Love Me Tender - Please Pt. 01


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"Don't they give the test at the last class?" he asked.

"No, we have to go to a Learning Center in town and take it on-line."

"Don't forget, Melody wants to talk to us about her graduation party," he said. "She wants us to have one here. What do you think?"

"I'd rather have it here than have her driving around drinking somewhere. We have enough money to throw her one that she won't forget. We can hire a caterer, a band and everything. I've always wanted to have a catered party. Won't our parents be happy? Let's do it."

"There's that 'I make more money than you do' thing again," he thought.

Aloud he said, "Fine with me as long as you don't go around telling everyone that it's your money and not mine."

"Damn it! It's our money," she replied with emphasis on the 'our'," "It's always been 'our' money. I've never said otherwise."

"Here we go again," he thought.

It wasn't worth the argument so aloud, he said. "Look, I'm sorry. I was wrong. Let's forget I said it. OK?"

The potential argument forgotten she did a twirl and lifted up her skirt.

"Coming to bed?" she asked over her shoulder as she left the room. I'll wear my nylons."

By the time Ray turned out the lights and locked the door Karen was already in the shower. There was a pair of stockings and a little bag with a Victoria Secret logo on it lying on the bed. He was tempted to peek but decided to wait.

Karen came out of the shower wrapped in a towel to see Ray who had just finished undressing and he was nude.

"Hmm, we'll have to work on that," she said as she looked at his flaccid cock. "I don't think it will work like that. Do you?"

"We'll manage somehow," he kidded back.

"Go take a shower. I have to dry my hair. Take your time, I'll be here when you're ready," she grinned and reaching out she lifted his cock and balls with her damp hand.

Karen was on the bed when Ray came out of the bathroom drying his shoulders with a towel. As promised, she was wearing tan nylon stockings and a tiny pair of sheer, flesh-colored, mesh panties. The matching bra clearly showed her nipples and areolas through the same type of fabric.

She lifted one leg and pointed her toes at Ray.

"My foot hurts. Would you please rub it for me?"

Karen could hear the hitch in Ray's breathing when she lifted her leg. His erection was already pushing out the front of his towel and his eyes widened in appreciation. She knew she had him and that she was the sexy vision that she had hoped to present.

The towel slid down his body and momentarily caught on his erection before falling to the floor. He was walking slowly towards her with his eyes focused on hers and his cock bobbing in front of him. Karen kept her leg in the air until he reached the side of the bed and grasped her foot in one hand and her calf in the other.

As soon as he supported her leg she raised her other one and flattening her sole against his chest she used it to gently swirl his chest hair. Ray stood still and let her tease him. Raising her foot to his face he rubbed his beard against her nylon-covered foot and kissed her arch through the fabric.

He dropped to his knees on the bed as she pointed her toes and gently tickled his nipples while smiling at him through her shining lips. He had his hand on his cock and he gently stroked himself until she raised both feet and trapping his neck between them she pulled him down towards her body on the bed.

Ray allowed himself to be drawn towards her and caught his weight with his hands on each side of her waist.

"God, you are so beautiful you scare me," he said and lowered himself between her thighs so he could kiss her mouth.

Karen met his mouth with her tongue and as soon as he offered his, she trapped it between her lips and sucked it into her mouth. She knew her seduction would be successful but she was not ready for the outpouring of feelings that filled her. This was her husband and that little twinge of guilt at how she had been treating him and misbehaving bubbled to the surface.

Holding onto him with both hands on his back, Karen raised her thighs and used her stocking clad legs and feet to caress every inch of him that she could reach. She knew he loved the feeling of the nylon against his skin as much as she loved to do it. The sound of the whispering nylon always pushed her arousal to a high point.

It wasn't quite makeup sex but it was intense. Both partners were passionately concentrating on their lovemaking. Aside from the physical intimacy and pleasure a tiny portion of their brains were analyzing their relationship. They were trying to assuage their guilt by being extra loving to each other.

His guilt came from his feeling that maybe he was being too judgmental about her and her actions. He had been giving it much thought and he came to the decision that giving her a little room and not being so critical and suspicious might help lower the stress level around the house.

