Mad Monk's Priory


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Tague had not meant to fall asleep, but sat on his side of the bed, back against the headboard, watching his wife. She still looked innocent and beautiful in the dimly lit room. She murmured, and he knew she was dreaming. He wondered what about... would hearing her dreams help figure out what was happening? He was still considering that when his chin came to rest on his chest and he began to snore.

Karen giggled, then gasped, the sound dropping to a moan that nearly woke her previously vigilant husband. In her dream Karen was reliving the afternoon's pleasure. She had been nervous arriving in her scrubs, the bikini Alexandra had given her in a beach bag along with a towel of her own. Alexandra swept her into the room, calling, 'She's here everyone!' and insisting she not worry about the bag or her own towel, leading her down to the big changing room. After weeks stripping in front of the others... and weeks kneeling naked before them... After the initiation ceremony, Karen giggled at how self-conscious she still felt as Alexandra and Brenda stripped her out of her scrubs. She wondered if they might want her to go skinny dipping, but the memory of Terri surfaced, and she nodded when Alexandra handed her the tiger stripe bikini she had shown her before. Biting her lip, Karen had set about donning the top upside down, as her Sister had suggested the last time.

The women cheered, hands coming in at first Karen thought to help, then giggled and squealed as instead they groped and squeezed and pinched her playfully. Alexandra handed her a red solo cup filled with an amber liquid and the women chanted 'drink drink drink!' until Karen had emptied it. The women swept her out to the pool deck, and across the marble surround, laughing as she was unceremoniously dunked in the cool water.

She surfaced, pushing wet hair out of her eyes, wondering why her sisters were pointing and offering catcalls. She looked down to see that both of her nipples were uncovered. Biting her lip mischievously, she circled her arms, moving to a backstroke toward the middle of the pool, not bothering to cover up.

In short order women were splashing and laughing with her. Some were quick to lose their tops, including Brenda, Judith, and Alexandra. There were trays of food and more solo cups with whatever delicious concoction their hostess had mixed up. Karen had never really been a partier in school, but was so comfortable around her sisters nothing felt awkward, even when Alexandra called a pause.

"We cannot forget why we're having this little meeting," she paused and the women dutifully laughed. "I think we need to finish our new sister's initiation!" There were cheers, and Karen wondered if this was really part of the 'initiation' or if that was a convenient excuse. She never wondered if she could refuse... saying no to her Sisters never crossed her mind. Already aroused at the memory of what she had seen that day in the upstairs bedroom, she glanced around, wondering where Jeff was.

She let Alexandra help her out of the pool at the shallow end, leading her around to the diving board. The women had cheered but grew quiet, lining the edge of the pool. The older woman gave her another glass which Karen dutifully emptied, then lay back on the rough surface before pushing herself up on her elbows.

"My suit's still on," she complained.

"Oh, my sexy Sister, that won't be a problem, Alexandra purred, circling a nail around the edge of Karen's exposed left areola. Karen moaned, pushing her chest toward Alexandra's hand. "She welcomed us... let us welcome Karen to the Sisterhood!" Karen giggled, guessing what might be in store based upon how she had spent recent Sunday services. Judith had lined up to be first, and caught hold of the sides of Karen's bikini bottoms. Alexandra had positioned her with her head away from the pool, both legs dangling in the water on the right side nearest the house. She lifted her ass, easing Judith's job, and offered no protest when her mentor pushed her legs apart, exposing her bare sex. Judith teased her fingers, over the outer edges of Karen's puffy out labia, pausing to circle her clit which made Karen moan.

She lifted her head, to watch, then giggled at the way things tilted and spun and lay her head back, moaning again as the older woman's finger traced down her cleft. The process was repeated, both fingers easing down her aroused seam. And a third time, the fingers spreading her outer labia, brushing against her sensitive inner folds, which flushed and engorged, hungry for more stimulation.

Only then did Judith bend her head, keeping Karen's sex open as she lapped from bottom to top, tongue pressing, then circling her clit before her lips came down and she began to suck. Karen thrashed and cried out and the women cheered as she came from the real estate agent's touch. She heard the chime... the same bell that had been used in the Celebration Chamber, and there was a quiet splash as Judith slipped into the water in front of the diving board to be replaced by another Sister.

