Mailgirls Down Under Pt. 10


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Jackson grunted. She was chewing on the answers that she got from Chrissie. And other implications. She was worried. If the American office sent Jeneva over, say as some sort of deferred swap with Heather, would that mean they could employ mailgirls in Melbourne on American conditions? Say by recruiting them in the States and flying them in? And she worried it was not just about the Australian's special incentive points in danger of becoming demerits and punishments. It was their pay, the time off that she had negotiated, their treatment generally. And the whole edifice of what it meant to be a worker, a mailgirl with rights, in Australia. Real kangaroos, indeed.


Lindsay Davenport was finding it hard to concentrate on her work, running the office. Too much was bothering her, getting in the way. She sensed that her predecessor Mitch was in his secluded office doing whatever he liked, the mailgirls were just downright rude to her, Shane was no help, and no one had thought to ask her to watch the show with them. Even her hair was rebelling against her as she flicked it angrily out of her eyes. Here she was, the one who had made the segment happen, yet she would be stuck in her apartment alone while the rest of the office made a party of it.

Realising she was not going to get anything done until she settled her mind she strode out of her office. She must have looked a scene, dishevelled. Because for once the PA Betty Cuthbert actually stopped her work to look up at her boss. "Why are all the mailgirls constantly getting off and I'm not?" Lindsay complained to her.

Betty kept a straight face. "Sorry, you're asking the wrong person," she responded in the most neutral PA manner possible.

Damn, Lindsay berated herself, she had not meant to vent like that to Betty, who stood aloof from things, the only person in the office who was not going to watch the show. Still disorientated, she knocked on Shane's office door and entered. The tall mailgirl, the one who reminded Lindsay of a thoroughbred racehorse, was standing close to Shane by the side of his desk. He nodded at Lindsay then looked up to the gleaming, athletic Jan Stephenson. "Can you see if you can get those numbers from HR?" he asked her, seemingly finishing off the instructions he had started before Lindsay had entered.

"Sure," Jan smiled as she slunk past Lindsay, "I'll bring them back when they're ready." She smirked at Shane. "If you're free, that is," she added, as sardonic as she could be. And out she went.

With the mailgirl gone, Lindsay let out a groan. "The attitude! It's like the office exists for the benefit of the mailgirls not the other way around," she complained to Shane.

Shane smiled, a little distant. "Seems like it." He looked at Lindsay wondering where she was heading with the conversation.

Lindsay put on her management airs. "Well, we're going to change that."

Shane looked hard at his boss. "Good luck," he offered.

Lindsay sat down in the chair facing Shane with another sigh. "How big is this city?" she groaned.

"You haven't found anyone?" Shane diagnosed. She perked up. Was he going to invite her? Shane looked invitingly at her. "If you were hoping to get off in the office. I can help you with that," he suggested.

Lindsay gave him what she hoped was a polite, disarming look. "I'll take a raincheck," she muttered, hoping to cloak her disappointment.

But Shane was now on a mission. "Have you thought of bedding Stuart Broad. He's one of you, you must have things in common."

Lindsay shook her head trying to regain her normality. "He's got a wife." And anyway he was not her type, countryman or not. Definitely not!

Shane seemed confused by that excuse. "So?" he asked.

Lindsay sighed again, this time at having to explain. "He's one of those guys who believes marriage is sacred and sex should only be between a loving couple in holy matrimony, et cetera. But yes, the family is still making their arrangements to come out."

Shane picked up on that. "That explains..."

"Yes, why he is so uptight," Lindsay completed for him.

Shane grinned. "The mailgirls better not find that out. They'll make his life Hell. More Hell. One wonders why he chooses to work for us."

Lindsay gave a hint that she agreed with Shane. "Hmm. By the way, Stuart has been complaining to me. He doesn't seem to be making many friends with you easy-going friendly Aussies."

Shane pretended to look shocked. "I can't imagine why," he started. "Does he make friends anywhere?" He let that hang for a moment and then pretended to remember. "Although I did go out to lunch with him." Lindsay looked interested. "We talked. Blokes' stuff," he deflected. Then Shane changed his tone, having just apparently now recalled something important. "BTW, do we have the budget to have another mailgirl?" Lindsay looked oddly at Shane, like where did that suddenly come from. Shane smiled as he explained. "Stuart met a girl and he's going to try to recruit her."

