Maia Laaning Ch. 22


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Anett signaled her acquiescence, by answering, "Why certainly, the more the merrier."

To the delight of the ladies, especially Maia, the friend of the gentleman also proved to be of the male persuasion. The gentleman's name was Sebastian Carstairs, and his friend was Herbert Weatherford. Their friendship was forged as a result of their professional relationship. Sebastian was a solicitor, a lawyer who deals with the general public as opposed to a barrister who specializes in court work solely. Herbert was an estate agent who would recommend any of his clients to Sebastian for any legal concerns regarding a real estate transaction. From their professional relationship, there developed personal friendship, they discovered a mutual interest in being fans of women's tennis, and thus together they had been attending the Wimbledon tournament for several years.

They usually attended the Saturday matches occurring during main draw. For the first Saturday, containing third round action they would pick the premier court that featured two women's matches out of the three matches scheduled. As for the second Saturday, they had tickets for the women's finals. In their convivial conversation, Anett asked if they actually preferred watching women's tennis as opposed to men's tennis.

Sebastian answered, "Of yes, the women's matches are more interesting to watch because they have invariably longer rallies. There are more games where the server is broken than it occurs in men's tennis. As a young lad, my father took me to the 1991 Wimbledon men's semi final matches. I remember witnessing Michael Stich defeat Stefan Edberg 4-6, 7-6 (5), 7-6 (5), 7-6 (2). Edberg didn't lose any of his service games, and Stich only lost one service game, obviously in the only set that did not get to a tie breaker. I swear there was never a more boring tennis match to watch.

"Of course, the main difference between men's tennis to women's tennis is the powerful serves that the men can produce. I believe the majority of the men can hit serves routinely recorded at and over 140 MPH, and some of them can hit at that pace somewhat regularly. Such a serve is difficult to handle and rarely can one return a winner. In contrast a tiny percentage, i.e. certainly less than one percent, of women players on the WTA tour have ever hit even once in their career, a serve clocked at 120 MPH or better."

That the two gentlemen were so knowledgeable in women's tennis, naturally gave way to a thoroughly enjoyable conversation. The easy free flowing conversation added to the luster of the pleasure Maia and Anett derived from the success of that day's tennis accomplishment. That in turn, especially in the case of Maia led her to contemplate a one night stand as a perfect denouement for a wonderful day. Maia wasn't deterred from the objective fact that their physical appearance was not handsome, but at least they weren't unseemly corpulent. They certainly looked fit and trim, and thus, would be adequate in Maia's mind for a little bit of sensual and most assuredly sinful pleasure. In assessing their appeal to her Maia adjudged them to be around Toomas Tamala's age; Sebastian appearing to being slightly older than Herbert. Ergo the latter became the main focus of Maia's attention.

As to the gentlemen they were in a nirvana of utmost blissfulness. There was no doubt or debate that Anett and Maia were the two most outstanding good-looking females present at this pub. Aside from them being pure eye candy, Anett and Maia in their minds were women of substance and not bimbos. This notion was reflected in the fact they were both extremely articulate. In addition to Anett having been a successful professional tennis player, Maia, they learned was the stepdaughter of the Prime Minister of Estonia. This belief of superiority was fortified by the consideration that English was not their mother tongue, and yet they both spoke English flawlessly.

Anett even spoke English with a British accent equally comparable to that of a native upper class societal Brit. Anett had perfected her fluency in English, as a result of having trained in the United Kingdom under the tutelage of various British tennis coaches, off and on for several years. As for Maia, she spoke English with a pronounced Slavic/Estonian accent. Her voice was joyfully light despite her accent, such that she was a delight to listen to, especially to men attracted to her. At any time, whenever she deepened her voice into a husky, enchanting timbre, her male listener would be literally seduced to her charms. That particularly was the case with Herbert Weatherford.

Both men were married and were fathers in addition, so that they were not on the prowl to picking up a woman in a bar for sexual congress. In fact the only reason they happened to have entered this pub was happenstance. Every Thursday night they attended a regularly scheduled meeting of a social club they belonged to, which was located in the vicinity of this pub. Usually, the night featured a guest speaker who would expound on various topics of interest to the members. On this particular night, the guest speaker proved to be incredibly boring that they left during the middle of the speech to take in a few drinks at this pub.

