Make Me Ch. 02: Reformed


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She pushed her tongue deep into me right away, and I rode her mouth, taking everything I wanted from her.

Her own hips were grinding as my pleasure built up. I gathered her legs together and held them over one shoulder, reaching around to slap her ass. She moaned and ground her face into my pussy, shoving her tongue deeper in me than she'd ever managed before.

I spanked her, not too hard, but enough to smart, right where her ass met her thighs, just outside of the sweet spot I'd discovered. She moaned as if I was licking her clit, and I spanked her harder, finally grabbing and sinking my fingers into the soft flesh of her bum as I came on her face. I was so close to a g-spot orgasm but not quite there. I knew I wanted more.

After my orgasm slowed I got up, pulling her to her feet. I pulled off my sports bra and made for the bathroom, tugging her behind me. I turned the hot water on finally, glad I hadn't let it run out earlier. I got in and pulled her in with me. I kissed her, tasting myself on her lips, her tongue, and then ordered her to her knees. She dropped down, the water cascading off the back of her head, weighing down her curls. She grabbed my legs and held on while I reached my own g-spot with two fingers. It didn't take me long to get myself there, and after a few moments I was squirting streams of cum onto her face. She ran her hands up my legs to grab my ass as I came, supporting some of my weight.

I had to reach down with my free hand and grab on to her hair to keep steady, the orgasm making my legs weak. Finally I was spent. I turned and leaned against the shower wall, catching my breath.

Bri stood up, looping her arms underneath mine and around me so that her hands came up between my shoulder blades. I let her support more of my weight, then leaned in to kiss her. She kissed me deeply, and I wound my fingers up in her incredible curls. She had that mixed girl hair that curled into perfect ringlets, not that I was jealous of it, it was more limited my thicker, kinkier hair pattern. I could do anything with my hair, dreads, twists, braids, etc. If she tried to straighten her hair it would lose all its glorious volume and just like flat white people hair. I while I preferred my own hair, I still loved to play with hers. I pushed my fingers through it, working the hot water into it, and massaged her scalp as I kissed her.

We made out in the shower until the hot water actually did start to run out, I'm pretty sure she kissed, touched, licked, or bit damn near every inch of my body before the water got too cold to stand. She turned it off finally, and we stood there together for a few moments.

She looked me in the eyes, "I really won't try it again." She said. My mind was still foggy and it took me a minute before I realized she was talking about masturbating. "And I'll do everything you say today. No clothes, and I'll do my best not to fuck it up."

I kissed her again, tired, but starting to get excited about other fun the day might bring.

"Tell you what," I said reaching for a towel, "you keep your hands off your pussy for the rest of the day, and no touching your bum either," I told her, "and if you do cross me in some other way, I'll think of some other creative way to punish you. No more spankings today."

"I'll be good." She assured me.

She kept her word, not that I doubted her, I spent the day watching the new bruises on her ass color up.

We spend most of the day lounging, though I did take advantage of her particularly amiable state to get her to do some chores, which she usually found ways out of doing. I only had to punish her once for baiting me. I tied her hands behind her back for an hour, and reveled in watching her navigate simple tasks and have to ask for help for things like drinking water opening the closet door. She so damn short, her hands couldn't quite reach the knob from behind her. She actually tried jumping to reach it, and almost fell. I caught her, and we wound up sitting on the hallway floor laughing for several minutes before I got it together enough to make her ask me nicely for help - help I traded for a bit of a close conversation between her tongue and my clit.

When evening finally came, she put on sweats and that same old t-shirt of hers, and we sat on the front porch bench together. Technically it's a swing, but I never got around to hanging it up, and now one of the chains is missing, but it still makes a nice spot to sit and watch the sun go down.

"All right." I said, as she leaned up against me, poking at her cell phone. "I'm gonna ask, what's with that shirt?"

She picked at a hole in it that was forming down by the bottom hem. "It's a long story." She said. But she set her phone down, so I waited to see if she'd go on.

"It's Cassidy's." She finally said "She's technically my step sister, or almost was. My dad was engaged to her mom. They lived with us until a week before the wedding was supposed to happen." She seemed lost in thought for a moment.

