Making of a Sex Slave Ch. 04


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Then he commanded me to get on my knees in front of him. As I knelt there, he ordered me to remove his shoes and socks. After I took them off he told me to remove the belt from his pants. As I handed him the belt, I shuddered at the thought of what he was going to do to my butt. I closed my eyes and sighed silently.

Then he told me to take off his pants and drawers. We were now both naked. His manhood is all I could see, everything else was immaterial.

He held his belt in his left hand and encircled the base of his dick with his right hand. Next he ordered me to 'address my dick.' Whenever he told me to do this, I knew that he wanted me to kiss, lick and suck the head of his cock.

I looked up into his eyes. I cupped his balls with my left hand and gently massaged them. I licked the opening of his cock and then kissed his head. I put my right hand on top of his hand and suckled his head. I kissed and licked it again. I did this a couple of times and then took his whole length into my mouth. He let go of his manhood and grabbed my hair as I fucked my face up and down onto his penis. I moaned again.

After a minute or so he ordered me to stop and to kneel on the mattress with my ass in air. He tied my hands behind my back with a rope he got from his gym bag. I started to tremble and he asked me if I was sure that I wanted to continue.

"Yes Sir, I'm sure."

"What's the safe phrase slave?"

"Cotton plantation, Sir."

Next he began to rub my ass cheeks, perineum and pussy with his right hand. He was to my left rear, watching me. I momentarily closed my eyes to enjoy the bliss emanating from my groin area. I felt him switch hands as he continued to massage me for a minute or two.

Then, "I'm going to spank your ass hard, maybe harder than I hit you Friday night. That's because I want to give you a small taste of what a life with me will occasionally be like. I also want to give you a lesson in obedience."

He paused to let his words sink in. I shuddered at the thought of what I knew he was going to do to me.

"It's not like I'm going to give you a severe beating every time I spank you. I just want you to know what it could sometimes be like if you choose to live with me. Do you understand slave?"

"Yes Sir," is all I answered.

After a moment he continued, "You are not to utter a sound while I'm beating you. I don't want to hear a moan or a groan or anything from you. Do you understand slave?"

"Yes Sir," I said again.

"If you cry out I'm going to smack you harder. Your only way out is to accept the beating in silence. Do you understand slave?"

Again I only answered, "Yes Sir."

"If the whipping gets too much you are to say 'cotton plantation' but other than that or to answer my questions I don't want to hear so much as one sound escape your lips. Do you understand slave?"

"Yes Sir." I closed my eyes and trembled.

Benjamin returned to massaging my ass cheeks and pussy.

Then the first smack came with the belt. It was hard. It stung.

I grimaced from the pain. He paused. Then he hit my naked ass hard two more times in rapid succession. He paused and hit me once more. Then he again rubbed my ass with his left hand.

After massaging my ass, perineum and vagina for about a minute or so he returned to beating me again with the belt. In minutes my whole groin area, buttocks, and thighs were on fire. My lips were trembling, my eyes filled with tears.

He paused again and looked me directly in the eyes. I didn't say anything. He whacked me some more with the belt; I don't know how many times. When I started to cry he stopped. He then rubbed my ass, perineum and pussy again. But this time he didn't stop until I had stopped crying.

Next Benjamin ordered me to turn over and to lie on my back. I was very uncomfortable, with my wrists tied behind my back. He picked up my hips and put two pillows beneath my butt. My pussy mound was now the highest part of my body; it was very exposed.

Then he commanded me to open my legs as wide as I could and to close my eyes and keep them close.

He then proceeded to beat my tits, my stomach and my pubic mound with the belt. After several hits I involuntarily closed my legs. But I immediately opened them and apologized.

He asked me again if I was sure that I wanted to continue. I again told him that I was sure. He hit me several more times, stopped to massage the areas he smacked and then beat me again.

For the next five or ten minutes he either beat my ass, my perineum and my thighs or had me turn over to beat my tits, my stomach and my vagina. Each time he would pause and massage those areas he beat. Each time he raised me to a high plateau of joy only to hurl me back down into a dungeon of pain. Up and down, hot and cold, agony and ecstasy, I was on an emotional escalator.

Regardless of what he said, I'm sure he didn't beat me with the belt as hard as he hit me Friday night with the belt. As least it didn't feel as hard. Either way, it still hurt. But it's what I wanted him to do; it left me wanting him to fuck me until I was a useless teddy bear.

When I could take no more I called out 'cotton plantation' and begged him to fuck me. He untied my hands and impaled me doggy style. My orgasm was one of the most rewarding I have ever had.

After, I snuggled up next to him and cried tears of joy. Not only from the sexual release I got but also from the knowledge that I was with the man I loved.

After several minutes we got up and showered together. His master bath was not custom built as was mine. He had only a tub with a shower. But I didn't care. I let him bathe me as he had done so many times before. He said that he enjoyed bathing me and that once we were together he was going to bathe me every night or as often as possible. He said that I was his little girl and that he only wanted to take care of me and to make me happy.

