Makati Ch. 05

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An American's adventure in Makati.
5.7k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/27/2020
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I sat at my favorite table smoking when Lilly showed up to ask if I needed anything. I asked for a bottle of Perrier and she smiled and said "Right away Mr. Bob."

I sent off a few emails, sent some pictures of the new place to my wife and then scrolled through my WeChat deleting all the whores wanting to connect then checked my Whatspp. I had a message from what I assumed was Mary. It was just a smile emoji. I replied with a thumbs up emoji and closed out the app.

Chan had sent me a revised copy of the lease and I told him to sign it. Lilly brought out my water and set it on the table, when I reached across to grab it I accidentally knocked my lighter on the floor. Lilly saw it happen and squatted down to retrieve it for me and then glancing up to make sure I was watching, spread her legs just enough to see she had matching yellow panties under her yellow dress. Fucking little minx, she knew how to get a tip out of an old man.

She placed the lighter on the table and asked if there was anything else I needed. I looked at her wondering how fast she would run away if she knew what I had done to Mary that morning. She was still waiting on my response when I finally broke my stare and told her just to bring the check.

She smiled and said "Of course sir," and returned with my check fairly quickly. That was odd, usually they took their sweet time cashing you out here. She stood there while I opened the folio to sign my room number, and there in the side of the check was @xxxxxxxxx.

Another Instagram star it seems.

I gave her a tip equal to the size of the bill and handed her the folio, keeping my copy of the bill with her IG account. She smiled and told me to have a nice day and retreated from the table with a pronounced bounce to her step.

I remembered Nancy's IG account on my keycard envelope, so I decided to log into IG and friend these two girls. When I got to Nancy's account, she had over 10,000 followers but only followed 30 people. Her pictures were of her in Bikini's all over southeast Asia, I'm sure on vacations Bruce has taken her on. Most of her where in thongs and tops that barely covered her tits. Most of the pictures were very well done, Bruce must be a good photographer. I sent her an instant message on IG to let her know I found her account and liked a few of her risqué pictures.

Lilly's IG was a lot more tame with only about 200 followers. Most of her pictures were of her with her friends, at bars or clubs, but there were a few of her in bikinis or one piece bathing suits. I made sure to like a few of those to let her know I was looking and then sent her a heart emoji on IM.

I finished my water and headed up to my room for a nap as it was getting close to 4:00pm. I had a feeling I would need some rest if I were going out with Bruce tonight.

I slept for about two hours and decided for yet another shower. I needed to wake up and get dressed for dinner. I turned on the kettle to warm some water for coffee and turned on the TV to news of Trump adding more tariffs to a larger set of goods coming from China. I turned off the TV and turned on some music on my phone as I ironed a shirt and some khakis for the night.

After I was dressed, I headed down to the front desk and waited for Jasmine to become free. I informed her I would like to get the Rolex out of the safe for tonight and she immediately called the manager over to assist us. I again walked behind watching her pregnant ass sway on the way back to the safe.

I retrieved the Rolex and then sent a message off to Laza asking her if the condo had a safe. Something I hadn't thought of before. She responded that it did indeed and she would see if I could get a lock smith to reset the code for me. She also informed me that we were going to meet Bruce and Nancy at the hotel bar at 7:00pm for drinks and then would be walking around the corner to a fancy Steak House that Bruce had picked for dinner. I sent her a thumbs up emoji along with a wink. She responded in kind.

Jasmine asked if I was going out tonight, looking concerned for me walking around Manila in my watch. I told her that I was going to a steak house around the corner and she said she would ask security to escort us there when we left. I frowned and told her there was no need, but she reached out to touch my hand and told me "Makati looks beautiful, but even the police can't be trusted Mr. Jones"

I laughed and told her that I would be at the bar, and that when we were ready to leave, I would get with Peter for an escort. She smiled and thanked me while rubbing her stomach. It was definitely getting big and remembering Mary and her stretch marks I asked Jasmine, are you making sure to put lotion on her stomach?

She smiled and said "Yes sir, my husband was doing it for me until I got so big. I think now he thinks it's ugly and I have to do it myself."

I looked at her in the eye and told her that I would be more than happy to apply a special lotion all over her belly. She blushed and asked "Special?" I repeated yes Jasmine, very special lotion.

