Lucille and Mrs. Miller Pt. 01


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She was however very taken with the Confession Idea and said "It must be wonderful to be able to tell all your faults and sins like that Mrs Miller. It's a pity they don't do that in our church. Unfortunately the Baptists don't believe in that."

Alice nodded. She wasn't critical and simply said "Yes Mrs Ross, we are all different and I suppose we have to make the best of what we have."

Lucille wished she could have something similar in her church but then the thought of telling her Baptist Minister about the dirty fantasies that she and Bruce shared and about Bruce in his girly underwear and being cuckolded almost frightened her just thinking about it.

She said "It's all very well for you Mrs Miller, but you are so sensible and mature. There must be many Catholic women who have these naughty thoughts and would be as frightened to tell a man as I am."

Alice Miller looked at her Employer with new eyes and thought for a moment before answering. "That really is an intelligent question Lucille. Probably the best question you could have asked. There are many Catholic women with exactly the same fears as you have raised and it is indeed a very real problem."

Lucille was really into the heart of things now. She was curious and she was intrigued as she asked "Well tell me Alice, how these women cope with Confession. Presumably they are devout Catholics and have to go to Confession. What do they do?"

Mrs Miller hesitated and then explained "It isn't well known but many women can go to Women Confession Councillors first to explain what they do over a nice cup of tea and sort of clear the ground before going to Holy Confession with the priest."

Lucille murmured "I have never heard of that system before Mrs Miller. It seems very secret."

Again Alice Miller hesitated "It is not advertised at all Lucille as it is so sensitive and besides that there are not many of us who provide this service."

Lucille was stunned "You are a Confession Councillor, Mrs Miller? You listen to people's problems and they tell you everything over a cup of tea?"

Alice nodded, "Not all people though Lucille. Only Catholic women who are worried. I explain that they have nothing to fear in telling priests their secrets. The Holy Fathers have heard many things before and probably worse."

Lucille went quiet for a minute. "I am a Baptist as you know. I am not a Catholic but I really would like to go to Confession with you Mrs Miller. I get so worried sometimes about my fantasies that it would be such a relief to confess everything and be given a penance to absolve all my guilt."

Mrs Miller didn't answer for a while and Lucille waited in tense anticipation for the older woman's answer. When it came, it was, as always, quite guarded "I am not sure Mrs Ross. I do like you very much and want to help you but I should have a word with Father Flynn first."

Lucille had to accept the situation. She knew Father Flynn from various committees and did feel a little flushy over the thought of Mrs Miller telling the old man about her fantasies but knew she had no option. She needed Mrs Miller's help. She felt so anxious.

That evening she told Bruce about her chat to Mrs Miller and he was more than understanding. He seemed a little flushed and asked her if she had discussed his 'pretty situation' and Lucille told him "She did say you have the ideal frame to be a very pretty boy or even a pretty girl and liked your picture pulling your skirt up and showing your pretty panties."

Bruce knew which one his wife mentioned and muttered loudly to himself "Oh God." but noticeably didn't object.

Although Lucille's thoughts were concentrating on her own Confession predicament she had sensed that Bruce was excited about Mrs Miller knowing about his 'prettiness' and the cuckold fantasies. She realised that Mrs Miller had been right about Bruce wanting to be embarrassed and perhaps humiliated.

Bruce felt confused. He was excited about the thought of Mrs Miller knowing everything and Lucille could see the arousal in his face. He controlled himself enough to say "We will just have to wait what she says then, Lucille."

The next day Mrs Miller was late and Lucille was beside herself with anxiety. She had to go to the bathroom several times. Then Mrs Miller arrived, thank goodness. Lucille tried to look casual and Mrs Miller simply started her cleaning as usual.

When Mrs Miller made a cup of tea for both of them Lucille was almost bursting with impatience although she did ask quietly "Did you see Father Flynn about me, Mrs Miller?"

The older woman was very serious and murmured "Yes I did Mrs Ross. I explained everything to him and he did think it through very carefully. One of his first questions was if you wanted to turn to the Catholic Faith?"

Lucille shook her head sadly "That is impossible Mrs Miller. My father is Head Master of the local Catholic Secondary school and it would make his position too difficult. I just couldn't do that."

