Love Triangle Investigations Pt. 01

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Alice, a trans Fox-Like Woman, and her team investigate.
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Chapter One: Welcome to Echocondria

Alice has always been fascinated by the city of Echocondria. She's read all about its towering stone walls, bustling metropolis, and diverse population. She's poured over maps and books, imagining herself exploring the city and discovering its hidden gems.

But despite her fascination with the city, Alice has never been able to bring herself to visit. She struggles with anxiety and the thought of being in a crowded, unfamiliar place makes her feel overwhelmed and scared.

Instead, Alice spends her days reading about the city from the safety of her own home. She's memorized every detail of the city's districts, from the Kingdom district with its city buildings and officials' homes to the Night district with its poor residents and Night Council rulers. She's learned about the city's guilds, including Antler Inc. and the Kas Company, and their unique contributions to the city.

Alice has learned everything there is to know about Echocondria, but she's never been able to experience it for herself. She's dreamed of walking through the city streets, exploring its shops and restaurants, and meeting its people. But her anxiety holds her back, making her feel like she's trapped inside her mind.

One day, Alice decides that she's had enough. She's tired of living in fear and wants to experience everything that Echocondria has to offer. She takes a deep breath and steps downstairs to the tavern, her heart racing with excitement and fear.

As she walks downstairs, Alice can feel her anxiety rising. The crowds of people and the noise already beginning to overwhelm her, and she feels like she's going to have a panic attack. But she keeps moving forward, determined to overcome her fears.

At the edge of the tavern, there was one of the Rainbow Guard sitting and drinking alone. His Blue uniform meant that he has been working through the ranks for a few years now. Her intrigue with the Rainbow Guard and her fear of the outside caused her to stop. This was her opportunity to get information about the outside without actually going outside.

The Rainbow Guard looked up as Alice sat down beside him. He glanced at her before returning to his drink.

"Hello," Alice said, her voice shaking slightly. "I couldn't help but notice your uniform. Are you a member of the Rainbow Guard?"

The man nodded, taking a sip of his ale. "That I am. What brings you to ask?"

"I've always been fascinated by the Rainbow Guard," Alice said, feeling her nerves calming slightly. "I've read all about your duties and your role in protecting the city. I was wondering if you could tell me more about it."

The man raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Well, I suppose I could. What would you like to know?"

Alice took a deep breath, feeling her anxiety recede further. "Everything, really. What does a typical day look like for a member of the Rainbow Guard? What kind of training do you go through? What kind of challenges do you face?"

The man chuckled, taking another sip of his ale. "That's a lot of questions, miss. But I'll do my best to answer them all."

And so, Alice spent the next hour listening intently as the man regaled her with stories of his time in the Rainbow Guard. He told her about the rigorous training he had undergone, the challenges he had faced in the line of duty, and the camaraderie he had developed with his fellow guardsmen.

As she listened, Alice felt a sense of wonder and excitement building within her. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she was truly alive.

When the man finally stood to leave, Alice thanked him for his time and watched as he made his way out of the tavern. And as she sat there, lost in thought, she realized that she had taken her first step towards overcoming her fears and experiencing everything that Echocondria had to offer.

Alarm on the radio and phone call

Suddenly she is shocked out of her daydreaming by the emergency alarm blaring four times, interrupting the song on the radio. An announcer with a deep raspy voice comes on. "There has been a mysterious disappearance of Sir Dratch of the Seven company. So far, no witnesses have come forward, so we ask if anyone has seen or heard anything, to come forward immediately. The Seven company has said there will be a reward for any good leads. Do what's right, the Seven company." Four more harsh buzzes of the emergency alarm go off, and the radio switches to a swift-paced song. Alice's interest is definitely perked, but she's far from any type of investigator, and the area of the Kingdom district is far from her little place above a tavern in the Night district.

Standing there daydreaming about all of the theories she has on what could have happened, the phone on the wall across the room rings, and Alice involuntarily lets out a little yip. She quickly walks over and picks up, and before thinking about it, says, "Alice, who is this?" like they had asked who she was in the first place.

