LoV#1 Ch. 04


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Of course, if she had been focusing, she would have noticed Eddie getting bug-eyed at all the little changes happening, or Craig shushing him up, or when Eddie did try to speak, Craig whispering something into his ear that made him stop. Certainly Craig threatening a guy of Eddie's size would be a bit ridiculous, but the hand on his shoulder and the emotions crossing Eddie's face didn't leave much room for interpretation otherwise.

No, Voodoo Queen was so engrossed in making sure everything on her looked the way it was supposed to that she missed what had passed between the two young men before she handed the phone back to Craig, her eyes drifting south to check out the V of his hips disappearing into his pants and a not insubstantial bulge that had her unconsciously licking her lips.

"Well, if you are aware of or could at least help point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful." She hadn't meant to make that last bit sound so sexy, but nothing made a man more eager to help than the idea of a hot woman like herself being in their debt. I might even pay up on that sooner rather than later. Voodoo Queen knew she was getting distracted again, but being surrounded by a bunch of fuckable little bimbos getting what they want was making her think about her own needs. It helped that Craig looked like he had a decent cock... although a quick glance at Eddie's revealed maybe she was looking in the wrong direction, his own monster starting to show even as he avoided her eyes.

"I could... but then what do I get out of being such an exemplary citizen?" Craig's innocent tone was betrayed by his eyes obviously sizing her up lustfully, and he was lucky Voodoo Queen loved it when men looked at her like that (although she couldn't for the life of her remember why... or when she started thinking that way). She didn't have time to formulate a response though as Craig kept going.

"You know... how about this. Since you interrupted our game of Beer Pong, let's reset the board with some new cups and beer and you and Eddie here can take over for the girls-" The two half-naked bimbos giggled and pouted but they were easily distracted when another drunk frat boy was happy to entertain them. "- and if you win we'll tell you what we know." Voodoo Queen's eyes narrowed, she didn't necessarily have to go along with this... but if she won she would also get Craig and his partner nice and stripped and that would be hot as hell. Her mouth felt a little dry, lips already eager to form a little O ready for something to just slip into it...

"You don't really have to-" "Agreed." Voodoo Queen shushing Eddie, she had the time and while she had never played beer pong before, how hard could it be? Craig and his frat brothers were clearly already ready for her affirmation; the absolute model of efficiency as they had obviously set a beer pong table a hundred times before. "Before we begin a few house rules. One re-rack per team, bounce shots don't count, blue cups are your drinks, red are Eddies, and one article of clothing per cup, jewelry doesn't count as clothing and... You have to take a selfie every time you drink." She didn't have a phone on her, but Craig was more than happy to let her borrow his. However...

"No stripping. I'm a public figure. I can't have those kinds of pictures being shown." Craig looked a bit surprised, but his eyes tilted out to the left as a look of concentration started crossing his face.

"Okay, no stripping but the selfie rule still applies, and we'll add the "On Fire" rule. If the player makes three shots in a row, they're on fire and can keep shooting until they miss." That was fair, Voodoo Queen looking up at Eddie who was still avoiding her gaze or looking down at her chest, which was super rude as she jiggled a bit to get his attention. Sighing, and hoping maybe a few beers would loosen him up, she took her place next to the table. "Sounds good to me." After all, what's the worst that could happen?

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

loving this series, can't wait for more!

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