My heart surged with love. I put my arms around him and kissed him deeply on the mouth. It was one of the most beautiful kisses I have ever had; the warm water showering down on us only enhanced it. I put my face into his chest and cried all over again. Benjamin just hugged me and ran is hand up and down my back. He told me he loved me and that we would soon be together. That is all I cared about.

We dried each other off and then lay back down on his mattress. We made love again. It was vanilla sex but it was great. Then we sucked each other off. I fell to sleep with my head on his chest, something I have never done with Sal.

I woke up. It was almost two in the morning. Benjamin helped me get dressed. I went out his backdoor and through the hole in the fence. Just before I stepped into my house I glanced over toward his backdoor. He was standing there watching me, naked as a jay bird. He pointed to his chest, made a big heart in the air with his fingers and then pointed to me. I did the same and then went inside.

The light in my and Sal's bedroom was still on. Curious, I tiptoed down the hall. The bed was still made; there was no one in it. I hadn't seen Sal in his chair in the living room as I passed through it, which caused me to wonder where he was.

My first thought was that he had gone to Sam's in order to get an early start fishing or hunting. But that couldn't be, he had to go to work in the morning. Then I noticed that the guest room door was closed.

I very quietly opened it. Sal was there, under the sheets, snoring loudly. I very quietly closed the door again.

For a slight second I was angry. I was angry for the way he was treating me. But then I thought: 'He's the one who's killing this marriage, not me.'

I would never have had an affair with Benjamin if Sal hadn't first introduced the two of us. It wasn't in my nature to have an affair. I was a very vanilla person until Sal invited Benjamin over to fuck me.

I was content with the marriage. True, it wasn't the best of marriages. We didn't have any children but that's because I'm infertile due to having been raped as a small child -- my uterus was torn -- and Sal didn't want to adopt. Other than that it was a fair marriage. Sal provided for me and I had a relatively secure future.

But Sal wasn't just allowing me to have an affair; he was encouraging it. In fact, he was pushing me toward it, steering me toward Benjamin.

If Benjamin hadn't earlier asked me to stay with Sal for the time being I believe I would have walked out on him right then and there.

I set my alarm -- I had a receptionist job on the other side of town in the morning -- and went to bed.

When I got up the next morning Sal was in the bedroom we use as a study. He was checking ball scores on the computer. I asked him what he wanted for breakfast. He answered that cereal would be fine.

We ate breakfast mostly in silence. I asked him who won the ballgame he had been watching the night before. Instead of answering me, he asked me why I wanted to know. I just shrugged my shoulders and told him that I was just trying to make conversation. I then went back to eating my cereal.

When Sal finished eating he went to take his morning shower. I put the dirty dishes in the sink and the milk in the refrigerator. Then I got dressed for my receptionist job. Sal was still bathing when I left for work.

During the next several months Benjamin and I went out to eat numerous times. He took me to a karaoke bar several times -- neither of us did any singing -- we just enjoyed the festivities. He took me to the symphony to listen to Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite. I had never been to anything like that before. It was the most beautiful music I had ever heard. But then the fact that I was with Benjamin I'm sure had a lot to do with my enjoyment of it.

Of course, we also went to the movies and shopping and for long walks on the beach and in the park. We went on picnics together. We even played like tourists a couple of times and visited some of the city's tourist sites.

Once when we went shopping Benjamin bought me the cutest little sheer sky blue negligé. I wear it almost every time he comes over on Monday and Thursday evening -- it barely covers the essentials and you can see right through it. Of course, if we're going to get into any bondage and discipline stuff, he takes it off and puts the chain around my waist.

Benjamin doesn't spank me or sexually torture me every time we are alone together, although in truth I look forward to it and desire it. But the fact is I'm willing to bet that most of the sex we have is vanilla. I don't know; I don't keep track of how often he spanks me or anything. All I know is that I enjoy the sex we have. It doesn't matter whether it's B and D sex, vanilla sex or threesome sex. As long as it's with Benjamin it's great sex.

Anyway, we did all those things two lovers do when they are falling in love. Through it all Sal never said a word. He never objected once. He never once asked me my opinion of the situation.

Benjamin and I invited him to come along with us a number of times but every time he said that he just wanted to watch a ballgame on television. If it weren't for his fishing and hunting trips with Sam I would have sworn he was becoming a recluse.

As for our threesomes, Sal got more distant there too. More often than not he would just watch Benjamin and I fuck. Then while we performed oral sex on each other Sal would masturbate into a handkerchief. Rarely did Sal ever join in with me and Benjamin. Those few times that he did, it was all mechanical. I would suck him off or he'd hump me a couple of times, shoot his load and then turn on the TV to watch a ballgame.

He even took to sleeping in the guest room, particularly on Monday, Thursday and Friday nights. Not every week but it was often enough.

Sometimes on Fridays, after the sex, Sal would watch his ballgame as he usually did while Benjamin and I were showering. But then after Benjamin went home and I went to bed, Sal would go to the guest room to spend the night.