I waited, and she started talking again. "My dad has some problems. He's had mental health issues since forever, or at least since he got out of the Army. He always managed it all right, but after he wound up with a serious brain injury, he sort of changed. Sometimes he'd be fine, sometimes he'd get in a god-awful mood, and anything could set him off. It was better when he and Cass's mom were dating, but after they moved in with us and it started coming out more and more, usually when her mom wasn't around."

She was quiet for a while, and I watched her as she swiped the home screen on her phone back and forth without actually doing anything. I reached out and took her phone, setting it the side and grasping her hands.

"Was he violent?" I asked, realizing that sometimes a yes or no question was easier than an explicit explanation.

"Not usually, it was mostly just yelling. Occasionally he would throw things or break stuff. He rarely hit me. Cassidy tried to tell her mom about it, but he was never like that around Lisa, so she threatened to send Cass to live with her dad, who's not awful or anything, but she kept quiet after that." She was still picking at the hole in her shirt, I was pretty sure I could see it getting larger. "His rages were usually directed at me, mostly when no-one was around. Sometimes in front of Cass though."

I was an only child, but just from the phone conversations this morning they seemed like normal sisters. "Lisa, that's Cassidy's mother?" I asked.

"Yeah." Bri replied.

"She wised up eventually, then?"

Bri nodded. "She had to. Cass always stood up for me to him, and she'd take me out for drives when it was obvious he wasn't in a mood. She had her own car. One time he freaked out at me over something stupid, got pretty rough with me. She tried to fight him off...I guess he held back with me because I'm tiny, or maybe because I'm his kid, but the minute she touched him he just started swinging. He put her in the hospital."

"Holy shit." I swore. "That's awful. She was okay though?"

"Eventually." Bri said, sighing. "I heard she had to stay in the hospital for a few days, and I didn't see Cass again until I was in high school. I finally ran away, showed up on her doorstep, and she let me stay with her. Her dad is loaded, he bought her condo to live in while she was in college."

"Wow, so you lived with her basically for all of high school?"

"I dropped out of high school actually. I didn't want to be found. I worked under the table gigs until I turned 18 and could take the GED. Landed a job at the post office a year later, been doing the postal thing for 9 years."

"That's really intense." I said, "I didn't know you didn't finish high school."

"Yeah, so she's my sister even though she's not. That just kind of happened over the years. The shirt, it's from her high school sweetheart. Her mom had packed her things when Cass was in the hospital, and I guess she thought it was my dad's. I've had it since."

"Hm." I said, wondering if she would continue. That explained the shirt, I'd have to stop teasing her about it, I realized.

"That's why my sister is a white girl." She added. "Well sort of, her mom's Hispanic but her dad's Italian. I met him once, he looks like he stepped right outta the Sopranos.

"I figured you had different moms or something. You'd mentioned once that your dad was white." I shrugged.

"Okay, that's my sob story." She said, "What's your deal? You never talk about your family, your past, any of it."

I steeled myself for what I had to tell her. I knew this conversation was coming. I knew I'd have to find a way to explain, without putting her or myself in danger, and without lying.

"Brielle," I said, reaching for the hand that was still picking at her shirt. "I want to tell you everything, but I need you to just accept what I can say, alright?"

" you've got some crazy history?" She asked.

"You could say that." I said. "Most of it is alright. I was an only child. My mom wasn't around much, she traveled a lot, but my dad was amazing and totally made up for it. I'm not in contact with anyone from my childhood at all."

"Not even your dad?" she asked.

"No-one." I answered, "And don't ask me why, and please don't try to guess. Trust me, if I could tell you I would, and I don't want to lie to you. So can you just take me at my word? If your sister asks while she's here, or anything like that, just say it's complicated and I don't like to talk about it.

"Sounds like the truth." She pointed out. I shrugged and when she realized I wasn't going to say more, to my relief, she dropped the issue and changed the subject.

"And does that mean you're cool with Cass staying here? Next week. She'll be in town 4 days. Her flight gets in Wednesday."

"Of course," I replied shifting so Bri could lean up against me and I could wrap my arms around her. "She's welcome anytime."

I hated keeping my cards so close to my chest, but at the time, it was the only honest thing I could think to do. In hindsight, if I'd told her everything it would have save us both a lot of trouble. Then again, I might have lost her if I did, and I never would have survived what came next if she wasn't in my life.

