Magic Seashell

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A magic seashell has a hypnotic effect.
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My name is Mike and this is my story.

I was vacationing down in Naples, Florida with my family. My parents have a vacation home there and there is little to do other than hangout at the beach or swim in my parent's pool. I invited my good friend John to join us since we were going to be there for the whole summer and my sister Becca brought her bff Amber.

I am the youngest of 5 kids and I am currently 18 years old. Being the youngest, I constantly get teased by my 3 older sisters, but thankfully my brother Tom lets me be. And having John there definitely eases the tension as well.

I am an average guy, 5'11" tall and 185 lbs. I have short blonde hair and green eyes and I am fit (but not chiseled like a bodybuilder) I like sports and play golf and tennis and I also like to swim. I start college next fall at Northwestern in Illinois. Everyone in my family has graduated from that college so hopefully I will graduate from there too.

I was walking along the beach like I always do during the late afternoon. John has joined me a few times, but decided to sit this one out. I was looking for some more seashells to add to my collection. I have a large glass jar filled with the assortment of shells sitting on my dresser. I'm always amazed at how different the seashells look. The colors are amazing and some are smooth while others are jagged. I find smaller conchs all the time that fit in the palm of my hand but I have yet to find a really big one to place on my bed side table. That would be cool!

Yesterday, I hunted for sand dollars with John and we found 15 of them. They are cool if you let them dry out and then bleach them white.

But today, I wanted to find some cool shells. I wasn't really paying attention because my mind was thinking about my older sister Becca and her friend Amber, I caught them this morning as they were putting on their bikini tops. I just barely saw the curve of Amber's breast, but that was enough to give me some serious wood because she is a knockout.

There was a dead jellyfish on the beach and I quickly side stepped it and when I looked up, I saw something shiny ahead. Maybe it was a locket or some piece of jewelry stuck in the sand. It happens sometimes. I found a gold ring a few years back and before that I found a silver locket. Anyway, the shiny object was about 40 feet ahead so I started walking towards it being careful to avoid stepping on another jellyfish or some shards that were littering the beach since I was in bare feet.

I walked and walked and walked, but the shiny object just seemed to get farther and farther away. I stopped and pondered this thought, Was it a trick of my imagination or was it real? I pushed the idea from my mind but when I looked up again, the shiny object was gone. (Damn!) I then decided I had gone far enough and when I turned back I looked down at my feet and there it was. (How did that happen?) I looked down at it and I saw that I was seeing just the tip of one of the shell protrusions as it stuck out of the sand. So I squatted down and began to dig it out of the hard sand with my fingers. The surf was beginning to roll in which wasn't helping me to free what appeared to be a really large conch. I was surprised that this thing survived being buried as it was.

When I finally freed it, I pulled so hard that I fell backwards in the surf and of course the conch went flying back in the ocean. The whole thing happened in slow motion and as I watched it fly through the air, I heard a tinkling sound much like you hear with wind chimes when the wind blows. And I also heard something else, something haunting and yet mysterious before it landed several feet away. It made a splash in the water and I dove in after it. But it was gone.

I searched the area over and over again for about 15 minutes but since the surf was coming in I couldn't find it. Finally I gave up and kicked the water with my foot. (Stupid conch!)

I got up and started walking back to the hard packed sand and what do you know, there it was sitting out of the water. (How did that happen?) I went over to the conch and picked it up and flipped it over in my hands. The thing was big and about the size of a football. I took it back over to the water and cleaned it out with my hand since sand was packed up inside it. Usually a crab or other crustacean will be lurking inside the shell, but not anymore. Not with this thing since it was packed full of sand.

I held it out at arms length and it was really beautiful to look at. The outside was smooth and almost looked transparent. The color ranged from a light orange to a teal blue and a soft pink. I put the conch to my ear, expecting to hear the sound of the surf. But instead, I heard something else that kind of sent a chill up my spine. I heard a faint whisper that sounded like, "speak into me and it will be revealed to you."