It was the same thing on some Monday and Thursday nights. Sal would stay out till ten or thereabouts. Then after I would go to bed he would come in and retire to the guest room.

It got so that I never knew whether I was going to sleep alone or have Sal snoring next to me.

That's the way things stayed until about three weeks ago. It was a Friday evening and all three of us were eating some pork chops, mashed potatoes and peas -- one of Sal's favorite meals. Sal had bought the pork chops the day before and asked me to cook them up for that night's supper.

Never-the-less, on his way home from work Sal had picked up one of those magazines that advertise cars and boats that are for sale, the ones where a person can have a picture of the thing he wants to sell. At supper he showed Benjamin a picture of a boat, motor and trailer that was for sale that he wanted to buy. The whole kit and caboodle cost twenty-five hundred dollars.

Instead of talking about some ballgame as he usually does, the only thing Sal talked about during dinner was the boat. He said that if he had that boat and trailer then he and Sam could use it to go fishing instead of always using Sam's boat.

I believe that he was just jealous that Sam had a boat and he didn't. He's never bought a boat before because of the finances -- we really couldn't afford to buy one, which caused me to wonder why Sal was even considering buying the boat and trailer. He would have had to make a loan from the bank and, like I said, we can't afford it.

At least that's what I thought until Sal mentioned that he was contemplating making a loan at the bank. He looked questioningly at me when he said that. I guess he wanted my approval. It made me wonder if that is why he allowed Benjamin and me to have sex, so that I would feel obligated and allow him to buy a boat and trailer.

But at this point in our marriage I really didn't care if he made a loan or not. I was waiting for Benjamin to give me the word that he was finished tweaking whatever it was that he was working on so that we could be together.

True, over the last five months I have often thought that maybe Benjamin was just stringing me along and playing with my emotions so that I would continue to have sex with him. But many of the dates we had been on told me otherwise. He even introduced me to his brother once.

His brother, Troy, his brother's wife, Vanessa, Benjamin and I all met at a seafood restaurant to celebrate their wedding anniversary. At the meal, Benjamin pointed to me and said to them 'my future.' I don't believe he would have done that if he had no intentions of having a future with me.

Sal also mentioned that he had a friend of his who might loan him the money. He didn't mention the friend's name but I know it wasn't Sam because Sam is a miser. He wouldn't give money to his wife if he didn't have to. That caused me to contemplate whether or not he was considering asking Benjamin for the money he would need to buy the boat, motor and trailer.

Somehow Sal got the idea that Benjamin has a lot of money to waste. I don't know where he got that idea because Benjamin is not a rich man. At least I don't think he has that kind of money. Benjamin has more money than we have -- he has his own accounting business. But I was sure he doesn't have twenty-five hundred dollars to loan out.

Then I thought 'Was that why he asked Benjamin over for a threesome? Did he figure that by allowing Benjamin to fuck me that would make Benjamin feel obligated to loan him the money?'

Anyway, when Sal mentioned that a friend of his was going to loan him the money, Benjamin looked at me and gave me a nearly imperceptible wink with his right eye. Sal was to his left and didn't see it. I looked at Benjamin with a questioning gaze. He just smiled.

He then said to Sal, "Well, Sal maybe a rich relative will die and leave you the money in his will."

"Yeah right," Sal answered sarcastically. "Problem is, I don't have any rich relatives. At least not anyone who would leave me in his will."

"You never know Sal. We all got relatives that we don't know exist."

"I'm not going to hold my breath. Now if you two will excuse me, I have to go to the toilet." Sal then abruptly got up from the dining room table and left Benjamin and me all alone.

As soon as he was gone I whispered to Benjamin, "What was that wink for? You don't have twenty-five hundred dollars to give to him do you?"

"Didn't I tell you I was working on something that would guarantee the two of us a future together? Just be patient and trust me."

"But . . ."

He silenced me with a raised first finger and a stern glance. "Don't question me any further on this. If I tell you it will spoil the surprise; a surprise I can assure you, you will enjoy."

I was in complete confusion. I didn't understand how Benjamin was going to ensure a future for the two of us by loaning Sal twenty-five hundred dollars. More than that, I didn't know how Benjamin knew that Sal would find a boat for sale in a magazine and then need the money to buy it.

But I wasn't worried. Benjamin told me to be patient. I knew he had been planning something that would get us together. I also knew that whatever it was had to happen soon because his lease was up in a few weeks and then he would be moving out.

I trusted him this far and I saw no reason to not to trust him further. He told me several times that the main goal of a BDSM scene was to increase the faith and love between those involved. I had to increase my faith in my lover; I had to trust that he would somehow get the two of us together.

But until then I was on pins and needles trying to figure how he was going to do it.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
very nice story

i love reading your stories. they are very well written and the characters seem to come alive and leap off the page taking you into their story and life. thank you for your stories. please keep writing. bob

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