Man Meets Actress/MILF Diane Lane

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A chance encounter with Diane Lane fulfills a man's fantasy.
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PRELUDE: A businessman finds himself seated next to a favorite movie star on a flight from Chicago to Los Angeles. The build-up for this takes some time. Apologies ahead of time if it takes too long to get to the fun stuff.


Taking a late Friday afternoon flight from Chicago O'Hare to LAX was something that Dan Buchanan would rarely do. He had meetings scheduled to begin on Monday. His expanding public relations consulting business had its home office in Chicago, but the LA office needed reorganizing. His workload had been heavy and he decided to give himself a two-day weekend before putting his nose back on the grindstone.

Dan was in his late 40s and was back to being single. His wife had divorced him six months previous; she was seven years younger and after spending 18 years being the mother to their son, she had decided she wanted to play the field. She had been blunt -- either they were going to start swapping/swinging or she was going to start dating.

His business had been consuming more of his time and that was one reason his ex-wife was unhappy. Their sex life had remained active, but he had neither the time nor the desire to dive into the sex party scene. Plus, he was a bit concerned about how it would turn off customers if somehow his "secret" got out. Her family came from money, so the divorce was amicable in that it didn't wreck him financially. She just wanted out and he was fine with that. Their son was a freshman at Notre Dame and excited about starting his own path; the divorce didn't produce trauma or drama.

He was seated in the aisle bulkhead row in first class (another perquisite he was happy to have available via his frequent flier miles). For the moment, the window seat was unoccupied. Dan was hoping it would remain that way. He was not much for small-talk conversations while trapped on a jet and he typically spent his time working on his laptop.

His phone beeped with a text from his friend in LA. As he was answering it, the final passenger boarded just before the door was shut. Dan didn't pay much attention. The woman stowed a bag in the overhead and offered a soft "excuse me" as she slipped past Dan and settled into the seat. He finished the text and put his phone on airplane mode.

Dan glanced at his seatmate. She was wearing large sunglasses and wide-brimmed hat. "Headed to LA; she probably wants people to think she's a star or something," Dan thought.

"I didn't want to interrupt ... hello, I'm Diane," she said. As he turned toward her, she removed the hat and sunglasses.

The look on Dan's face brought a slight smile to the woman's face as she extended her hand. Dan was having an out-of-body experience, his hand moving slowly to hers, feeling her soft, firm grip. "Dan... I'm Dan," he managed to blurt.

His brain had processed that the person sitting next to him was Diane Lane, an actress that he had long considered one of the most naturally attractive and sexy women in Hollywood.

Her elbow on the arm rest, she rested her chin on her hand as she observed the handsome man she had just met. She was more than accustomed to leaving the men she met flabbergasted, but this was different. Dan seemed like he needed one of the oxygen masks stored above them.

"Well, I guess it's clear you know who I am," she said, her white teeth flashing in a huge smile. "Do you want an autograph?"

"Um, no... well, sure... I uh," Dan felt like a freshman in high school at his first dance. "I mean..."

He took a deep breath as his composure returned.

"OK, yes, you're Diane Lane and I've followed your career since the beginning. I think you're one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen."

She arched an eyebrow and lifted her chin, laughing softly. Dan immediately felt like a complete doofus, complimenting an actress on her looks.

"I've never heard that one before," she said, smiling. She was enjoying this encounter because her new acquaintance appeared to be a successful and attractive man who was normally self-assured, but her presence had flustered him. Her hand reached out to his forearm. "Honestly, most men I meet nowadays are younger and they think I'm kinda old news. If they fantasize about a MILF actress, I might be their choice."

"You'd definitely be my choice," Dan thought to himself. He had recovered his poise and began to feel like a real grown-up man again.

"I've made hundreds of flights and always wondered when I would finally win the seat lottery and find myself next to a lovely woman," he said.

"There you go again, trying to flatter me."

Dan felt his face heat up and he again felt like he was an immature kid. He took a deep breath.

"OK, so maybe I'm still in shock," he said. "But I'm also just being honest."

Diane again reached out to touch his arm. "OK, you're off the hook. No more teasing. Believe me, I appreciate honesty. It's a rare commodity these days. And frankly, I'm looking forward to this flight now."


As the flight attendant brought drinks, then the bowl of warm nuts, then their meals, the conversation was stimulating. Diane asked Dan about his job and family life. She arched an eyebrow when he described his recent divorce.

