Making Me Complete


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But finally, we found a step-by-step document that told us what to do and what to expect. Good, we both like bullet lists. It makes things easier to understand.

'It says that we should get comfortable,' I said.

'I'm pretty comfortable,' said Iris.

'Lower the lights?' Check.

'Put on some relaxing music?' We looked at one another. We had overlapping tastes in music, but that was largely Eurodance, house and techno.

'Let's skip that part,' suggested Iris.

'It says that we should kiss,' I said. This was the moment where things were going to get really awkward. I gave Iris a quick kiss on the cheek.

She looked at me. 'I think you're supposed to kiss on the mouth.'

On the mouth? I started panicking, but then managed to steel myself. I gave her a quick kiss on the mouth. Well, that wasn't so bad.

I could see that Iris was getting impatient, though. 'Look,' she said, 'I think we're supposed to be snogging.'

Ah, right. Snogging. I'd seen it done before, but again, I had no idea where to start, or what to do, or... anything, really.

But here was where Iris's large experience with watching romantic comedies --72.4 GB on the server-- came in. She gently took my head in her hands, closed her eyes, parted her lips, and softly put them on mine. I froze, not knowing what to do.

She stopped kissing me, but kept her face close to mine. 'I think you need to open your mouth a little bit,' she said. 'And close your eyes.'

'Why do I need to close my eyes?' I asked. I like seeing things. It makes it easier to understand them.

Iris looked pensive. 'I don't really know,' she said, 'but it's how it's supposed to be done. I think it's more romantic.'

Fine. I closed my eyes. And suddenly, the sensations were different. There was no interfering image to distract me. The room was silent, except for our breathing. I could feel the heat radiate off her body, and touching my own. Her scent, so sweet and familiar, was up close. As if in a dream, I opened my mouth slightly. And now, there were her soft hands on my face again, and her lips brushing mine.

I had to admit, it did feel nice. That is, until she licked my lips.

Quickly, I pulled away. 'Whoa, what did you just do?'

'I stuck my tongue in your mouth. That's what you're supposed to do.'

'Ow, gross!' OK, that was the wrong way to put it. 'Sorry sis, I didn't mean that, it was just so unexpected. Maybe we should look up how to kiss first?'

'If we're going to have to look up every single thing,' she said, 'we'll be here until tomorrow morning and not have done anything.' I could tell she was annoyed. 'Just relax and try not to freak out, OK?'

'I'll give it my best shot,' I promised.

Back in position. Close eyes. Part lips. Try to relax.

Very gently, she took my hand and placed it on her cheek. She placed her own hands on my face, and we kissed again. It was nice, but the tongue business still had me worried.

She gave a little flick with her tongue. It wasn't so bad actually, and it made me smile. She felt the shape of my face change under her fingers, and took this as an encouragement. She ran her tongue around my lips in a rough circle.

Actually, I liked it. I got a little adventurous and licked her lips in return. I could tell that she liked it as well, and soon enough we were licking each other's lips, teeth, and tongues. She surprised me once more by sucking on my tongue, but it didn't startle me this time.

We must have kissed for several minutes, before we parted. 'Wow,' she said, 'that was really nice. Did you like it?' I had to agree that it was rather pleasant indeed.

'So what do we do now?' she asked.

'The list says that we should touch one another. And continue kissing.'

'Touch where?' she asked.

'Well, anywhere I suppose. Whatever makes the other person feel good, it says here. Like the face, or the neck, or the... oh.'

'The what?'

'Your, um, breasts,' I said. I could feel the blood rushing to my face.

'That should be OK. That it?'

'It also mentions the, um, the um...'

'Our private parts?' she guessed.

'Um, yeah, those.' My face must be the colour of a tomato by now.

'OK,' she said, 'let's do it.'

We started kissing again. I felt apprehensive touching Iris's breasts, but again she took the initiative, took my hand and put it on her breast. I left it there, not knowing what to do.

'Knead it, you dummy,' she said in a brief kissing interlude. 'Ow! Gently! Knead, not squash!'

'Sorry,' I muttered.

Carefully this time, I started squeezing her breast again. 'Mmm,' she said, 'that feels nice.'

