Maia Laaning Ch. 25


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As for Cedric, his muff dive of her, as his first maneuver in their lovemaking, was simply an act of orthodox foreplay in his mind. He had several expectations on what should transpire as a result, and to his delight almost all of them proved to be the reality. First of all, as expected, Erica's female scent was powerful and potent. He realized in various discussions with some of his friends, most guys found such odors offensive or off putting, while others simply tolerated the smell but otherwise were not a fan. No doubt some women don't emit any scent or if they do, it's not noticeable enough to be a factor.

However, in Cedric's view it would stand to reason that the more aroused a woman becomes in sexual activity, the more powerful or potent of a sexual scent she would inadvertently release. Thus, if an important motivating factor in engaging in sexual intercourse is to provide pleasure for one's sexual partner, without reference to one's own pleasure, then one ought to be disappointed in the absence of a detectable scent from one's female partner.

In fact, as far as Cedric was concerned, the reason one provides oral sex to a woman, is to produce pleasure to that woman without expectation of a similar equivalent pleasure in return. In this regard he knew his cock would always harden when eating out a woman, but he would never ejaculate in return. Unless that is if he were to simultaneously masturbate his cock. In such case why waste the actual presence of a woman when more ecstatic stimulation to his cock would be available.

In Cedric's thought process, he believed that by unselfishly bestowing pleasure to his female partner, reaps its own reward. Presumably in return for his attention to her gratification in sex, his female partner would be inclined to please him to the extent of her utmost passion regardless of a lack of intense romantic interest between them.

With such a mindset, it was understandable why Cedric elected to concentrate on Erica at this party in lieu of the arguably more alluring trio of the nubile young Maia, Riina and Anett. It was not that he was apprehensive that he might not prevail in securing the interest of any one of the younger beauties against the competition afforded by his three other fellow employees. Instead in his view, based on the obvious conclusion that if sex were to ensue at this party, it would be a one night stand engagement considering that none of the women resided in the UK. That being the case, he calculated that Erica was his best bet for his ultimate satisfaction given the exclusivity of this occasion.

His reasoning suggested that assuming sex at this party was in the offing that as far as in the minds of Maia, Riina and Anett were concerned, the sexual partners arrangement available for them would not be unusual. Cedric was not privy to Erica's exact age, but she was introduced to him as the older sister to his employer superior, Vivian Laaning. Since he worked in the HR department at Baxter and Sons, he was aware that Vivian's forty-ninth birthday would occur later that month. Ergo the age disparity between Erica and him had to be at least thirty years.

Thus in his cunning Machiavellian mind, this had to be a rare even only opportunity for Erica to engage in sex with a male partner so much younger than her. Given her age and her presumed experience, she had to be inevitably the more skillful lover than the three youngsters in any case. But adding the factor of the rarity of this age disparity coitus could only mean that Erica would be induced to engage in sex and be inclined to utilize her ultimate sexual skills.

So in Cedric's devious mind, the wetness of her vagina and her sexual emitted scent confirmed to him that Erica was experiencing the ultimate sexual experience. His male ego soared as he was sensitive to the notion that his skill in cunnilingus was sufficient to successfully.

deliver his very presumed sexually experienced female partner into a sublime ecstasy. That Erica was enthralled by Cedric's oral lovemaking was verified by her eventual new orgasm which she could not disguise or hide from his notice.

Cedric's oral sex technique was thorough. No only did he vigorously tongue lick on her clit, 'G' spot, urethra and vaginal opening but he produced a euphoric sensation in stimulating her labia. He took turns in first capturing first her labia majora (outer labia fold) fully in his teeth and then applied his tongue in stimulating that tissue. He repeated the procedure with her labia minora (inner labia fold). He then returned his attention to her clit and repeated the same stimulation on her clit as he had with her labia folds. For added measure of pleasure he applied his tongue stimulating her perineum. That stimulating procedure was enhanced by his simultaneously utilizing two fingers to digitally sodomizing her.