Lucille felt her chances of Confession receding. It was terrible.

Mrs Miller smiled at her "I anticipated that Mrs Ross and told Father Flynn. He told me to call into the Church House this morning for his decision and that is why I am late."

Lucille waited apprehensively to what Mrs Miller said next.

The older lady slowly explained "Father Flynn said that in the circumstances we can come to some arrangement which will be acceptable to Mother Church, but it must be with your explicit understanding and full acceptance. There is no room for wavering."

Lucille could hardly stop herself smiling and said immediately "I will do anything you or Father Flynn require Mrs Miller. I have come to the stage where I really need Confession with all my heart."

Mrs Miller nodded "I believe you Lucille, but I will explain some of the details. I will be your Mother Councillor and give you full Confession where you will tell me all your sins especially all your fantasies in great detail."

Lucille nodded her agreement "I will tell you everything Mrs Miller."

Mrs Miller continued "I will then give you Penance which to start with will consist of you saying 3 Hail Marys."

Lucille had to say "I don't know those prayers Mrs Miller, but I can learn them."

Mrs Miller smiled "I realise that Mrs Ross. Father Flynn suggested that to start with I write out the wording and you read the words back to me after your Confession. Later on I will teach you more prayers which you will say to me during Confession and possibly give you extra penance."

Lucille didn't ask what the extra penance could be but felt so happy that things were working out so well and said so. She had no doubt that she would carry out any extra penance whatever it may be. She also asked about Bruce's fantasies and whether she would have to tell about these.

Mrs Miller nodded. "From what I understand Mrs Ross is that you and your husband's fantasies are very closely intertwined. His Little Girlie fantasies and cuckolding are very much part of your fantasies and sometimes include your mother?"

Lucille nodded. She had also caught her husband looking at Mrs Miller on a few occasions in that special way. She didn't say anything more.

Mrs Miller continued "And when you are sitting on your Daddy's knee, Brucie is a pretty little girl watching everything?"

Lucille blushed but said "Yes that is right Mrs Miller."

Mrs Miller smiled "And when Daddy does naughty things to you he also gives pretty Brucie permission to do things to himself?"

Lucille felt a little embarrassed but murmured "Yes, Brucie touches himself."

She had actually already shown Mrs Miller a picture of her husband dressed as a schoolgirl masturbating.

Mrs Miller nodded "I knew that was the situation Mrs Ross and when I explained to Father Flynn. He said it was essential that your husband's fantasies are included in your Confession."

Lucille nodded "I understand Mrs Miller and I agree and know that my husband will accept as well."

Mrs Miller smiled "That's all settled then Mrs Ross. Normally after such Confession my other clients will then go on to have Confession with Father Flynn. He has said however that as you are not a Catholic this would not be possible. Hence the necessity that your Confession to me is completely full of all detail for my Report and include any pictures you may take or use."

Lucille nodded "I understand Mrs Miller and they will be full of the details." She was unsure what the older woman meant with her Report.

Mrs Miller clarified "I will of course be passing on all of your Confessions and pictures to Father Flynn so that he can provide the Remote Absolution."

Lucille flushed a little at the thought of Father Flynn knowing everything about them. Whilst she had contact with the old priest about once a month she knew that Bruce met up with the Catholic Priest about once a week either at meetings or social functions in the village.

They were both on the Parish Council which the Priest chaired. She knew this would be embarrassing for her husband but then shrugged her shoulders as she couldn't do anything about it. Actually the situation was due to blow up in an unexpected way, but she wouldn't find out until the next few days.

That evening she told Bruce about her chat to Mrs Miller and he was very eager to listen. He seemed a little flushed and asked her if she had discussed his 'pretty situation' and Lucille said "She did say you have the ideal frame to be a very pretty boy or even a pretty girl and liked your pictures."

Although Lucille's thoughts were concentrating on her own Confession predicament she had hidden a small smile as she sensed that Bruce was excited about Mrs Miller knowing about his prettiness. She realised that Mrs Miller had been right about Bruce wanting to be embarrassed and perhaps humiliated.