When the discussion turned to Diane, Dan was able to quiz her about her first movie in which her co-star was the great Sir Laurence Olivier. She pointed out that her second movie she co-starred with Burt Lancaster and Rod Steiger -- so in her first three movies she appeared with three Academy Award winners.

"Speaking of Academy Awards, it was great you were nominated for best actress in 'Unfaithful,'" Dan said.

"Thanks. It's always an honor to be nominated but it sucks to lose. So, you liked that movie, huh? Was it because I spent a good amount of time naked?"

Dan felt his cock twitching. A few times in his hotel room he had jacked off watching the sexy scenes in the movie. "Honestly, hell yes. Your body is beautiful, and I thought you were courageous in being so committed to realistic scenes."

Diane took a sip of her wine and glanced out the plane's window. She turned back to Dan. "Well, I've been nude, from the waist up, in a lot of movies. I've never been shy about my body. By the way, have you seen the sex tape?"

Before Dan could answer the flight attendant came to remove their trays. Dan cleared his throat. "Uh, what sex tape?" For a busy businessman, he kept up with celebrity news and gossip. He had never heard about any scandal involving a Diane Lane sex tape.

"Well, there is one," she said. "I was in my late 20s and one of my boyfriends persuaded me to let a friend film us having sex. I should have known the bastard wouldn't keep his word about keeping it private. About five years later, just when the Internet got big, there it was."

The flight attendant had refreshed their drinks. Dan took a sip of scotch while Diane took another drink of wine.

"Do want to see it? I have it on my iPhone."

"Uh, well, here on the plane..."

She pulled her phone from her purse along with a pair of ear buds. "Here, use these for the sound. You can lean toward me and keep it hidden so no one else can see. It's only about 2 minutes."

Dan didn't feel like he had a choice.

He put the ear buds in as she handed him her phone and started the video. The first image was Lane on her back on a bed, her legs up and a man fucking her with gusto. Her breasts were rocking back and forth. The man continued to pound away, eventually placing his hands on her breasts. At one point, she raised her head to get a better view of the cock that was pleasuring her. Her squeals indicated her pleasure, which eventually ended with her orgasm. Then, the video cut to her sucking the cock, which then spurted on her face as she again cooed her pleasure.

Dan. He wasn't sure what to say.

"Pretty good money shot, huh?"

He could only nod in agreement.

"Well, I'm certainly not embarrassed. The fact is Dan" -- she leaned closer, so her mouth was just inches from his ear -- "I just love to fuck."

She leaned away and settled in her seat, taking another sip of wine. Dan was trying to process that five-word statement. Of course, he thought, she's a beautiful mature woman who loves sex -- no, loves to FUCK -- and it doesn't matter that she's a well-known actress. He glanced in her direction and saw she had her ear buds on and was apparently listening to music. The captain then announced they were beginning their descent to L.A.


Dan and Diane, who was again wearing her hat and sunglasses, were the first to de-plane. They made small talk as they trekked through the airport to baggage claim. When they arrived at the carousel, Diane was met by a large man. He was about 6-foot-6, with close-cropped blonde hair. He was wearing slacks and a form-fitting polo that displayed his trim, muscular torso and powerful arms.

"Dan, this is Charles; Charles, meet Dan. He was my seatmate in first class and our conversation made for a most pleasant flight." The two men shook hands and Dan felt like his hand disappeared. He was thankful that Charles' grip was only firm, not bone crushing.

"Pleasure to meet you, sir. Miss Lane, I'll get your bag. The car is waiting."

Diane explained that Charles was her bodyguard in L.A. and that he served in the Marines. She asked Dan where he was staying.

"Ritz-Carlton, downtown. It's close to our office and I want to avoid wasting time stuck in traffic."

"That's a great hotel; I stay there myself sometimes when I just want to get away without, you know, having to get away." She excused herself and walked to where Charles was waiting for her bag. They had a brief conversation and then Dan saw Charles pull out his phone.

"There's a suite that I often use when I stay there. Charles is checking to see if it's available. There's no one at my house right now... If you don't have any plans for the weekend, would you be interested in some... company?"

Dan felt a flutter in his stomach as he realized Diane Lane was willing to spend time with him. No, that wasn't right. He was certain she was willing to sleep with him. Wrong. She wanted to FUCK him. And he wanted to fuck her.