On the other end of the phone is her longtime friend Harper a detective for the city and a robo-tech. Sarcastically annoyed, she says, "Alice! You know that's rude. Anyway, I know you heard that announcement. Well, guess what? I'm on the case that has just been announced, and let me tell you, it's strange. They said I could bring in someone for support on it. You want in?"

"Harper, you know I'm not a trained investigator. They would never approve of it. Plus, you know how I feel about leaving the house. Thank you, though. It was sweet of you."

Harper laughs, then says, "That's the best part. They said I can have anyone, and honestly, what I need more than an extra set of hands is a fresh perspective. For the other part, you'll get to meet me for the first time, at least. I know it causes you a lot of anxiety, but I think you should give it a shot." After a short pause of silence, "I'll bring treats."

Alice lets out a deep sigh. "You always seem to know the right thing to say. I'll get ready and head over at once." She hangs up her phone with a little too much excitement and nearly misses the receiver.

She runs to her room and swings open her closet and realizes she has nothing to wear to meet someone for the first time in person that she's been admiring over letters and phone calls. They met when Harper had called in response to an ad Alice posted looking for an expert on dragon wings, a subject Harper is fascinated with.

After what seems like forever, Alice decides on a short dress in a deep blue color, with a flowy skirt that ends a bit above her knees. The dress has a V-neckline, and the sleeves are three-quarter length with a slight flare at the end. The dress has a cinched waist, which accentuates her curves. She pairs the dress with a cropped-length black leather jacket, which complements the short dress.

To finish off the outfit, Alice wears tall black buckled boots that come up to her knees. The boots have a chunky heel, which adds a little bit of height making her even taller than she normally is at 6 foot tall. The boots have multiple silver buckles with black cats on them and spike up the outsides, which add a touch of edginess to the outfit.

Finally feeling confident to leave the house she heads out and down through the tavern. Rote isn't working today so she just heads straight through and out the front door. Just down the road, there is a transport stop she plans to take to get to the Kingdom district. As she approaches, a small boat powered by propellers and steam engines lands. Little does she know she's now on her way to what will be the start of a whole new life.

Chapter 2: The crime scene

Alice arrives at the Seven company's headquarters, a towering building made of a well-polished silver-like metal. The building is located in the heart of the Kingdom district, just blocks away from the City Hall building, making it a high-priority location. As she approaches the entrance, Alice can't help but feel a sense of awe as she looks up at the building's impressive facade. She takes a deep breath and walks towards the entrance, trying to suppress the nervousness that's been bubbling up inside of her.

Upon entering the lobby, Alice is greeted by Harper, who is wearing a fitted grey suit with a black dress shirt underneath. Harper's hair is pulled back into a neat bun, and her robotic eye gleams in the sunlight. Alice can't help but admire Harper's confidence and poise. Harper welcomes Alice with a warm smile and a hug.

"Hey, Alice, it's so good to finally meet you in person," Harper says, giving her a once-over. "You look great, by the way."

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Alice blushes and responds, "Thanks, I wasn't sure what to wear."

Harper leads Alice to a private conference room, where the rest of the investigative team is waiting. Alice is introduced to Grubble, a small goblin with a steam-powered guitar strapped to his back, and Stardust, a tall androgynous person. Both of them seem friendly enough, but Alice can't help but feel out of place among the group of seasoned detectives and investigators.

Harper notices Alice's unease and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Alice, we're all here to help each other out. We need your expertise and intuition. I'm sure you'll come up with some ideas we never would have thought of."

Alice nods, feeling slightly reassured. She takes a seat at the table and listens as Harper goes over the details of the case.

Sir Dratch, a prominent member of the Seven company, had disappeared without a trace. The company had conducted its search, but so far, it hadn't been able to find any leads. The investigative team was brought in to help, and Harper had requested Alice's assistance specifically.

