Marriage and Fulfilment

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Man wants to marry girl, others have different plans for her.
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Life had never been better. I had just moved to a new city, landed a high-paying job with a prestigious firm of designers, found myself a plush apartment, and bought myself a sports car.

The people I worked with were all friendly and considerate, and the atmosphere was terrific. I had a great cabin with a superb view, with just one other table - waiting to be allotted to a new hire like myself.

I had worked for a few years after my graduation, and this was my third job. I had several casual relationships, but never a long-term one. However, I made friends with women quite easily, and many allowed me to have my way with them.

I reckoned the time had now come to settle down and find a mate, perhaps even raise a family in the next few years. There were quite a few pretty and intelligent girls at work, but it seemed wiser to seek one from the world outside.

Then, one day, a vision simply walked into my cabin, and all my long-term plans turned topsy-turvy in a flash. The vision spoke, and introduced herself as my new cabin-mate, Nicole.

Nicole was easily the most stunning woman I had ever seen, with a rare aplomb and charm. I knew immediately that this was the woman I wanted in my life. She also happened to be a very shapely, though small, brunette.

She was very intelligent and friendly, and we hit it off immediately. However, I was not the only one at work who had noticed her arrival. There was a stream of visitors, both male and female, who walked into our cabin under some pretext of work, and then tried to get her to go out with them. Fortunately, she turned them all down, despite being single.

I was going to ask her out too, but dropped the idea for fear of meeting the same fate as the others. So, I maintained my dealings with her as a friendly colleague would, waiting for the right moment. Meanwhile, the stream of her would-be suitors also trickled to a halt.

This turned out to be the right ploy, and I got lucky sooner than expected. We had hardly worked together for a couple of weeks, when our boss announced that he was sending us out of town together for an assignment with a very important client.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that Nicole looked quite happy at the prospect of a three-day trip with me. We were to leave the following day, and spent the rest of the afternoon making plans eagerly.

The client was none other than Dr. Flemming, descended from European nobility, with a wife from a royal family. He was the head of an industrial empire, ranging from electronic goods to hotels. We were to help make one of his mansions "intelligent", using electronic equipment made by one of his many companies.

He had been unusually considerate in sending us first-class tickets, and arranging a limousine at the airport to take us to our hotel. We were to land in the evening, and start work the next day. I planned to make the most of our very first evening together, and had already identified the best restaurants in town.

The flight together was a dream come true. It was a three-hour trip, and after a couple of glasses of wine, we both declared much admiration for each other. We had started making body contact by the time we finished our third drink. She pressed her legs against mine, and her breast into my arm, and I was in seventh heaven.

We even exchanged quick kisses, limited by the freedom offered on a flight. The thought of joining the mile-high club crossed my mind, but I desisted. I wanted to marry Nicole, and it was too early for such adventures.

We arrived at our destination, very excited, and we walked hand-in-hand. A limousine, far fancier than what I expected, awaited us. The liveried driver served us vintage champagne once we were seated, and declared that Dr. Flemming was looking forward to meeting us.

This came as a total surprise, as we had not expected to meet the mogul himself. It was also apparent that we were not going to a hotel, putting an end to my plans of a romantic dinner with Nicole.

I managed to console myself that we still had two more evenings to ourselves before we returned home. And in any case, we had already established a bond, which could be developed further once back.

We arrived at a huge mansion with sprawling grounds, and Dr. Flemming himself greeted us as though we were long-lost friends. He regretted that Lady Flemming could not be with us, as she was on a skiing holiday in Austria with their two teenage children.

He explained that this was the mansion we were to redesign, and he was here in person as this was his pet project. We were to stay in the mansion, naturally.

The evening started with just the three of us at a table sharing a 20-year Montrachet, one of the finest white wines around. It was accompanied by some delectable hors d'oeuvres.

I was finally starting to enjoy myself, as were Nicole and the good doctor. More fabulous wines accompanied the dinner, and we were all rather exhilarated.