Her eyes were locked on his and there was a slight smile on her face. "Miss Lane, allow me to quote from The Princess Bride -- as you wish."

Dan's gallant answer made her laugh. She noticed that Charles had snagged her bag and he was ending the cell phone conversation. He pocketed his phone and gave her a thumbs up.

"Great, my suite's available. C'mon. You just saved yourself cab fare."

Dan had carried on his rolling bag and had a backpack, so he was ready to go. They followed Charles outside and a black SUV pulled up. Bags were stowed, Dan and Diane climbed into the back seat, Charles in the passenger seat and the driver headed for the destination.

A few minutes into the drive, Diane leaned over and placed her hand on Dan's thigh, close enough to his crotch that he almost jumped. His cock, though, did slightly. He had been semi-erect since watching the video on her phone.

"I was dreading spending a boring weekend alone at my house," she said in a low voice that only he could hear. "I'm really glad that fate brought us together as seatmates." Her hand squeezed his thigh and his cock lurched again. He was certain she could see the bulge in his trousers.


When they arrived at the hotel, Charles collected the suite key from the valet stand. He and Diane hopped on the elevator. Dan checked in and a few minutes later was in his room. He sat on the bed and let his mind work through his situation. His weekend plan had been to chill out, maybe get some pool time, maybe play a round of golf. Now, he was... what?... about to have a fling with his favorite actress?

A few minutes later, there was a slight sound from his door, and he noticed an envelope had been slipped under it. He picked it up and opened it. In clear, cursive handwriting, the note said:

Dan: I'm in the Bellaire Suite on the top floor. Come on up when you're ready and we'll have a drink. Let's stay in and order room service. D.

He felt his cock twitch. "Damn," he thought, "this is really happening."

He washed his face and brushed his teeth then headed up to the suite level. Dan knocked on the door and it was soon opened by his new acquaintance. Diane gave him a hug and a quick peck on the cheek. "Welcome. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling relaxed," she said with a smile.

Dan grinned back. "Relaxed" would not have been the description he would have chosen. He was jittery and nervous. She dropped ice into a couple of glasses and poured some whiskey. They clinked glasses. "To the weekend," she said with a grin.

They sat on the couch and made more small talk. Diane was wearing jeans and a sleeveless blouse, her hair was pinned up. Dan was struck by her beauty and felt his heart beating in his chest.

After 15 minutes or so, their drinks were nearly empty. She took his glass and placed both on the coffee table. Without a word, she quickly straddled his hips and their lips met in a hard, deep, passionate kiss. Diane's fingers combed through his hair and Dan's arms encircled her back. She moaned as she ground her crotch on his cock, which was fully erect.

She broke the kiss and leaned back. Dan's fingers reached for the top button of her blouse. Her hands grabbed his wrists and he panicked, thinking he had moved too quickly.

"Rip it open," she hissed. "I want to be taken, ravaged, fucked like a slut."

She dropped her hands from his wrists and his fingers grabbed the top of her blouse and his hands yanked in opposite directions. Buttons popped and fabric ripped. Her bare breasts bounced at the sudden movement. Dan grabbed the back of her blouse, and yanked it down and off her arms.

He put his arms around her back and with an adrenaline rush of strength, lifted himself to his feet. Diane's legs encircled his back and she buried her face in his neck. "Where's the bedroom, bitch?" Dan decided to play the role she had requested. He felt her shiver. "Down the hall on the right," she answered in a barely audible whisper.

Once there, he dumped/tossed her on the bed, her breasts bouncing in a way that only fueled his lust. His fingers worked at the button and zipper on her jeans then his hands tugged them off her hips and yanked them down her legs and off. He rolled her to her stomach and pulled her to her knees. His hands grabbed her lacy panties at each hip then ripped the garment to shreds.

Diane, her face against the covers, moaned. "YESSSS, gawwwwd. Take me."

Dan freed his cock and kneeled behind her. He could make out the slightly spread gash of her pussy, her labia a dark pink and glistening with her juices. Holding his rod at its base, he pushed the thick knob into her opening until it popped past the rubbery ring. Diane purred and wiggled her butt in anticipation.

He lunged against her ass, plunging his cock in to its base.

"AAAHHHGGHHHG, sooooo good. Fuck me with that hard cock."