They moved along the ledge, holding the board or Karen's thigh for support as each woman in turn, licked and sucked. Karen's mind spun, as orgasm after orgasm washed over her. The sound of the bell receded, pleasure occupying her consciousness.

She gasped after she was uncertain how much time, and looked up drunkenly, giggling to see that it was Brenda between her legs. Her nurse had bitten at her inner labia, and was smiling up at her wolfishly. She also realized the bell had chimed.

"It gets better, just wait," she whispered to Karen, and then splashed back into the water as another woman moved between Karen's legs.

Karen giggled, wondering how it could get better. Alexandra went last, laughing when the chime rang, as she had done before, and slurping and sucking at Karen's flowing sex more eagerly than before. Karen cried out, cumming strongly, and when Alexandra levered her up, ass half off of the diving board, Karen welcomed the kiss, tasting her own juices. Alexandra kept her balanced as she moved, first pushing closer to Karen to get her barely covered ass on the side of the pool, and then pulling the sex addled physician forward as Alexandra slipped her legs up on the pool deck, giving her the leverage to spin Karen, leaving her head at the end of the diving board over the water. Her legs were both still to the right side of the board, but resting on the marble tiles.

"For you, dearest," Alexandra said as she stood, and Karen blinked at the bright light, having had her eyes closed for so long, belatedly realizing Alexandra was not talking to her, but to Jeff, who stood naked, looking down at her. Karen's eyes came to rest on his impressive erection. Not huge, but she could see how Terri had been getting off so strongly. She giggled, realizing before, in the Chamber she had seen the outline, but had never seen him really.

"Are you ready, Sister?" Jeff asked, dropping to a knee between hers. She stared at him, seeing his eyes glowing gold. Karen nodded, dropping her left knee out, offering herself to him. Smiling... almost leering, Jeff moved closer. The head of his cock pressed against her clit and he reached down, pushing it lower, through her labia. Karen groaned, her need building, and tried to lever herself up onto him.

He chuckled, and pulled his broad tip up again, completely off of her heated skin, then slapped it down on her clit.

"Your Sisters have not heard you," he scolded, repeating the slow drag down through her fleece.

"Yes!" Karen's voice was husky with her need, "I'm ready... Take me." He moved over her, then, left hand bracing the board to her right side, his right hand bringing his cock to her sex. After another moment, just when Karen was about to beg, he thrust forward. He felt huge, pushing into her, and Karen's breath caught, then hissed out in a moan. Jeff's pelvis was resting against hers, and she blinked, fixing on his face, amazed at how big he felt. She realized he seemed surprised, and after another second realized she could feel his erection pressing against her stomach... he was not inside of her. The pressure of being filled continued a moment after he had stopped his first forward thrust.

Jeff backed up, reaching down between them, then again tried to spear into Karen's sex. He grunted, and she felt his cockhead pop over her clit and slide up her abdomen, adding to the pressure of the cock she could feel stretching her sex already, just short of causing pain.

"Mine!" Karen bit her lip, hearing the accented Tague voice. She felt shame for offering herself to Jeff, and It chuckled at her reaction. Karen also realized Jeff had heard the voice, too. He bent, kissing Karen on the mouth.

"It took you long enough, brother," he said quietly, then rocked back, Karen feeling It back out of her a matching length. "And you cheated, enjoying her before." Jeff chuckled and so did It. Both reversed course again, Karen murmuring at the strange pleasure caused by feeling her body trapped between their cocks. "We have to put on the show," Jeff said quietly, pausing at the bottom of that stroke.

"Da," Tague's voice intoned. Before Karen could speak, Jeff began to moved back and forth, as if it was his cock fucking into her. And It matched him stroke for stroke. Karen moaned in pleasure, then cried out, and then she was cumming again, and simply did not stop. Her head fell back, lolling over the edge of the board, dimly aware of cheering all around. She was only dimly aware when Jeff reared back, shouting. There was a heat deep in her sex, and she felt Jeff's seed spattering her abdomen. He moved back as if pulling out of her, then forward again, and lay panting his erupting cock pressed between them. When he was spent, he rolled into the water, and stroked across the pool to the shallow end. Karen watched him, upside down from her perspective. He was still hard!