Such intense oral sexual application on her lady parts were overwhelming to Erica's senses. She was naturally compelled to succumb to an exquisite orgasm which obliterated all of the totality of her sentient consciousness. Consequently, she screamed out her ecstasy, "Oh fuck Cedric. You're my magnificent stud muffin. I'm a slave to your domination of me. Oh fuck Cedric how can you do this to me. I'm simply putty in your hands. You can do what you wish to me, I don't care."

Cedric naturally smiled at such a confession by Erica which of course reinforced his male ego to an unbelievable high level of self esteem. Subsequently, in a sober light he had to admit that in reality he was not necessarily an exceptional lover but that extraordinarily auspicious factors were in play to produce such an outcry by Erica. In any case Cedric gratuitously remarked, "But we're not done just yet my dear Erica!"

To that last remark, although Erica was now panting fiercely as a result of reacting to her fierce deep climax, she still had the presence of her mind to articulate her desires somewhat coherently, "Oh yes Cedric, my sweet love. I know you need to really fuck me. I need you to fuck me. I really need you to fuck me. So, go ahead and fuck me. Really fuck me! I want you to fuck me! Oh yes Cedric, please fuck me. Fuck me now."

With such emphatic exhortations, Cedric stood up. However, before he could contemplate his next course of action, Erica raised her legs straight up to become perpendicular to her torso and to the surface of the bed. Her ankles found a resting place against his shoulder blades. Recognizing her preference in this instance for a table top sexual position sexual intercourse, he saw no alternative but to go ahead and simply fuck her while remaining standing up.

Since Cedric had as of yet ever tried this sexual position, he was surprised to discover that Erica in actuality had the control of the tempo and depth of the thrusts during this coitus. And Erica proved her mettle as a supreme experienced lover. Her variety in pacing the action, brought forth excruciating tingling sensations felt in his spine to the depth of his soul. Consequently, when he ejaculated the sensation seemed surreal. He had no usual forewarning of his impending climax, and needless to say he was powerless to prevent the onset of his discharge even were he determined to stop it. This mind blowing experience caused him to lose even a modicum of propriety. He was compelled to shout out some superb inanities such as, "Oh fuck Erica! I'm cumming! I'm really cumming! You're great! You're fucking great! You're the greatest! You're the fucking greatest! I knew you would be! I wasn't disappointed!"

For her part, this copulation was equally exciting to Erica. She always loved this position for the control of the action it afforded her. However, this position had the drawback of necessarily taxing the stamina of her male partner. For this reason, Erica had been unable to induce her husband, Rod, to fuck her in this way for over a decade. She could sense that for Cedric, the requirement of maintaining an upright standing posture throughout their lovemaking was no ordeal for him. That fact erased from her mind, at least momentarily, any feeling of guilt associated with the acknowledgment that she was committing adultery.

With the absence of a feeling of remorse, Erica was free to enjoy an unfettered euphoric orgasm. Her ecstasy reached its apex at the start of Cedric's first spurt of semen into her vagina. Her climax consisted of a figurative fire imagined bursting into flames at the tips of her toes and quickly spreading throughout her blood stream and traveling up her limbs and torso. Two additional imagined conflagrations ignited at the tips of her fingers to travel up her arms to join up with the major inferno which had originated in her feet. Erica could literally imagine that her blood was boiling, The perceived orgasmic heat caused her to actually perspire copiously.

When Cedric disengaged from Erica, she dropped her legs to automatically sit up at the edge of the bed. This in turn allowed Cedric to witness rivulets of sweat pouring down from her forehead and glistening on her cheeks. Some of her perspiration perforce made contact with her eyelids. In conjunction with her eye make-up, the net effect was to swell her eyelids and redden them. In addition, Erica was gasping and hyperventilating rather fiercely. Although Erica did not vocalize her climax like he did, there was no doubt in his mind that, given her ensuing physical appearance coupled with her breathing, that she had experienced an intense orgasm.

Arriving at such a conclusion, naturally caused his male ego to soar. Cedric felt justified in assuming that his sexual prowess had to be exceptional as evidenced by Erica's reaction to their just completed copulation. This notion was based the premise, that given Erica's age and presumed extensive sexual experience, she would naturally have to be somewhat jaundiced in attitude towards an average run of the mill sexual experience, or indulging in a one night stand like this occasion.

