Loving Lacey Ch. 04

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Lacey tells Wyatt...
6.4k words

Part 4 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 02/28/2024
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Year 1 of Us

Valentine's Day

I shut my computer down, having gotten to my stopping point on that manuscript for today. As I stood and stretched, I looked out the windows -- another wet day, and I needed to get our Valentine's dinner started. When I looked at the clock, I realized that it was earlier than I had expected. I grinned and walked out of the office. The dogs followed me closely until I heard the door to the garage close. They both charged to the stairs and then down.

I followed them down and I heard Lacey laughing. I smiled -- her laughter always did that to me, and as I reached the top of the stairs, she was at the bottom and pointed up at me. "Stay there!" She stripped off her coat and threw it over the back of the couch, before hurrying up the stairs. Once there, she threw yourself against me before saying, "Into the bedroom, now!"

I didn't argue. I let her push me into our room, then she forced me to the bed. Once I was sitting on it, she stepped back and smiled, that wide smile that made everyone smile when they saw it.

"What's gotten into you, Lacey?"

She reached out and caressed my cheek. "You have, Wyatt."

I guess my face showed my confusion, because she giggled, then leaned down to kiss me.

"I don't understand, love."

"Well," she said as she sat on my lap, her left arm over my right shoulder. "Think back to December. What did we start to try for?"

Realization started to hit. "You mean..."

"Yes!" Lacey suddenly kissed me, her lips tender and her tongue eager. "I've missed a couple of periods, and the early test was positive. I went in to the doctor this morning and got a confirmation!"

I looked at her with a huge smile. "Really?"

She looked at me, almost giddy. "Yes, really! You're going to be a Daddy, and I'm going to be a mommy!"

I hugged her tightly to me. We laughed a bit, and we cried a bit, too. Relief, joy, excitement.

"Well, this changes everything."

"What do you mean, cowboy?" she asked.

"We have to make lots of plans."

She looked at me.

"But first, we have to celebrate! Have you told Erica?"

"No. You're the first I've told, silly." She smiled at me before she tucked her head under my chin.

"Do you want to call her and invite them over for dinner? Tell them then?" I asked.

"Can you change our dinner to one for four? Travis' folks were going to watch their kids, anyway."

"Call her. Insist they come over. Beg if you have to." I hold her close. "I love you, my princess, so much."

"I love you, too." She wiggled her ass into my lap. "Should I call now, or do you feel like playing?"

"I will play with you, love, whenever you want, but even if I'm going to make dinner just for you and me, for Valentine's, I need to get it started." She kissed my throat and growled a bit.

"Okay, I'll make the call. You start on dinner for four -- we can always have leftovers." She giggled again and stood up. "My phone is in my purse, downstairs."

I took her hand, and we walked downstairs. I went into the kitchen, and I heard her start talking on the phone. Expanding dinner wasn't going to be a problem, so I just got started on it.

As I looked at the pantry, she walked into the kitchen. "...Hang on, let me ask."

Lacey held her phone down. "What time, Wyatt?"

I looked at the clock. "Half past six."

She relayed that and wandered back into the living room, still talking. A short time later, she came back in and sat on the other side of the island, watching me. "She had called me while we were upstairs. Oddly, she said that there was something she wanted to share with us, too."

"What did you tell her?" I asked.

"Just that there was something very important I wanted to share with her, my best friend."

I looked at her, and then a smile started to grow on her face. I felt one growing on mine, too. "Do you think...?'

"Maybe. Remember that dinner over at their house, the weekend we started trying?"

"Didn't she tell you that they were going to try to get pregnant, too?"

Lacey tapped her feet against the foot rail of the stool in excitement. "Oh, my God! That's it!" she laughed. "We're going to surprise each other with baby news!" She slid off the stool and ran around the island. I knew what she wanted, and I just held my arms open. She gently collided with me, and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'd think you were excited!" I laughed softly into her hair.

"Oh, my love, I'm so excited it's almost unbearable!" She was still bouncing a bit as I held her.

"Go sit down, love. I can't hug you if you won't hold still."

She stepped away and gave me a pouty look. "I'm sorry, love."

I just gave her a smile. "It's okay, my princess." I leaned forward and we shared a quick kiss. "I love the pouty look, by the way."

"You do?" She gave me a smile. "Should I do it more often?"

I shrugged. "Depends upon what you want, Baby Girl."

"Oh, Daddy!" She giggled and sat back onto the stool. "If they're willing..."