I pulled it away and noticed that the color of the shell was changing and it looked like it was almost translucent. My eyes grew blurry and I felt light headed as well. (What did this cryptic phrase mean and was I hearing it right?)

I pressed it harder into my ear. I needed to understand what this conch was telling me. But no matter how hard I pressed my ear into it, I couldn't make out what it was saying anymore. I shook the thing and when I pressed it to my ear again, the whisper was gone and I heard more of those mysterious hypnotic chimes.

I looked at it and said, "Why won't you speak to me again?" It was frustrating and I almost tossed it back into the ocean.

I held it in my hand as I walked back to the villa. Once there I took it into the bathroom and cleaned it up with the water from the sink. I then dried it off with a towel and set it on my dresser beside the jar of shells.

It was dinner time so we sat down to eat and then I was back in my room and looking at youtube videos on my laptop. My older sisters Becca and Dina came barging in as usual. They were both dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. They were laughing and talking so I was unable to watch my videos. I turned to them and said, "Why don't you go and bother Tom for a change?"

"Oh he's going up to the pier with Mom, Dad, Amber, John and Sara. So it's just the three of us little man." Becca laughed. She called me "Little Man" ever since she saw me naked one day last year as I came out of the shower. I have to admit, I have a small penis and even when hard it is only about 4 inches long.

Adding insult to injury, one of the guys in gym class pulled my shorts down at a party and all my friends and some girls saw my small penis and laughed hysterically. John was the only one who didn't laugh at me.

Dina picked up the conch and held it to her ear. "I think it's broke or something." She said sourly.

"Here! Give it to me!" Becca snatched it out of her younger sister's hands and in doing so the conch connected with Dina's breast making it jiggle. She held it to her ear as well and then looked at it and shook it. "Dina's right. It's broke." She put it down on the edge of the dresser and then they both left the room.

I got up and went over to the shell to check it out myself and not two steps from the thing it slipped off the dresser and when it hit the floor it shattered into a million little pieces. "No! Fuck!" I grabbed my head as I looked at it laying on the floor.

I left my room in a sullen mood, to get a broom and dustpan to clean up the mess and when I returned I saw that it was laying on my dresser again, good as new! (This was really weird. Did I just imagine it falling or what?) I picked it up and when I held it to my ear I heard a soft whisper say, "speak into me and I will reveal all to you." (Yeah right, whatever. I mused)

I set the shell down and went back to watching videos. John and the others came back around 9pm and I told John what happened. He seemed miffed as well because nothing happened when he picked it up and pressed it to his ear. We watched more videos and then shortly after we went to sleep.

I had really erotic dreams about Amber and as usual I woke up with a boner. In my dream I looked at the clock and it was 4am. John was still asleep and I picked up the shell and whispered to it, "I wish I could see her tits." I was thinking about Amber and I looked at the shell and nothing happened so I put it back down and went back to sleep.

The next morning when I woke up, John was gone. I started to masturbate and suddenly stopped when my door flew open and Dina walked into my room. She looked at me and saw that I had a boner under the sheet and snickered. She picked up the conch once again and held it in her hands. "I had the strangest dream Mike. I dreamed that this shell I am holding had magical powers and when I held it to my ear, every wish I ever had came true. So I'm here to see if it's true or not." She then held it to her ear.

"I think I hear something," She said and when she set it down, she turned to me and then undid her bikini top and took it off.

I was still hard and just marveled at my sister's tits that were revealed for the first time to me. Her breasts were small and had large silver dollar areolae that were a dark brown in color. I looked up at her face and she had a dazed look to her eyes like she had been hypnotized. I only had the sheet to cover my aroused state as I gawked at her tits.

"Going topless today sis?" Becca said as she too came into my room. "You better cover up or junior here will mess his shorts." She laughed as she looked over at me and saw that my mouth was open and staring at Dina's tits. She then looked back at her sister and waved her hand in front of Dina's face. "Earth to Dina, hello!" She turned back to me and said, "What did you do to her?"

I couldn't speak and just pointed to the shell. Becca looked at the shell and back at me and said a little more forcefully, "What's going on little man?"

