Lovers' Veil


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He heard the changeling's sharp intake of breath. "Iron!"

"Yes, iron." Leofrick sheathed the blade, trying to ignore the panicked expression on Rhyannon's face at the sight and feel in the air of the lethal metal, trying to ignore her trembling.

The changeling only laughed, recovering quickly. "I need only wait for high tide. Then you'll either have to climb back up or be crushed on the rocks when the waves come in. They strike hard enough to send spray up the flue and out the blowhole here at the top. Such waves will break you apart in an instant if you try to stay down there."

The Princess pressed herself against Leofrick, clinging to him. She stood on tiptoe, putting her lips close to his ear. "He's right," she whispered. "We can't be down here when high tide arrives. We'll be killed."

He kissed her soft, sweet lips, smoothing back her long blonde hair. "We won't die in here."

"How will we get out?" she asked, eyes imploring.

The Prince looked to the churning ocean water several yards below their stone shelf. "How far is it to the nearest cavern that's at the water level?"

He saw her panic mount, felt her cling to him even tighter. "We can't go into the water," she whispered, tone urgent. "We can't swim anywhere!"

"I know there are white sharks in the water, but I think we can make it to another cave before any of them find us," he said quietly, not wanting Leurre to overhear.

She held him tightly, lean body pressed against him. "It's not just the white sharks. There are the merfolk, too. They're the greater threat to us."

He placed one hand on the hilt of his sword. "I can take care of the merfolk if they threaten us."

"It won't work," she said, seeming to be on the verge of tears. "You can't swim and use that at the same time."

He released his sword and put both arms back around her, holding her tightly. "We need to come up with another plan, then. Otherwise, we'll just end up waiting on high tide. If we're down here then, our choices will be as Leurre said."

She hesitated for long moments, her gaze shifting from his eyes to the churning water beneath their feet. At last she heaved a large, deep sigh and nodded.

"I have said several times that I would sooner die than marry Leurre. It's time I proved it."

She eased herself from his embrace and stripped off his shirt, tossing it away. Standing naked before him, the small wounds of her passage through the rock flue standing out darkly against her pale skin, she reached for him.

"What are you doing?" he asked, uncertain, unable to keep from looking now at her body, unable to keep from admiring her petite curves and rosy nipples.

She unbuckled his belt and let it drop. Setting to work on the fastenings of his pants, she said, "We must go naked. The light clothing you have won't protect us from the cold of the water and the water would only make your clothing heavy. That would only weigh us down and make it harder to swim. Our chances of making it are greater if we're nude in the water. We must swim quickly as we are able. The merfolk stay near the shore when they can. They do this to avoid the white sharks that swim in the deeper water."

She slid his pants down to his ankles and lifted each foot in turn, removing his boots, then pulling the pants from legs. She tossed the pants and boots aside and began to remove his undergarment.

Continuing, she said, "The instant a single one of the merfolk spots us it will alert others. We will become playthings for them. If they can, they'll drag us down deep underwater, enjoying our struggles to get free. When we are too deep to reach the surface, too weak to swim, they will release us and watch us fight until we drown. If they misjudge and see that we will reach the surface after all, they will catch us again and drag us deep once more. It is a game to them. They will keep this up until we are drowned and dead. Speed is of the essence. If we can, we must be in and out of the water without the merfolk ever seeing us."

Leofrick listened to her words with growing apprehension. He began to doubt his own plan and cast about for a better alternative.

She removed the last of his clothing, leaving him naked before her. Pressing herself against him, her bare flesh to his own, she stretched up to kiss him deeply.

"Ready? Grab your sword," she whispered.

"Before we go..." he replied softly.

He moved her to one side, out of sight of anyone watching through the opening above, and lay her down, using his discarded clothing to cushion her. He shoved the sword away, unwilling to risk her coming into accidental contact with it. He lay atop her, covering her with own body, kissing her softly. The feel of her naked flesh against his own caused his cock to swell.

"So much has happened to allow us to come together," he breathed. "It feels like destiny. I cannot bear the thought of losing you, my love."

She ran delicate fingers through his hair and kissed him. "Am I truly your love?"

He nodded, gazing into her eyes, kissing her once. Her slender hands slid down over his shoulders and back, coming to rest on his posterior. She pulled him against her.