Her thoughts were tempered by the fact that she had orchestrated this encounter to put Ray into a good mood for her announcement of her trip to Las Vegas. She didn't exactly feel guilty about her deception, if one could call it that, since they were both enjoying it so much.

Karen had pulled the fabric of her thong to the side and Ray was slowly fucking her while gently biting and nibbling on her nipples through the mesh of her bra.

"So sexy," he said and tried to suck her entire breast into his mouth.

"Just for you sweetheart," she whispered into his ear and pulling his face up to hers she laved his mouth with her tongue.

Ray's beard was still moist and she could taste a little soap trapped in it. It was not unpleasant but it distracted her passion for a moment and she pulled away before he returned to sucking on her breasts.

She could tell that he was close and she spread her thighs as wide as she could and pointed her legs straight up on each side of him to help him along. His thrusts became harder and stronger and he soon crushed himself tightly against her with his cock buried in her pussy. Crossing her feet behind his back, she hunched her crotch against his and felt a mild orgasm shake her body at the same time his grunting signaled his ejaculation.

"I think I'll hold off telling him about the trip," she thought.

She allowed Ray to lie on top of her for a minute before sliding her legs down to the bed and hinting that she wanted him off with a little bump of her hips against his.

Ray rolled off of her and breathing heavily he remained at her side.

"Nice," he said and rolling back towards her he kissed her on the cheek.

"Your beard is scratchy," she said.

"I've had it ever since I've known you and you never complained before," he said with a hurt tone in his voice. "I thought you liked it."

"I used to but I'm not sure I do anymore," she replied and swinging her legs over she sat up on the side of the bed.

Cupping her hand under her pussy to prevent any drips, she walked towards the bathroom while saying over her shoulder, "Don't forget we have the Cinco de Mayo party Saturday afternoon."

Absentmindedly feeling his testicles, Ray watched her sexy ass wiggle its way towards the bathroom. She was a beautiful woman but their connection was fading and he had to figure out a way to reforge their relationship.

Chapter 18

Karen was gone to her gym workout by the time Ray woke up on Friday morning. He puttered around the house straightening things and cleaning up the kitchen. There was nothing in the refrigerator or pantry that he wanted to eat for breakfast so he had a cup of coffee. It suddenly occurred to him that he had been doing the shopping and the housework for the past month or so.

Karen's schedule left her little time for the things she used to do around the house and he and the kids filled in and shared her chores. He made the rounds of the bedrooms and took the sheets and pillowcases off of the beds. The usual girly magazine came along with the sheet he pulled out from under Brian's mattress, so he sat on the bed and thumbed through it before returning it to its hiding place.

Getting clean sheets out of the linen closet he put them in the kid's rooms for them to make their own beds. They also did their own personal laundry so he did not bother to pick up their clothes that they had scattered around.

He made the bed and tidied up around the master bedroom. While he was collecting a load of clothes to put into the washer, he spotted a plastic bag tucked up on a shelf in Karen's closet. Ray rarely went into her closet but his curiosity got to him and he pulled the bag down off of the shelf. Inside, he found four sexy-looking bra and panty sets that he didn't remember ever seeing on Karen. Two of the sets were new and still had tags on them but the others had been worn and they smelled of fabric softener so they had been washed.

Promising himself to pay closer attention to what Karen wore under her outer clothes he finished his chores. Still hungry, he went out to get some breakfast and to go to the supermarket to restock the refrigerator and pantry.

"Hello, Ray. How are you?" a voice asked next to him while he was choosing some ground meat.

Looking up from his bent position, Ray first saw a woman's tanned thighs topped by short shorts. A little farther up, he found full breasts pushing out the front of a camisole top. Another jump of his eyes to her face and he recognized Donna Flannery.

"Oh, hi Donna," he replied standing up. "Nice to see you."

Ray's comment was sincere since the woman could only be described as beautiful. Karen had told him that her looks were helped by plastic surgery but he could not tell and he did not care. The last time he had seen her she was wearing slacks and a business jacket that hid all of the flesh she was now showing.

The usual chitchat ensued with her asking about Karen and he asking about Mike.

