Makati Ch. 03

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An American's adventure in Makati.
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Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/27/2020
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I awoke at 6:30 am as the light started to filter into my room. I laid in bed and got caught up on the emails from the states and texted back and forth with my wife. About 7, I got up to take a shower and get cleaned up. I put on shorts and a t shirt with a ball cap and headed downstairs to get some coffee. I really don't eat breakfast, but I do need at least four cups of coffee in the morning.

As I checked into the restaurant, I informed them I would like a pot of coffee brought to the outside bar area. I liked to smoke and drink coffee as I retreated to my favorite table that overlooked their Koi Pond. About five minutes later a very attractive waitress brought me my coffee. She was in her yellow uniform, consisting of a short skirt and tight top with hose and medium high heels. She was very attractive and after she poured my first cup I asked her name. "Lilly" she said with a shy smile.

I smiled back and wished her a good morning and she in turn asked my name. When I told her Bob, she said "Good Morning Mr. Bob, would there be anything else you need?"

I informed her that I could use a bottle of Perrier as I was feeling the effects of the dehydration from such a long journey. She smiled and said "Right away sir", which translated means I would get it about the time I was ready to leave.

As I waited for Lilly to return with my water, I took out my phone to follow-up on the hundreds of WeChat messages I received during my trip. There was always a container to book, a vendor to scold for missing a deadline or an invoice to approve.

I had a system where I could get through a lot of the simple tasks by just forwarding the issue to someone that worked for me. On my third cup of coffee and my 10th cigarette Lilly showed up with my bottled water. There was something different about her from just a few minutes before when she was there and as I was staring at her trying to figure out the difference, she caught me looking and blushed.

"Lilly, did you put on eye makeup since you were just here?" I inquired after I figured out what had changed.

"Mr. Bob, yes sir. I'm sorry sir. I was running late this morning and didn't have time for my makeup. I'm so sorry sir. Please don't tell my manager, sir," She was speaking so fast I could hardly make it all out.

"Lilly, don't worry about me. Your eyes are beautiful with or without makeup"

She blushed even deeper and said almost in a whisper

"Thank you sir, Jasmine told me that you were a very nice guy."

She turned to leave and I caught her attention and asked her "What else did Jasmine tell you, Lilly?"

"Oh Mr. Bob, nothing. We girls talk to see who the good customers are and are the bad ones. You know" she whispered conspiratorially "The ones with hands that..." she said as she put her hand on her very pert bottom and wiggled it while she smiled.

We both laughed for a second and she emptied my ashtray and turned to walk away and asked with a glimmer in her eye over her shoulder, allowing me a good view of her very nice small bottom, "Is there anything else you need Mr. Bob?"

I smiled and told her that yes, she could bring my tab and I would be on my way. She frowned a little and said "Right away Mr. Bob".

As she was gone to collect my tab, I went through all the contact requests on WeChat. Normally I don't bother with them as they are mostly bait and switch whores that aren't worth the time of day. But this time when going through them I had one that stuck out to me. Her profile picture was of a very cute Filipina in a business outfit and her query was "I do real estate in Makati, do you have any requests?" The odd thing the request came in at 2:00am, not really a time to be sending out messages for business, but who knows, maybe she is really is good at what she does.

Her name was Laza and I decided not to delete her request just yet. You never know when you might need to have a plan B, and I really needed to nail something down as far as long-term arrangements this weekend.

I checked my email one more time as it got close to 8am, knowing my Real Estate guy was supposed to be here any minute. I reminded myself that I was on Philippines time, and just relax and have the final cup of coffee in the pot and another smoke.

Lilly came by with my bill and another wiggle of her cute butt and about 8:15 I decided to go wait in the lobby for my real estate guy to show up. There are a thousand reasons why a person is late in Manila, but traffic is the main source for tardiness. The traffic is horrible, and when it's raining, forgetaboutit.

I was chatting with my main gal in Shanghai about the green tractor customer and about the necessity of getting their production started as soon as possible. Carrie was handling all the logistics of getting the raw material out of Indonesia and China, and paving the way for the start of production before we even had a singed deal with the Philippine factory who would actually produce the goods.