Three days later it started to go wrong for Bruce. He really liked young Brian now and found him a real help. He also found he very much enjoyed engaging Brian in more and more deep conversations about the naughty magazines and exploring the lads thoughts about Lucille.

Apart from Bruce's literature he had encouraged Brian to bring in some of his own special mags. Some of them were quite raunchy. When he asked him how he got them he was gob-smacked when Brian explained that his mother bought them for him.

Again the magazines concentrated on older women and some quite mature. Some were smart, others were quite plain. What surprised Bruce was how explicit they were. Actually they were also the sort of pictures that Bruce liked.

One mature woman was sitting on a carpet with her back against the settee and her knees spread showing a bird's eye view up her nice dress straight at the gusset her tight blue panties.

Scrawled across the top of the picture was the heading 'Mrs R'.

Bruce panted a little. The association was fairly obvious. It unconsciously aroused him but he just said encouragingly "I like that one Bri, her gusset is nice and tight."

Brian nodded in agreement "I know Mr Ross, she gives me a horn on. It makes me wank."

Bruce felt himself get aroused and tried to sound casual "Do you wank often Bri?" The lad sighed "Yes, especially if I think of Mrs Ross."

Bruce felt quite strange. He could see the excitement in the boy's face. He also knew he should object but he was still curious.

Brian showed him another picture which was much more explicit.

This showed a woman in her late thirties sitting back on an easy chair with her legs in the air and her knickers around her knees. Everything was showing.

Both of them breathed heavily and Brian muttered "I like her cunt Mr Ross."

Bruce also sighed and murmured "So do I Bri."

Brian had become quite talkative now and said "I use that picture to wank with. I think she looks like Mrs Ross."

Bruce said weakly "Lucille?"

Brian was in full flow now "Yes I think she is Mrs Ross and I have her knickers down and she wants my big prick up her cunt."

Bruce knew he had to call a halt "Bri, you are talking about my wife."

Brian couldn't stop "Yes, but she tells me she want my big knob up her as you have such a small Dicky."

This was so demeaning it brought things into perspective. Bruce spoke with authority "You must stop talking about my wife like that Brian. We have been married for 15 years and we love each other very much."

Brian suddenly realised that he had gone over the top in his excitement and almost cried as he apologised and then said "I must go home, now."

With that he grabbed his bag and just left. It was mid-morning and Bruce was just left alone in the shed, not knowing what to do. Mrs Miller was due to arrive in about an hour and he felt nervous about her reaction. He didn't know whether to say anything to his wife or not.

He decided to wait it out and quietly carried on with some of his work. After a while Lucille came out to see him.

She looked bewildered and told him "I have just had a phone call from Mrs Miller. She said that Brian isn't very well and she wouldn't be coming in today."

Bruce felt awful. His wife sensed it was something to do with her husband and slowly extracted what had happened.

She was upset. Not a Brian's actions but at Bruce. She said grimly "I sensed from the way Mrs Miller spoke that they may never come back. What have you done to us Bruce? I need her very much. How could you be so unfeeling?"

Bruce felt so miserable himself but tried to defend himself "But he talked about fucking you, Lucille and about my small penis."

Lucille was upset and showed it "For goodness sake Bruce, grow up. Brian is just 23. Little more than a lad. He fantasizes about me. All boys fantasize. You fantasize. I fantasize. Mrs Miller told me that she fantasizes. Besides that, we all know you have a small penis. You told me yourself that the boys used to make fun of your Little Dickie. You have made a mess of things. I wanted Mrs Miller to help me with my Confessions and to be quite honest it didn't do my ego any harm to think that Brian fancied me."

Bruce nodded. His wife was right. There was no harm in any of it. In fact he knew that he himself enjoyed the edgy conversations with young Brian. Even the ones about his little penis made him secretly stiff.

He murmured "I can see that now Lucille. I was wrong. We will have to go to Mrs Miller and apologise."

Lucille was still angry. She snapped "Oh no, Bruce. WE are not apologising. YOU are going to apologise. I haven't done anything to cause this. YOU have. And you shouldn't just apologise to Mrs Miller. You must apologise to young Brian as well." With that she left him in the shed and walked back to the house.