As we've seen, that upon entering the pub, Sebastian Carstairs, being an avid women's tennis fan recognized Anett. It transpired that Anett was one of the players on the WTA tour whom he had been especially keen on cheering for, aside from the British players. He was very despondent when she had to retire from tennis at such an early age. As a fan, he had hoped Anett would have eventually won one of the grand slam tournaments, and when she rose to No 2 in the rankings, that hope seemed to have become truly realistic.

His intention upon approaching Anett had been to merely be hoping to obtain a selfie with her. That it instead turned out to be a wonderful rendezvous in a pub setting replete with delicious alcoholic drinks and sparkling conversation was beyond his normal expectations for a marvelous evening of entertainment. But as Anett and Maia proved to be extremely affable, it was natural for Sebastian to speculate on the possibility of sex. Under the influence of his alcohol consumption the negative implication of contemplating actual adultery was absent from his mind.

Herbert Weatherford had not recognized Anett initially, although he was aware of her in the course of watching women's tennis matches. As a result, his attention was more focused on Maia. In his mind, she was breathtakingly gorgeous. She was a goddess in the mold of Aphrodite; associated with love, lust, beauty, pleasure, passion, desire, and of course absolutely pure sex. Maia's potent sexual allure overcame any guilty thoughts concerning adultery which might have otherwise prevented him from harboring such sinful lascivious thoughts.

As the mood and atmosphere amongst the foursome palpably heated up in passion fueled by their alcohol consumption, Maia opted to seek a satisfactory conclusion. First, she took the initiative to induce Anett to accompany her to the ladies restroom located inside the pub, to ostensibly freshen up. As they were the only two in the loo, Maia didn't bother to shut the stall door as she sat down to urinate. As Anett was indeed freshening up her makeup at a convenient sink, Maia spoke out from her stall, "So what do you say Anett? I admit I'm horny and I wouldn't mind having a go at Herbert. He seems to have taken a shine to me. Sebastian seems to be into you. So, why don't we invite them to our hotel suite and let nature take its course?"

Anett was in a euphoric mood, affected by her consumption of whiskey. Accordingly, she had no real resistance to Maia's entreaties. She protested timidly, "But Maia, I do have a boyfriend back in Tallinn. I hate the idea of cheating on him."

Maia scoffed, "For that matter so do I, but in my case it's all but over since we've both just finished our high school education. Besides we weren't technically exclusive anyway, and I think he's seeing another girl since we finished our schooling."

Anett admitted, "Well there isn't a stated understanding of exclusiveness between my boyfriend and I, and I've certainly had other lovers."

Maia immediately added, "It's not like this night will become public gossip back in Estonia. This is not like in Tallinn where everyone recognizes you and me wherever we go. Hell, here only Sebastian recognized you, whereas no one else did, not even Herbert who professes to be an equally strong fan of the WTA. And of course, I'm completely unknown here. By the way you are on some kind of birth control protection, aren't you? If not, I see there's a vending machine right here for condoms that take credit cards."

Anett replied, "Oh, yes I have an IUD in me. Well OK Maia, I guess I'm down for that."

When the women returned to their table and were seated, Maia made the proposal, "Sebastian and Herbert this has been a most delightful evening, and Anett and I have enjoyed your company immensely. Considering my great victory today which gains me entry to the main draw of this year's Wimbledon championship, Anett and I are naturally in the mood for some real celebration. Accordingly, would you two care to accompany us to our hotel suite? It contains a well stocked mini bar so our celebration can continue."

The timing of Maia's blatant undisguised invitation for sex was made at the most opportune time. Earlier would have been premature that perhaps would compel rejection; and later might have seen everyone too inebriated or intoxicated to enjoy a truly satisfactory sexual intercourse. In addition, the two gentlemen were just in the stage under alcohol influence where their common sense judgment had alluded them and awareness of the repercussions of their actions were not under their consideration. However, they still had sufficient presence of mind to text to their wives to alert then that their return home would be very late; much later than previously anticipated.

