Louise Ch. 14


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The next time he reached for the phone, it was to call the one person that he knew would understand.


Leon had just finished talking to Louise when his phone rang again. He answered it mid-ring hoping that it was Nadine.

"Gene? What's up? Now? Sure, I'm not sleepy anyway. See you in five."

Leon hung up the phone, made a pot of coffee and changed his clothes. He had the feeling that it was going to be a long day.

Gene showed up five minutes later.

"If you too tired..." he started to say.

"Nah, I'm good. I'm a night shifter remember? Come on in, I've got coffee brewing." Leon replied.

Gene gratefully accepted the cup of coffee holding it tightly between his hands as if he was trying to warm them.

Leon sat back, sipped his coffee and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

An hour had passed before Gene finally spoke about what he really came for.

"I... I need help." he said softly.

"Thank god!" Leon exclaimed. "It's about damned time." he added. "Gene, listen to me. Anything that you tell me is between us. The only time I'll break silence is if you or someone else is in danger."

"You won't say anything to the others?" Gene asked.

"No, but Gene, when you get home, find someone to see you professionally. I'm your brother and will always be here for you, but there are things that I can't help you with. I would also suggest going to AA."

Gene nodded; Leon was right, but right now, he needed a listening ear.

"I don't know where to start." Gene said. "How did you do this? How did you talk to people about how you fucked up?"

"It wasn't easy, and believe me when I say that there were times that I wanted to give up. But I told myself that if I wanted to get back on track, then I had to do it. I had Louise in my corner, and she fought with me. I'm not saying that to make you feel guilty." Leon said when he saw the expression on Gene's face. "You were going through your own issues and I was trying to make a point.

My point is this; I wouldn't have made it if someone hadn't believed in me and fought with me. I believe that you can change, we all do. You just have to let us help you."

"What if I fuck up again?" Gene asked. "I almost did twice already."

"But you didn't. There's one thing that I can promise you." Leon said, "You will always have that fear of fucking up. Will that stop you from doing it? It helps, but it won't always stop you."

"You're still afraid of fucking up?" Gene asked.

"You better believe it." Leon replied. "Whenever I feel the urge... and I still do from time to time, I remember what I almost lost, and yes, I fucked up a few times."

"Leon, you have no idea of what I've done."

Four hours later, Leon knew everything.

"Sweet Jesus." was all that he could say.

He had known some of Gene's issues. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see that Gene had a drinking problem as well as other issues but to consider killing Kevyn was a hit that he hadn't seem coming. It took him several minutes to recover from the shock.

"Why didn't you go through with it?" Leon finally asked.

"I couldn't." Gene replied. "I don't think that I could have lived with the guilt."

"Are you going to tell her?" Leon asked.

"I don't want to, but I have to don't I?" Gene replied.

"I can't and won't answer that question." Leon replied. "You know what you have to do, and it's up to you to decide whether you're going to do it or not."

"Leon, I don't think that I can tell her. She'll hate me more than she already does."

"She doesn't hate you." Leon said. "She doesn't understand why you act the way you do, and she wanted your support instead of fighting with you, but she doesn't hate you; none of us do."

"Leon, will you come with me when I tell her? I understand if you don't want to."

"I'll go with you, but Gene, be prepared for her and Patrick to be pissed. If I had to guess, I would say that Patrick will be even more pissed off then Kev. I don't know if you've noticed, but these guys are very protective of Kevyn and Lou."

"I know. Barb tried to warn me about that." Gene replied.

"When do you want to talk to Kev?" Leon asked.

"Tonight if I can." Gene replied. "Are you free?"

"I can be...."

"Don't change anything for me." Gene said, "it can wait."

"I was going to have dinner with Nadine." Leon replied. "I can change the time to later in the evening; she's a night owl too."

"Thanks... can I ask a question?" Gene asked. "It has nothing to do with what we were talking about."

"Shoot." Leon said.

"Why her? You could have any woman that you want, why a hotel worker?" Gene asked.

"Why not?" Leon shot back. "It's an honest living."

"I know it is." Gene replied. "She isn't your type."

"What do you mean by that?" Leon asked.

"You know how you used to like them, tall, long legged and with tits out the wazoo." Gene replied.

Leon chuckled, he couldn't be mad. He and Gene hadn't talked as brothers and men in a long time. It seemed like ages since he looked at a woman who met those characteristics. Gene was right; Nadine while beautiful looked nothing like the women in his past. She was short, petite and her breasts were much smaller than he was used to, but those things weren't important. How she made him feel was.