Lindsay just shook her head. Was it always going to be like this? She strode back to her own office. Jackson was sitting, her back to the entrance, one leg draped over the arm of her chair. Lindsay looked closely. Was she playing with herself?

"Did I call a mailgirl?" she sniffed, still behind Jackson who stopped whatever she was doing, her hands went to her sides. Although she kept her legs open.

Turning to Lindsay, she smiled. "Thought you might be about to," she suggested. "So I could get some of those no longer available incentive points."

"God, if only there was somewhere I could send you," Lindsay bit back as she sat down facing Jackson. "Is there anything I can do for you?" she continued, wondering that she was supposed to be running the office.

"I've got the rest of the mailgirls coming around to mine," Jackson offered as she twirled a lock of hair with a provocative finger. "Would you like to come over too?"

This was too much for Lindsay. "No, I have my own arrangements," she shot back automatically. Jackson did not seem ready to move yet. "Is there anything else?" Lindsay added.

Jackson let go of the tress. "I was thinking," she started as she ran that free hand down her side towards her still exposed crotch. She stopped. "Nah, it doesn't matter," she decided and got up to leave.


After dinner Mitch was alone with Jessica in the games room. "The girls are out again," he noted.

On the lounge, his wife toyed with the TV remote. "They have friends," she replied drily as she turned on the television. "It's almost time. What channel is this show on?" Jessica wondered out loud as the picture came up. She found the channel, with the show about to start. "What are you expecting?" Jessica asked Mitch as she stood up, patted down her skirt and circled him.

"I'm out of that loop," Mitch admitted. "Shane of course boasted to me that he did the greatest interview ever. So I can only imagine how much of that makes the cut."

Jessica looked more closely at Mitch, who was naked, kneeling with his knees apart, shoulders back. "I'm sure there are more positions," she commented as she leant down enough to stroke his cock a few times, to make sure that he was fully hard. She nodded, happy at her work on that. "Stay that way," she ordered. Then she smiled at her husband as she sat back down on the couch. "I must study those videos to find them so I can teach you. Now hush. You're a mailboy about to watch your mailgirls. And then maybe afterwards..."


The Melbourne Harada office stood empty. No humans, clothed or otherwise, strode through the corridors, made coffee, worked at their computers, talked to colleagues or summoned mailgirls. From the viewing window on the sixth floor, the benches on the mezzanine were just visible in the dimness of the few emergency lights that flickered on the various floors including the one where the mailgirls hung out between messages.

Suddenly the fire door on the mezzanine swung open. A figure partly illuminated by their phone stepped in the hangout area, concentrating on their phone and whoever was on the line. It seemed that they were face timing with the other party.

"You know what you have to do!" the Japanese voice on the phone barked.

"Yes, sir," came the hesitant answer.

"Now show me!" the man ordered. There was a movement towards the benches as the woman obeyed. First the jacket came off, placed carefully on the bench. Then the rest was shrugged off as efficiently as possible given the woman was holding her phone in one hand. She was naked, moving the phone up and down her body so that her contact could see that she had obeyed him.

"Now," he ordered, "go up the stairs!"


As soon as she arrived, Annette made no secret that she was checking Jackson's flat out. She strode straight inside, through to the kitchen, then down the hall to the bedrooms and back to the living room where most of the other mailgirls from the office were sipping drinks and getting used to being around each other with clothes on.

"Fantastic," Annette blurted, "so modern!" And it was close to the office but not too close. Were there any others in the complex available? Under this barrage of questions, Jackson considered what she did not know about the other mailgirls' private lives. Where did Annette live? Who did she live with? Did she have a partner? Jackson thought that she did but now was not sure. There were questions that she should ask. But for the moment there was so much for her to do as host. She went back to the kitchen.

Jan looked around the group who were variously arranged in Jackson's living room. Kimiko sat at the end of her couch, typically she seemed to be observing the others, not contributing. Most of the rest were standing. Lauryn plonked down on the large sofa next to Jan who took stock, noting Annette's arrival. "Only Fanny to arrive now. So let's keep any revelations until we're all here!"

"What revelations are there?" Pam asked looking worried. She read Jan's smirk wrongly and started. "Should I be worried?" she asked hurriedly.

"Your secrets are safe with us," Annette suggested slyly as Jackson came back into the room with a glass of wine for her.