"Let's get dinner out of the way, first." There was a knock at the door and both dogs started to bark.

"They can't be here already!"

I checked the time. "No, it's something else. Stay right there." I pointed at her and went to join the dogs. They settled down and I sent them back to her. I opened the door, accepted what the delivery person was holding, thanked them, and then headed back to the kitchen.

I took the delivery into the kitchen, and Lacey squealed. "Oh, my God! Are those for me?"

"I hope so. Do you like them?"

"So many red roses! How many?"

"There are thirty-one red roses, and one white one."

"Why just one white rose?"

"To show how pure our love is."

This time, when she came off the stool, I was ready and she jumped into my arms, her legs on my hips. She kissed me deeply, and then we held the kiss for a long time. When she broke the kiss, she looked into my eyes. "Why that number of red roses?"

"One for each year of our age difference."

She grabbed my head and pulled my face to hers. As we kissed, I was glad that nothing was on a hot burner on the stove. When she released me, all I could say was, "Wow!"


"Oh yes, my princess. Wow." I placed my forehead against hers. "Was that kiss in context?"

Lacey giggled. "Yes, it was. And so is this one." She kissed me again, our tongues playing tag in our mouths while her hands held my head. Once we broke the kiss, I turned and sat her on the counter.

She looked at me. "What are you planning, Wyatt?"

"Nothing, really. I just want to look at you."

She smiled, her eyes on mine. "I do love you, Wyatt."

I leaned forward and rested my head on her shoulder. "I do love you, too, Lacey."

Her hands caressed the back of my head. "I think you need to get me off here so that you can work on supper."

"Okay." I lifted her. then set her down.

I worked on supper and just before Erica and Travis were due to arrive, Lacey fed the dogs. I smiled as I watched her while closing in finishing supper. "Everything that needs to cook will finish right at half past six."

She nodded and the doorbell sounded. The dogs started to head that way, but she spoke to them, and they waited for her. Once Lacey went past, they followed, each heeling, one on either side. I grinned -- she'd done a wonderful job training them.

I heard voices, and I recognized both of them, so I knew that our guests had arrived.

After a few minutes, they both walked into the kitchen. Travis greeted me and Erica came up and gave me a hug.

"Oh, my! Lacey, you're right, that is a gorgeous bouquet. Wyatt, you've done a great job with this."

"Thanks. I had to think hard about what I was going to get her."

"Oh, that's right! This is your first Valentine's really together!" Erica said.

Lacey nodded and came around the island, where she gave me hug. I held her close and rested my mouth on her head.

"Hon," Travis says.

"Yes?" Erica answers.

"I think he loves her."

"You're wrong, Travis." Erica looked at us and took his hand. "I *know* he loves her, and she loves him."

He looked at us and gave us a wink. "My love, you're right." He grinned. "They certainly look like they're in love."

"So, where will we be eating? Here, or in the dining room?"

Lacey smiled at Erica. "We'll set the dining room table, okay?" She nodded, and both of them grabbed the dishes and silverware before walking into the other room.

Travis stepped to the island and sits on the same stool Lacey had been sitting on.

"So, do you know what's going on?"

"From our house? Yes, I do."

"I know what's going on from our house. Care to share?"

"And blow the news? No way, pal, no way." I looked at him and grinned. "I like living."

"Are you afraid of them?" Travis asked with a smile.

"Afraid? Maybe not afraid. I love both of them, and I'm really looking forward to this."

He laughed, then looked right at me. "What *are* you afraid of, Wyatt?"

"Losing my anchor."

"Your anchor?" he asked.

I hear both the ladies coming back, chatting and giggling. "I'll explain later."

He nodded and stood up just as the timers sounded.

"Excellent timing, ladies," I said. "If you'll let the goof on the other side of the island escort you back to the table, I'll start bringing in the food."

"I'll help!" Lacey said.

"No, my princess," I shook my head. "This is your party, and you need to sit and enjoy being pampered."

Erica nodded vigorously. "It's Valentine's, sweetie. Let's go sit and enjoy being pampered."

Travis got each of them to take an arm and he took them into the dining room. He came hurrying back as I finished pulling the food out. I put everything on platters, and he started taking them into the other room. I took the rest and followed, leading to a wonderful time as we ate. There were laughs, giggles, and smiles as we dined.

Erica looked at me as she rested her elbow on the table. "I didn't know you were a chef, Wyatt."