She looked down at her keyboard and then grabbed a pen and paper. She wrote something on the paper and handed it to me acting very professional "Thank you Mr. Jones, I hope you have a pleasant evening." I took the paper from her and walked to the bar, not even glancing back or to read it in case it would draw suspicion from the manager. Once I was seated at the table overlooking the Koi Pond I lit up a cigarette and read the paper. It was a Whatsapp number and a message saying her day off was Wednesday. I loaded her info into WhatsApp and sent her a smile emoji and while doing so saw I had a picture message from Mary. I waited for it to download and was a bit shocked to see her standing naked with her butt to the camera. Cum was dripping out of her ass and down her legs. It was evident she farted my cum out for the camera.

I replied, "Good girl" and put my phone away.

Laza, Nancy and Bruce arrived together before I could even get my drink order in. Hugs and handshakes all around. Laza sat next to me and Nancy sat across from me. Lilly came over and I introduced all of my new friends to her. She looked a tad jealous at first but became very professional and took our order. I lit up a smoke and took in the girls. They were both wearing very short lavender mini skirts with white tops. You could tell neither was wearing a bra and while the outfits didn't exactly match, they were similar. I looked at Bruce and asked if he had picked up a couple of sisters for the night? He laughed and said the girls decide to go shopping instead of going to the Casino. He had to endure that for two hours this afternoon. Lilly brought Bruce and I each a beer and the girls each had a red wine.

They continued with the story and seems Laza was able to get a plumber to show up and fix the problem before they even made it to the Hostel. Nancy had suggested they go shopping together and Bruce was convinced to agree. They ended up at a shopping mall and picked out a couple of outfits each, and Bruce ended up buying Nancy a pair of Jimmy Choo's at Laza's urging. I felt sorry for him, he must have dropped a fortune. (I found out later that the shoes were fake, Bruce was smarter than I thought).

Laza then informed me that she even came back to the hotel with them and got ready in their room. She and Nancy got along so well and that Nancy was nice enough to let her use her makeup tonight. Nancy looked at me and said "Your friend is so nice Bob, did you know she was a lesbian?"

It was a little louder than she expected, and a few people looked over at the table as Bruce and I laughed. He laughed "Only way Laza was coming back to our room, it's because she likes pussy as much as you and I. If she even acted like she liked dick, there was no way Nancy would allow it."

He laughed and we clanked our beers together. I reached down to my left and placed my hand on Laza's leg who was sitting beside me. She placed her right hand on mine and moved it up to the edge of her skirt. She and Nancy talked liked sisters and we had to remind them a time or two it was rude to speak their language rather than English. I had my hand on her soft thigh the whole time and would casually rub it up on down, moving the skirt up a little at a time.

I informed the bunch we should get going for our reservation and motioned to Lilly that we needed our check. The girls got up to go take pictures together in the lobby while Bruce and I argued over who was going to pay the bill. When Lilly came over to the table, I told her that she needed to help solve our issue on who was going to pay the bill? She offered innocently enough that we should split the bill, but then I looked at Bruce and told him I had a challenge. If he could tell me what color panties Lilly was wearing that I would pay the bill. But if he was wrong, then he would pay the bill.

He smiled that big ugly smile and said "You little bugger, you've already seen them!" He then looked at Lilly like he wanted to eat her alive. She was blushing and looking at me for assurance. I reached out and grabbed her hand and said, it would be OK.

After ogling her for a minute Bruce looked at me and said "She's wearing yellow knickers."

I shrugged and said "You are right, I'm paying."

She looked confused for a second, then looked at me and barely where I could hear she said, "he's wrong sir."

I looked at her and raised my eyebrows. I had just seen her flash me them earlier today. She was looking at my lighter on the table and I took the hint. I knocked it to the floor and when she squatted to pick it up, she spread her legs just enough so I could see. In the bad light it was hard to make out, but you could tell she wasn't wearing anything. Her hose stopped at her thighs and you could barely make out her bush under her dress.

She stood up and placed my lighter on the table. I smiled at her and said it's only fair, Bruce is buying, and nodded my head towards him on the other side of the table. She shook her head no, but I looked at her and nodded my head again.