"Things change." Leon replied. "And it would be more accurate to say that I'm not her type. The woman is brilliant!"

"Shit!" Gene exclaimed when Leon told him about Nadine and her accomplishments. "You're right; she's too smart for you. If I offended you, I'm sorry. What are you going to do about her? We're leaving in a couple of days."


"You're going to come back aren't you?" Gene asked.

Leon saw no reason to deny it.

"Yes, I'm coming back. I'm going back long enough to give notice, and to pack up my apartment."

Gene was stunned. It wasn't like Leon to make such a rash decision.

"I know that I'm the last person that should be offering advice, but Leon what about a job and a place to live? I know that you have some money but it won't last long out here. Is this woman worth the risk? You just met her."

"I believe that she is." Leon replied. He wanted to tell Gene to mind his business, but he didn't. Gene was in a fragile state, and if giving advice helped, then he would let him.

"Where are you going to stay?" Gene asked. "And what about a job?"

Leon didn't know what to do. He decided to wait to tell Gene about the job until later. He didn't see how telling him at that moment would help or change anything.

"I'm thinking about that." Leon replied which was the truth. He hadn't accepted Nathan's offer, although he was sure that he would take it Nadine or no Nadine.

"I guess I'd better call Kevyn." Gene said after a few moments of silence had passed.

"I'll call Nadine while you do that." Leon said relieved that Gene hadn't pushed the issue about Nadine or the move to California.

A few minutes later, Gene was nervously waiting for Kevyn to answer her phone.


Kevyn had just climbed into bed, and was waiting for Patrick to finish talking to Jonesy when her phone rang. She looked at the number and frowned.

"Gene? Everything all right?... ummm tonight? Well... We were going to get together with Juliette, but she just called to cancel. What's up? Ok... how about seven? Leon's coming too? Are you sure that you're all right? Ok... see you then."

"What was that about?" Patrick asked.

"That was Gene; he says that he wants to talk to me. He sounded different."

"What do you think he wants?" Patrick asked as he got into bed.

"I don't know." Kevyn replied. "But he was nervous and he's bringing Leon with him."

"I thought Leon and Nadine had plans tonight."

"I guess whatever is going on trumps their plans." Kevyn replied. "What did Ethan say?" she asked changing the subject. It would do no good to try to guess what Gene wanted to talk about, she would find out soon enough.

"They're coming, but Rachel and Martin aren't. The baby is due at any moment and Rach doesn't want to leave home. He's going to call mom, George, and the twins. I talked to Jonesy so we're set there."

"Good." Kevyn said settling in Patrick's arms. "Another change in subject, can you believe that Nathan and Lou are having a baby?"

"I have to admit that I'm surprised." Patrick said. "Kev, how do you feel about it, and be honest."

"I'm happy for them, but jealous too. Louise was already beautiful, but now she's glowing." Kevyn replied. "She's going to be such a good mother."

"So will you." Patrick said. "And you will be even more beautiful than you are now if that's even possible."

"You are such a sweet talker." Kevyn said smiling at him.

"I only speak the truth." Patrick replied. "How do you feel about your family moving here?" he asked.

"I'm ok with it, although I find it odd that most of us will be living here." Kevyn replied.

"I agree." Patrick replied kissing her shoulder. "What's bothering you?"

Kevyn hesitated.


"What about her?" Patrick asked.

"She's a pain in the ass, but I love her and want her to be happy. I know that she's her own worst enemy, but I still want her to be happy."

"Of course you do, and believe it or not, I want her to be happy too." Patrick replied. "But as you said, she's her own worst enemy. All we can do is wait for her to understand that she's got to give as well as receive."

"Juliette asked me about the woman who turned Hans away." Kevyn said.

"What did you tell her?" Patrick asked.

"I told her that she needed to talk to Hans about it." Kevyn replied. I hope Juliette won't feel like Hans wants her only because Barb turned him away."

"He won't allow that to happen." Patrick replied hugging her close. He was ready for things to settle down so that he could take Kevyn away.

"I know." Kevyn said. 'It's just me worrying. It's been a busy week."

"Lie on your stomach." Patrick said.

Kevyn turned on her stomach. A few minutes later Patrick was massaging her shoulders with firm strokes that had her purring and then snoring. Patrick kissed her lightly, lay down next to her and allowed his mind to wander. The pressing question was what Gene could possibly want with Kevyn. Finally, he turned on his side facing Kevyn, put an arm around her and closed his eyes.


Nathan ran the bathtub while Louise sipped on a glass of warmed blood.

"Did you take your vitamins?" he called out to her.