For me, it was pleasant as well, it had to be said. It felt unlike anything of my own body. Soft, yet with a certain solidity to it. A bit like hair gel in a plastic bag, but not so sticky.

Her hand was touching my chest, my side and my tummy, and it gave me a tingling sensation. Still pleasant, though. We continued this for some more time, and I was actually getting a bit excited now. From what I could tell, so was Iris.

Then, she took my hand again, and placed it between her legs. Oh dear. When I was again at a loss, she told me to rub up and down. I did, and she immediately responded. Her breathing got heavier, and her kissing more intense. I thought I could feel that she was getting wet down there, although it was difficult to tell, since we were still dressed.

That's when she put her own hand on my crotch. I had been so occupied with the kissing and the kneading and the rubbing, that I hadn't realised until then that I had developed an erection.

'Ooh, little brother,' she said. 'Looks like you're getting a bit excited as well.' Yep, that definitely appeared to be the case.

Her face was inches away from mine, and for once, I didn't recognise her expression. It seemed almost eager, but not quite. 'What's next on the list?' she wanted to know.

I consulted the tablet. 'It says that we should... we should take off our clothes.' Oh dear.

'All of them?'

In my heart I knew that we'd eventually have to take all of our clothes off, but the concept still frightened me. 'It doesn't really say so... although it does say that it's more fun if you take each other's clothes off.'

'Oh, that does sound like fun,' she said. And she started pulling on my T-shirt.

'Hey, wait a minute!' I yelled.


'I, eh... oh, what the hell.' I sat up, and let her pull my T-shirt over my head. She neatly folded it up and placed it, very precisely, on the arm of the sofa. She couldn't help being herself.

'Your turn,' she said.

The dress was going to be a bit tricky. I had to pull it from underneath her while she was kneeling on the sofa. She raised her arms, so that I could pull it over her head. I was going to toss it aside, then thought better of it and handed it to her. She again folded it neatly, and put it next to my own T-shirt.

I looked at her chest. She was wearing a blue bra with some lace on it. Her breasts looked nice. Not overly large, not small either, but they were perfectly shaped. She wore blue knickers to match her bra. The knickers had lace as well, but were opaque in certain strategic places.

'Next,' she said. Ah, that would be my jeans. This was a bit more complex. Standing on the sofa was probably not a good idea, so I supported myself on my heels and shoulders, allowing her to pull them down. I felt very exposed now, the tight boxers doing absolutely nothing to hide my erection. And it was very obvious that my sister was looking at it. After she folded my jeans and placed them on top of my T-shirt, that is.

Now came the moment that I was dreading, and Iris looked nervous as well. We would have to take off our underwear, and expose ourselves. Iris decided to make it a little bit easier for me.

'Would you like to take off my bra?' she asked.

'OK,' I said, somewhat relieved.

She turned her back towards me, so that I could undo the clasp. This was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. And women did this behind their backs? Amazing.

But finally, I managed to undo the damn thing. Iris turned around again, so that I could pull the bra off her arms.

Out came her breasts. I stared at them in fascination. I had seen plenty of breasts on my computer, but this was an entirely different kettle of fish. They looked so... natural. So right. They looked perfect to me.

Iris smiled, relieved that her breasts passed the muster. But now it was time for her to pull down my boxers. We repeated the procedure that we used with my jeans.

When she touched my hips, it was like there was electricity flowing between us. Now I lay how nature intended me to be, although arguably nature hadn't intended for my sister to be part of the equation.

I was afraid that Iris would laugh at me. Don't ask me why, she never has and she never will either. But I felt insecure. I suppose it's only natural.

But I needn't have worried. The grin on her face told me that the first visual inspection had passed with flying colours.

She was still folding all our clothes neatly and put them in a pile. But now it was time to add the last garment: her knickers.

I touched her hips. Again, there was the electricity and I had to make an effort not to pull my hands away. Very gently, I took the elastic of her knickers, and pulled them down.

Finally, I got to see her vulva. Well, strictly speaking, I had seen it before. But we had been children then, taking a bath together. That had stopped when we were about six years old. But this was the vulva of a grown woman.