Jackson picked up on Pam's discomfort and noticed her almost empty glass. "I'll get you another truth serum," she decided, snatching the wineglass from Pam's hand.

Annette looked over to Lauryn. "You've been quiet," she noted.

Lauryn tried to make sure her smile was agreeable. "Just getting used to being around you lot with all our clothes on again."

Pam looked surprised. "Again?"

It took a moment for Annette to realise. "You didn't know?" It seemed that Pam did not know. "We all worked at Harada with our clothes on. Heather too. Before," she explained. "Well except for Jackson and Fanny."

"But then some of us knew them when they had their clothes on too," Kimiko added softly as Pam processed that news. The doorbell rang and Jackson went out to answer it to Fanny carrying Pam's glass.

"Thanks," Fanny smiled reaching for the glass.

"It's not for you," Jackson warned, leading her into the living room and delivering it to Pam.

"That's so weird," Pam exploded.

"What's weird?" Fanny asked as she acknowledged everyone in the room. She looked over at the television. "You have the right channel on?"

"You all knew each other with your clothes on. I'm the only one that you only know as a mailgirl only." Pam looked a little worried at the thought.

Lauryn spoke up. "Well, we didn't know each other. I mean as well as we do now."

"I used to watch you go into those meetings and wondered what you would look like under those business suits," Annette smiled at her.

"You didn't!" Lauryn gasped.

Annette laughed. "No, I didn't. But you were always so serious."

Pam looked over to Jackson and Fanny. "And you two?"

Jan butted in. "Jackson was brought in to negotiate our contracts and then..." She tailed off for a moment. "How did it happen, Jackson?"

Jackson laughed. "That's a long story for another time. The short version is that Mitch kind of dared me to." That got laughter from them all. Even Kimiko smiled.

"And I was already studying mailgirls. I had already done some research here, and they gave me the only chance in Australia for some hands-on experience," Fanny smiled.

"Hands-on!" Annette chortled.

"So I'm the sort of only outsider," Pam realised. "Does that make me a... I don't know..."

"A secret agent," Jan suggested. "We had wondered."

Pam looked confused. "But who would I be reporting on you to?"

Annette gave her a look. "You're on the front of magazine covers, you're in the media. I'm guessing that you know people who would be interested."

Pam tried to laugh that off. "But only as a pretty face!" she attempted.

"Typical double bluff," Kimiko murmured loudly enough for all to hear.

"Really?!" Pam reacted.

"Well nothing you could possibly do would be as significant as what is about to go on the tele," Lauryn concluded. And to punctuate that, a commanding male voice came up in the ad break. "Coming up next, we go behind the doors of Harada Industries, an office outwardly like any other in the heart of Melbourne. Like any other except for one thing," he added portentously. And the one word in bold caps smashed across the screen. MAILGIRLS.

They were all silent for a moment. Then Annette squeaked up. "That's us," she stated. And the ice broke somewhat. It would not be long now.

Lauryn groaned at the start. Rosemary was addressing the camera out the front about her descent into the den of iniquity, plenty of cliched sensationalised build-up. "This is so exploitative," Lauryn complained.

"What did you expect?" Jan countered with a sigh. "I'm sure it will get worse."

There was a quick blurred shot of a mailgirl rushing through the office before the start of the interview with Lindsay. "Who was that?" Annette asked.

"Could have been any of us. Too quick and out of focus for anything definite," Fanny suggested.

"What's she talking about?" Annette butted in. Since Fanny was talking over Lindsay's interview.

"She's trying to explain the noble origins of the mailgirl," Lauryn suggested drily, leaning close in to the TV screen. As Lindsay had expected when she had helped to set the scene up, the camera had stayed tight on her as she talked, pulling back a little to show the backs of the heads of the two kneeling mailgirls who flanked her. A slight view of their shoulders suggested to the viewer that they had nothing on below.

"Steeped in the ancient Japanese tradition," Kimiko commented just as dry as Lauryn. Kimiko realised that some were looking agog at her for that criticism. "I can say that," she insisted. Jackson grabbed the remote control, remembered to put on the subtitles. The first line came up 'Japanese tradition.' "See," Kimiko added, "a proud export." The next hastily transcribed subtitle referred to 'Here at Hahaha Industries.' That got a laugh too.