As Harper finishes her briefing, Alice feels a thrill of excitement mixed with apprehension and anxiety. This was a big responsibility, and she didn't want to let anyone down, especially Harper, but she was determined to do her best.

"Okay, team," Harper says, clapping her hands together. "Let's get to work. Alice, I want you to work with me on reinspecting the crime scene and talking to the people that worked here last night."

As they walk to the stairs, Alice can feel the excitement building inside of her. This was her chance to make a real difference, to help solve a mystery that had stumped even the most experienced investigators. She was eager to contribute her skills and experience to the team and hoped to bring a fresh perspective to the investigation. With Harper and the rest of the team by her side, she knew she could do it.

Entering the Crime Scene

As they make their way to the crime scene, Alice takes in her surroundings. The Seven company's headquarters was just as impressive on the inside as it was on the outside. The lobby was decorated with marble floors and plush velvet chairs, and the walls were adorned with framed photos of the company's achievements.

On their way up the stairs, Alice couldn't help but ask Harper, "So, what do we know about Sir Dratch's disappearance?"

Harper takes a deep breath and starts to fill Alice in on the details. "Sir Dratch was last seen leaving the building around 9:00 pm last night. He usually works late, so no one thought anything of it. But when he didn't show up for an important meeting this morning, we became worried. We searched his office and found nothing out of the ordinary. No signs of a struggle, no forced entry, and no indication that he left voluntarily."

Alice nods, taking in the information. "So, there's no ransom demand or anything like that?"

Harper shakes her head. "No, nothing like that. It's like he vanished into thin air."

They reach the floor where Sir Dratch's office is located, and Alice can feel her heart pounding in her chest. As they approach the office, she can see that the door is still sealed with police tape. She takes a deep breath and follows Harper inside.

The office is spacious, with floor-to-ceiling windows that offer a stunning view of the city skyline. Alice walks around the room, taking note of every detail. She examines the desk, the chair, and the bookshelves, but finds nothing that stands out.

As she's about to leave, she notices something out of the corner of her eye. She walks over to the window and sees a small smudge on the glass. She leans in closer and realizes that it's a fingerprint.

"Harper, come take a look at this," Alice says, excitement building in her voice.

Harper walks over to the window and examines the fingerprint. "This is a great find, Alice. Sir Dratch would never have touched the glass with his bare hands. Let's talk to the employees and see if they know anything about someone coming in here."

Alice nods, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over her. They continue to search the office, but find nothing else of note. They leave the office and start talking to the employees who were working the night Sir Dratch disappeared.

As Alice is interviewing one of the employees, she notices that they appear nervous and fidgety. Wondering if the employee knows something about Sir Dratch's disappearance, Alice decides to dig deeper and ask more pointed questions. After a few minutes, the employee breaks down and admits to witnessing something suspicious on the night of Sir Dratch's disappearance.

Curious to know more, Alice asks the employee to describe what they saw. The employee says they saw a tall figure lurking in the shadows near Sir Dratch's personal airboat. The figure's face was obscured by a hood, so they couldn't see who it was.

Alice takes note of the description and asks the employee to lead her and Harper to where they saw the figure. As they walk, Alice's heart races in anticipation of a breakthrough in the case.

Finally, they reach the location where the figure was seen, but there's nothing there. Alice looks around, searching for any clues that could help solve the mystery, but everything seems normal. She wonders if there's more to the story and decides to keep investigating until she discovers the truth behind Sir Dratch's disappearance.

As they're about to leave, Alice notices something strange on the ground. She bends down and picks it up, examining it closely. A few small green fragments scattered around the floor.

Curious, Alice picks up one of the fragments and examines it closely. She immediately recognizes it as a rare plant material from the that flarg tree is only found in a specific region of the kingdom. This is a significant discovery, as it means that Sir Dratch may have been in that region recently.

Excited by the find, Alice and Harper continue to search the area and find more of the plant material scattered around the scene. They carefully bag the fragments, knowing that this could be a crucial piece of evidence in their investigation.

