Lucy's Changing Life Ch. 05

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College Student's predilection for pigs taken to new heights.
5.2k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/01/2020
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The old military-issue bus bounced uncomfortably along the unmarked road, if it could be called a road, a cloud of dust trailing in its wake. The springs had long since given up on the dilapidated vehicle, but since nobody knew of its existence, or the existence of its destination, then it mattered little.

Its occupants sat, for the most part, sullen and silent, some asleep, some sunk in their seats and staring disconsolately at what little they could see out of the window in this mid-west backwater. The heat was stifling, and the small sliding windows offered little relief. Lucy ran her hand through her matted hair as a bead of sweat rolled between her breasts.

At one end of the carriage one of the girls kept up a disconsolate, bitter weeping that had lasted most of the journey from the marshalling station. Penny she was called. She was pretty, but the crying had made a mess of her face. Lucy remembered the way she had seemed almost heartbroken when her red and white polkadot dress had been confiscated and she had been given the same green tunic and trousers to wear as the rest of them.

One of the other passengers, a large, brutish girl finally lost her temper and stormed to the back of the bus. "Why can't you keep quiet for fuck's sake?!" she raged. "If you didn't want to wind up here you should have been the good girl that you make yourself out to be you stupid bitch!"

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Hey, Marla, back off will you?" she said in a tired voice, "she's terrified, can't you see that?" Marla spat on the floor. "Well she better hope she doesn't end up in my pen is all I can say" she shot back before storming back to her seat.

Eventually a sharp right turn signalled their arrival, sweeping through a high wire fence, bolted to which was a sign which read:





An inner set of gates marked the entrance to the main compound. The bus came to a halt in a piercing squeak of brakes and a hiss from its radiator which could be seen gently steaming in the oppressive sun.

A figure approached the vehicle and knocked twice on the door for the driver to open. She ascended the stairs in drill sergeant's uniform, big breasted, short pants due to the weather, but still with her immaculate, wide, rigid brimmed hat neatly on her head. Her voice was enough to startle even the heaviest of the sleepers from their rest.

"Right Ladies, listen up! In a moment we will call you out one by one to enter the camp. You will answer the roll and only three words should pass your lips. The first and last shall be Ma'am and in-between should be a "here". Once in the camp you will wash, and you will receive a medical examination. At the end of this examination you will receive inoculations and vaccinations before you are assigned to a pen."

She did not ask if there were any questions, it seemed they were not to be extended that courtesy before she started barking out names. "HURLEY!" the call came and Lucy got up, actually thankful to stretch her legs after the long journey, her hair falling over her face which she swept back with a hand.

"Ma'am here Ma'am" she parroted out for the sake of an easy life. She shaded her eyes against the sun, stepped down the steep bus steps, crossed the dirt path into the low army huts and presented the card with her name and prisoner number on it. The clerk looked up at her once and gestures with her pen to indicate she should proceed to the next room containing a row of shower heads along one wall.

"Undress and shower" says a prim looking woman in a white laboratory coat, glasses and her hair tied back in a bun, placing a full, new block of white soap in her hand. Lucy did as she was told, stepping up onto the raised showering area with bare feet and the shower began automatically, a shock of freezing cold water before it was followed by a more normal temperature.

The lab girl watched her as she soaped her tits and under her arms, constantly making notes on her clipboard. She indicated Lucy should clean herself between her legs before the water abruptly stopped, only a measured period of time allowed, presumably before the next inmate would come in behind her.

Rather than being given her clothes back she was instead directed to a set of scales where her weight was measured and a ruler lowered down onto the top of her head to check her height. The nurse, if that's what she could be called silently handed her a computer printed plastic card with those measurements on and again, she was directed to the next room and told to stand on a mark in the middle of the floor.

A doctor entered, young, maybe only recently qualified, her hair cut short into a elfin style cut. She looks at her clipboard, at the next name to appear. "Miss Hurley?" she asked to which Lucy responded with a nod before she is crossed off the list. "Dr Susan Willenhall" she said, informing Lucy of the physician's name.