Carrie is as close to my right hand as you can get. Educated at Oxford, she is as smart as they come. Almost six feet tall and 104 pounds, she looks like Olive Oil. She has a very strange style and dresses in clothes that make her look even more curveless than she already is. The only thing she lacked was an ability to think outside the box. Within that box she was the best in the business, but get her to try to think independently and she was hopelessly lost. Sadly, a trait many Chinese have.

When I looked up from my chat with Carrie, I saw it was nearly 9am. I tried to send a message to the real estate agent, and it didn't go through. You know, when you send the blue iPhone message and it turns green because their phone isn't on? That's what I got from my message.

Shit, I thought. Time for figuring out plan B. I know I could go online and find a long-term rental myself, but I would rather have somebody with some local knowledge to prevent me from signing a long term lease in a place I wouldn't be happy.

Chapter 3

I went to WeChat and accepted the contact request from the Real Estate agent and sent her a message asking her availability. Then I walked over to Peter, the concierge. I quietly pulled him aside and told him that his cousin had stood me up as Peter was the one to recommend this gentleman. He apologized profusely but I looked at him with steely eyes. I explained to him my predicament on my time frame and he apologized again.

"Sir, I am very sorry. This young man is usually very punctual."

I explained to him that I am going to go about finding a place on my own, and that I was very disappointed in his cousin. I was turning to walk away and Peter said, "Please sir, let me help"

I turned back to him and asked very coldly "How can you help Peter?"

At that moment I got a noise of an incoming WeChat message and glanced at my phone. The Real Estate agent was asking what part of Makati I was in, so I sent a message telling her I was at the New World Hotel. Her immediate response was she could be here in two hours. I sent her a reply to send me a message once she is in the lobby. I was putting a great deal of faith in a person I'd never met, but I figured if she fell through, I could venture on the to the interwebs and find something myself.

I exhaled loudly, looked at Peter and said "Listen Peter, I have an agent coming in two hours. Tell your cousin he lost out on a big commission and you lost out on a big tip. I'm going to my room to do some work, maybe I can salvage my day."

Peter replied again how sorry he was as I headed for the elevator bank.

Once in the room I decided to break out the laptop and work on the spreadsheets that needed to be polished up for our big customer. We had to break down delivery times and costs for each component down to the smallest fastener. There were over 20 different suppliers in three countries for this order, and the moving pieces were a bit much for my staff to organize on their own.

Working on a complex spreadsheet on a MacBook Air can give you a headache in a hurry. About 30 minutes in as I was thinking I needed a break there was a knock at the door. My room had already been made up, so I wasn't expecting housekeeping and with the security at the hotel, it meant the only people that could be there were hotel employees.

I looked out the peephole and could see Peter waiting in the hall. What the hell could he want?

Opening the door I could see Peter had a woman with him, she looked to be in her early-thirties and wearing scrubs that hid her full shape. Short in stature, but big boned, almost built like a fire plug. Her face, however, was long and angular and she had big thick lips. She seemed quite pretty at a quick glance, if a little overweight.

I turned to Peter as he stated "Sorry to bother sir, but I feel so bad about my cousin. I thought you might like a massage sir, and Mary is the best. She is another of my cousin, and she gives an excellent massage sir" he said shyly.

I responded that I was really trying to work, and while I appreciated the offer, I needed to get some work done. Mary looked at me with her big brown eyes and thick accent said "Sir, the massage is professional, I can be very quick or long, depends on what you want sir. And no cost sir, Peter told me you are a good man and he will pay as my nephew made a bad day for you sir."

My weakness in life is a good massage. What I have found over the years there are as many different types of massages as there are women. I get a massage nearly every other day in China, mostly a traditional Chinese massage without oil. They hurt, I mean really really hurt, but as the adage says, "No pain, no gain." I feel that they do allow me to recover from long days and a hard living lifestyle. My wife says I just like the happy endings. I try to tell her that the places that give happy endings usually give shitty massages.

And I love a good massage.