"I'm a passable cook, Erica, not a chef."

"That was a chef quality meal, Wyatt."

Lacey leaned closer to me, her shoulder touching my left arm. "My cowboy, you're a better cook than you think you are." I felt my face getting warm. Erica raised an eyebrow and Travis just grinned. She turned her head, then she giggled. "Wyatt, you're blushing!"

"Am I?" I knew that I was, but what else could I have said?

"Yes, you are!" Lacey started to giggle even more, and I could feel myself getting redder.

"Lacey, quit teasing your love!" Erica said sternly.

"Yes, Erica." She didn't sound as contrite as she should have, but then Erica smiled at Lacey, which made me smile, too. Lacey turned towards me and put her hand on my chin, pulling my face around to hers. "I didn't mean to make you blush, love." She pulled me even closer and gave me a gentle kiss. "Do you forgive me?"

"I'll always forgive you, my princess." I smiled at her, and she returned it, adding a lick of her lips to make it spicier.

Erica gave us a few moments, then cleared her throat. "So, what is the big news you wanted to share?"

Lacey looked over at her and smiled. "Let's go get comfortable in the living room."

We all went in, and before I joined her on the couch, I turned the music on, to one of the Valentine's special music channels. The volume was low, just enough to hear, but not enough to interfere with my hearing.

Lacey was already curled up on the couch, shoes on the floor, and I sat beside her. She cuddled under my left arm and rested her head on my chest. "I think that this may be a favorite position of yours," I said with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Cuddled under my arm, head on my chest, feet tucked under you," was my answer.

"Not just mine," she giggled.

I looked at the other side of the couch, and Erica was in the same position, but on Travis' right side. "You're right."

"Of course, she's right, Wyatt. It's comfy and makes us feel loved." She patted Travis on his chest. "So, what's the important news you wanted to share?"

"No, you, first." Lacey said.

"I think as hostess, you should tell first."

"Go ahead, Lacey. Tell them." I caressed her arm.

She gave a dramatic sigh, then twisted her head. "I got confirmation this afternoon."

She sat up. "We're pregnant!"

Erica squeals. "So are we!"

Both of them flipped over, meeting in the middle of the couch. Their arms wrapped around each other, and I could hear laughing and crying at the same time, coming from each of them. While she was there, I noticed that Travis was doing the same thing I am -- watching silently, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Did you suspect about our news?" he asked.

I nodded. "You?"


Lacey went crawling over to Travis while Erica stood up and came over to me. She looked down at me and I opened my arms. She settled on my lap and gave me a deep kiss. After she pulled away, she looked into my eyes.

"How are you feeling about this? I know she's excited, but are you okay with this?" Erica asks.

"Erica, my dear, this wasn't a surprise. We made love a lot that week back in early December." I kissed her. "In fact, I believe that you were aware of what we were doing."

She kissed my cheek. "I know, but trying is very different than succeeding."

She looked into my eyes, and I could see deeply into her blue eyes. "I'm already a father, Erica. You know that. I want this almost as much as she does. Giving her a baby? That's heaven, no doubt about it."

"You are a good man, sweetheart," Erica said softly.

I shrugged. "I have my moments."

"You have more than just *moments*, love." I realized that Lacey was standing in front of me, one hand on Erica's shoulder.

"Are you done making out with my husband, Lacey?"

"I am if you're done making out with my cowboy."

Erica snickered. "We really weren't making out."

"I know. Travis and I weren't either."

"Talking about the news?"

"Yes, we were," Travis said, still on the other leg of the couch.

"Hell, come over here and we'll each cuddle a sexy, pregnant woman." He moved over, and Lacey sat on his lap, her legs moving about with Erica's until they were both comfortable.

"So, do the kids know about the future sibling?"

"Not yet. I'll wait until it's more obvious -- it'll make the explanation easier." Erica rested her head against me. "I was told that you really like my pregnant videos. Is that true?"

I didn't blush, and I did smile. "Those, and the lactating ones."


"Really. I've always found pregnant women extremely sexy -- I don't know why. And I've tasted breast milk, several times, and I love the flavor." I looked over at Lacey. "I'm really looking forward to being with my sexy, pregnant girl -- the one sitting in your husband's lap." I licked my lips. "I can't wait to taste *her* milk."

Lacey giggled and smiled at me. Erica patted my chest. "Play your cards right, and you can taste my milk, too. If Lacey will let you."