"And you are my love, Leofrick," she purred. "Take me now. Let us join as one at least this once in case we do not survive our swim."

Kissing her softly, he slid his heavy shaft into her body, feeling her shudder with pleasure as he entered her. She sighed softly, her hands running up and down his spine. He drew back, nearly all the way, then slowly eased into her once more, teasing her. He slid in as deeply as he could, relishing the feel of her hot, tight love canal gripping him. His arms were braced on the floor of the shelf, keeping his full weight off her. He drew back again before thrusting in faster and harder than before.

Her caresses moved from his back to his chest. She toyed with his hardened nipples, stroking and tweaking them. He groaned, feeling his impending orgasm building far more quickly than he wanted.

This cannot end so soon!

Chapter 12

Princess Rhyannon Ensorcelledlight lay beneath Leofrick, moving her slender hips in perfect sync with his. Her hands clenched his posterior tightly, drawing him as deeply into her fevered body as possible with each thrust he made. Each time he pushed into her, she uttered a soft cry, echoing the gentle sounds escaping his own slightly parted lips.

He shifted position a little, breaking the eye contact that both had held since he first entered her. His head dipped, his mouth finding one of her nipples. He suckled gently, stopping now and then to flick the tip of his tongue over the fleshy nub of sensitive skin.

"I love you, Prince Leofrick Wykeham," she breathed softly, twining her willowy legs with his muscular ones.

His dexterous lips rose from her nipple and he made eye contact with her once again. As he stared into her eyes, she felt his cock grow even harder inside of her. She tensed, gripping him tightly with her body, making him work harder to continue his thrusts. He groaned, the sound starting off low, barely audible, gradually growing in strength and volume.

The knowledge that he was about to climax inside of her sent Rhyannon over the edge. Her body gripped him even more tightly, milking him as her own orgasm took her.

He gasped, hips working faster, shoving his huge, hardened cock into her, plunging in with hard, forceful drives over and over, again and again.

Orgasms weaving together, each feeding from the other, they climaxed. She felt his hot seed explode inside of her and gasped, arcing her back, tensing her legs, still tangled with his own, in an attempt to draw him even further inside of her. Her head thrashed back and forth on his wadded up shirt, slipping from the pillow to the rock floor. The discomfort barely registered as he continued to shove into her, time and again, his cock still hard and fully erect even after his massive climax.

Calming enough to regain control of herself, she pulled his face to her own, kissing him. Her kiss lingered on his mouth, her lips working on his own, her tongue slipping into his mouth, tasting him, exploring him. All the while he continued to plunge deeply into her with one hard thrust after another.

Grasping his long brown ponytail with one hand, she slid her other hand over his tensed shoulders and back, lightly raking him with her fingernails. She continued to kiss him, her mouth locked to his, until he finally collapsed, spent and exhausted.

He slid off of her, lying at her side. She rolled over, placing the wadded shirt beneath his head, pillowing her own head on his arm. Cuddled against him, she traced the hard lines of his muscles with her fingertips. He slid a leg over her, drawing her even closer. His cock was still semi-erect and the feel of it stirred her, making her want to draw him back into her flushed body.

After a few moments he had his breath and rolled over, onto his back, easing her atop him. He held her tightly but gently, kissing her softly.

"I love you, Princess Rhyannon Ensorcelledlight," he whispered into her ear.

She returned the kiss. "I'm so glad we found each other."

"So am I. You're the woman I've been searching for my entire life."

She relaxed in his embrace, letting him hold her, feeling safer and more secure than she ever remembered being. After a time she gently extricated herself from his arms and got to her feet. Before speaking, she simply looked down at him, admiring his sculpted musculature, the perfect, lean body, his tanned flesh. The memory of that flesh against her own made her want to do nothing more than throw herself into his arms once more. Instead, she took a tentative step to the edge of the stone shelf. Below, the gray-green ocean foamed, waves striking the rocks hard, the power of the impacts loud, sending salty spray into the air.

"Feel strong enough for a swim?" she asked.

"Must we go so soon?" he asked in reply.

She stepped back to him and took his hand, guiding him to his feet. Pressing against him, loving the warmth of him in the chill, damp air, she nuzzled his chest.