I looked at my watch and noted I had a little over an hour before I needed to meet Laza, if she would even show up on time. I invited Mary in and nodded to Peter to bugger off.

Mary walked in and looked over my mini suite and then went to the bathroom to grab some towels to prepare the bed. She turned to me and asked me to take a shower. This is pretty standard in Asia, a shower before the massage rather than after. They don't want to put their hands on your dirty body.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and had to make a decision. The bathroom and bedroom area are separated by a glass wall. There is a motorized blind that comes down to block the view, but I've learned my lesson in the past to never allow a stranger access to an area in your hotel room. I've had my Cialis and a nice Timex watch stolen before by visitors to my room "using the bathroom." I quickly decided that she was going to see me naked anyway, so I hoped in the shower for a quick rinse.

I could see Mary while I was in the shower, she was turning off lights and closing the blinds on the windows, making the room ready for the massage. She would not look towards the bathroom where I was naked in the shower. After the shower I took just a second to dry off, threw the towel on the floor and then grabbed my shorts I had been wearing and put them in the safe in the closet. My wallet, passport and walk around money were in my pockets, and you can never be too safe.

I walked naked to the bedroom area and Mary finally made eye contact and said "Please lay face down sir" motioning towards the towel she had laid out on the bed. I crawled up on the bed and positioned myself on the pillow, with my head tilted to the side.

I could feel Mary crawl on the bed as she placed a towel over my butt and took some time to straighten it out. In my head I'm thinking that this was going to be a professional massage.

She then asked me in her heavily accented voice "Soft, medium or hard, sir?" I told her let's try the hard and to go easy on the oil. I didn't want to feel like I was bathed in massage oil.

I could feel her hands begin to rub the oil softly into my shoulders and upper back. Once my back was covered, she began to put pressure around my shoulder blades and begin a Swedish massage with long strokes on my back. She definitely knew what she was doing and when she found a knot, she went to work with very strong pressure to release it. She was using her hands, her forearms and for the bigger knots would use her elbow.

Once the back was done she re-positioned the towel to it covered one butt cheek and was tucked in nice and tight against my balls. This is a technique used by legitimate massage therapists to make sure they don't inadvertently touch your balls when massaging your legs and glutes.

I asked Mary if she could grab my phone off the desk as I needed to check my messages. She said "Of course sir" and I watched her wipe the oil off her hands as she got up from the bed to retrieve my phone. As I leaned over to watch her I could feel the towel begin to slip off my ass and I decided to just pull it off and throw it on the floor.

Mary watched my actions but didn't say anything, but rather she picked up the towel and laid it beside me on the bed. Good girl, I thought, no reason to cover up.

She handed me my phone and while she began lightly applying oil over my glute and left leg, I checked my messages and then shot a message to Laza telling her to let me know when she arrived in the lobby. I didn't want to end the massage early to only have to wait an hour for her to show up. I would just let Mary massage me until Laza showed up and then take a quick shower and head downstairs to meet her.

Let someone wait on me for a change in this damn country.

I put my phone under the pillow and then began to concentrate on the feelings of Mary's hands on my glutes. She used a hard pressure, but the way she moved her hands was also sensual. That's the trick to a good Swedish massage, is to find the balance.

Mary was kneeling on the bed to my left while massaging me, and when I would open my eyes, I could look down and see her working. When she began massaging my left leg, she began at my ankle and slowly worked her hand up the back of my leg, then retreating and moving her hand lower towards the inside of my thigh began massaging me upwards towards my crotch. When she would get about an inch away from where I imagined my balls were hanging, she would retreat and begin again.

I have had maybe 1,000 massages in the last decade. I know how to send a silent signal on where I want massaged by positioning my body or grunting at the right time. I decided to see if Mary was what she portended to be, a purely professional masseuse. I didn't care either way, she was a damn good at giving a massage, but her nephew had screwed up my morning and let's just see what Mary is willing to do to make it up to me.