She was deprived of her measurements card before the main part of her examination began. It was thorough, and intimate, including a gynaecological exam which featured a number of rather uncomfortably cold steel instruments, providing Dr Willenhall with access to her cervix, and beyond. Susan talked to her as she worked methodically, teasing out the background of her journey to the most isolated correctional facility in the country.

"As I am sure you will be aware, this facility of ours is reserved for those men and women whose psycho-sexual problems are of the most socially unacceptable nature, and which resist even the best therapies we can devise." She paused to flick a thermometer she had just extracted from Lucy's anus and record the result. "Here we put them to good use whilst allowing them to satisfy themselves away from the general population."

She disposed of the thermometer in a yellow incineration bin marked with the biohazard symbol. "You yourself I believe were caught allowing yourself to be mounted by one of your uncle's prize pigs it seems. When you were brought in for testing we found evidence of a considerable amount of activity concomitant with this, and residual semen in your uterus that was of the non-human variety".

Lucy listened dispassionately. It was hardly worth denying anything now. It was all laid down there in black and white on her clipboard, along with a mug-shot of her in the detention centre. Things had started innocently enough, well, maybe not so innocently.

She had been staying with her aunt and uncle for the summer vacation after her Sophomore year at College on their farm in the rural Midwest. Sex starved, sweaty and bored one particular Saturday afternoon, she had come in from her chores and flopped down on her single bed in the clapper board farmhouse.

She had become reasonably sexually active in College, but had struggled to find a partner to satisfy her, of whatever gender. Most of the guys were just too small, too boring to sustain her interest in the aftermath of a sexual encounter, or simply lacking in the stamina she required in a man. A good many of the women balked at the various plastic belted equipment with exotic attachments she wanted to use on them, especially when that involved extensive roleplay, pretending they were mindless rutting animals as she fucked her partner from behind.

As she lazily lay there, her belly and breasts rising and falling in time with her heavy breathing, a sound had come to her ears she had not heard previously. She was used to the squealing of the pigs on the farm when they were herded from one pen to another or their excitement as she and her Uncle would wander in with their feed.

This though, was something entirely louder, and more high pitched. And it went on, and on.

It took her some minutes to realise that it must be that of the hog and one of the sows which did not have a litter. She lay there listening imaging the scene in the pigsty as they mated in the hot, foetid air -- that screech of stuck panic that the sow made and the grunting of the male as it bore down on her, his filth-strewn belly staining her back with muck.

On crisp sheets of her bed with the windows open, the sheer drapes flapping in the summer breeze, her fingers had crept up under her dress towards her slit, using the thick vibrator she had managed to smuggle into the house, imagining she herself was the animal being bred, pressing harder and harder, biting down on her pillow, imaging the hairy hog inside her until her head smacked the headboard, her back arching as she came with an intense orgasm.

If it had gone no further, that would have been the end of the matter, but Lucy's curiosity only strengthened in the weeks and months ahead. She began to silently creep to the pigsty late at night. The moon and the stars in the cloudless night looked down on her, the excitement she felt at feeling the cobbles of the farmyard under her bare feet making her heart hammer as she pushed open the sty door, pull her nightdress up over her head and slide her naked body onto the floor. There she would writhe around as she listened to the heavy breathing of the animals in the pens next to her, plunging her fingers deep into her slick pussy.

Still, at that point, she could have stepped back from the brink if she had wanted to, but like a fire that was fanned by a hot summer wind, her compulsion led her to the point at which she had dared to enter the occupied pens themselves. This was dangerous; pigs could be violently unpredictable at times, but because they knew her as one of the trusted farm hands that fed and watered them, they appeared to be content to let her lie naked amongst them.

The night she had been taken into custody had been the best and worst of her life. She had finally summoned up the courage to lead one of the medium sized hogs into an empty pen. There, trembling, she had sunk to her knees, her legs and hands sinking into the warm, closing mud and had shamelessly displayed herself to him. He needed little encouragement and when he had mounted her his weight had nearly forced her down onto the floor completely. She felt her tight cunt being splayed wide by his thick stubby prick and soon she was rutting with him eagerly, snorting and grunting as her tanned skin and dark hair became thick with the filth of the sty.