Dinner ended, and we were having cognacs when Dr. Flemming's personal secretary, Jodie, joined us. She was a curvy brunette, not petite like Nicole. Her arrival gave our host the opportunity to dedicate his entire attention to Nicole, leaving his secretary and me to indulge in light banter.

Dr. Flemming looked at his watch and announced that Jodie would take me for a round of the observation deck where the mansion overlooked the sea, and then show me to my residence in the Sapphire Room.

Meanwhile, Dr. Flemming would take Nicole to see his collection of stradivarii. This seemed quite logical, as she had mentioned that she had been a violinist in an orchestra.

This was obviously another disappointment, even though I had already given up hopes of spending quality time with Nicole in the mansion. Jodie was attractive, but very businesslike, and showed no inclination to flirt.

I was in my room soon enough. It was fabulously furnished, and had a well-stocked bar. The room had a massive flat panel monitor, manufactured by one of our host's companies. I was in no mood to watch television, and so helped myself to a nightcap.

I reasoned with myself that though the evening did not follow the script that I had imagined, it was still quite an experience, and I had already connected with Nicole on the flight.

My thoughts were interrupted midway through my drink by the monitor turning itself on. The picture on the screen was no television program, but that of a large, ornate room - presumably in the mansion - but with no one inside.

It did not remain unpopulated for long. The door opened, Nicole and Dr. Flemming walked in, with their arms around each other's waists. They shut the door, and started embracing and kissing passionately.

I was bewildered. The live transmission on the wall-sized screen was clearly intended for me. This could not have been done unless arranged by Dr. Flemming. It was unlikely that Nicole was aware that she was being watched.

My own reaction shocked me even more. The natural feelings of betrayal and jealousy were soon forgotten, and I realised that I had never been so aroused in my life.

Their kissing intensified, and they grabbed each other's behinds so that they could grind their genitals into each other better. They then began to strip one another, and were stark naked within seconds.

Nicole revealed medium-sized, pear-shaped breasts, topped by unusually long nipples sticking out erect. She had the legs of a ballet dancer, joined at the top in a bush from which the lips of her sex just showed.

Dr. Flemming sported an enormous monster which was throbbing in all its glory, as he absorbed the sight of this beautiful woman in front of him. His hands went to her breasts, but she brushed them aside, and and went down on her knees to attend to his erection.

She tickled the sensitive opening with her tongue, and then started sucking on the segment that she was able to accommodate in her little mouth. There were no sounds to be heard, as the audio had been turned off.

He removed himself from Nicole's face shortly, and started sucking her irresistible nipples. He had his fill, then picked her up easily and placed her on her back on a chaise-lounge. She wasted no time parting her legs for him, which was no surprise as her pussy was soaking wet.

The camera, as it happened, was pointing precisely at her sex, and captured in great detail its union with Dr. Flemming's massive member. It slid into very easily despite its enormous size. She must have been really hungry for him.

And what a union it was. He was now fully implanted in her, their tongues were intertwined, and her hands clutched onto her lover's buttocks, egging him to pump into her harder. He could not hold back very much longer, and ejaculated forcefully into Nicole. They lay together, panting, as some of his semen slowly trickled out of her slightly puffed-up vaginal lips.

They recovered after a few minutes, sat together at a table and had a drink. He then led her tenderly to the bed, ready to fuck once again. She was the aggressor this time, pushing him onto his back and then feeding his manhood into herself slowly. She was very athletic, and rode him tirelessly at a frantic pace. They both came at the same time, and she collapsed in his arms and fell asleep.

I had no choice but to relieve myself several times with my hand during this spectacle, and I was just as spent as they were.

The second day brought in further disappointment. I was kept away from Nicole all day, assigned to a group of Dr. Flemming's engineers. Nicole, I was told, was with another group. I thought of calling or messaging her during the day, but desisted, not knowing what I would say. I did not hear from her either.