"We ought to," she murmured. "High tide will be starting soon. And I don't trust Leurre not to try something either way."

He ran his hands over her back, soothing her. "Are you sure you're ready?"

"I'll never be ready for what we're about to do. If you truly knew what we might face you wouldn't be, either. Let's go before we have too much time to think about it."

He nodded, releasing her slowly, reluctantly. Not looking away from her, he picked up his belt and scabbard, buckling them on.

She giggled at the sight of him, naked but for his sword belt. He grinned at her, asking if she intended to take her crystal sword. She shook her head, still chuckling.

"No," she said after a few moments. "I don't have a scabbard for mine. I can't carry it and swim, too." Sobering, she stepped into his arms once more, taking care to avoid the weapon sheathed at his side. "I love you, Leofrick. Whatever happens in the next few minutes, don't ever forget that. We haven't known each other long but there's something about you..."

He kissed her, softly at first, then harder, deeper, more passionately. When he broke the kiss, he whispered, "I love you, too, Rhyannon. Always and forever."

She pulled away from him, not willing to allow either of them more time to think about what they were to do. Stepping to the edge of the rock, she glanced back at him one final time.

We'll both die in the water. This is insane! But it's either this, die in the cavern at high tide, or climb back up to Leurre.

She took several breaths, her breathing verging on hyperventilation, oxygenating her blood. Closing her eyes, she stepped into the air and dropped.

The water was frigid and the cold struck her a hammer blow that stole her breath and quenched the fire in her flesh instantly. Gasping, choking, she fought her way to the surface, spitting saltwater and taking deep, ragged breaths. An out-rush of water drew her away from the cavern, pulling her into deeper water. Fighting it, she struggled to swim in a straight line. In the next moment, the ocean was crashing toward the rocks again, sweeping her with it. Jagged chunks of stone, covered with slime and barnacles, loomed before her. She felt her eyes grow wide.

Then Leofrick was there, beside her in the water, teeth already chattering. His legs kicked hard, one hand paddling while his other arm wrapped tightly around her waist. He helped keep her head above the water and keep her on course.

Water surged back and forth, tossing them to and fro. One moment they were swept into deeper water. The next, they risked being dashed onto the rocks.

Struggling to hold a course parallel to the cliff face they had climbed down through, she was quickly exhausted. A glance at Leofrick told her that he was, too.

We'll never make it! At least I'll die with the one I love and not a creature I'm forced to wed!

Fearful of the rocks, Rhyannon struggled to angle away from them. Leofrick held her tight, fighting her for several moments, before working with her. The out-rush of water carried them into deeper water and they renewed their struggles to swim forward.

The coastline was a mass of outcroppings and fallen boulders ahead. Combined with the spray kicked up with each crashing wave, she had no way of seeing any cove or cavern. She simply fought to swim, hoping to find shelter, a way out of the water, knowing that what she sought may be only a few feet ahead or it may be hundreds of feet away. If it was the latter, she knew, they would both die long before reaching it.

At her side, still holding her, still helping her along, Leofrick struggled. As he fought to swim, he twisted and turned his head, as if trying to look in every direction at once.

Rhyannon kept her attention focused straight ahead but for the occasional glance at Leofrick. If merfolk or white sharks found them, she didn't want to know, didn't want the moments of helpless terror, of knowing what was about to befall them, knowing there was nothing she could do to prevent their deaths.

Goddess, please, please let us reach safety!

They fought and toiled against the waves, trying to move forward. Yet they were tossed back and forth, scarcely making any headway. Exhausted, she felt herself slipping lower in the water. As her head slid beneath the surface, Leofrick pulled her back. She was so numb from the cold that she couldn't even feel his arm around her anymore.

When the high-pitched, keening wail reached her ears her heart nearly stopped. For a moment, she forgot to keep swimming and sank, until Leofrick once more hauled her up, urging her forward. She sobbed in desperate terror, knowing that, for all their struggles, they were doomed.

At her side, Leofrick looked around, still fighting to move them forward. "What's the sound?"

"Merfolk," she cried. "They've found us!"

"I don't see any openings in the cliff. Do you?"

"No. But we need to find one now or we're dead!"