"I rarely get to see the spouses of Mike's employees," she said at one point. "He has nothing but good things to say about you wife. She must be quite the lady."

"She seems to be doing well, thank you," he replied.

"I hear she'll be gone for a week or so," she continued. "Right at the height of the busy season when the kids get out of school."

Ray had no idea what she was talking about but he did not want to seem ignorant of his own wife's plans so he went along with her.

"Yes, but I'm sure the office will manage without her," he lied.

"Are you going with her? I understand some of the spouses are going along. Who can resist Las Vegas, huh?"

Ray was getting upset with the conversation. He was trying to think back on the last few weeks to remember if Karen had said anything about a trip to Las Vegas. He couldn't remember her mentioning it and he was sure that this was something that he would not have ignored.

"Uh, we haven't decided yet," he said trying to cover his ignorance.

Ray noticed the quizzical look on Donna's face and he realized that she did not believe his story. He was sure she now knew that Karen had not told him of her plans but it was too late for him to admit it.

The conversation continued and she chattered on about the party and all of the Mexican food that the caterer was going to bring. She was shopping for some special cheese that she used for a hot dip she liked and she wondered if he had seen it in the case.

She was constantly touching him on the hand or on the arm with her fingers and he found the contact mildly arousing. He noticed that her nipples were erect and showing through the camisole top she was wearing. He kept glancing down at them when he thought he could get away with it but he finally got caught.

When he looked up from examining her nipples he found her staring back at him with a smile on her face.

"I'm very sensitive to cold and touch," she offered. "The cold air from the meat cooler got to me. Here feel my goose bumps."

Taking his hand, she raised it to her bare shoulder and slid his fingertips down and across the exposed top of her soft breast.

"See?" she said.

Ray couldn't feel anything except female flesh and his cock was beginning to react to his mind's way of thinking. He knew she was laughing at his discomfort but he couldn't think of anything intelligent to say.

"I'm sorry," was the only thing that his brain processed into words.

"Don't be. I like to be looked at. Especially by a man as interesting as you," she smiled again.

Ray was still embarrassed and he backed his cart away from the cooler to make his escape but she held onto his hand.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the party. Do you dance?"

"Uh, a little, I guess," he replied.

"We're going to cheat a little and try some Salsa dancing tomorrow. It's not authentic Mexican but it's so much more fun. Don't you agree? I heard that Karen is quite good at it. Maybe she'll show us some of her moves. Bye, see you tomorrow."

Ray rushed through the rest of his shopping and took the food home and stored it. His mind was going a hundred miles a minute.

"Where was Karen dancing?" he thought. "She never mentioned anything like that to me. Maybe it was at one of the parties that we went to but I don't remember any Salsa. Come to think of it I'm not sure what Salsa is. I thought it was a dip. Oh, yes, I remember seeing it on television. I didn't know she knew how to dance it."

After mowing the lawn, he took a shower and wearing just shorts and mocs he sat on the patio to read the paper. He was half-dozing when he heard Melody call out to him.

"Hi, Daddykins," she said and kissed him on the forehead. Tousling his hair she continued, "Taking a nap, huh? You older people have to get your rest, you know and, by the way, you need a haircut. You're starting to look like a hippy."

Ray swatted at her butt but she pulled away and stuck out her tongue at him.

"I'm going to change and go over to Amber's," she said as she skipped away. "She's having an end-of-school pool party. I'm staying the night so don't worry."

"Whoa! Wait a minute young lady," he called to her. "What are you doing home from school so early?"

"Daddy," she said in that exasperated tone that teenage girls use with their parents. "We finished our tests and we're just goofing off and making plans for the summer and for graduation. Nobody stays there and the teachers don't care. What are they going to do? Fire me from school?"

Still laughing, he watched as she bounced into the house. God, he loved her and Brian. They had so much energy and joy in their lives. He couldn't remember ever having that much energy but he supposed he did.

Brian showed up a few minutes later with the same story and a plea to be allowed to go to the mall with some friends.

"How are you getting there?" he asked.

"That's the next part," he replied. "Can I borrow the car?"

"Not to take a gang of your friends to the mall. You know your license won't allow you to transport any non-family members under 18. I'm heading that way since your sister tells me I need a haircut. I'll drop you off and if you can't get a ride home, call me, and I'll pick you up. OK?"