"Who else needs me?" he intoned, and she giggled, watching Brenda throw herself at the head of their church.

In their bed, Karen lay in the pose she had been left, legs akimbo, arms splayed, sex still somehow hungry for more. She remembered pushing herself up and watching from the diving board as Jeff fucked Brenda through two noisy climaxes before moving on to a shapely red head she knew as a Sister but not by name. He moved from woman to woman, never finishing himself, and unfailingly getting the other women off. She saw Alexandra watching everything. It only changed when dream Karen looked back to Jeff.

Still naked, cock dripping the mingled fluids of her Sisters, he stood before her with a parchment, the word DIVORCE in gothic lettering across the top. She gasped, looking to Alexandra, expecting her Sister and friend to tell her it was a joke. But the older woman was staring at her severely, holding out a pen.

Had she failed a test? Was she being ostracized? She looked to the paper again, and realized the petition named Tague as the party she was divorcing. Tears flowed down her face and she shook her head.

"No!" she cried out in her dream, and around her the Sisters who had been worshipping her body and cheering her on, began to move around, frowning.

"It's the only way," Brenda told her sternly.

"He won't let you go... he'll ruin everything," Terri added.

"Sign the petition," Alexandra demanded calmly, "You gave yourself to the Sisterhood. There can be no divided loyalties."

Karen's eyes snapped open in their dark bedroom. She was horrified at what she had dreamed. She looked at Tague, heart warming at his position, aware he had been worried about her. Had he been right? She bit her lip, remembering all the sleights she had casually heaped on him since joining Brenda at church. And she had... she had been with her Sisters, had cheated on him... She had been willing to cheat with Jeff. Had wanted it! She reached for Tague, intent on apologizing. And then froze, aware that she could never tell him what had happened, or she would lose him.

"Mine!" she heard the voice, eyes snapping to Tague's face, but he was still sound asleep. Her body was pulled down the bed, off of the pillow, knees pressed wide apart.

Karen felt the immediate response of her body, and though she was scared, terrified Tague would see, she could not deny it.

"Yours," she nodded, then moaned as It moved up, filling her as it had in the pool that day. Her body began to rock, and she moaned in pleasure, no longer caring if this was an infidelity. Her legs came up, welcoming her lover, her master. Without realizing it, she began to scream as she came.

Tague woke at Karen's cry. His eyes darted across the room... door closed, and then came to rest on his wife. She lay beside him, arms thrown wide, knees raised, body rocking as if some monster was raping her... but there was no one there. He blinked, seeing that was not true. There was... something... darker than the darkness of their bedroom. Karen was writhing and moaning... welcoming the attention. Horrified, he rolled to his knees trying to strike what loomed over his wife. There was a low chuckle.

"Good vassal," he heard, in his own voice, but not his voice. He was still trying to find something to hit or pull, desperate to save his wife. He blinked, wondering if the word had been vassal or vessel.

The next moment he was between Karen's spread thighs, hammering into her, reveling in the panting moans and cries. He worried he would hurt her, but could not stop himself. It had been so long... felt too good. Moments later she began to tremble and as his wife began to cum, Tague cut loose as well. Time seemed to slow; he had never cum so long or hard in his life. He was left panting, and looking down, saw that Karen's eyes were open, looking up at him.

He opened his mouth to apologize but was hurled across the room, back hitting the wall before he slid to the floor, barely conscious. He lay panting, trying to focus enough to get up, terrified something was happening to his wife.

It took a moment before he found himself upright. The bed was empty. He stumbled to the bathroom to find her huddled in the shower, steaming water cascading down on her, as she sobbed. He rushed to her, slipping on the wet tile. He twisted to keep from hitting his wife, impacting the front wall of the shower with only slightly less force than he had hit the wall. Ignoring the pain, he sank to his knees and pulled Karen close.

Both began apologizing, shaking their heads that no apology was necessary. She kept murmuring she could not explain when he asked what was happening. Her sobbing eased, and she quieted, but would not answer when he kept asking what was wrong.

He carried her out of the shower, grabbing a towel and wrapping her up, urging her to dry off. Telling her to get dressed seemed like a doomed request. But as he returned to get a towel for himself there was a splintering noise outside the bedroom.