It looked beautiful. There was the same tint of hair, in a neat triangle. At the bottom, the outer lips, with just a hint of the inner lips. She quickly grabbed the knickers from me and folded them, giving her an excuse to kneel and hide her vulva from me. I guessed that she was equally apprehensive as I had been.

'It looks beautiful,' I told her.

'Really?' Her face flushed a little. 'You aren't half bad either, you know,' she added.

Iris lay down now, her long hair radiating like a halo. Still self-conscious, she somewhat ineffectively covered her vulva with one hand, and her breasts with the other. She looked remarkably much like Botticelli's Birth of Venus.

'Venus,' I said.

'What?' asked Iris.

'You remind me of Botticelli. Birth of Venus, the one in the Uffizi in Florence.'

'Well,' she said, 'I'm your Venus, I'm your fire, at your desire.'

'Shocking,' I grinned back.

It was time to consult the list again. It told us to basically keep doing what we were doing before, so kissing and touching.

So that's what we did. Her breasts felt very different from when she was still wearing clothes. And the nipples were fascinating. She liked it when I pinched them. Gently, of course.

The list had also suggested that I could lick her nipples, or suck on them. I wasn't quite sure about that, though. 'Just pretend that you're a baby,' said Iris. And so I did. She really enjoyed it, and told me what to do to make her feel good.

After a while, she grabbed my hand again and guided it towards her vulva. 'Rub me,' she managed to say in between deep breaths. I started rubbing over her outer lips.

'No, not there. Take one finger and put it here... no, a bit to the top... exactly there! Now rub it.'

Ah. So that's where here clitoris was located. I started rubbing it, which proved a bit difficult because I was still licking and sucking her nipple. Multitasking has never been a strong point of mine.

'Just concentrate on the rubbing,' moaned Iris. 'There... that's it.'

So I rubbed her clitoris for several minutes, and it was pretty obvious that she was getting more and more aroused. She was bucking her hips to meet the movement of my fingers, and her breathing got ever deeper. I wonder if I was bringing her to an orgasm.

Suddenly, she took a sharp intake of breath, and let out a large 'ooh!' I'd done it. I had brought her to an orgasm. I was actually quite proud of myself.

I continued rubbing her clitoris, but she moved her legs together and pushed away my hand.

'No more,' she said. 'Too sensitive. Give me a bit of time to recover.'

Once she had recovered from that orgasm, we consulted the tablet again. Next on the list was... Oh dear.

'Oral sex?' I asked. 'It means that you... ah... that you use your mouth on... Look, I don't think I'm ready for this, not yet anyway.'

Iris considered the ramifications of taking my penis into her mouth. 'No, neither am I,' she said.

Which left the final action point: penetration. I looked at her.

'OK,' she said, 'I'm ready. I want you to fuck me.'

'Hey, wait a minute,' I said. 'I don't want to get you pregnant.'

'Don't worry about that. I'm on the pill.' As she saw the confused look on my face, she explained, 'It's because otherwise my menstruation is painful. OK? Just go ahead.'

I glanced at the tablet. 'It says here that we'd best use a towel,' I said.

'Well get the bloody towel before I change my mind!'

I rushed off to the bathroom to get a towel.

* * *

With the towel underneath her bum, it was time. 'What position shall we use?' I asked.

'Let's do missionary,' she replied. 'We can always try more adventurous positions later.'

This, at least, I knew how to do. I'd seen it often enough, after all. I parted her legs, moved up to her, and placed my penis in the general area of her vulva. This was it. I pushed forward.

'Ouch, stop poking me!' yelled Iris.

'Sorry, sorry. I'm not sure I'm in the right place. Could you... guide me?'

She took my penis in her hand --more electricity-- and guided me to her opening. 'Around here, more or less,' she said. I pushed forward again, and this time I slid inside.

Any lingering doubts I might have harboured disappeared instantaneously. Being inside her felt phenomenal. It felt so... so right. And tight. Much tighter than I could ever manage on my own.

The feeling was magnificent, like nothing I'd ever felt before. My penis felt surrounded on all sides by heat and moisture. There was absolutely no comparison with using my hand. It felt... it felt as if my penis had finally gone home. To the place where it really belonged.