Louise grimaced, and took the large pill with the blood.

"I just did." she called back.

She hated the taste of the vitamins but told herself that it was for the baby, and finished the blood in the glass.

"You know," she said when she went into the bathroom, "you would think that there has to be a way to make those things taste better and to make them smaller."

Nathan laughed as he hugged her.

"You can laugh." Louise retorted, "You don't have to take them."

"Maybe I will." Nathan replied. "They're just vitamins. They can't hurt me."

"You're kidding." Louise replied feeling guilty because she complained.

"No, I'm not." Nathan replied. "Where are they?"

"On the dresser, but ..."

"Be right back." he said kissing her on the temple.

He was back a few seconds with a frown on his face.

"That was terrible." He said as he reached for the bottle of mouthwash.

"Told you." Louise said laughing. "I bet you won't take another one."

"That would be a bet that you would lose." Nathan replied. "I'll take them for as long as you do. We also need to start walking. How about we start tonight after dinner?"

"Sounds good." Louise replied.

When the tub was full, Nathan got in and then helped Louise in. When she was comfortable, he put both hands on her stomach. He kissed the side of Louise's neck and thanked her again for the wedding gift.

"It isn't as if I planned it." she said. "Can you teach me how to listen for his heart beat?"

"I'll teach you after we get out of the tub." Nathan replied. "The less background noise the better."

"Gene talked to me last night." Louise said as she played with Nathan's hands.


"I know." Nathan replied. "I was watching, but not listening."

"Did you think that he would hurt me?" Louise asked.

"No, but I didn't want him to upset you either. Nathan replied. He didn't ask what Gene said to her because he already had a good idea. If she wanted him to know the specifics, then she would tell him.

They sat in the tub in silence until Louise spoke.

"He apologized, and he meant it."

"I figured as much." Nathan replied. "It's an apology that is long overdue."

"Maybe." Louise replied. "But don't you see? He did it! Gene has never sincerely apologized for anything in his life. And think about this, if Gene can begin to change, then there's hope for Barb."


"You don't believe that she can change do you?" Louise asked.

"Sweetheart, I'm the last person to say that people can't change. Look at my family history, but I believe that there are those who cannot change whether it's because they don't want to or because they simply can't. Gene has the capability to change. I saw that tonight and the fact that he came to you confirms that.

As far as Barb goes, I hope that she does change. I'm not talking about going from total bitch to total sweetness. Over the past week, I've seen glimpses of a Barb that was likable. I also noticed that as soon as she realizes that she's having a good time, the bitch comes out and tries to ruin things."

"So what are you saying?" Louise asked.

"I'm saying that Barb has the same capability to change as Gene does. She has to decide whether she wants to or not. I just don't want you to be disappointed if she decides to be one of those who choose not to change. Of course, we will be available to help her and Gene in anyway that we can."

Louise thought about what Nathan said, and realized that he was right. Both Gene and Barb had a bumpy road ahead of them. She would have to be cautiously optimistic where both of them were concerned. She pushed the thoughts about her siblings out of her mind. She had happier things to think about.

"Teach me how to hear the baby's heartbeat." she said after a few minutes.

Nathan helped her out of the tub, dried her off and led her back to the bed.

He sat on the bed, and positioned himself so that his back rested against the headboard.

"Sit between my legs and rest back against me. Make sure that you're comfortable."

Ten minutes later, Louise was sitting comfortably between Nathan's legs with her eyes closed.

"Are you cold?" he asked.

"A little." Louise replied as she snuggled back into his warmth.

A second later, a thin blanket was lying across her legs.

"Alright, now close your eyes." Nathan said when he was sure she was comfortable. "Right now, you can hear every sound in the room from the clock ticking to the water dripping in the tub. We're going to eliminate those sounds one by one. We'll start with the water."

Thirty minutes later, they were working on eliminating the sound of the clock. Nathan was impressed with how quickly Louise caught on. Another thirty minutes, they were ready to listen to the heartbeat of their baby.

"Alright, take nice slow deep breaths." Nathan said telepathically. "Block out the sound of your breathing and just listen."

Lub lub, lub lub, lub lub...

Tears ran down Louise's cheeks as she heard the baby's strong, rapid but steady heartbeat for the first time. She felt Nathan's warm tears on her neck, but couldn't speak.

"I know," Nathan said telepathically. I love you and her too."

Louise fell asleep listening to the sound of the baby's heartbeat.

They were going to have a baby.


