Maia Laaning Ch. 11


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Maia then responded, "Yes, but that brings up a most interesting question. How can this be so? As far as I know or for that matter anyone else at school believes, that you have no girlfriend. No one knows of you even having gone out on a date. And yet based on the sex between you and me tonight, I'm hard put to imagine that this is your first sexual experience. Are you then a rare exception to my mother's dictum that guys your age are inadequate lovers and only become better lovers after being tutored by an experienced hot woman? Or do you have a secret girlfriend nobody knows about?"

Harri chuckled at Maia's stated bewilderment in realizing that he was a very competent sexual partner. He wasn't offended by Maia's speech outlining her confusion at his apparent superiority in sexual activity. After all he was well aware of his reputation as a loser amongst his school mates. He answered, "You're right in both counts in that I don't have a secret girlfriend and I'm not a virgin either as I've had lots of sex, but with one woman exclusively. You might say that in accordance with your mother's viewpoint, that I fall into the category of benefiting to being tutored by a hot older woman."

Maia affected a huge smile as she said, "Ah ha! I knew it. So, this is delicious news which I must know all about it. I promise I won't tell a soul should you wish it. But do please elaborate."

So, Harri recounted, "It started shortly after my eighteenth birthday on a hot July day. My mother and my baby sister, who is ten years younger than me, were gone for a week to visit her sister, my aunt, who lives on a farm in Saaremaa. I couldn't go because of my job with the Lamborghini dealership. One day when I finished work for that day at noon, I was engaged in some gardening work, which I had promised my mother that I would do during her absence. As I mentioned, it was a very hot day and so all I wore was my shorts and sandals without socks obviously. I didn't even wear underwear, as I recall, not that really matters to my story.

"So, as I was puttering around in the garden replanting some of the flowers and working up a decent sweat, I was greeted by the lady living next door to us. Her name was Linda Kalmet. She asked if I'd be interested in a glass of lemonade considering how hot a day it was. She added if I'd interested in a beer instead, that she could offer that as well. I accepted a beer, one of your mother's beers, I might add. So, I dropped what I was doing and followed her into her house, and into the kitchen.

"As we were drinking our beer, I learned that Linda Kalmet was forty-eight years old at the time. She had been married for thirty years and had no children. Her husband was ten years older than her and was a buyer and a seller of diamonds for a company headquartered in Zürich. At that time, he was away for a week for strategy meetings at the head office in Switzerland.

"After I had told her something about myself, and after about three beers, she proceeded to seduce me. She pointed out that I had a marvelous physique which she so much admired as she had been watching me doing the gardening work. Then she said that it was only fair that I see her physique, and so she removed her top and bra to display an appealing set of boobs.

"For a woman of her age, and she is older than my mother, by eight years, she still was reasonably attractive enough for me to desire her. Mind you, considering that I was a virgin with no girlfriend in sight, I confess that I could have been seduced by a far less attractive woman.

"So, we got it on that afternoon, and I think we engaged in five separate sexual intercourses that day. Thereupon for the next year, we engaged in a hot, torrid affair. We fucked virtually almost every night; at least once, more likely twice, sometimes even thrice, occasionally even more than that. She was insatiable and of course I was up for the task, pun intended."

Maia was absolutely shocked by the recital, especially the last part. Accordingly, she interrupted, "You fucked her constantly for a whole year? What about her husband? For that matter what about your mother?"

Harri replied, "It turns out that Linda's husband had been diagnosed with prostate cancer three years prior. The cancer was so advanced that he was forced to agree to the surgical removal of his prostrate to ward off the spread of the disease which would otherwise eventually and not too distantly either, kill him. Without his prostate, he was incapable of achieving an erection making it impossible for him to have orthodox sex.

"The best he could do would be to employ a strap-on dildo like lesbians wishing to excite their female partners. There was of course the possibility of oral sex. The problem with that was that it was useless for Linda to give him head since no matter how hard, pun again intended, that she tried, without an erection and ejaculation there was no satisfactory reward for either of them in such an endeavor.