The evening was different from the first one. They had arranged some great entertainment for me, including a golf lesson from one of the world's best professionals. I dined with some of the people I had worked with during the day, but there was no sign of Nicole or Dr. Flemming.

Once again, Jodie dropped in towards the end of the dinner, and explained that like me, Nicole was dining with her own group. Dr. Flemming was occupied elsewhere. I asked her about the large monitor in my room, and she stated proudly that they made the best high-definition 3D video conferencing equipment in the world, and most rooms in the mansion were connected with each other and the world outside.

I returned to my room at night, wondering if the monitor would come on by itself again. It was almost midnight, and I decided to sleep as nothing was happening. I was fast asleep when an alarm went off in the room, and the screen came to life once again.

The scene that greeted me filled me with dismay mixed with extreme arousal. Nicole was on her knees, forcing her tongue into Dr. Flemming's anus, while she fondled his genitals with her hands. I had never thought that such a demure girl was capable of such wanton acts.

She then got up and lay on her stomach, while Dr. Flemming lubricated her anus with some oil from a bottle. He inserted and turned his finger inside to loosen it up, before guiding his much larger organ slowly into her. She did not appear to be in any pain, and was bucking up and down deliriously, while fingering her own clitoris. He managed to enter her fully within a minute, and did not take long to erupt inside the smaller orifice, even as she thrashed around wildly.

They eventually got up and started discussing something, before smiling at each other in agreement. He spoke briefly on his phone, and was opening the door a minute later. However, the monitor was switched off abruptly, preventing me from seeing what they did next, and with whom. I was left completely frustrated.

I felt quite gloomy on the third and final day, as the previous day's routine repeated itself once again - with no sight of Nicole at all. She and I were to fly back the next morning, and I had not seen her since the evening of our arrival - except through the monitor.

There was some good news of sorts though, as I was told that Dr. Flemming had flown out of the country on work. He had left a message personally thanking us for everything.

However, there was no evening reunion with Nicole either, as we dined in different locations. And I returned to my room before sunset, as we were to leave early next morning.

It was now time to reflect upon these unexpected events : did I still want Nicole as a wife? After some deliberation, I decided I did. After all, she was not my girlfriend, and therefore could not be accused of being unfaithful. We had not even expressed any love for each other, and I could hardly blame her for falling to the charms of a suave billionaire.

Besides, she did not know that I was aware of what transpired between her and Dr. Flemming, and I could keep it that way unless she decided to tell me about it. There was no danger of him competing for Nicole's hand, as he already had a family, and was much too sophisticated to do anything rash.

I was thus in a calm and clear state of mind despite the events of the previous two days, when the screen came on by itself again, just when I least expected it.

It was now looking into a spa, where Nicole lay unclothed on her stomach, with only a small towel covering her buttocks. She was being massaged by Jodie. There were also two massively constructed hulks - one white and one black - in a jacuzzi just a few feet away. They appeared to be wearing nothing, but I could not tell for sure. They were both watching the girls intently.

The massage was innocuous enough. Jodie made no attempt to uncover Nicole any more than she already was, and did not move her hands anywhere near her sensitive parts.

After a while, the two men got out of the jacuzzi. They were indeed naked, and allowed the girls enough time to see their equipment, before covering themselves with towels. Dr. Flemming would have finished a distant third to these two, when it came to the size of their hoses.

They walked up to the girls and began to chat with them. There were smiles all around, as Jodie picked up her things and left the room. With no audio I could not really tell what transpired between the four.

The two men continued where Jodie had left off, with the white one massaging her back, and the black man her ankles and her feet. The white man positioned himself a minute later, bringing his pelvis directly in front of Nicole's face. The black man removed her towel, and started squeezing her exquisitely curved derriere.

The camera was pointing at Nicole's face. She smiled at the white man, and pulled his towel off in an act of complete depravity. The black man took off his towel too.

