show of seductive play. When Danton soaped her back she ignored him, even when he reached to fondle her breasts. The young woman bathed herself without acknowledging his presence and left without saying a word.

Danton fought back his confusion. "Hey," he said, toweling off after completing his own shower, "we should go. My friend Lissa is around the corner. We can get you out of here, and I'm sure we'll have plenty of questions for each other."

If Skye heard him, she gave no clue. Instead, she walked to the bed, sat on the edge, and stared straight ahead, her eyes focused on nothing in particular. Water dripped from her hair, unnoticed.

"Hey, seriously," Danton said. He donned his flight suit and shoes. "We should probably go." Then, when Skye still showed no sign of stirring from the bed, he added, "Aren't you getting cold?"

But neither cold, the promise of escape, meeting Lissa, or even the offer of food seemed to tempt Skye. She sat, eyes empty, on the end of the bed. It was as if a switch had been turned off. Finally, eager to move on, Danton was forced to leave. He wrapped Skye in a blanket, placed an energy snack into her hand, and pushed the hair back from her face. Impulsively, he kissed her, but once again received no reaction.

"I'll come back," Danton promised.

Had Skye even understood him?



A lot of guys would like that.

Kyle had made the remark when he saw Bauer's date in the red carpet photo. Sloane still wasn't convinced that he hadn't been taking a jab at her, but something deeper now nagged at her as well. Why would only men be attracted to the woman from the photo? Sloane herself could easily appreciate the woman's extravagantly feminine charms. I'd do her, a woman could say of another woman, even if she was strictly heterosexual. Men couldn't pull off that trick.

Turning the paradox around in her head, Sloane began exploring the residential corridor. The first room was a personal quarters almost nothing like the cramped bunk room where she and Kyle had spent the night. Here was a full sized bed, separated from the rest of the room by an illustrated panel depicting a landscape from ancient China. Other Asian artwork decorated the room. An intricate jade sculpture, crafted with what must have been infinite patience, featured a coiled dragon twisting upward through bamboo, its maw stretched expressively. A photo of an elderly couple, posing stiffly but wearing casual clothing, occupied the top of a dresser.

Sloane ran her hands across the silk linens, and admired the heavy wooden desk. Such luxuries simply weren't found onboard spaceships. Whoever occupied this room had expected to live a life in space much as he had on Earth, and had been accommodated. Or had it been an enticement?

The terminal might provide answers. It woke at Sloane's touch, revealing a simple menu:

● Physiology

● Project Channel

● Private Channel

Physiology was locked, but the project channel showed several video logs.

● Team Log: Day 5

● Team Log: Day 13

● Team Log: Day 22

The day 5 log she had already watched with Kyle, so Sloane chose day 13. As with the previous log, this one featured Bauer smiling generously at the camera. To his side sat an Asian man of middle years, trim and carefully groomed. Sloane was intrigued. On Earth, racial distinctions had largely been eliminated through centuries of fluid borders, iinterracial dating, marriage, and sex. To see a man of such clear Asian ancestry was rare.

"Doctor Li," Bauer began, "I'm sure our viewers know how successful you were on Earth. Tell us, why have you chosen to continue your work on Ark I?"

Li nodded slightly, clearly lacking Bauer's enthusiasm for the spotlight. "Yes, well, as you know, Earth law is quite restrictive on this matter."

"As they are on too many matters," Bauer agreed, nodding enthusiastically.

"And in the field of cloning, these restrictions have become untenable."

Sloane drew in a sharp breath. The intervening four hundred years had done little to revive enthusiasm for human cloning. The science had proven useful for growing replacement organs and preserving the DNA of certain near-extinct species, but for humans it had proven a dead end.

The interview continued. "What in particular," Bauer asked, "can you do here on Ark I that Earth law would have prohibited?"

"Growing clones past nine months," Li said. "The ability to grow in-tank past the human gestation period opens entirely new avenues of research."

The revelation was stomach turning. Proper childhood development required introduction to family, or at least other humans, at nine months of growth. Such experiments had never been allowed.

"As well as expedited maturation, correct?"

"Yes," Li said. "Kept in-tank, a clone may be grown much faster than a non-tank equivalent. We use cryo-sleep techniques to stress and maintain skeletal and muscular development. Separately, we have established a dietary and hormonal regimen appropriate for each stage of the clone's in-tank life. Doctor Nkosi's team is, of course, working on neurological processes."

Still grinning cheerfully, Bauer turned back to the camera. "I'll interview Doctor Nkosi soon, but let's get back to the expedited maturation. Your team brought along several specimens already well past nine month's gestation. How are they progressing?"

"Beautifully!" Li said, smiling proudly. The camera followed the doctor's eyes as he gestured toward a monitor. Displayed on it were the outlines of two skeletons, scans revealing both soft tissue and bone. "These specimens have been in-tank for less than a year, but in terms of physiological development, are eighteen."

Sloane tuned out the rest of the interview, struggling to understand. Bauer had taken Li and his team onboard Ark I, providing a home for illicit cloning research. From the first log it had been evident that whatever Bauer was up to, he had expected the results to be welcomed by the Kaybe colonists. What, exactly, that was she could only guess at.

There were other video logs available. Sloane selected day 22, which started out with a different mood than the first two. In this video Bauer sat, evidently shirtless, leaning close to the camera in what looked like personal quarters. He no longer wore the expression of exuberant optimism, but his eyes were still intense and alive. Muscles and veins stood out in sharp relief on his neck.