I looked down at my twin. 'How is it for you? Does it hurt?' I asked.

In response, she wrapped her arms around my back, and her legs behind my behind, and pulled me in deeper. That was all the encouragement I needed, and I started thrusting into her.

It was absolutely amazing. Having my penis enveloped by this soft, silky, warm, moist vagina, made it feel better and better. And it wasn't just that; it was also feeling the intimacy, the feeling of belonging, the feeling of being connected on so many levels.

All things considered, I didn't even orgasm that quickly. The almost maddening feeling in my penis, her pulling me into her, and the knowledge that I was actually making love rather than just having sex, should have sent me over the edge in seconds. But it lasted quite a bit longer than that, before I felt that familiar feeling, of going over the edge, and emptying myself.

Normally, I kept my orgasms quiet, but now there was no reason. 'Oh my goodness,' I panted. 'Ooooh...'

Iris looked pleased as she felt my penis pulsating, knowing that she had made me ejaculate inside her. 'Oh yes, little brother, come inside your sister,' she said, almost sighed.

I had to roll off her, lest I would collapse and crush her beneath me. As I lay there, panting, she took my hand in hers.

'That, little brother,' she said, 'was fabulous.'

I was indeed. And I knew that social conventions could go and sod themselves. I had found true happiness, for the very first time in my life.

'Tu,' I said, 'sei il grande amore della mia vita. Ti voglio sempre avere al mio fianco.'

You are the love of my life. I always want you by my side.

'Il mio cuore è solo tuo,' she replied. 'Solo tu mi capisci, e con te voglio passare la mia vita.'

My heart is yours alone. Only you understand me, and I want to spend my life with you.

There had always been the feeling that something was missing. Now, that feeling had gone.

We made each other complete.

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rtch0bkrrtch0bkralmost 2 years ago

Such a beautiful story... thank you!

UncertainTUncertainTabout 2 years ago

Wonderful writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I Loved this story, it was so well written and was so gentle, loving and even romantic, yet was able to convey the LOVE they had for each other, but also the awkwardness of two very inexperienced people getting together for the first time. It was amazingly tender and showed that two people with very few social skills can still be wonderful people who if you spend the time to get to know them are very good to have as friends as trust is very important to all relationships whether it is familial, friendship or LOVE. It does also show how cruel people can be to those they consider 'odd'.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Amused me greatly

I expect I found that funnier than intended, but I'm sufficiently somewhere on the add/autism scale to have daily drugs for it & some of the awkwardness really resonated, in a comedically inflated way - behaviour-by-checklist in inappropriate situations is amusingly close to home ( I suspect more so if I had an attention span ). The straight up idea of ignoring inconvenient - irrelevant to someone not actually integrated into society - social ideas to be with the one person who fits, I could appreciate that too, intellectually - that was a little touching somehow.

The UK most definitely does criminalise consensual sibling penetrative sexual acts, btw.


OedipusErectusOedipusErectusover 6 years ago
Simply Beautiful

Your story was variously, beautiful, funny, captivating and most endearing. And I believe you captured well the behaviors and quirks of young savants on the Autism / Asperger's continuum. I look forward to reading the next installment.

CarlusMagnusCarlusMagnusover 6 years ago
Very well done!

This one's been on my list for a while, and I finally got around to it. I'm glad I did; just wish I'd done it sooner. It's nice to find a real story about people who could be real--and not the too-typical "Hey, sis! I just noticed you're a girl. Let's fuck!"

thedayafterthedayafterover 6 years ago

What a wonderful story, really hope you add another chapter to it.

It was full of innocence, exploration and gentle love. Loved it....

MarshallaMarshallaalmost 7 years ago
Author, author!

It's so easy for someone to criticize anonymously, not even joining the Site, but I'd like to see them submit a story of their own sometime.

Seems they never do though.

I thought it was an interesting way of telling the story. Something we "neurotypical" people rarely even think about.

I can now imagine that intimacy between a couple with these conditions, and others, may have an even more difficult time than these two characters. Or avoid it altogether, missing out completely in one of the greatest gifts God gave us.