"As for him eating her out, she certainly could achieve a delicious orgasm as a result. But, as she was an unequivocal heterosexual woman, she had consistently viewed cunnilingus as foreplay prior to receiving cock in her vagina or alternatively in her ass hole. Without either possibility the oral sex was not as appealing for her overall satisfaction. In any case he was not thrilled in trying any of these alternative ploys as in his view, it emphasized the loss of his virility."

In hearing this Maia had to comment, "As a woman, and aware of the information given in our health classes in our high school, I'm aware of sexual difficulties for women surviving breast, cervix, or uterus cancer and the reality of the requirement to excise those feminine parts of the body in advanced stages of the disease. Still as I understand it, a woman can still have a satisfactory sex life even after such extreme but successful surgical remedies. But, from what you just told me I can appreciate the difficulties a man can face when contracting such a horrible disease."

Harri replied, "Yes indeed. As Linda informed me that on the basis of her husband's battle with prostate cancer it is apparently a truly insidious disease. There is a paradox in that prostate cancer is the second leading natural cause of death for men. And this is so despite that it's the easiest of all cancers to treat and to defeat the spread of the disease. If caught in time radiation treatment could wipe out the disease leaving the prostate intact, and thus ensuring the continuation of a normal sex life."

"The problem is that the symptoms that one is infected with prostate cancer is not easily discernible to the sufferer. Linda advised me that her husband had reiterated that he had not detected a moment of illness during the entire time he was inflicted with the disease. His disease was only diagnosed as a result of a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) testing in a routine annual medical checkup duly confirmed by an ensuing biopsy.

"This can probably explain say the premature death of one of my favorite American authors, Vince Flynn at the age of 46 of prostate cancer. One can surmise that this author, who wrote enthralling political thrillers fiction, did not undergo annual medical checkups including a routine PSA analysis in blood work. Thus, by the time he did feel sick, the cancer had probably spread beyond his prostate, so that there was nothing the doctors could do to save his life. In any case I've vowed to undertake annual PSA testing as young as thirty-five years of age, in an abundance of caution."

Maia said, "A wise health precaution to take to be sure. I gather that the lack of sex is what drove this Linda Kalmet to seek sex with you?"

Harri answered, "Exactly! She endured two years of celibacy, but she couldn't ignore her desire and longing for further sex. Finally, she confronted her husband about her problem. She was not interested in leaving her husband even though she was financially able to do so. She truly loved him and wanted to stay married to him. But still she had sexual needs that weren't being fulfilled by the marriage.

"As a result of her ultimatum and discussion, they came to an agreeable understanding. They would establish a second bedroom out of a room that wasn't being fully utilized in their home in any case. That way, whenever she would want to entertain a lover, the room would be available. In other cases, they would still sleep together in the master bedroom."

To this information, all Maia could interject was, "Wow! That is an amazing agreement indeed. It's hard to imagine any man would be willing to allow himself to be cuckolded even given such extraordinary circumstances."

Harri agreed, "Yes. I imagine it certainly is. Then again it shows how much he must love her as well. I certainly can understand why he would want to have remained married to her as Linda Kalmet is truly a remarkable woman. In any case, for a year she had sporadic sex off and on with various lovers. She didn't elaborate to me exactly how she acquired these fuck buddies or how many, but I suspect that when the mood to fuck struck her, she probably went to a singles bar to pick up her lover for the night.

"This all changed when she inveigled me to become her lover that fateful July day. We subsequently fucked every night for a whole year missing only on two occasions. One of them was Christmas Eve, and I forgot the circumstances of the other one."

Maia exclaimed, "Wow! Didn't her husband object to such frequency? Wasn't he jealous of you?"

Harri answered, "No, he actually had no real reason to be jealous. The point was that she was thirty years older than me. In practical terms Linda and I were never going to fall really in love and engage in a serious love affair that would last a lengthy period of time."