Naked, Tague yanked their bedroom door open, oddly expecting to find Alexandra or Brenda Fowler in the front room. Instead, he found Aaron's clerk... his grandson, standing in their entryway with an axe. The single blade head was still buried in the ruined door and the young man was struggling to get it free.

Tague did not give him time to do so. Weeks... months of frustration and the knowledge of what evil had befallen the old shop keeper propelled him forward. He drove his arm into the smaller man's throat, propelling him back away from the open door and hammering him against the door frame. He heard ribs give, and smiled viciously.

"Is this what you did to your grandfather?" he growled, hand catching the younger man by the throat, shaking him like a wet dog, banging his head against the door frame three, then four times. The young man was silent, and the lack of a response spurred Tague to keep punishing him until he realized the boy was unconscious. He dragged him by one hand into the house, dumping him in a heap between the breakfast bar and the dining room table. Later he would wonder what adrenaline-fueled strength let him move the boy so easily with one hand.

He selected a butcher knife from the knife block by the sink, hurried into the bedroom to don jeans and a flannel shirt he had left out for their departure, and returned to the kitchen. The boy had not moved. He went through his pockets, finding a lighter and the pledgets campers use to start fires.

Tague yanked the lamp cord out of the wall, cut it by the lamp, and used it to bind Dimitri's hands behind his back. Then he returned to the bedroom, dried his catatonic wife off, and helped her into a track suit he had let out for her as well. He carried her down to the car, buckled her in place, then returned, trying to decide what he was going to do with Dimitri. A dark idea spun into being.

Tague grabbed the house phone, which they had never used in a post cell phone world. He went to the stairwell, took care of the little bit of good fortune Dimitri had brought him, then returned to kitchen. He took the lighter, wiping his prints off of it, then took the time to put Dimitri's prints on it before returning it and the remaining tinder bits into the boy's pockets. He dragging the still unconscious body by the straggly hair through the ruined doorway onto the front porch. Then he dialed 9-1-1.

"Pokrovska dispatch, what is your emergency?"

"I'm Tague Kennedy. The neighbor's crazy son broke in and tried to kill my wife and I."

"I'm sorry, what, sir?" He smiled bitterly, guessing he was talking to someone from the 'Church.'

"Dimitri Winters just tried to kill my wife and I. I knocked him out. I want the police to come and arrest him."

"I'm sorry, sir, did you say you attacked a neighbor's son?" He could hear her trying to get the right sound bites on the recording.

"No, you're ignoring what I said or distorting it. I did not attack my neighbor's son. I did not try to kill anyone. But my wife is hurt. I'm taking her to get holp. And if Dimitri has not been arrested by the time I get back, I will be calling the state police and the FBI. If charges are not filed, I will be contacting the state police the FBI and the attorney general. You have all the evidence you need right here... he broke in with an axe, and..." he paused, "OhmyGod, I think he set the house on fire..." He hung up, turned the stove burners on high, and threw the dishtowels into the fire, tipping over a bottle of olive oil on the counter before hurrying into the garage.

"What's happening?" Karen murmured, shivering in the car seat as Tague pulled out of the garage. He left the garage door open, and the door into the house to get more oxygen to the fire.

"I'm doing my job," he said calmly, "I'm protecting you." And added in his head, 'and our marriage.'

There were still no lights or sirens when he turned onto the highway, headed away from Pokrovska and the hospital.

"We can't leave," Karen pulled at his sleeve, my job, our home!" He was so relieved she was saying 'we' he could not speak. Tague wiped at tears, pressing the accelerator down. How far would be safe? Would his job idea really work? What about Karen's career.

He glanced over at his wife, whose eyes seemed fixed on the far distance in front of them. As he turned his attention back to the road, he realized her eyes were going wide.

"Tague!" she screamed. He had already seen it; a big buck was bounding into the road in front of them. Tague did not bother with the horn. He did not swerve into the open lane, realizing that was the direction the big deer was already moving. It looked up at him, eyes glowing golden in the head lights as it skittered to a stop right in front of where the driver's side of the car would have been if Tague had not already jerked the wheel, pulling the car to the right. Both right side wheels dropped off of the pavement onto the gravel shoulder. He added gas, not giving the deer time to reverse course and cause a collision.