Hello all! I wanted to take a moment to thank my beta readers Donalde, Anjel54 and last but not least my friend in the Netherlands for their time and help. I also wish to thank you all for your patience and well wishes for my daughter's wedding. I am still gallivanting around the country, visiting friends and family and not getting too much writing done, but I had a chapter of Louise almost finished so here it is. The next chapters of Justine and IWLYF are in progress and I plan to submit them soon. Thank you so much for your patience.


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DoctimeDoctimeover 10 years ago

I know that I am not reading your stories in real time, you may well be a grandmother by now. However your simple mistakes have improved, which improves the readability of your stories. Perhaps you even have an editor by now. If not you sure need one. Even the best authors need an editor, / proofreader, / suggestion box, whatever you want to call it. You have created a wonderful fictional family, one any mother (author) can be proud of. Your descriptions make the characters come ALIVE in your readers minds. Lastly although I am caucasion, I appreciate the strong yet somewhat flawed black/brown Yancey descendants. If you would like or need any editing help, I am available. Doctime

TrellyWellDoItWellTrellyWellDoItWellabout 11 years ago
love it!!!

Love all your stories!! but this one and Mason are my favorites!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
zulus in south africa!!

Imagine my suprise not 2 mention my delite when I read the last chapt.about zulus in SOUTH AFRICA! As a Zulu I must commend u on yo accuracy! U did yo homemork! It was awesome 2 c my sisters name Khanyisile(the light has come/light is shining) yo story is awesome and I must say,u'r one talented writer.oh and btw I live in Kwa Zulu Natal where u'l find most of us(zulu)

ScorpMoonScorpMoonover 11 years ago
anonymous 9/19/12

I'm aware it's a fictional story and the site I'm reading this story on, so there's no need to state the obvious to me. Also, I don't need to calm down, so please keep that bit of unsolicited advice to yourself. As stated previously by myself, it's called an opinion on the story, and from what I've read in this and other comments in previous chapters, there are a few who share my opinion regarding the confusing villianization of Barb's character, while the Sinclair men, who happen to have histories of violent rape against women, including their mates. Obviously you had not actually read the other comments because I'm not the only one questioning why Barb is being made to be the pariah, while the serial raping Sinclair men are viewed as everything awesome. While this story is fiction, the reader shouldn't suspend all common sense and logic in reading such a deeply sensitive issue concerning violent sexual crimes against women.

However, Barb being a gold digger is the most unforgivable crime for some. Lol. Yeah.ok. Ironically, Kanye's gold digger just came on the radio. Viva La Barb.

That's my take, and I'm sticking to it, period.


gifted, keep penning for your many fans.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
The best

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and therefor I am not going to comment on any comment. The story 'Louise' is awesome! Every chapter comes with new surprises. Louise thorougly deserves all the happiness she now has with Nathan and she is for sure not boring. More surprises in the story line is for sure coming. Barb 'seeing' Louise drinking blood? Very interesting. Where is Thorne going to feature? What is the issue with Joseph? Hans and Juliette deserves to be happy together with the children. So does Leon and Nadine. Gene truly changed his thoughts and I hope he will continue to work towards being a better person. I enjoy reading every chapter of this story. Kal, write, write, write, please. Most of us just love your stories. Hugs, Ann133

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Ok, everyone take a step back, this is just a story! Fictional characters. Although Kalamazoo has a great ability to tell a story, I don't think she wanted her readers to "box or throw rocks". People, let us all take a deep breath or 10 and just enjoy the story (series). Kalamazoo, thanks for the great series and I must say, your words bring out a very passionate side to many of your readers. Regardless of how one person feels about the characters I must say, Bravo! You have a beautiful gift that most of us wish we had. 10 stars for you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Zulu's in South Africa???

Kal, u're one of my favourite authors, reading about my country( South Africa) just made my day!!!! Can't wait to find out what happens to Juliette and Hans! Hurry please. Keep up the gr8 work!!!

MimiRoseMimiRoseover 11 years ago
Question... Well, questions...


In regards to all of your stories, are all of them already written (from the beginnings to the endings) or do you write along as you go? I always wondered, but I tend to forget to write down the question, when the opportunity comes along.

Will Thorne make another appearance in this story? His backstory makes him appear interesting to me.

Will a villian finally make an appearance in this incredible story? Or is this like "Ethan"?

Finally, I would like your opinion in regards to this whole... thing. And when I mean 'thing', I mean the debate that is going on in the readers' comment section.

ScorpMoonScorpMoonover 11 years ago
#Teambarb follow up to anonymous

Let me reiterate for the last time, everything I've written stands. Go back and actually read what I've written including my positive comments about Kalamazoo.

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