Maia was surprised by that assertion, and so said, "No love affair? Why you just said you fucked her every night for an entire year. If that isn't a love affair, you must have a weird definition of what constitutes a love affair. As for the age difference, it's not absolutely unusual for a man to have an affair with a woman thirty years younger and even marry her. So why can't the reverse hold true? Why can't a woman have a lover thirty years younger? Why can't she marry him?"

Harri replied, "Funny you should say that. Because of our relationship, Linda and I were both curious as to how unique was our May to December romance. So, one afternoon together we did some research on her computer about famous examples.

"One of the most glaring examples was the former Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau, who is the father of the current Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. The senior Trudeau was fifty-one years old when he married Justin's mother who was twenty-two at the time. They had three sons, Justin being the oldest. As an incredible curiosity Justin and his next brother were both born on Christmas day two years apart. The elder Trudeau, after subsequently divorcing his young bride, went on to become a father again as a result of an out-of-wedlock relationship. He was seventy-one years of age at the time, and she was thirty-six years old. Beside those two women, the elder Mr Trudeau was known to have dated Barbra Streisand the iconic singer and Hollywood actress, as well as the Canadian American actress Margot Kidder, best known for her role as Lois Lane in the Superman movies. Perhaps he only had dated the former, but it is believed that he had bedded the latter.

"By far the most bizarre relationship we discovered in our research, was the case of James Doohan, the Canadian actor and author, best known for his role as Montgomery "Scotty" Scott in the television and film series Star Trek. When Doohan was fifty-four years old he married for a third time to an eighteen year old woman. The couple had two children during the early years of their marriage. Then, when he was eighty years old and she was forty-four years of age, and still married, they had a third child. There seems to be something to be said about the virility of Canadian men.

"There were many other famous examples of men thirty years or more, older than their wives or girlfriends and fathering children with their younger love partners. The only famous example we could discover, where the woman was thirty plus years older than the man, was Joan Collins the British actress, author and columnist. She was sixty-eight when she married for the fifth time to Percy Gibson a theatre and film producer, who was thirty-one years younger than her.

Mr Gibson had no children and apparently wasn't interested in becoming a father. Their marriage has lasted more than two decades easily outstripping each and every one of her four previous marriages; the longest of which was eleven years in duration."

Maia was certainly intrigued by that trivia knowledge, but she could not see the point he was trying to make. To her it seemed to reinforce her opinion that a year long affair in a May-December romance could lead to a weird relationship with perhaps unwelcome consequences. So she said, "Well, that's interesting, but how does that follow that during your year long fling with Ms Kalmet was not fraught with the danger, that you might fall deeply in love with her? When one is deeply in love not only is one interested in continuing the relationship, but one starts to seriously contemplate marriage. And just think, why you could not become a father if you were to forsake all other women."

Harri answered, "Exactly! That's the point. I certainly did love Linda immensely and not just for the sex either. She was smart and very wise. She has taught me invaluable life lessons which have made these past extra two years of high school bearable for me. Her influence on me has also grounded me to be serious about my future. I'm not academically bent to ensure success in college. I probably could pass if I studied diligently, but my heart would not be in it to enable me to flourish.

"During that year we were together, she gave me good advice regarding my work situation. She encouraged me to parlay my competence and skill as an auto mechanic to seek further advancement and get into the sales department where I could potentially make a lucrative living. Under Linda's guidance I've gained sufficient self confidence that I'm certain that after finally finishing high school I'll be very successful."

Once again it struck Maia how his worth was so undervalued by his peers at the high school. And of course, she was no better in having disregarded his worth when she felt she ought to have known better, or at least have suspected, that there was more than meets the eye in contemplating Harri Kutsaar. Luckily for her she had experienced that erotic dream which clued her in as to his worth.