By analogy, if one were to engage the services of a professional prostitute, or a sex worker as their preferred designation, it is logical to suggest that the customer would perforce derive greater personal emotional satisfaction from the occasion. There is the caveat, that the sex worker must be skillful enough to pleasure her 'john' adequately otherwise she would not last in the oldest profession. But in any case for the sex worker to gain similar emotional pleasure as her 'john' must by definition be a rare instance indeed.

Of course, Erica was not a sex worker, but a similar principle probably applies. For Cedric's purposes, just as a sex worker must perforce have more sexual experience than her peers among the non sex workers, likewise Erica had to have had more sexual experience than either of Maia, Riina or Anett; probably even combined for that matter. That in essence was the rationale of why he was interested in focusing his attention exclusively on Erica in the first place.

He expected receiving better sex from Erica than from the younger women simply by the experience factor alone. It might have been a different matter if there was a possibility of a more prolonged relationship to ensue from this introductory party, but there was no getting around the obvious reality that for any sex to occur would have to be relegated to a one night stand status.

Thus in context of his deliberations, Cedric was delighted that this occasion proceeded to unfold in the manner he had envisioned. The startling exception to his foresight was the apparent enthusiasm Erica enjoyed from their sexual activity. Just as in the case of engaging a sex worker where he could expect satisfactory sex but minus a reciprocal response, he did not expect a similar explicit display of sexual satisfaction from Erica that was equivalent to his enjoyment.

One could be churlish enough to suggest that Erica's passionate display could be attributed to the age disparity between them. The fact that she engaged in sexual intercourse with a much younger man, like him would necessarily stir her juices that she would inevitably respond in a favorable sexual manner like she did.

However in his mind, Cedric dismissed such exculpatory rationalization. In his view the age disparity between them only served to facilitate the acceptance of engaging in sex and nothing more could be read into it. That Erica enjoyed and experienced a powerful ecstatic orgasm was in reality independent of her reason to indulge in their sexual intercourse. That she did so genuinely enjoy their sex was a bonus as far as Cedric was concerned in his overview of their sexual encounter which in turn enhanced his pride.

As Cedric joyfully went to fetch a couple of glasses of wine for them to mutually to imbibe during their afterglow, Erica recovered her equilibrium sufficiently to scramble into a sitting position on the bed with her back resting against the headboard. Accepting a glass of wine proffered by Cedric, and after awaiting him to settler into a similar position on the bed beside herself, Erica tentatively asked, "I generally don't put too much stock in what my love partner, never mind myself might utter during the course of a delightful lovemaking session. Nevertheless, you did shout out that I'm the greatest. I'm curious to know if this was merely a hyperbole in the normal course of your ecstasy or did you truly mean what you said?"

Cedric smiled at Erica's surprising diffidence, considering that she comported herself as an undoubtedly successful self-assured woman of substance. He answered her, "Rest assured babe, you were more than I had expected. I naturally hit upon you at this party, because given your experience you had to be hotter than either Maia, Riina or Anett. I had read somewhere that women in their middle age years are in their prime of their sexual exuberance and abilities. You sure more than lived up to that billing."

Erica smiled back at such flattering praise. She replied, "I sure do appreciate your kind words, as it certainly elevates my ego. By the way you ought not sell short my niece's sexuality. She was a virgin at the start of this year, but in the few short months since, has more than made up for her previous lack of experience. I understand that she has become quite the sex pot. As for you, I'm likewise delighted to find you better than I had anticipated. Your technique in applying your wicked tongue on me produced pure joyful stimulation for me to experience. And I can't say enough about your magnificent, gorgeous, beautiful cock. You certainly know how to use it to please me thoroughly. I was on fire for sure."