The commotion of course had brought others to the scene, exactly at the moment the beast had come inside her, though their shouts of indignation and the hands which lifted her up roughly she had barely noticed through the incredible sensation of having the warm spunk of the hog inside her, accompanied by her own squirming orgasm. The authorities were summoned and she was led away. First to a detention cell, then psychiatric assessment, and finally, here.

She was brought back to the present moment and focused on the pretty, prim young doctor. "That's right, I'm a pig fucker, I admit it..." She leaned closer, and let her body twist provocatively "...and I enjoyed it." she says firmly, as her examination is concluded. "Quite." Came the reply. "Your psychological exam reveals that much and more about your predilections. This is why you were referred to us. You do know what happens here?" She blinked at Lucy, clutching her clipboard across her chest.

"Yeah, you turn us into animals".

"Not as such, no, the army has been using animal DNA for some time in some small quantities and to a limited extent to increase the physical strength and aggressive tendencies of its front line troops. This is an offshoot of that research. Here, we take those who are determined not to follow the norms of sexual behaviour and provide them with an environment in which they can indulge their aberrant desires whilst still making a productive contribution to society.

To achieve the best results, we extend that environment to encompass the inmate's physical appearance and undertake a limited amount of mental conditioning to ensure they become comfortable with their new lives."

Lucy listened to the scientific spiel that was coming from the young woman's mouth dispassionately. She knew what that well-rehearsed little speech boiled down to; if she wanted to fuck like a pig then they would make her one. She sighed, rather bored with it all and eager to get on with things before Penny was brought into the room, accompanied by much wailing and protestations that she "was a good girl really".

"Come this way please Lucy" she was instructed, walking through a pair of double-doors that opened out automatically as she approached them. Down a corridor and to her right they went through another pair of doors fitted with frosted glass. The room was a perfectly well ordered operating theatre, with a large, tilting table for the subject placed at its centre. Many complicated pieces of machinery accompanied it, including a mouldable plate, clearly designed to be placed across a patient's back, covered in many fine surgical needles.

"We had thought to introduce a moderate amount of swinish DNA into your body" Dr Willenhall told her as she ensured Lucy was properly positioned on the contraption, "However we have an offer we would like to make. Understand you are under no obligation to accept. If you say no, we will simply proceed as planned".

Lucy looked up at the ceiling and the theatre lights. "I'm listening" she replied. "Pig girls here are our garbage disposal units; since they cannot ethically be slaughtered for meat, this is the only other useful contribution they serve. A facility such as this one produces a deal of waste, so consequentially we require a good population of swine hybrids. If you are interested, we will give you the position of breeding hog in the pens. Your augmentation will include the growth of a genetically engineered penis and we will ensure you are given a healthy supply of sows to keep you satisfied."

Lucy actually laughed out loud. "You're serious?" she asked with incredulity. "Very." Dr Willenhall replied. You have a good physique and it should be easy to push your procedure to a slightly greater limit than the others. "What about Marla?" she asked, referring to the brutish woman on the bus. "We have other plans for her, she's a big girl to be sure. Do you consent?"

Lucy thought for all of a few seconds. The idea of being a pig girl with a penis, and mating the other pig girls in her sty immediately brought back the wetness between her legs she so craved, and her nipples hardened visibly in front of Doctor Willenhall. She threw her hands up in resignation, nodded her response with a "Yes, absolutely, yes". Susan handed her the clipboard she held. "Sign here, here, and initial here". The papers were a standard waiver document for every inmate who passed through the hands of the facility, and as she signed them, she stopped being a person in any legal sense. She was now property, livestock.

As her consent was recorded, several nurses busily hurried into the room. "What, now?!" she exclaimed, as she was moved towards the large metal table. Susan nodded "Why not? Is there any reason for you to wait to fulfill your purpose?" Lucy settled her naked body against he cold metal of the operating table and shook her head. "No, let's do this" She replied with determination as the table began to tilt to a horizontal position.