"Oh, I'll let him, if you'll let Travis taste mine." They both laughed and leaned forward enough to shake hands, sealing the deal.

"Will you be making pregnant videos, Lacey?"

"I want to, I really do." She looked at me. "Will you let me?"

"Let you? My princess, I want you to make them -- you want to show off your body, anyways, and I think your videos will be very popular."

"Do you really think so?" her voice was soft.

"Yes, my princess, I do." Lacey smiled at me in response.

"Erica, I want to cuddle with my cowboy!"

"Okay." They both stood and shifted around, sharing a kiss as they moved.

She settled into my lap, snuggling her head under my chin. "Wyatt, do you really think my pregnant videos will sell?"

"My love, I do. There are a lot of men who love those types of videos." I kissed her hair. "I should know. I'm one of them."

Lacey laughed softly and caressed my chest. I put my right arm around her and just held her. "I love you, Lacey."

We all sat there, content just to be among friends, music playing softly in the background.

Travis murmured something to Erica, and I saw her nod. "I think we're going to head home. I want to love on Travis, and I think Lacey wants to love on Wyatt."

"I do!" Lacey exclaimed. We all got up and they put their coats on as we followed them to the door. Both dogs trailed us, and Erica and Travis gave them hugs and pets. After we shared kisses and hugs, they went out into the cold darkness.

My last words to Travis were simple. "You drive safely -- you've got valuable cargo in that car."

He grinned at me. "I know. Don't forget, you'll have even more valuable cargo in yours from now on."

We waited until their headlights were out of sight before we closed the door. Lacey shivered and I looked at her. She smiled, "It's colder out there than I expected."

"It *is* February, love."

She laughed. "I know, and it was a silly thing to say."

I reached over and took her into my arms. "It was a little silly, my princess, but I've said much sillier things."

She gave me a shy little smile. "Will you kiss me?"

"I will. Will it be in context?"

She giggled as she placed her arms around my neck. "Oh, yes."

I kissed her, her lips tasting as sweet as they always did. We lingered there, just inside our front door, kissing, our arms around each other. Suddenly, she giggled into my mouth.


"LB just pushed her nose into the back of my thigh."

I look past her, down at LB. She was giving me an expectant look. "I think she's bored."

Lacey turned around. "Are you bored, puppy girl?" LB's answer was a tail wag and then Sherlock stepped up to Lacey. "I think you're bored, Sherlock, aren't you?" His tail wagged and he came around Lacey to look up at me.

"Should we go upstairs, then, since they're bored with us just standing here?"

She laughed. "Yes. You check the doors and I'll take care of puppy water."


We separated and took care of things. I watched her walk towards me, a smile on her face, as I stood at the foot of the stairs. The only lights that were still on were the few that were on timers, and the fireplace was burning very low behind the screen.

She reached out a hand, and I took it as we walked up the stairs. "Would you like to get your gift now, or in the bedroom?"

"You got me a gift?"

We reached the top of the stairs, and the dogs went past us, getting into their beds.

"Of course, I did, Wyatt." I stopped and looked at her, and she had a puzzled expression on her face. "What's wrong?"

"I wasn't expecting to get a present today. At any rate, nothing beyond you. No big deal." I started to walk towards the bedroom when she pulled me to a stop.

"When was the last time you got a gift for Valentine's?"

"The one before Gwen passed. She got me a couple of shirts and a baseball cap. It's been a couple of years, now." I felt emotions start to roil up inside me, and Lacey must have seen them in my face.

"No, no, no!" She grabbed me in a fierce hug. "No crying!" I let out a little sob, and she just held me tighter. "Take me into the bedroom. Now!"

I picked her up, walked into the bedroom, and took her to the bed.

"Put me down and sit on the bed." I did both things, and Lacey stood between my knees, making me look up into her face. With both hands, she tenderly wiped the tears from my cheeks. She gave me a soft smile, and then she bent down to give me a gentle kiss. She rested her right hand on my shoulder while she caressed my face with the other. "I have two gifts for you."

I smiled. "I have two gifts for you, too."

Her eyes lit up. "Really? More than those beautiful roses?"

I nodded. "Top right drawer in my dresser. They're wrapped. Would you get them, please?"

Lacey looked at me, a little smile on her face. "Okay. I'll get my gifts for you, too." She walked over to our dressers and reached into the drawer I mentioned, then she stepped over to her closet and pulled out a small gift bag. She walked over to me and handed me the gift bag. "Do you mind if I open mine first?"