Well done, imo.

Gave it 5 Stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Can't win 'em all

The comment by Anonymous (11/02/15) shows he's a complete horses ass. He wouldn't know a decent story if it bit him in the ass. After reading tons of horse crap on this site, this story was a work of art. And the author didn't have to use anal to tell his story.

This was a well thought-out story and except for a few typos was very well written. One of the better stories I've read on this site.

Well done sir. Thank you

The old fart.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Yes! Great characters: 3D and complicated. Made me care about them.

You're really very good, but I suspect you know that. More! More! ... Please.

J6480J6480over 8 years ago
Well done

Great story on a challenging issue, ignore all the anonymous wankers and keep at

TJSkywindTJSkywindover 8 years ago
I found it well done

The errors on this one were fewer, but you did admit up front in your second tale - "A Terrible Idea" - that that one was in much rougher form.

Like most forms of autism, Asperger's can cover a wide range of behaviors and traits. The emphasis on the routine made me think they also have OCD; you emphasized not just the routine but also that anything out of place would cause distress. I found their relationship and their struggles to form satisfactory outside bonds convincing. I've known two with AS, and sadly, one of them was more fragile than anyone realized.

To your credit, I was reminded of Elizabeth Moon's tale, The Speed of Dark, a first rate SF tale also about autism. Really, a fine job here.

The comments by others about the Italian are well taken. If you are going to quote another language, don't make the reader stop what they are doing and try to "google" it. And most of those online translators are hit and miss -- with about seventy-five or eighty percent accuracy. And they don't handle slang or idioms very well. So if you are going to quote, do it sparingly, and unless the phrase is a common one, like "cie vous plais," I suggest putting the translation immediately after the foreign language phrase. An alternative, if you feel the longer phrases are necessary -- like you have in the restaurant scene, then add in or summarize. For example on page 2:

I spoke to the restaurateur again: 'Per mia ragazza.'

Iris showed me the most beautiful smile when she heard me say that.

Maybe an alternate, like this?

Iris showed me the most beautiful smile when she heard me refer to her as my girlfriend.

See? The reader might not know right off that ragazza means girlfriend, but you can add that in to help them make that leap. (I first thought ragazza was a different type of pasta or sauce, not that he was declaring his acceptance of their new relationship. If I like a tale, I skip over unknown phrases, and only if I'm really curious will I be motivated to "google" afterward; if I stop in the middle to translate, the story hasn't truly grabbed me.)

In any event, your skills are seriously jammy, and that's not last week's scran, either. Looking forward to seeing more from you. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Interesting premise poorly executed.

I found this to be a very interesting premise that was ineptly executed.

The edit is pretty rough. There lots of missing words (nouns, verbs, pronouns, prepositions & etc.) that tie things together. I don't expect perfected works of literature, but the site is call Literotica and a certain level of clarity is necessary.

The inclusion of lengthy untranslated sections of text not only disrupts the readability, but alienates a large portion of the target audience.

Most of the things wrong with the story could easily be fixed and probably should be before posting the continuation of this work. First impressions are made within the first page (or less) of reading. I gave it 3*'s for the interesting premise used and hope to see more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Forget about the comment from a ignorant fool,I liked your story.I was really good and I am really looking forward to next chapter.Please keep them together in the coming chapters as well.Ypu are a good writer and should keep up the good work.5 stars from me.

LaGazzaLadraLaGazzaLadraover 8 years agoAuthor
Hey, tell me what you really think

It's easy to leave anonymous feedback, especially feedback that is devoid of content. So instead of using many words that essential essentially mean "you suck", perhaps you could be a bit more specific as to what bothered you. Maybe the absence of 8 inch cocks and DD breasts? Or perhaps you're yearning for multiple simultaneous orgasms in one session? Sorry, ain't going to happen,

And who is calling this literature? Certainly not I. And if you're looking for realistic prose that will set the author on course to a Nobel prize, may I suggest that you don't go looking for it in the incest section of this site? Otherwise, chances are you will be disappointed.

Having said all that, I'm looking forward to reading some of your own work, so that I may learn how it's done properly.

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