Dan grabbed her hips for leverage and began to hump like a teenager experiencing his first doggy fuck. Their mutual moans and groans, the squishy sounds made by his cock and her wet pussy along with the slapping of crotch to ass provided a sexy soundtrack.

"This what you... want... hard fuck... my cock filling your pussy..." Dan managed to gasp as his lungs fought for air. It had been months -- years, perhaps -- since he had engaged in a sexual encounter this raw, this primal.

Diane only answered with groans and grunts. Her pussy was throbbing and grasping Dan's hard cock each time it filled her. Her kegel muscles made him feel like a hand was stroking and masturbating his dick.

Diane reached a hand underneath to tease her erect clit bulb. She started making squealing noises; Dan recognized that sound from the sex tape.

As her orgasm crested, she pushed herself up. Dan grabbed her hair where it was pinned up and pulled her head back. He thrust hard and deep and his cock started to twitch as streams of jizz exploded deep inside his partner.

"BAAAAYYYBEEEE YESSSSSSSSSSSSS. Cummmmming. Fill me with your hot cream."

Dan's back arched and his ass cheeks clenched at the sensation of his cock spasming inside Diane's velvety tunnel. A shiver ran from the back of his neck down his spine to his balls.

Diane collapsed forward and Dan's cock disengaged with a large plop. It pulsed a few times, final small spurts producing jism that landed on her ass.

Dan moved to his left and flopped on his back near Diane. They were both breathing heavily as they recovered from the fuck session. Dan had his eyes closed but sensed Diane's movement as she rose on one elbow and leaned over him, her lips closing on his. Their kiss was deep and languid, tongues lapping.

She broke the kiss and their eyes met. "Mister," she said. "Thank you for such a lovely and satisfying... fuck." Her hand lightly played with his chest hair as she cuddled her head on his shoulder.

"Honestly, I can't remember the last time I had that type of passionate sex," he said. "Your request to be... taken... I guess there's a primal urge like that in our DNA. I've never been that rough with a woman."

"But you liked it," she said, her finger lightly rubbing one of his nipples.

"Fuck yes. You said that's what you wanted. I sort of had an out-of-body experience... Your clothes that got ripped...

"Shhhhh," she put a finger to his lips. "Not worth worrying about. It was well worth the thrill of you going cave man on me."

He chuckled. "Me Tarzan, you Jane."

"Oooooh, yes," she giggled, her hand moving down to stroke his flaccid cock. "When I was a little girl, those old Tarzan movies always made me tingle. I always wanted to play a sexy Jane in a movie."

"I'd watch it... and probably jack off." His cock jerked from the vision in his brain and her hand lightly teasing.

"Slow down, stud. Let's take a quick shower and order room service. We've got all night."


After Diane ordered room service, she led Dan into the walk-in shower. The hot spray, the scented soap and their active hands was a sensuous follow up to their primal love making. Dan took his time soaping and fondling Diane's breasts, and she lovingly stroked his lathered cock and balls. They rinsed off and embraced, locking in a long, tongue-probing kiss.

"Mmmmm, lover," she said when they ended their kiss and she put her cheek on his chest. "I can't wait to get back in bed with you. But I'm famished."

The meal was 5-star, complimented by a bottle of wine. They ate while wearing the fluffy robes provided by the hotel. Diane had towel-dried her hair, leaving it wild and uncombed or styled. Dan liked how it looked.

The conversation during dinner proceeded like they were old friends. Current events, entertainment, politics were discussed with intelligence and wit. As they shared a slice of scrumptious New York cheesecake with some decaf coffee, Dan realized it had been a long time since he had felt so relaxed and satisfied.

There was a rare silence as they looked at each other across the table. Diane sipped from her coffee, her eyes staring at Dan just over the rim. "Well, I say we get in bed."

They walked to the bedroom. Diane shrugged her robe off so it puddled on the floor. She laid down in the middle of the bed, her head on a pillow. She reached her arm out. "I want us to take our time. Earlier it was just hard, fucking sex. I want us to make love."

Dan's cock was rock hard and he removed his robe and laid down beside her. They turned to each other, their mouths meeting in a soft kiss that gradually increased in intensity. Diane hooked her leg over Dan's thigh, and he could feel her mound against his skin.

She broke the kiss but then began a kissing attack. Her soft lips and the tip of her tongue traveled over his cheeks, his forehead, his neck, his ears. The tip of his hard cock was against her stomach, leaking precum.