When they all arrived at the hotel suite, they were impressed on the suitability of this obvious one night stand, As Maia had intimated the mini bar was stocked with the finest beer, wine and liquor. In fact Maia had specifically dictated to the hotel exactly what she wanted in the mini bar and the hotel had complied. The gentlemen and Anett were happy to continue to drink Glenlivet. When Sebastian and Herbert had initially sat down with Maia and Anett at the pub, they noted Anett's choice of whiskey. Feeling it would be churlish of them not to mention unmanly to order a cheaper whiskey for themselves, so they naturally followed Anett's lead in choosing a superior brand of whiskey. Maia meanwhile continued drinking a high end vodka.

The hotel suite contained two separate bedrooms, plus a wide couch and a love seat. By mutual unstated agreement, Anett and Sebastian were paired as Maia and Herbert were destined to be together. Anett and Sebastian settled in the love seat while Maia and Herbert had the couch to themselves. Anett quickly parked herself on Sebastian's lap. After some intense kissing, Anett and Sebastian left the love seat and entered Anett's designated bedroom.

For their part Maia and Herbert were sitting side by side on the couch and were turned to each other. They were involved in an exchanging some tender kisses, while caressing each other's hair. Earlier in the pub, Herbert had not inspired any lecherous ideas in Maia's mind. However, as the evening wore on with the conversation flowing so amicably, plus her intake of vodka, her mind took on a different turn. Besides in Maia's psyche a stunning tennis victory like she had achieved that day deserves an emphatic celebration. And what more of an emphatic celebration can there be than some really hot sex. As a result, Herbert Weatherford became more and more appealing in Maia's eyes, especially after each sip of vodka. This then provoked the decision to invite the men to their hotel suite.

Now that Maia was kissing Herbert passionately on the couch in their hotel suite, she happily believed that Herbert was just the right man whom she need at that exact moment. Her euphoria was aroused as she reached for his penis still contained in his trousers. She gasped as she now knew for certain that she would not be disappointed. While still engaged in continuing to kissing Herbert passionately, Maia unzipped his fly and fished out his penis from its confinement. As soon as she felt the flesh of his manhood, she purred and in a deep sultry voice exclaimed, "That's a mighty fine cock you have my dear Herbert! Exactly what I need!"

Thereupon, Maia broke off the kiss, and repositioned herself on the couch. She quickly was on all fours on the couch perpendicular to Herbert's lap. Once at the pub when she had made her mind up to try for a tryst, the anticipation of expected pleasure was slowly but surely building up in her mind. Now that she saw his cock and had a hold of his rigid member, she climaxed. It was a minor orgasm to be sure but nevertheless it represented the culmination of one of the most exciting, wonderful and happiest day of her life.

As the feeling of euphoria was coursing throughout her body, Maia simply rolled and rubbed his cock on and over her cheeks. She was automatically muttering repeatedly in a low voice, "Kui kaunis! Kui kaunis!" (literally Estonian for 'How beautiful')

Maia regretted that Herbert was circumcised. With Harri Kutsaar, her high school lover, she had developed a cute tingling trick. She was able to force her tongue underneath his foreskin separating it from his cock head. This stimulation was always a turn on for Harri and brought forth an agonizing groan from him. The only drawback to this particular sexual trick was that it tended to make Harri cum sooner than normal. That in turn deprived Maia of an extended duration time of pleasure when giving head.

Even before Maia actually lost her virginity, she had determined in her mind that she would love performing fellatio on her lovers. As her sexually active girlfriends intimated that guys love having it done and for some unfathomable reason, they especially enjoy it if their girl swallows the entire load of cum. That being the case even with her first lover Dmitri Arkhangelsky giving a blow job on him was of an equal priority to having her cherry busted.

As for Herbert Weatherford, his emotions were suspended into a sexual haze. The whole evening resulting in this young thing giving him a blow job was surreal. During this fellatio he actually pinched himself to ascertain that this was for real and that he was not having an erotic dream instead. What was incomprehensible for him to find himself in this sexual scene was that it had transpired without any sexual advances applied by him. He knew that his sexual appeal to women was on the low end; he certainly was cognizant that he was no God's gift to women. Yet this young ultra gorgeous woman from Estonia apparently was attracted to him enough to actually vamp him!

