Many Conversations


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Still looking at Dr. Adams and waiting for her response, I continued to disregard them both, then the shithead Rittenhouse interrupted, "excuse me Mr. Michaels, you really need to listen to what your wife has to say."

I didn't react to him and I repeated my question to Toni, "I really want to hear about your children?" Not only was the room silent, but everyone seemed frozen in place. Then Rittenhouse made an almost fatal mistake. He put his hand on my shoulder and tried to pull me in his direction.

Toni knew instantly what was going to happen so trying to avoid disaster, she asked in a loud voice, "Kyle, why don't you go home with me instead of her? You won't be sorry."

Kyle removed his hand from my shoulder and asked politely, "Do we know each other madam?"

At that moment I saw an expression of utter dejection on Toni's face. She had sacrificed her family and dignity to someone who didn't even remember her.

"Jim, please turn around and look at me?" My wife implored. I couldn't decide if she was exasperated or aggravated.

At that point, Dr. Adams composed herself, and found her voice again. "No, there's little he needs to hear from either of you two. But you, 'Mrs. Michaels', need to hear what I have to say."

"Six years ago, at this very same event, Rittenhouse here singled me out. He cooed about how nice I looked, how well put together my outfit was, how sexy I was, and continued the flattery, until he proposed that I spend the weekend with him, and he'd show me pleasures I couldn't even imagine without experiencing them. But I don't need to tell you this, because you just experienced it yourself. I assure you, he was as good as his word, that weekend was so full of erotic pleasure that I still shudder when I think about it. He likely also told you that your husband would be upset, but would forgive you ...."

"Wait, wait, ... Antonia?" Rittenhouse interrupted. "Yes, it is you. You went by Antonia back then, and your hair was, I don't know, poofier, and blond. And what's this about your 'husband'? Oh, oh, my God. You said you were widowed. You told me you needed to tell your 'brother', who brought you here, that you were going home with me so he didn't need to drive you home. I wondered why he looked so furious when you told him that -- he wasn't your brother, he was your husband."

"Jesus, woman," Rittenhouse continued, the anguish clearly visible on his face. "Sure, I'm a playboy, but I'm not a home wrecker. Too complicated and messy. Had I known you were married, I would have moved on in a heartbeat." Toni looked at him like a deer mesmerized by headlights.

"Not a homewrecker, huh? Then why are you flirting with my wife?" I asked.

"Jim, I, ...." Rittenhouse stammered.

"I got this, Kyle," Jill interrupted. "Jim, this is Kyle Rittenhouse. He and I were discussing that thing we've been talking about. I know we agreed to try it with a woman first, but we haven't found one yet, and Kyle here is interested. He invited you and me to spend the weekend at his mansion. Why don't you two talk for a bit, and see if you're okay with him for our first time trying this. And babe, if you're not comfortable with it, just say so, and that's fine, we'll keep looking."

Kyle held out his hand, and we shook hands as he spoke. "Jim, I'm Kyle. It's a pleasure to meet you. Your wife is lovely, and speaks glowingly about you. ...."

While Kyle and I got to know each other, discussed expectations and ground rules, Jill steered Tori aside from the two of us. I overheard her starting with "Antonia, it sounds like you made some bad life choices. The first thing to know is that honesty and openness are critical, ...."

After several minutes, Jill looked over at us, caught my eye, and I gave her a thumbs up signal. Both she and Kyle smiled, and then the three of us made our excuses and left the affair. Jill and I (in our car) followed Kyle to his mansion, and had the first of many memorable weekends expanding our sexual horizons.

- - - - -

Tori as an unreliable source, bet you didn't see that coming.One more, and this is the one that I think most people will like the most, even if it's a bit less exciting than the last ones.

- - - - -

From behind me came, "Jim, honey, I want you to meet someone." Her voice was cracking as she said it. I guess shitting all over a 25 year marriage is stressful.

I didn't even turn around, I ignored her completely. I asked a shocked Dr. Adams to tell me about her children. Her mouth dropped open. She tried to recover and speak, but only emitted a couple of squeaks.

Then I felt Jill snake her arm around my waist, turn my head towards her, and plant a deep, passionate kiss on my lips. After a few moments, she broke off the kiss and spoke.

"As I was saying, Jim, I want you to meet someone. This is Kyle Rittenhouse. His father's company is dissatisfied with their current logistics providers. He promised me that he'd pass CorCom down the chain to the people making the decision." She reached into her generous bosom, extracted a business card, and handed it to me. "Here's his card. Give him a call Monday, and your sales people can get in touch with his decision makers. I think it will be a great fit for both of your firms."

She then reached her free hand out to shake Rittenhouse's hand. "Thanks, Kyle, it was a pleasure meeting you, and I'm sure CorCom can handle all your logistics issues to your satisfaction. Now, honey, if you don't mind, could you take me home?"

One glance at Rittenhouse made it plain that he knew he had been played. With the number of people watching the exchange, it was clear that he'd have to follow through on his part of the deal.

"Nice meeting you, Kyle, and I look forward to a long and productive relationship between our companies. Good night. And good night, Dr. Black, nice talking with you too."

As soon as we were in the car on the way home, I asked Jill, "What was that about? It looked like the two of you were lovers, not discussing a business deal."

"Oh, Kyle certainly was trying to get into my panties. I would have blown him off almost immediately if he hadn't talked about the logistics issues. So he tried to seduce me, and I made sure that he didn't, and got you a lead for potentially a lot of business."

"He did get a passionate kiss out of you."

"That was what sealed it. He promised that he'd throw the logistics contract your way if I gave him a kiss, a real kiss. Now I just worry that he won't follow through. I tried to make his admission as public as I could, but he still might have been blowing smoke. I mean, he might not even work for his dad's company, I don't know. But maybe something will come of it."