To my relief, Bri didn't press the issue, she just put her phone down and stood stretching. She reached down and grabbed my hand. "Let's go inside." She said. "I'm ready to be naked again. If...if you want me to be."

The look on her face, nervous and excited, like it had been on our first date, brought me out of my reverie and back to the present.

"Do you have any idea," I asked, keeping a straight face. "how hard it was not to indulge in you today?"

She giggled, her dimples showing. I let her lead me back in the house, but I admit we didn't make it far. We got the front door closed, but that was about it. She was already kicking off her sweats as I turned the deadbolt in the door. I reached out and pulled her towards me before she could start on the shirt, and slid one hand up her back, my fingertips pressing into her perfectly smooth skin. My other hand slipped up around the back of her neck, and I tipped her head back so I could kiss her.

I turned her as I kissed her, pushing her back up against the door. She moaned into me, and hooked a leg around mine, as if she was trying to climb me. I ground my hips into her, wishing for my strap on.

"Fuck." Bri said, "Why is the strap on so far away?"

I laughed, "I was thinking the same thing." I said, "No matter."

I slid one hand down pushing the shirt aside and sliding it over her pussy. I felt it clench slightly under my fingers, and I started rubbing her clit gently. She moaned again, craning her neck to kiss me. I did kiss her, but I focused my energy on her clit, careful not to pull back the hood, I knew for her that was too sensitive without way more foreplay.

I felt her body tense. "Are you close to coming already?"

"Please..." She begged, "Please let me come."

"Hmmm," I pondered, sliding my fingers down to tease her opening. "I guess you did a pretty good job today following instructions."

"I tried, mhn," She moaned as I slid a finger inside her. "I tried to do everything you asked."

"You did so good." I praised her. "I'm really proud of you. I do think you've earned a reward, but an orgasm? I think you need to at least service me first."

"Can I go down on you?" she asked, "Please?"

"Yes." I replied, my own excitement mounting.

Bri dropped to her knees, tugging my leggings down and not wasting any time at all in sliding her tongue over my clit. She knew to go right for the gold, her tongue seeking underneath my hood and flicking from the bottom. Then she moved in circles around my clit, teasing me into a frenzy.

"Don't stop." I commanded her, "But I want to feel your fingers inside me. I want you to make me squirt."

As she slid her hand up my leg, I struggled to hold still. I reached down and twined my fingers in her hair, rubbing against her with my cunt.

She found my spot quickly, and I felt the pressure build. As I reached the brink she knew to angle her fingers to let the come out, and I squirted as she kept fingering me, still focusing on my clit with her tongue. I managed to keep my eyes open, watching my juices gush out over her gorgeous face.

Finally, I pushed back from her, and she leaned towards me as if she wanted more. She had better want more. I thought. I'm not nearly finished with her yet.

The tiled entryway was slick with my juices, as was Bri's face. Even her shirt was more than a bit damp.

"Clean this up." I ordered her. "And I'll decide whether or not you'll get to cum tonight."

She looked desperately up at me, but mumbled, "Yes, Anna."

Bri pulled her shirt off and gathered her sweats. I noticed that as she cleaned she didn't bother to put on more clothes. I watched her ass as she mopped up the floor, my marks from that morning a deep red across it, and felt myself getting aroused again. I thought about retrieving the strap on, but decided I should let her long for something, since despite my teasing, there was no way was I wasn't going to make her cum that night.

As she finished up I went up to the bathroom and cleaned myself up, and on a whim pulled a box from the top shelf in my closet. It was mostly electronics and cords in there, I pulled out an old digital video camera. I had a few extra sim cars still in the package, so I pulled one out and loaded it, dropping the old sim card back into the box.


I turned to find Bri just behind me, still naked.

"Hey, baby." I said, grinning at her and flipping the camera on, glad to find it still held a bit of a charge. I hit record. "Go on and give a repeat performance of this morning."

"Of...of masturbating?" She stammered. "Are you recording?"

"Are you questioning me?" I said, letting a dangerous edge sneak into my voice. Bri's shoulders sank, and she looked to the bed, and then to chair, where I'd caught her that morning.