Such thoughts in Herbert's mind tended to remove any sense of guilt for committing adultery. The classic cliché line used by adulterers to excuse their sinful behavior is: "It was just sex. It didn't mean anything." That surely literally applied to him. This evening was absolutely as a result of pure happenstance. The only reason he was sharing a drink with Maia at the pub was the fact that Sebastian recognized Anett Kontaveit. When he joined Sebastian in sitting with Anett and Maia, he certainly did not entertain any notion of trying to entice either Anett or Maia to have sex. Nor did he believe that Sebastian had such intention either. After all it was Maia who blatantly propositioned for sex.

On the other hand, Herbert's morally inclined subconscious mind pointed out the obvious to his conscious mind in that, 'You could have said no'. To that self admonition, his conscious mind retorted, 'What and miss out on a truly great fuck from a gorgeous babe? It really is just sex; definitely meaningless sex. Hell, these girls aren't even from England for fucks sakes. It's not like I'm ever going to come across either one of them ever again'.

Such considerations occupying his mind tended to retard Herbert's focus on the erotic scene in which he was a participant. However, this suited our heroine just fine since she unabashedly loved to give head and was disappointed when her lover would cum too soon. In this occasion she had a joyful time in providing the full treatment to Herbert. She licked his cock head like it was a lollipop. As his cock was not inordinately huge, she was able to deep throat him at every plunge. She used her hands to massage his scrotum in conjunction with her oral activity with his shaft.

Maia would alternate when releasing his cock from her mouth to lick on his sac. She would then swallow his scrotum whole and thereby cause his balls to swirl in her mouth. As she was doing this, she would press his shaft against her nose and forehead and manually tenderly stroking it before resuming her main action of sucking on his cock. Her relentless efforts in her fellatio eventually paid dividends. Her oral stimulation took hold of his mind blocking out any other extraneous thoughts. As a result the steady build up of producing semen became too unbearable to contain that he forcibly ejaculated without any warning.

By now in her nascent sexual journey, Maia had become rather adept in swallowing cum as fast as it cummed. Only a small trickle of cum had oozed out of her mouth as the rest of Herbert's ejaculate had been gulped down by Maia. She got off the couch and stood up facing him. She said, "I think it's time for me to show you mine so you can see what you're getting tonight."

With that said, Maia immediately methodically and efficiently undressed. Herbert remained sitting on the couch and was looking at her intently although completely in a stupor. In record time she was completely naked having discarded all her clothes unceremoniously and kicking then aside. She then locked her hands behind the back of her head to cause her magnificent breasts to thrust forward. She affected a pose exactly how she had envisioned in her erotic dream back in January, when she imagined herself as a female slave auctioned off in the slave market during the medieval times in Byzantine Constantinople. She then said, "You like?"

At least Herbert had his wits about him sufficiently to reply, "Is that a trick question? You're truly gorgeous, Maia. I don't think God, Himself could have improved on your naked beauty."

Ignoring the blatant hyperbole, Maia matter of factually replied, "Very kind of you to say so my sweet Herbert. Now why don't you get undressed and join me in the bedroom. I'm aware that you gentlemen after some hot sex require a respite in order to restore your stamina before you can pleasure us women some more. I believe I have some nifty solutions in mind."

Herbert complied in getting completely undressed before he entered Maia's designated bedroom. Once in the bedroom, Maia directed him to get on the bed and to lay on his back. His head was propped up on a pillow which was itself slightly propped up as it rested against the headboard. Maia climbed onto the bed, and thereupon got on top of him. She had her knees bent resting on the back of her calves on either side of him as she was sitting on his midriff, facing him. She leaned slightly backwards to cup and caress her ample breasts to display an alluring visage of her mouthwatering nudity. She pinched her nipples to make them taut and thereby started to arouse Herbert.

Maia unfolded her knees to rest the soles of her feet on either side of Herbert's shoulders. She rested her rump right on top of his torso just under his throat. Bending backwards caused her bald shaven vulva to loom ever so large right before his eyes. It was a sight exuding a sign of raw sex and pure unadulterated debauchery. In addition to his witnessing the provocative close-up view of her naked lady parts he was also treated to a whiff of her pungent sexual intoxicating scent. His cock duly hardened to coitus readiness as a result.