A few minutes of hurried preparation went on until Dr Willenhall appeared in her vision and almost gently said "OK Lucy, time to sleep. And when you wake up, you will be everything you always wanted to be." A sharp scratch greeted the insertion of a drip into her arm and she felt a warmth suffuse her as they began to pump her with anaesthesia. Dr Susan's face grew hazy as she lost consciousness.

Once Lucy was under, Dr Willenhall's team went to work. "Well people, we have a willing candidate here, let's not disappoint her" she announced and her coterie of nurses and junior doctors prepped Lucy for the 12 hour operation that would ensue. In an odd reversal of modern diet culture, fat cells were pumped into her and via their genetic encoding at the hands of the military, their growth cultivated in such a manner as they would pass quickly to Lucy's breasts and buttocks, inflating them slowly over a period of a few hours.

Some invasive surgery was inevitable, including the grafting of new lower legs, Lucy's old human legs severed at the knee, and specially grown limbs brought in to replace them, nerves, muscle and bones intricately weaved together by a team of microsurgeons who deployed techniques which were not only far beyond any available to the human civilian population, but which were classified military secrets.

Susan's team returned when they were done, the nurses heaving Lucy's now significantly heavier form onto her front and the malleable backplate was slowly lowered into place. A mass of twisted fibres lead from its top side to a large contraption, the front of which was filled with many vertical tubes, full of the genetic serum, laced with the complicated code which Susan had pioneered.

The results on the battlefield had been impressive, and she divided her time between the Farms and the military these days, this being just one of the ways in which her research was being moved from military to civilian applications. Even so, she was still fascinated by the way in which the technique was so thoroughly effective, right at the top of the estimates her modelling had predicted. The thing was slowly lowered until hundreds of microneedles pushed into Lucy's skin. The sound of a pump met the air moments later as the serum begin to be injected into the patient's body.

The changes took place slowly but surely, again, over the next few hours, her nose and mouth beginning their slow fusion into a piggish snout, ears enlarging and thickening, small dark hairs sprouting along their length. A cosmetic team shaved Lucy's head, fashioning her previously fashionable cut into something more brutish.

The final step of the process was the opening up of Lucy's pelvis, in front of her by now swollen, thick lipped pig vagina, which the serum had moved backwards a little towards her enlarged buttocks. The specially lab-grown penis and scrotum were removed from their sterile storage and Susan went to work, connecting its nerve endings and fine tissues into Lucy's body, absolute silence maintained in the room as she made the fine connections into her spinal cord, the most delicte and dangerous part of the process. The twitch of the new animal member and it's slight, healthy thickening as blood flowed southwards spoke of her success, and a sigh of relief and appreciation rippled through her team.

"Try not to be concerned, you shouldn't be in any discomfort per se, though the sensations may be a little odd". Lucy heard the voice before she could see, and eventually, she saw Susan's face smiling down at her. "The operation was a complete success, I think you will be pleased with the results" she continued as out of her vision a button was pushed and a hydraulic whine sounded as the table tilted upright from its horizontal position. "Take your time Lucy, things will feel a little strange at first" Dr Susan said, as Lucy tried to lever herself upright.

She gingerly placed her feet on the tiled floor, her toes changed into a three-pronged hoof, a cloven two-toed appendage in front and a steadying third at her heel. She felt heavier, stronger, and she grunted bestially as she nearly slipped to the floor, unaccustomed to the sensation of walking without human feet. Two burly nurses supported her under each arm and guided her to the full length mirror on one wall of the recovery room.

Her appearance came into view, her body bloated large with layers of dark beige, almost brown flesh. She had gained a good six inches in height and every limb was considerably enhanced in terms of muscular mass and power. From her thighs and back, wiry brown hair sprouted here and there whilst her dark brown hair had been fashioned into a short mohawk which trailed down her back. Her mouth and nose formed a wet snout, hiding a thick pink tongue within, her ugly stumps of teeth either side, and twin upwardly-thrusting tusks that stood proud of her mouth. Her hands were similarly appendaged to her feet, five human fingers replaced by two large, stubby, thick nailed digits, and a similar thumb.