I got my voice and said, "She just picked it up and held it to her ear."

"Nuh-uh...that's just silly." She then picked it up and held it to her ear too. "I think I hear something." She also said before putting it down. She turned to me and undid her bikini top and took it off. She also had a far away look to her eyes.

(Holy shit! Was I dreaming or something? Or did both of my sisters just go off the deep end of the pool.)

Becca's tits were bigger than Dina's and had smaller areolae about the size of a quarter. I just stood there and gawked at them.

If I had thought of it ahead of time, I would have closed my door sooner. But just as I was about to do that, Sara came walking in.

"Are you both going topless today?" She asked her sisters giggling and then looked at me and said, "What's going on Mike?"

I pointed to the shell and said, "Pick it up and listen."

Sara frowned at me and said, "Why?" She then turned to leave. But before she could leave the room, I picked up the shell and held it to her ear. And just like her sister's before her, she said, "I can hear something."

I quickly put the shell down and closed my bedroom door and locked it. And when I turned around, Sara was topless too! I couldn't believe this was happening!

Sara's breasts were perfect and had small areolae like Becca's breasts.

(How long did this spell last? And what would happen if I touched their breasts?)

I contemplated what I should do next and then reached out and touched Becca's breasts first. The moment my hands touched her skin she responded by smacking me across the face. "Pervert!" She said and then grabbed her top and unlocked the door and left my room.

I did the same thing to Dina and touched her breast and she slapped me across the face. "Pervert!" She said and then grabbed her top and left my room.

I was in shock at just being slapped and still stood there speechless. Sara was standing still as a statue and I closed and locked the door again.

I looked at the shell and remembered I had a dream or was it real. It all seemed kind of fuzzy about what happened and what I said early this morning to it and a warm glow of understanding filled my mind. I then picked up the shell and whispered, "Um, I want to hold your tits?" I then held the conch to Sara's ear.

Sara's eyes refocused and she said, "I think I can hear something." And then her eyes grew glassy again.

I tentatively reached out and touched her breasts and nothing happened. So I cupped both of her tits in my hands and they were very soft. I knew this was wrong because she was my sister, but I couldn't help myself. I began to play with her nipples and they grew really long and hard. They stuck out almost a half an inch.

I got carried away because I was super turned on and I slipped my hand into her bikini bottoms.

Sara snapped out of her trance and smacked me in the face and said, "Pervert." And then unlocked the door and grabbed her top and left my room.

This was really bizarre and I sat down on my bed and put my face in my hands and contemplated what just happened.


I stayed in my room for most of the morning. It wasn't unusual for me to sleep in until noon. When I felt that the coast was clear I ventured out and went up to the pool. All three sisters, along with Amber and John were laying on pool chairs (Oh shit) and when they saw me they waved. So I tentatively waved back.

"We were wondering when you would be coming out to swim." Becca smiled. "Yeah, and why did it take you so long?" Dina said. "I told them that I thought you might be going for a walk on the beach." Sara chimed in.

I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. "I thought you might be mad at me for what happened in my room." I said to all three. John and Amber were having a conversation so they didn't hear my comment.

"What? What happened in your room?" They all inquired.

"Na-nothing." I quickly said. And pulled up a chair next to my sisters.

(This was really bizarre!)


The next few days, I did nothing with the conch shell that I found. But every night I dreamt that I picked up the shell and spoke into it. I can't remember exactly what I said since it all was kind of fuzzy. And then the following morning I had another very vivid dream about Amber and she and I were fooling around. But when she pulled down my pants and saw my small penis she laughed hysterically and then I woke up. I looked at the clock and it was only 4am.

I grabbed the shell and brought it close to my mouth and whispered, "I don't know if you can do this but I wish I had a bigger dick." I told the shell and then set it back on the bedside table and went back to sleep.

When I awoke the next morning, I looked down and nothing happened with my penis. (Damn! I really was dreaming I guess.) So I got up and took a shower. When I got out, Dina snatched my towel from me and her eyes grew big as saucers when she saw my dick. I looked down and amazingly, my dick looked a little longer than the couple of inches it usually was. Perhaps it was from the hot shower so I didn't give it any more thought as I took the towel from her hands and went back to my room.