As soon as Erica had finished taking a generous sip of wine, she set aside her glass on the bedside end table. With her hand now free, she reached down to grasp his flaccid penis. Thereupon, she started nonchalantly, idly stroking his cock while continuing her conversation with her lover. When she had finished her speech praising his lovemaking, while continuing holding on to his cock, Erica slid her body down along the right side of Cedric's body ending up where her shoulders were in the vicinity of his seated hips.

Once there, Erica induced Cedric to likewise scoot his body down off the headboard so that he ended up completing laying flat on his back. During this action, Erica maneuvered herself in sync with his movement. Once Cedric lay entirely supine, Erica lifted and turned her head to rest her left cheek on top of his front at virtually the upper base area of his pudendum. In this position, she manually moved his cock towards her and inserted it into her mouth to commence a slow languid pace of an exquisite fellatio.

With a free hand, Erica now gently continuously massaged his balls which in turn served to create movement of his shaft forwards and backwards in her mouth. Cedric was able to contribute to this unique slow blow job by sporadically lifting his rump to add to the totality of the thrust movements in Erica's mouth. Occasionally, as she saw fit, Erica moved her head along his shaft adding to the variety of the oral stimulation applied to Cedric's penis during this prolonged fellatio. Apart from the initial insertion of Cedric's cock into Erica's mouth, there was no hands applied on his penis throughout the entirety of the fellatio.

That being the case, there was no hurried up variety in the pace to speed up the journey to mutual climax. This steady tortoise like tempo suited Erica's mood just fine. The process resulted in a gradual incremental heightening of her passion. As a result, once she could sense that he was ejaculating in her mouth it triggered a euphoric relief type of orgasm. The sensation Erica felt was akin to the type of exultation a marathon runner must feel when completing a full fledged marathon run. Not as exhausting to be sure, but the feeling of relief that it was over would be an equivalent emotion.

On the other hand, Cedric was experiencing ongoing exasperating emotions. Certainly by definition, being intimately naked engaged in a sexual activity with a woman entails a rapturous euphoric experience which one craves for. However, on this occasion he had no control and was powerless to direct the action to arrive at a satisfactory climax. Although he did have limited participation in raising his rump causing movement of his cock in Erica's oral cavity, that action in of itself did not enhance nor detract from the steady progress of their oral sex mobility. Actually, during the entire duration of this activity Cedric did not contribute too many butt thrusts of his own, since that effort proved to be debilitating to his stamina.

Consequently, throughout this unrelenting oral sex act, Cedric's emotions were intermixed between the agony of enduring a never-ending somewhat tedious sexual exercise to the ecstasy of experiencing an erotic passionate episode. As already indicated, without control of the action, Cedric had no sense or premonition of the onset of his climax. As a result, when he did eventually ejaculate, it did not consist of the normal exploding type, wherein he would be splattering her mouth with load after load of hot cum. Instead, his semen oozed out of the hole of his penis in a steady but an unhurried flow.

As far as Erica was concerned, this blow job represented the most satisfactory kind she had ever experienced. In the normal blasting type of ejaculations, which she invariably was familiar with, she was hard put to contain the ejaculate in her mouth. She was perforce busy in swallowing the cum as fast as she could. Thereby, she was deprived of taking the time to concentrate on enjoying the full affect of administering successfully a substantial and a truly enjoyable fellatio.

Erica's paramount goal in sex had always been to be adjudged as the consummate sexy woman. She recognized that to achieve such a lofty status, she would not only be called upon to give head but it would be incumbent on her to display an unfettered enthusiasm in performing such oral sex. Erica knew that logically the taste and smell of male semen had to be an acquired taste as opposed to objectively being an unquestioned desired taste or smell. She also recognized the undeniable fact that men got off on witnessing their female partner swallowing the results of their fellatio.

Therefore, Erica taught herself to enjoy and yearn for the taste of male semen. She reasoned in her mind that the only occasion she would have the opportunity to taste and smell male sperm occurs during sexual activity. That being the case it follows that the taste of sperm is a delicacy to be celebrated and eagerly to be looking forward to. With such a mindset, in this instance, the slow trickling of Cedric's sperm down her gullet proved to be a rare treat by allowing her to fully embrace the flavor of his cum and prolong her enjoyment.