With the discovery of the rare plant material, Alice feels like they are one step closer to finding Sir Dratch. She can't wait to analyze the fragments and see if she can narrow down the specific location where they were collected.

Alice and Harper examined the sample under a microscope, comparing it to a database of known plant species. It was a long shot, but Alice had a hunch that it might be a key piece of evidence.

After several hours of research, they finally found a match. The plant was a rare species that grew in only a few locations around the world. Alice was surprised to learn that one of those locations was actually in the Kingdom district, not far from the Seven company headquarters.

Excitement surged through Alice as she realized they might be getting closer to solving the case. She and Harper decided to visit the location where the plant grew, hoping to find more clues.

"Alice, let's head back to the others and let them know what we found out. This may be a big break, as he had never traveled outside of Echocondria." Harper says with giddy excitement.

Alice nods in agreement, feeling a sense of urgency to share their findings with the rest of the team. They quickly pack up the evidence and head out. As they make their way to the conference room, Alice can hear the sound of chatter and excitement coming from inside. She opens the door and sees the rest of the team huddled around a table, poring over a map of the kingdom.

Alice walks over to the table and lays the bag of rare plant material down. She carefully opens the bag and pulls out a handful of the delicate leaves. The leaves are a deep shade of green, with a faint smell of earthy sweetness. "We found this at the scene where Sir Dratch was last seen," she tells the team, making sure to pass around the bag so everyone can get a closer look. "It's a rare species that only grows in a few locations around the world, and one of those locations is in the Kingdom district."

The team looks at her with wide eyes and murmurs of excitement. Alice can feel their energy building, and she knows that they're one step closer to finding Sir Dratch. "If we can find out more about this plant, we may be able to narrow down our search for Sir Dratch," she says, her voice rising with enthusiasm. "We need to visit the location where this plant grows and see if we can find any clues that may lead us to Sir Dratch. Who knows what else we might discover?"

The team huddles together, discussing their next steps. Alice can feel the excitement in the air, and she can see the determination in her teammates' eyes. They're all in this together, and they know that they have to work quickly if they want to find Sir Dratch before it's too late.

Alice takes a deep breath and begins to map out their plan of action. She knows that they have a long road ahead of them, but she's confident that they can find Sir Dratch and bring him home safely. As she looks around at her team, she feels a sense of pride and gratitude. She knows that they're all in this together and that their collective efforts will lead them to success.

Over the next few days, Alice and team make preparations for the trip ahead. Alice had never been outside the city before. That thought started creeping into her mind, then Harper placed her hand on Alice's shoulder and she remembered she would have her team to help keep her safe.

Chapter Three: The Apartment

Close to the end Alice had Harper over to finalize some of the last steps before they head out. She was exceptionally nervous about this meeting. She knew there were feelings growing on her end, but had no idea how Harper felt. It seemed like a good idea to tell her before they headed out. She kept running in circles cleaning and dusting and wiping everything two or three times over, but still felt like she was missing something important.

Alice's apartment was a cozy space, filled with character and charm. The high ceilings and creaky hardwood floors gave it an old-world feel, while the eclectic mix of vintage and modern décor made it feel uniquely Alice.

The living room was dominated by a plush couch that faced a vintage TV set. Above the TV, there was a collection of posters and art prints that Alice had collected over the years - everything from classic film posters to abstract paintings.

In one corner of the room, there was a small bookshelf filled with dog-eared paperbacks and leather-bound tomes. A worn leather armchair sat next to it, with a reading lamp perched on a nearby table.

On the other side all along the wall we're various floggers, whips, dildos, clamps, cuffs, and other BDSM toys. In a tall glass display case she kept her smaller toys like spiked gloves, her e-stim generator, vibrators, and butt plugs.

The bedroom was a cozy space with a large four-poster bed taking up most of the room. Down each of the bed posts, there were several evenly spaced d-rings. The bed was draped with a soft duvet and pillows, and the posts were adorned with sheer curtains that billowed in the breeze. A small writing desk sat in the corner, with a vintage typewriter and stacks of paper and notebooks piled high.