Bruce bit his lip. His wife was right. It was all his fault. He would have to go. He knew how much his wife needed the older woman and he had found himself staring at her quite a lot and imagining what she was wearing underneath. Mrs Miller had caught him a few times but had only given him a slightly enigmatic smile.

Bruce also missed Brian. Apart from enjoying teaching him the technical things he also enjoyed the slyly raunchy conversations which he himself started which had got him into such deep trouble.

He had thought a lot about Mrs Miller buying Brian the dirty magazines which could only have been used for one purpose. From further little chats Bruce had the impression that Mrs Miller may even have taught her son how to wank. Bruce had masturbated several times thinking of that scenario.

Left on his own, Bruce slumped down on his chair. He knew that if Mrs Miller and Brian didn't turn up the next day he would have to visit Mrs Miller and somehow get her to accept his apology.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It's totally unclear that this was originally written as a pedo story with "Brian" as a 13 year old. "...just 23. Little more than a lad. ...All boys fantasize. ..." You totally didn't just swap a 1 for a 2 there. Obviously. Not possible. 23 is absolutely "barely more than a lad" rather than "not terribly younger than we are" and "a fully grown adult". And his speech patterns are clearly those of a mature 23 year old, too.

Yeah. The kid was originally a 13 year old with a big dick. Pedo cuckoldry...when you think you've seen it all... Pardon me while I seek some brain bleach. Also, pedos get the short, blunted stake, not the long, sharp one. That, or a millstone and thrown into the sea, if we're feeling like going all New-Testament on them, instead.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Full confession

Always an excellent idea. Not sure if Father Flynn is the right person to receive it, though. The Bishop of the Parish, a former avid sinner himself, could make far better use of Brian's timidity and Lucille's lasciviousness. Bisexuality tolerance will be the theme of next weekend's Letter to the Faithful.

(Pictures available upon request at the parish office M-F 9:30 to noon.)

Another great story, my wonderful cunt-whore!

RegretsRegretsover 7 years ago
The leisurely build up hallmark of Mary's work

I read the unnumbered chapter first and this is meant to be chapter 6 I think, but it didn't matter because having read many of Mary's stories one can more or less jump in anywhere and try to make sense of the story line later. It would be a good excuse for rereading. Like warm toast when the weather is bad outside.

kalodinkalodinover 7 years ago
Very feminine POV

Measured exposition that titillates with increasing excitement. Kal

shoeslayershoeslayerabout 8 years ago
Another great story

Totally amazing, the scenarios Mary cums up with.

wanting to confess to a friend about her fantasies

and how she is so worried about them even though

she knows others have their dark little hopes for

being naughty. A lot going on here that's for sure.

Thanks Mary!

John73UKJohn73UKover 8 years ago
more soon please...

I've read all 5 parts and am enthralled - just cannot wait for the next episode...please hurry!

CuriousEdCuriousEdover 8 years ago
So many threads

There are so many threads running through these stories... to the point that you don't know who is going to do what with whom next! I read through the (current) 5 stories that the author has written, with rapt attention, and I am very much looking forward to more.

amoroneamoroneover 8 years ago

I love your stories and this one is the best to date. Great detail and a superb build up; my imagination is running wild with the possible scenarios. I will read part 2 soon and enjoy more of your unique but plausible erotic tales.

JonnyfliesJonnyfliesover 8 years ago
An interesting start

I think the author should consider letting someone read through her work before she submits the story, to iron out little mistakes that have sneaked into what is a very good beginning.

Perhaps a little naive in places, but with a range of 'personal interests' that are sure to please many readers.

I notice the 'braver' visitors to these pages (our anonymous 'trolls') have once again found a suggestion of a cuckold theme and 'the feeding frenzy' has already begun. Ignore them Mary, if they not brave enough to sign their abusive comments, their opinion is worth nothing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Maybe not physical cruelty

But definitely some mental beat downs. And some really silly/dumb people.

derekukderekukalmost 9 years ago
Great story

Loved this story. Can't wait for the next installment

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

The suggestive family relationships mixed with underwear and dirty magazines make this a wonderful start to a long series. The Confessional and the mention of different characters all add to secrecy of it all.

I hope there are many parts to come. I know I did. Fucking marvellous.

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