The next day I heard Becca and Amber talking in their room and wandered over to their door that was partially open. I was wearing a towel around my waist, having just come out of the shower and when I peeked in I saw that they were kissing each other on the lips. I must have made a sound or something because they quickly broke the kiss and then Becca pulled the door open.

"Oh it's you little man. What do you want?" She asked bitterly.

"I uh, I um." I didn't know what to say.

Amber was eying me up in my towel and licking her lips when Becca turned to her and said, "He may look hot but trust me when I tell you, he is not packing anything special. Isn't that right little man?"

But suddenly, a warm glow of understanding filled my mind and without even thinking about it I let my towel drop.

Amber's eyes grew big as saucers and she covered her mouth with her hand. But it wasn't to laugh at me. Her nipples grew erect through her bikini top and when Becca saw that happen with her friend, she grew curious and her eyebrows shot up. She then turned to look back at me and when she looked down at my crotch, her eyes also grew wide.

"Are you taking supplements or something "Little Man" or is this a trick of the light or something?" I looked down at my crotch and my flaccid penis hung down about 6 inches. I smiled and walked back to my room.

Part 2

Over the next couple of weeks, I had a new bounce to my step. I felt more confident than I have ever felt in my life.

As strange as it sounds, in my dream I talked into the conch shell almost each night. I had vivid dreams that presented different scenarios of ways that I could possibly convince Amber of having sex with me. I dismissed each one until the shell revealed a game that might work for my behalf.

Becca meanwhile, tried everything she could think of to get me naked. She wasn't the least bit interested in having sex with me because that would just be weird since I was her brother. But she was determined to see my dick again. Then an opportunity presented itself to her when our parents and Tom had to go back home to Illinois to take care of the family business.

Mom, Dad and Tom were gone just two days when the 5 of us ordered some pizza and hung out playing cards. We were all hanging out in our bathing suits when Becca suggested that we play cards. But none of us were interested.

(I had dreamt about this very night about a week ago. The conch shell showed me in my dream, that whenever someone picked up the shell and put it to their ear that it would put the person into a light hypnotic trance and they would be susceptible to whatever was asked of them. But how could I get everyone to pick up the shell and put it to their ear? And then the thought came to me. I would need to go around to each person while they slept and place the conch at their ear. And I did that very thing, the night before we played the game.)

So when I suggested that we play spin the bottle. I laid out the rules and said, "Everyone will get a chance at answering truth or dare. So the first round will all be truth questions and the next round will all be Dare questions. Are we all agreed?"

Everyone seemed excited and said "yeah!"

I grabbed an empty bottle and spun it on the table. It went round and round at a dizzying speed before it started to slow down. The spinning was mesmerizing and as I looked around the table everyone had a glassy look to their eyes as they focused on the bottle. Everyone looked at the bottle with this excited expectation on their face when it stopped on Dina first.

So Becca asked her, "What is the craziest thing that you have ever done?"

Dina thought for a moment and said, "I once flashed my college professor my tits. I was in his office getting help with a math problem and he was so attractive that I flipped up my shirt and let him gaze at my tits. We ended up having sex on his chair."

The funny thing about her revelation was that while we all listened to her, it seemed as though I was the only one who heard what she said. On top of that, each spin of the bottle seemed to take everyone into a deeper trance like state.

I spun the bottle again and it landed on John.

Dina asked him, "What is the craziest thing that you have ever done?"

John said, "I found a pair of my Aunt's panties in her dresser and jerked off into them and then set them back in the drawer."

I spun the bottle again and it landed on Becca.

Amber asked her, "What is the craziest thing that you have ever done?"

She blurted, "I was used as a toilet for a night at my sorority and had to drink everyone's pee."

I spun the bottle again and it landed on Sara.

I asked her, "What is the craziest thing that you have ever done?"

Sara thought for a moment and said, "I used Mom's dildo to masturbate with and then put it back in her nightstand still wet with my juices on it."