After picking up two of Brian's friends and taking them to the mall, Ray walked down to the barbershop. Sitting in the chair of his favorite barber they continued their ten-year old, ongoing argument about the qualities and abilities of the Atlanta Braves and the New York Yankees.

"Tidy up your beard today," the barber asked.

Ray ran his hand over his face and made a decision.

"Shave it off for me, OK?"

"Are you kidding?" the barber asked. "How long have you had it? I know you've had it ever since I've known you."

"Around 25 years or so," Ray replied. "Go ahead, take it off."

"Either you're pregnant or you're in male menopause," the barber laughed as he took the first swipe up the side of Ray's face with his electric razor.

"Maybe it'll make me look younger," Ray mused.

"We'll soon see," and another swipe with the clippers exposed some of Ray's skin that had not seen the light of day in a quarter-century.

"My wife and kids won't know me," Ray commented. "They've never seen me without a beard. I've had it trimmed short a couple of times but I've always had something there."

"Nope!" the barber responded. "They won't even notice."

"You're kidding, right?" Ray asked.

"Nope! I've had dozens of customers tell me that it takes a few days for most people to notice. They'll all look at you like something is different and they'll ask something like, 'Did you lose weight?'"

"I don't believe you," Ray laughed. "You're shitting me, right?"

"I'll bet you a free haircut against a twenty dollar tip. The only ones who will notice are the people who don't see you very often. Close friends and family don't look closely at each other's faces. Their mind thinks that they already know what you look like so they don't restudy you every time they see you."

"What are you, some kind of psychologist?" Ray laughed.

"Yep, that's what barbers really do for a living. Cutting hair is just a sideline. I see a lot of different human behavior from my place behind this chair and I hear a lot of stories. Bet me?"

"OK, you're on."

Ray studied his face in the barbershop mirror. When he ran his hands over it, it felt almost alien as the nerve endings in his cheeks and neck were touched for the first time in longer than he could remember. If he closed his eyes he felt as if he were touching a stranger's face.

"They won't notice it, huh?" he repeated to the barber.

"See you in a few weeks and be sure to bring that twenty with you," the barber laughed as he got his chair ready for his next client.

Chapter 19

"What time do we have to be there tomorrow?" Ray asked Karen as they shared a pizza on the patio.

"The party starts at six but don't forget this is my Saturday to work so why don't you just meet me there?"

"I'll be glad to pick you up," he offered. "I don't particularly want to get there too early."

"Don't start. I know you don't like my friends. You don't even have to come if you don't want to."

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I meant, I didn't want to be there without you."

"I'll meet you there. It'll be easier. I'll change at work."

"Change? What are you wearing?"

"It's Cinco de Mayo! We're all dressing in traditional Mexican Fiesta clothes."

"I didn't know anything about any 'dressing up' what should I wear?"

"I don't think the men are wearing anything different except maybe for a sombrero or something. Just wear your shorts and bring your bathing suit. I'm sure we'll get in the pool. The weather is supposed to be nice."

"He was right," Ray thought to himself. "She never even noticed my beard is gone. I don't believe it."

Brian came in as Ray was wiping off the table on the patio. He tilted his head to the side and looked quizzically at Ray for a moment.

"New haircut! Huh? Looks good cut short. You look ten years younger but you're still an old guy."

"Thanks for the compliment, I think," Ray laughed and swatted him on the butt. "Be nice to your old man, you're not too old to be spanked."

"You and what army," he replied and they moved into one of their little wrestling matches.

"Stop it you two," Karen yelled when she came back out onto the patio. "You two fools are going to break something and I'm talking about the furniture and not about your bodies."

"Mom, can I stay over at Paul's for the weekend. His dad rented a whole bunch of video games and he invited the baseball team for a 'lock-in' weekend."

"A bunch of teenage boys for two days. How can he stand it?" she laughed.

"He's a real nice guy. He and Paul's mother both like kids. She makes all kinds of good stuff to eat when we are over there. Can I?"

"Gee, you mean they don't eat out of boxes and bags like we do? Are they poor or something?"