"It was pretty steamy, got me rather riled up."

"What, were you jealous?"

"Well, I, ...."

"James Michaels, frankly I'm a bit miffed at you for that. What do you think, I'm some wet behind the ears freshman who would dump her boyfriend because the BMOC handsome all-state quarterback asked her out on a date? Seriously?"

"Well, no, but that Dr. Black was telling me, or rather, I had to wring out of her, that Rittenhouse approached her at this event some years ago; she had a weekend fling with him, best sex of her life, but then her husband divorced her, and her life sucked ever since. She practically narrated the scene you played out with Rittenhouse."

"Well, maybe Dr. Black was enough of a sucker to fall for Kyle's attention, but I'm worldly enough to know when a man is trying to seduce me, and quite capable of behaving appropriately in the face of it. He was good, though. I'm quite aroused now."

"So you did let him get you turned on?"

"Sure, it was part of the game. He stuck his card in my decolletage and told me that I should call him if I wanted to see more of him. When I gave it to you, he knew he had lost. And now that I'm all worked up, I know just the man to take it out on."

"I don't know if I like it that you'll jump my bones because some other guy got you aroused."

"Jim, grow up. He tried to seduce me, and frankly, the fact that he was trying was sexier to me than what he did or said. I let him precisely because I knew exactly where all the passion he was stoking in me would go, that you and I would reap the benefits from it."

"Well, with what I saw, and what Tori, um, Dr. Black, was telling me, it didn't look good. I mean, she said it was the best sex of her life."

"Do you know what I think the best sex of my life is?"

"Umm, maybe that time, ...."

"The best sex of my life, Jim, is the next time I have sex with you. So just forget about your jealousy. We've been together more than half our lives. We raised our kids together, together we got through my losing everyone I grew up with. Our souls are bonded together with chains forged of the strongest steel. Some slick operator like Rittenhouse might be able to get some women charmed enough to break their marriage vows, but I ain't one of them. You never have to worry about that, ever. You hear me?"

We pulled into the garage, and I cut the engine and we took off our seatbelts in preparation of exiting the car. "Stop, sit there for a moment," Jill said. She leaned over, unzipped my fly, and got an immediate start on relieving both of our sexual tensions.

- - - - -

Well, that's all I got, and I think this is a good place to end.There's probably other variants that could be written, but this seems like more than enough from me.Hope you liked them.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Nah it should go something like "Kyle, two things. First, take your hands off of my wife and second, if you don't wipe that stupid ass smirk off your face I will." Then Jim knocks the pretty off his face with the heel of his hand.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

My favorite is if Kyle puts his hand on the guy to turn him after the public spectacle would be a very hard right heel of the hand to the nose. A good chance that ends it all for him

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

gave it 4 cuz, personally, i thought the 3rd sucked. To each their own,. That said, nice tales, well written and paced. Thank you for you time and talent. DMW

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

#1 was the best, and most faithful to the original characters.


#2 was awful because it introduced a fact — Jim having cheated previously — that was nowhere even hinted at in the original. Thus, it completely changed the storyline.


#3 was OK, but boring.


#4 was rather silly. Again, it presupposed something not hinted at in the original, and thus really was not a faithful sequel.


3 ***

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Don't mess with Kyle Rittenhouse. Better yet, don't be an idiot and use real people's names in your sh*tty stories, especially if they're a Based Chad like the RL Kyle Rittenhouse.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I liked the 1st one the best. While the author can take a story where he/she wants to, if writing a sequel, at least make it somewhat following the original. However, the part with the business propersition is terrible; the idea of the 3-some is even worse. Nowhere is that even suggested.

---Having said that, in none of the parts (& I'm disappointed in that) does Kyle get any retribution. At all. Also annoying- doctor, for all her hurt, says that she'd return to the scumbag in a moment's time. I also don't like that her husband's talked into not disrupting their dance. When security comes to stop him, he just has to yell at his wife if he leaves without her, she's gone. Or to security (of course, his phone's recording) that they're implicit on Kyle seducing his wife & breaking up their marriage. But that he suffered nothing in any form is not acceptable to me.

--- Sorry, but all I can give this, at most, is 3 stars. Bob

AkSh4BloOdAkSh4BloOdover 1 year ago


A disaster.

If you can change the caption then Add there-"not worth the time".

kirei8kirei8over 1 year ago

Nah, I'm a troll and will not be satisfied until a sequel is written where Kyle suffers a painful and long lasting death for his evil actions and Jill, after suffering estrangement from her family for five years, finally commits suicide for her callous premeditated actions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yeah, yeah, yeah but the douchebag lothario still hasn't gotten holy hell rained down on him.. All this story did was find some justification for his actions and make him out to be a decent guy which he isn't.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Interesting exercise and being a cuckold, I wish the Riders on this website would actually mix a little reality with their feverish fantasies. As a retired Leo with 29 years Street Experience, all the husband would have had to do to stop the situation at the gala event would be screaming out very loudly, help help this man is going to rape my wife I've been told he's going to try to rape my wife. I guarantee you as soon as the word rape is uttered and the husband pulls out his cell phone and says I'm down in 911 right now, I guarantee you the night is over for the scumbag doctor. I've actually seen this maneuver work excellently on several occasions at crowded parties or get togethers at fancy hotels. As for the Kyle ritten houses of the world, for all you real men out there who don't put up with this b*******, I guarantee you a guy like that always gets his do. My last 7 years on the job I was in Robbery Homicide, and I didn't work very hard on the last three cases since they were scumbags like the character portrayed in this story.

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