She went to his side of the table; this was going to be tricky as when she squatted, she would be facing out towards the other tables as I had a brick wall at my back.

But she did as was asked and she squatted and spread her legs just enough for Bruce to see. He reached out and touched the inside of her thigh as she was squatting, and she stood up in a hurry. Bruce grabbed the folio from me and signed his room number with a big tip. He also told me later that he left his WhatsApp for her. She looked at both of us and thanked us and told us to have a good night.

We got up and laughed our way to the lobby where the girls were taking selfies on the large staircase. They looked good and they knew it. I walked over to Peter and he already had the security detail ready for me, a big burly guy with a damn sub machine gun strapped to his chest.

When I brought back the security guy to the group Bruce laughed and asked if we were going to battle? I pointed at the watch and told him the hotel was worried about us. He pointed at Nancy's shoes and said if we were going to get robbed, they'd steal those shoes.

We all laughed and left with our security guy in tow.

It was a quick 10-minute walk to the area of the mall with the steak house. Bruce went in to check on our table and Nancy went over and talked to the security guard. Laza came over to me and grabbed my hand and whispered to me that she was having a great time. I wondered if she had drank all afternoon with her new friends because it was like she couldn't keep her hands to herself. She was rubbing on me or Nancy almost constantly.

Laza and I watched Nancy flirt with the security guard and I mentioned to her that this guy was more Nancy's type than Bruce. Laza laughed and said "No way, Bruce has money, the security guard has muscles."

She squeezed my hand to get my attention, Bruce was waving from inside that our table was ready. I told the security guy he could go back to the hotel, that I would call the desk to have him escort us back later. He nodded and headed off the way we came.

We had a great meal and better conversation. Nancy would flirt with me to see if Laza gave a reaction, Laza would then flirt with Nancy and make her blush. I asked Nancy if she thought Laza was attractive, and she mumbled an answer. Bruce told her to speak up and Nancy looked right at Laza and told her she was beautiful.

Laza smiled and with placed her right hand in my lap, right over my cock. It slowly started to get some blood flow. I placed my hand on her right leg, but it seemed something was different. Her leg was straight out, like she had it sitting right in Bruce's lap.

The little slut was rubbing her foot on Bruce's cock while playing with my cock. Some lesbian.

Bruce said we should all go dancing, at which Laza told him that would be a great idea, but I couldn't go with my watch. I told them I'd take it off and put in my pocket, let's go. Laza smiled and said there was a place right around the corner that played good music. Bruce and I argued about the bill but agreed to split it tonight.

We headed out and Laza grabbed Nancy's hand and led the way with Bruce and I behind watching their asses wiggle in their tight skirts. He looked at me and asked "Which one are you going to fuck tonight?"

I looked at him and laughed "Both!"

He smiled and said let's go and he started walking fast to catch up. He went up to Laza's side and grabbed her other hand as I did the same to Nancy. It was just a five-minute walk to the club, it was small, dark with disco lights and playing a mixture of techno and 80's pop songs.

We found a table in the corner and Bruce ordered two bottles of red wine and a bucket of beer and a bucket of bottles of water. Soon as we were settled Nancy drug me out on the dark dance floor while a Journey song was playing. We started to dance and she pulled close to her and said into my ear "You are going to fuck me tonight, you left before you could finish last night."

I told her I was sorry, but I was very tired and she drained all my energy.

She pulled me even closer and said "You can fuck me, Bruce can fuck me, you can fuck Laza, but Bruce can not fuck her. I know she's not a lesbian. I don't want him to fuck her."

I told her I understood, but that was between her and Bruce. She looked back to the table and then back at me "He's playing with her pussy, that bastard!"

I reached down and reached up under her skirt and started to rub across her we slit as we swayed to the music. "I'm playing with your pussy, so fair is fair."

She started to rub her hand on my cock and said "No, it's not the same. Bruce likes it when I talk about fucking a guy, I don't like it him being with that slut."

"Nancy, be nice. She isn't doing anything you aren't doing. Let's have fun. No jealousy, no limits," and as I looked her in the eyes I went in for a kiss while saying "No rules."

She backed away instantly not letting me kiss her. She smiled and said, "Rules, have to have rules, then we can play."