"The chair." I said, "Show me what you did to earn those bruises."

I made sure to get a good shot of her ass as she moved towards the chair. She propped one leg up, and slowly slid one hand down, biting her lip. I wondered if she was feigning her nervousness for the sake of the video, either way, it was hot. After a few moments, I could tell she was getting into it, her eyes closed, and her lower lip still caught between her teeth on one side.

"Mm, does that feel good, baby?" I crooned from behind the camera.

"Yes, Anna." She whispered. "It feels so good. I wish it was you touching me."

"We'll see." I said. "Get yourself up to the edge, but don't come until I say. Tell me when you're close."

She rubbed at her clit mostly, dipping down inter her vagina from time to time to gather moisture onto her fingers. Her breath came quicker.

"See how much better it is when you have permission?"

"Mhm-hm." She moaned, her hips rocking a bit. For a moment I was worried she would come despite my command not to, but finally she asked, her voice unsteady, "Please, Anna, can I come?"

"I thought you wanted me to make you come." I admonished her.

"I do!" She said, frustration clear in her tone, "Will you? Please?"

"Stop and move to the bed." I said.

She moved quickly, her ass and thighs jiggling a little.

"Hands and knees." I told her, "Face the headboard."

I stopped filming for a moment and set the camera down. I reached under the bed to pull out a box of sex toys I hadn't yet shown her. Inside, among other things we'll get to later, was a set of nipple clamps with rubber coated tips. I grabbed them, adjusted to a light setting, and clamped them on her. She whimpered a little but otherwise didn't protest in the least.

I grabbed the camera again and restarted filming. I climbed up on the bed behind her after getting a few good shots of her tits and zoomed in a bit on her ass and pussy, which she raised and pushed back towards me, arching her back.

"Please, Anna," she said, "I've been waiting all day!"

"Yes, you have, ever since our little session this morning you've been a very good girl."

I slapped each of her butt cheeks playfully, just hard enough to make them dance a bit. "You did your chores," I continued, "And you did everything I asked without giving me any of that bratty attitude you've adopted lately." I dipped a finger into her warm, wet pussy and she shuddered.

I leaned forward and pressed down between her shoulder blades gently, "Put your shoulders and head down," I said, "I want better access to you."

She complied, albeit a bit slowly. I slid a finger back in to her pussy, filming as I pulled it out and watched the juices drip from it.

"Hm, I like how ready you are for me." I told her as I slid two fingers back in. Bri pushed back very slightly toward my fingers, tentatively seeking more. I worked three fingers inside of her, then four, loving the way her pussy just opened up to me. I could feel her cunt clenching around my hand, pulling me deeper, but there was no deeper to go. I could feel my fingers tips shoring up against her cervix, but she didn't seem to mind. I carefully curled my hand into a partial fist, and she gasped and moaned, her hands twining in the sheets.

"That feels so good, Anna, oh god, that's good." She panted.

"More?" I asked, as I tucked my thumb in to test if she was ready for my whole hand. I'd fisted her before, though we had been drunk, and bodies always do all sorts of things when intoxicated they might not normally do.

"Please...Yes." She gasped as my thumb began to press into her opening. At first it was a tight fit, she clenched around my hand just below the ridge of my knuckles, but finally I felt her pussy relax, and as she opened herself to me I slid inside with surprising ease.

"Oh, fuck, Anna, fuck that's so good." Bri moaned, "I want to come like this, on your hand, with you filling me up."

I love when I get her talking, she moves past her inhibitions (which I suspect are many), and she gets to an honest place.

"Ask me before you come."

"I will, I will." She assured me.

"Now I'm going to ask you some things," I said, careful to keep my focus on my hand buried wrist deep in her pussy, rotating slightly as I moved it in and out, "if I feel you've answered fully enough, I'll let you cum."

"Oh god, Anna," She said, "Whatever you want."

"How long have you been fantasizing about being dominated by me?" I asked.

"Since we met." She said, without missing a beat. "After we talked that first time, mmn," She moaned, "I had to pull over my mail truck and get myself off just to finish my route."

"What did you fantasize about?"

"About you dominating me," Anna said, "punishing me for teasing you, making me do all sorts of things, you coming all over my face. Oh fuck, fuck, please can I come?"