She craned her neck, trying to look behind them. Her heart sank. Despite all their struggles, they had only managed to progress a few dozen yards from the blowhole cavern. Before she could say anything, she felt a webbed hand grasp her ankle so tightly that she was aware of it even in her cold-numbed condition. She was yanked downward, out of Leofrick's gasp, under the water. Saltwater made her eyes sting.

A merman had hold of her leg, pulling her deeper and deeper underwater. The creature was blubbery, with flat features and deep-set, dark eyes that lacked any real spark of intelligence. His hair was long and light, but muddied with algae to the point where it nearly appeared green. He was humanoid from the waist up, his naked flesh pallid and white. Below the waist, his skin was much darker, a single mass, tapering down to a fluked tail. He had the appearance of being half dolphin. A long, hard erection peeked through a slit in the front of the tail. Some disconnected part of her mind realized just how excited the merfolk became at the prospect of drowning their victims.

She fought and kicked, but was unable to break free of the crushing grip on her ankle. Other merfolk, both male and female, were gathered in the water. They watched her struggles with flat eyes and unrestrained signs of sexual arousal.

She knew she was weakening, her struggles lessening. She knew was going to die soon, passing out from lack of air and exhaustion. She knew her body would involuntarily begin to inhale, drawing seawater into her lungs. She would die and never see Leofrick again. The thought of losing him upset her more than the thought of her death. Yet she was too weak to keep fighting. She went still, resigned to the inevitable.

The webbed hand released her. Barely aware of what was happening, Rhyannon saw a few bubbles of precious air float upward from her parted lips.

Up... Surface...

Weakly, she paddled, following the chain of bubbles.

Air... Leofrick...

Light, distorted and wavering, appeared above her. Hope kindled in her breast and she forced herself to fight, to struggle, pushing herself to the surface.

So close... Leofrick... Air...

Her lungs burned. Her vision was blurring at the edges. She reached for the light above her and found only more frigid water. Unable to control her despair, she let out a single sob. A bubble of air escaped her lips, morphing, changing shape slightly, as it drifted upwards. Her vision went dark and she felt herself so limp once more. Her eyes closed.


A strong arm wrapped around her stomach, hauling her up.

"Breathe!" he shouted at her. "Rhyannon, don't give up! Breathe!"

She sputtered, barely conscious, numb and in pain. She tried to speak his name but the word refused to pass her quivering lips.

"Rhyannon! I love you! Don't do this to me! You say you love me, too! Don't do this to us! Breathe!"

Lips pressed hard against her own. Air was forced into her lungs. She coughed, hard, wracking spasms that hurt her chest and head.

"Come on," she heard him say. "I can't swim and do this at the same time. Breathe!"

His lips where on hers again. More air was forced into her. She coughed again, spitting water. Her head spun. She hurt all over.

"Rhyannon, come on!"

She slowly opened her eyes, gradually became more aware. She floated on her back, still in the water, Leofrick at her side, treading water, struggling to stay with her. The waves continued to toss them back and forth.

"Rhyannon," he said, his voice softer, more tender, "I love you. Keep fighting. Breathe."

She took a breath, coughing more, only floating due to his support of her body. Breathing hurt. Coughing hurt.

"What...happened?" she managed to say.

"We'll talk later. Can you swim yet?"


"I'll try," she said.

He nodded, looking around. She noticed then that his sword was in his hand, impeding his own ability to swim. As she rolled onto her stomach, struggling to paddle, she saw the red in the water. Looking further out, she saw several dead merfolk washing in and out with the waves. Some were whole, others were merely pieces, hacked and severed limbs.

Not allowing herself time to register the horror, or what it meant, what it would bring, she fought to swim. Leofrick stayed at her side, helping to keep her head above the water, his sword keeping the merfolk at bay. The high-pitching wailing of the merfolk reached her ears, filling her with dread. From time to time she caught brief glimpses of them. The merfolk glared at her and Leofrick with open hatred in their deep-set, dark eyes, rage on their flat, pallid features.

She blocked them out, trusting to Leofrick to keep them back, and merely battled the surge to propel herself forward. She wasn't even aware that the cries of the merfolk had been silenced until Leofrick brought it to her attention.