On her next stroke up on my inner thigh I spread my legs a little, arched my back and moaned as she got closer to my balls. She didn't brush them, but rather stopped her right hand within millimetres from them while her left hand traveled up my glute. On her down stroke of her right hand she grazed the crack of my ass with her fingers so lightly that you could almost say it was it was an accident. I exhaled a little to let her know that I enjoyed it while both hands retreated to the back of my knee. I could then tell that she was adding more oil to her hands and when she applied her hands to my leg for the next stroke, I could feel the added oil being spread on my skin.

This stoke seemed to be slower, like she was having to make a decision on what to do. As her hands moved closer I again raised my hips ever so slightly as she approached my balls, giving her better access. Her left hand again traveled over my glute while I felt her turn her right hand to graze my balls with her oil covered hand and she moved it over them to my taint. I whispered to her "nice" as she began her down stroke with her left hand purposely travelling down my ass crack coating it with a coating of oil. She began repeating this slowly and my cock started to come alive. Each time I would raise my hips, I could feel my cock getting harder as she coated my balls and the crack of my ass with oil. On the fourth trip of her hands I raised up off the bed giving her access to my cock and she rubbed her palm over my balls and then grabbed my semi hard cock with her oiled hand for a soft quick tug.

She was very good at this, she knew how to tease but at the same time act like it was all part of the massage. She repeated this a few more times and just when it was getting good, I could feel her remove her hand and stand up. I looked back at her and she smiled at me and said, "Other side sir."

She knelt on the bed on my right side and began the procedure on that leg and glute. Purely professional at first, then with more and more sensuality built in. By this time my cock was rock hard and it hurt to lay on it. Just when I didn't know if I could take it anymore, she took the towel I had thrown on the floor and started to wipe the oil off of my back and legs. Once complete, she laid the towel again over my ass, and pulling up the side facing away from her she said "Turn over sir."

I turned over under the towel and once laying on my back she laid the towel over my fully erect cock. She glanced her eyes at me and looked away very quickly like she was embarrassed I caught her looking at my cock.

Laying on my back I watched as she positioned herself at my feet. She began to massage up the fronts of my legs until she got to the edge of the towel and then she would retreat. She wouldn't look me in the eye, just looking at my legs and her head would not look up towards the towel where it was tented by my hard cock.

I had my arms at my sides while she was doing this, and I took the bottom of the towel and pulled it up towards my waist about three inches. Now the towel barely covered my balls and the tent from my cock was more obvious. Like a good girl, Mary continued massaging the fronts of my thighs, but no higher than the edge of the towel. She was getting very close to my balls, but wasn't touching them. It was very sensual and sexy. She was being innocent but at the same time she knew she was making my balls boil without touching me anywhere naughty.

She raised up on the next down stroke and looked at me in the eye and had the look like she wanted to ask me something. I thought she was going to tell me my massage was over as she was wiping her hands off on her towel. She then lowered her head and pulled her hair out of the bun it was in, letting her hair cascade down her back. It was not overly long, but well past her shoulders.

She had a neutral expression on her face, again like she was wanting to ask something. I smiled at her and told her she had very nice hair. She blushed and looked down at my legs and then flipped her hair forward over her face. She dropped her head towards my legs and placed her hands on either side of my thighs and started to drag her hair over my legs. The moment her hair hit my thighs I moaned involuntarily and reached my hands down to put them over her hands. She continued to tease me with her hair on my thighs bringing it right up to the bottom of the towel with each pass. I took my hands off of hers and grabbed the towel and threw it on the floor and reached down and placed my hands on top of hers. She brought her head up to look at me through the hair in her face and I winked at her.

She smiled and brought her hair down closer and moved it over my cock while moving her hands from under mine to put them on top of mine, pinning them to the bed. I assumed she didn't want wandering hands during this phase of the massage, and I wasn't in any position to argue with her. Her hair on my hard cock was exquisite, it was so soft and silky. Her hair shielded my view of how close her face was to my cock, but I knew it was close as she moved. I contracted my dick to get it to move and that's when I felt her breath on the underside of my dick. The precum was dripping by this point and I needed some relief, but I was going to give her the benefit of the doubt as she has been very good to this point.