"Confession," Bauer began, "I couldn't wait to share this with you. I know I should have let Li and Nkosi science this more, but this is too fucking good to keep to myself." Sloane watched as Bauer stood, turning away from the camera, and stepping to the side. He was dressed only in a towel wrapped around his waist, the muscles of his back and torso plainly evident.

Nor was it a mystery why he was half naked. As Bauer stepped to one side the camera's view expanded to include a bed, lit from above by a circle of recessed lights. On it a young woman lay on her side, naked skin gleaming, lips full, eyes following Bauer intently. There was, Sloane thought, something familiar about her. Petite but curvy, the brunette was lounging in a flagrantly seductive pose, resting her head on a hand, top leg drawn slightly forward. Heavy breasts caught the light.

"How are you, Skye?" Bauer asked.

"Mmm," the young woman sighed. "You woke me, naughty man. I was having the most delicious dream."

"Well I sure do feel bad about that," Bauer said. He was facing mostly away from the camera, but not enough to hide his lupine grin. "Can I make it up to you?"

"Well I'm not sure," the brunette whispered. She caught a strand of hair in her fingers, twirled it, and playfully brushed it across her lips. "Only if you can fuck me really good."

Needing no further invitation, Bauer dropped the towel and approached the bed. The young woman, Skye, rolled to the edge of the mattress to await him.

Sloane's communicator buzzed with Kyle's voice. "Lissa, come back around this way. Third room. This is so fucked up!"

Entranced by the video, Sloane ignored the message. Kyle didn't sound particularly distressed, and in any event, for him any computer which wasn't doing exactly what he wanted qualified as fucked up. She bit her lip, watching as the video played out.

What followed seemed more like a pornographic holo-vid than an authentic moment between two lovers. Skye rolled onto her back and opened her mouth, allowing Bauer to slide in his organ. Based on the man's moans, her oral technique must have been excellent. In only a few minutes the billionaire had to pull back, panting with lust.

"I thought maybe you were going to give me your cum," Skye said.

"No," Bauer said, still trying to master himself, "I want the pussy."

Obligingly, Skye crawled to the center of the bed. She and Bauer fucked in different positions, the brunette open to anything Bauer wanted, and he eager to enjoy her youthful body. But Bauer didn't seem to have much staying power. In less than five minutes he came during doggie, Skye groaning beneath him. The video suddenly cut, and when it resumed, Skye was asleep in the background, her body now wrapped in the bed linens.

Bauer grinned into the camera, clearly spent. "That was amazing," he said. The man was shameless, Sloane thought, not just filming himself fucking, but posting it for his team like a boast. She wondered what Skye thought, or if she even knew she was being filmed. "And that's just the first batch," Bauer said. We're already working on improvements for the next generation."

Batch? Sloane jerked back from the terminal. "That was a clone," she said aloud. "I just watched a guy fuck a clone." She stood, shot through with agitation. Something wasn't right. The massive ethical implications aside, a clone grown to adulthood in a tank should be a chunk of meat with no more than a brain stem to guide it. Skye, on the other hand, had been a vocal and expressive partner, reacting to Bauer's guidance, and calling out her own pleasure. With the experience still fresh in her mind, Sloane retrieved her datapad and resumed her journal. She was, she realized, damp. However confusing the scene she had just witnessed, at its core were two people sharing blissful sex. Skye, in particular, had been entrancing to watch, a young and unabashedly sexy woman. Lissa wouldn't fault herself for being aroused by what she had seen.


Sloane tore herself from her journal, startled to see Kyle at the door. His hair was slicked back as if he had splashed water on it, and he was regarding her with an inscrutable expression. He looked dazed. "Lissa, I-"

Sloane cut him off, nervous energy still running through her. "Come here," she said. "Look at this."

Kyle seemed relieved at not having to finish his sentence. Mutely, he joined Sloane at the terminal as she played both video logs. When Bauer and Skye fucked, Sloane kept her eyes studiously away from Kyle. Would he be able to tell that she was turned on? Would he get hard? Even when the second video finished, she kept her eyes on the terminal.

"Cloning," Sloane began. "They were conducting illegal cloning experiments. That's why they set up their lab on Ark I, to escape Earth law." When Kyle said nothing, she continued. "They got started on Earth, but when-"

"I met her."

"things got..." Sloane stopped, turning to Kyle, who stood rocking from one foot to another. "What?"

"I met her," he repeated. "Skye. She's here."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story idea and good characters. Sentences get crammed with either superfluous or excess information/descriptions. I would recommend an editor to address this endemic problem. Thanks for sharing and keep up the creative content.

MimiRayMimiRayover 2 years ago

Thrilling start so far! I was so invested in the last one, I hated to see it end. I'm sure looking forward to how this develops.

Slight critique on orbital mechanics, may not change anything. If Ark1 completes 2 orbits for every 1 of Kaybe's, and crosses or approaches Kaybe's orbit, it's not just orbiting at a steady half speed. It would spend the majority of its orbit further beyond the star than the planet does, and then on approach come rushing in, overtaking and passing the planet by. So it's not Kaybe catching up to Ark 1, it's actually the other way around.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Brilliant. Hope to be able to read more very soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great introduction, welcome back!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'll just say it: Spectacular. Lost Ark promises to be just as exciting and beguiling as TLC. This makes me impatient for the next installment. Excellent work. So pleasant to read something that doesn't need a ton of editing! Thanks.

donner60donner60over 2 years ago

Hey AW…..great first chapter…….more please

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