Harri continued, "So you can see how different my circumstances are when compared to the Judy Collins situation. Mr Gibson was thirty-six years old when he married Ms Collins, and so in reality was already middle aged. He had been married once prior to his wedding to Ms Collins, but had no children. You will note that in most cases of an older man marrying a woman at least thirty years younger, there are inevitably children produced from the marriage, unless of course the woman is beyond the child bearing age. In other words, for a younger woman contemplating marrying a much older man, she does not have to give up hope in becoming a mother, as her older husband is still capable of siring children.

"Obviously with Mr Gibson's lack of interest of becoming a father, this was not an issue of concern in his marrying Ms Collins when she was obviously beyond the child bearing age. Now in my case I'm definitely interested in eventually becoming a father, so marrying Linda was never in the cards for me no matter how infatuated I would become with her. Besides unlike Ms Collins who was unattached, Linda has now been married for more than thirty years and if it wasn't for the lack of sex, she maintains her marriage would be perfect. As it is, with her husband's accommodation she is quite content with her marriage with no desire to end it."

Harri then added, "Mind you, I did discover in our research a famous case where the woman was twenty-four years older than her husband who was relatively young at the age of twenty-nine almost thirty when they married. That was the case of the French President, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron, who married Brigitte Marie-Claude née Trogneux who at the age of fifty-four was obviously past her child bearing age, and she had three children by a previous marriage. Apparently, President Macron was not concerned about not becoming a father and content to be a stepfather to her children. Then again, her children were thirty-two, thirty and twenty-three years old upon their marriage. The three of them have children of their own, and at last count Brigitte has seven grandchildren.

"Notwithstanding that example, I reiterate that I would want to become a father with legitimate children. Thus, no matter how smitten I would become with Linda Kalman and admittedly as I said, I did love her dearly, the thought of marrying her never entered into my mind. I sure as well would not want to have been married to her, and to have love children outside of marriage to fulfill my desire to be a father. And of course, in such cases I would most likely not have full custody so that at best I would only be a part time father."

Maia then asked, "You said you fucked her nearly every day for a year and I gather you haven't fucked her since. So, what happened? Notwithstanding, what you say about her husband's acquiescence to your affair, still I imagine it would grate on his nerves that you have been her sole lover for the year. Plus given the frequency of sex you had with her probably exceeded the frequency sex he ever had with her prior to his cancer surgery. I can't help thinking that he would have been more tolerant if she had varied her lovers and not be exclusive to just you. So, did he put his foot down and insist that she must give you up in favor of other lovers?"

Harri answered, "No that's not what happened. If he was annoyed with the continuation of our affair, he didn't intimate the same to her. At least she never indicated to me that he was unhappy with our affair. The simple truth was that Linda's husband was promoted to an executive position at his company's headquarters in Zürich. The salary and perks were too irresistible to refuse. It helped that his fluency in German was strong enough to adapt to the Swiss variety of Standard German.

"As Linda was totally committed to maintaining her marriage, she did not hesitate to agree to move to Switzerland. And so, our wonderful year long affair came to an end. At least we had a wonderful farewell fuck the night before she left. We fucked all night long quitting around 04:00 AM. She sent me a Christmas card telling me she misses me and the fun we had had. She said she had acquired three more or less regular fuck buddies in Zürich but neither one of them were as good as me."

Maia reacted, "There is a cliché: 'All good things must come to an end.' I guess that applies to your situation. So, what does your mother think of your time spent with Linda? She must have been aware of it no matter how careful you tried to be circumspect. I would have thought she would have objected strongly to your liaison with Linda.""

Harri replied, "I like to think she didn't know. My room in our house is in the basement and I have a separate entrance leading out to the backyard. So, once I retired for the night there would be no reason for my mother to contact me unless there was an emergency. Thus, I was free to sneak off to see Linda in her bedroom. The times my mother had to work the graveyard shift which started at 11:00 PM for her, Linda would come over to visit me in my room. We set the alarm for six thirty so she would leave by that time in the morning. Thereby, I could truthfully assure my mother that my young sister, Emma, was not at any time left alone in the house.