Annette and Jan were in the shot as the camera again pulled carefully back from Lindsay. "Come on, let's have some sideboob girls!" Fanny demanded as only the back of their heads, one bare shoulder and a bit of their backs were in shot.

Annette playfully punched Jan in the arm. "We should have thought of that," she laughed.

"We were too busy concentrating on what Lindsay was saying," Jan laughed back.

"No, we weren't," Annette started to complain before she realised the joke.

As Lindsay kept expounding, the vision cut to a general shot of one of the open plan floors of the office. Workers sat at their desks doing their work thing as Lindsay talks about mailgirls inspiring the workplace. At which point a mailgirl sails past the camera quickly. Only her back and legs are on view. And of course her butt.

"Nice arse Pam!" Annette sang out.

"Are you sure?" Jan asked her, giving her own backside an examination suggesting such an impressive asset may not belong to Pam but to her.

Pam was in no doubt. "Oh my god, I didn't realise they were filming. You don't see my face. Do you?" She looked over to Jan. "The hair's a giveaway," she told the other woman. Which was true. Her hair was much longer than Jan's. Pam was right. It was her bottom in the shot.

Lauryn decided to get into the swing of things. "We'll check frame by frame when it goes up on replay," she suggested.

Rosemary, the journalist, came back on screen, standing in what looked like a production room, in front of a mixing desk. "After the break," she told the viewer, "we'll get a man's view on the mailgirl phenomenon."

"Shane," Jan, Annette, and Fanny all screeched as the ad break started, the vision on the television ironically changing to some well dressed young women in an office tormenting some fresh faced men in the interests of either a bank, insurance company or superannuation fund.

The segment after the ad break started with what the producer must have thought was the most provocative thing Shane had said to Rosemary. "Admiring the female body is not exploitative," he smiled to the camera. Being Shane, it would be easy to agree with him on that, his charm, if he said it to your face. Except in an interview, it gave off a bit of a whiff. In Jackson's living room, they got that sense straight away.

Jan started. "Well, he'd know!"

Jackson stared at her. "Jan!" she exclaimed. Did Jan mean what Jackson thought she meant?

Annette picked up on Jan's commentary. "The way he's looking at her, you can tell he's thinking what she would look like naked with that big schlong up her."

This time it was Jan. "Annette!" she shrieked.

Annette looked over to Jan. "Come on, we've all been there, right?" she responded. For some reason she looked over to Jackson, still shocked from Jan's original outburst.

Jackson stared at Annette, speechless for a moment. "What!? I can tell you I haven't. I haven't even thought about it," she spluttered.

Lauryn shook her head at Jackson. "Well, you're different, what with your platonic 'work husband'..."

Annette chuckled. "Although you've stretched the meaning of 'platonic' to breaking point. Some of us choose to see to our needs."

Jackson's jaw literally dropped. "You mean??"

Annette nodded sagely. "Yep. Come on, you knew."

Jackson aghast, looked around the room. Jan smiled at her. "What you too?" Jackson asked.

Jan shrugged. "Well, early days. I was horny and the dildo station just wasn't doing the job. And he paged me. And..."

"And the boyfriend?" Jackson asked.

"He kind of accepted that sort of thing might happen with me wandering naked in the office. Plus I make it worth his while." Jan seemed pretty relaxed about her situation.

Jackson looked around to find that Lauryn was now grinning at her. "Not you too?" Jackson asked her.

Lauryn shrugged. "We're not nuns, you know. Well most of us."

They all turned to look at Fanny who smirked back. "Purely research purposes," she stated, arms crossed like that was so obvious she did not need to really say it.

Annette smirked at Fanny. "Well you kept that quiet." She looked over to the next candidate. "Kimiko?" she probed.

Kimiko nodded impassionately. "Well yes," she revealed. "The way that you were all carrying on, I thought I better find out what the fuss was about." Of course, she had been quietly observing.

Jackson, still incredulous blurted "And?"

Kimiko looked like she was in deep thought. "It's big all right. But I've known smaller men who know how to use theirs better. But when its available and you need it, well, he's good enough for that."

So, wondered Jackson, was it that easy to fuck someone new. Why did she find it so difficult?

But the girls still had one more candidate. Annette looked over at her. "That leaves you Pam. Come on, spill it," she ordered.

Pam made like she had to think about the right answer for a moment. "You are all going to laugh," she started, stopped and looked around. "I've only given him a headjob so far."