I laughed at her and while rubbing her wet slit said "No rules Nancy, tonight is about fun. I'm going to fuck you and Bruce is going to fuck her. And maybe she will fuck you too, what do you think about that?"

She moaned when I put two fingers in her tight snatch and I leaned in to kiss her. She finally let me kiss her lips but wouldn't open her mouth. I replaced my two fingers with the thumb from my right hand and placed my middle finger on her rosebud, rubbing her own juices along her pucker.

She opened her mouth to moan when she did that, I slipped my tongue in her mouth. We made out for only 15 seconds and when she pushed me off of me, she told me "you are bad," with a crooked smile.

She dislodged my hand from her pussy, and we went back to the table. She went over and sat in Bruce's lap and whispered something in his ear. I went to Laza and she took my right hand and brought my fingers to her mouth and licked them while looking at me in the eye. "Have you tasted her yet Bob?" she asked.

I shook my head and she said "You should, she's delicious," as she pulled on my hand to take me to the dance floor. We danced a few songs a few of which where her pressing her ass against my cock while we danced.

We went back to the table to get a drink and Nancy was still on Bruce's lap, but facing out towards the crowd. Bruce's hands were on her hips and her legs were outside his. Laza whispered to me "He's fucking her right here. Isn't that hot?" and she licked my earlobe.

I looked back and now could see what Laza could and yes, Bruce definitely had his cock in her pussy.

Laza walked up to Nancy and said something I couldn't hear and place her hand on Nancy's thigh. Her hand moved further up her thigh as Laza was talking until it was under her skirt. Nancy saw me watching and looked at me as Laza moved her whole forearm under the skirt and Nancy closed her eyes and shuttered. She then leaned in and kissed Nancy while manipulating her under her skirt. Nancy grabbed her and pulled her tight and it was obvious to anyone watching that she was having a huge orgasm right there in the club.

Laza turned to look at me and smile and then retreated from Nancy and came back to me. She put her wet fingers one by one into my mouth to clean Nancy's juice off of them. When she was done she pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear that Bruce wasn't fucking her pussy, but her ass. And that she got her whole hand in Nancy's pussy before she came.

I drank my beer and hearing the news had my dick as hard as it's been for a long time. I told Laza I needed to smoke, and that she was coming with me. We found the small cubicle smoking area just outside the front door to the club and there were four other people in there. Two women, a guy and a Ladyboy. They were all standing in one corner talking and I went to the other corner where there was a chair. I sat down and pulled Laza into my lap. I reached in my pocket and lit two cigarettes and handed Laza one. She told me "I don't smoke" as she took a long drag off the cigarette and inhaled it all.

"Yeah, and you're a lesbian also, I wonder what else I'll find out about you?"

"You might run away if you find out, they all do," she said as she took another long drag.

I was running my hands down her legs while she sat on my hard cock. I took a second to glance at the other folks in the smoking area and noticed that one of the girls was on her knees with a big cock in her mouth. When I looked up to see who it belonged to, it was the ladyboy. She was facefucking this fat girl on her knees while the other two watched. Laza was watching also and looked back to me "That's hot isn't it."

"Yes, it is. So you imagine it's you sucking her dick?"

"Yes, it's getting me wet. Look at that little fat slut, taking that beautiful cock. She doesn't deserve it," Laza said huskily.

"Oh, you think your skinny ass can suck better than her?"

"Of course, look at her, she can't even get half of it in her mouth, and I bet she doesn't swallow either."

"You want to bet?"

"Yeah, I bet she spits it out" she says as she wiggles in my lap, my cock straining to get out of my pants.

"I bet the slut sucks him dry, fat girls have to be better at sex than skinny girls like you," I laughed while I took a long drag.

"She knows nothing, watch this."

She stood up off of me, and I'm sitting here thinking she is going to go suck this Ladyboy's cock. She took another drag off of her cigarette and walked over to the group. She stood right by the Ladyboy and threw the cigarette on the ground right by where the fat girl was kneeling. She stomped it out with her Jimmy Choos while she turned to the Ladyboy. She was about the same height as Laza, similar skinny build and had long blonde hair and dark skin. She had orange sized breasts and a beautiful face. Some of these Ladyboys you can't tell the difference between them and a real woman. This was one of those gals, at least in the dim light.