What followed next was shameless lust on Nicole's part, with no hint of seduction or foreplay. She started sucking at the end of the white man's penis, even as the black stallion raised her hips and penetrated her sex from behind.

Just then, my door opened, and Jodie walked in to catch me playing with myself. I turned red, but she smiled sympathetically, and said she understood my plight. She would tend to my pulsating problem with her hands, but regretted that there could be no kissing or touching between us, as she was married. She also turned down my plea to take her clothes off.

It would be nothing more than a hand job, something she sometimes did even for Dr. Flemming, when they were travelling and he needed relief. But she never went further than that with him or anyone else, other than her husband.

I had barely taken in these new developments, when another one hit me like a ton of bricks. Nicole looked at the camera and appeared to smile and wink directly at me. Jodie explained that she was able to see us, just as we were able to see the three of them.

I watched the proceedings haplessly, while Jodie's expert hands had me ejaculating several times. Nicole and the two behemoths settled into a sandwich, with one of them pounding her pussy, and the other taking her anally. They switched places often during this carnal game, while Nicole orgasmed almost continuously, with her face registering total ecstasy.

Next morning, the drive to the airport was awkward, with Nicole and I remaining silent after an initial greeting. Even if we had something to say, it would have been difficult, as the chauffeur might have been able to hear us. Nicole was glowing.

We started talking gradually after we took off, in the relative privacy of first class. She said that she too was looking forward to spending the three evenings with me, until other events took over. She added that Dr. Flemming had been a perfect gentleman, and did not make any move on her until he was sure that she and I were not a couple.

The affair at the mansion was a sexual adventure of the sort she could only dream of, so she decided to go ahead and immerse herself into it fully. Dr. Flemming had taken her consent to broadcast the proceedings to my room, so that I could have some fun too.

I asked her why they cut off the video feed after their anal tryst on the second day, and who had joined them in the room. She smiled wryly and said that what they did then was much too kinky to relate, and refused to elaborate any further.

The two Goliaths who serviced her were Lady Flemming's trainers, and were at her beck and call whenever she wanted them for any purpose. The Flemmings had perfected hedonism to an art form.

I pondered over her words, and realised that I too had a good time watching her, as also when Jodie provided some relief (though all this was not half as intense as what Nicole got). Still, I was more than satisfied with her explanation, and she was after all free to do what she wanted, being an independent woman.

She did not remain an independent woman for very long though, as we started living together a few days later, and got married in three months. We even invited Dr. Flemming to our marriage. He was unable to make it, but presented us with a Porsche, and booked us into a fabulous resort for our honeymoon. He was indeed a wonderful gentleman, and I could not hold any grudge against him.

The resort he booked us at was an exclusive one for the ultra-rich, and was owned by one of his companies. He said he specially picked this one, as they had implemented some of our designs here.

We were getting ready to celebrate the first night of our honeymoon, when there was a gentle knock at the door. A lady from the hotel said that they had a special surprise for us, and could Nicole come with them for a short while. We agreed, and she went off in a golf cart with the lady.

I poured myself a drink, waiting for Nicole to return, when I noticed that there was a similar monitor in this room too. This observation had barely crossed my mind, when the screen lit up.

Nicole was inside a similar room as ours, looking expectantly at the door. It opened shortly and Dr. Flemming walked in. They started kissing ferociously like two lovers meeting after a long separation. She unzipped his trousers, pulled out his manhood, and began pulling its skin up and down. She now looked at me and smiled, as the object in her hand expanded rapidly.

He removed her skirt, and drove his rod into her where they stood. She turned her attention away from me, and locked her mouth into Dr. Flemming's, as the two were lost in each other while they copulated feverishly.

And even this time, I hardly felt any pain, only a sense of pure excitement. It then hit me that the changed circumstances of our relationship made no difference to my reaction, to what was now a familiar scene.

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iammweaseliammweaselover 1 year ago

You are one seriously repressed homosexual, who has more of a desire to suck a cock than fuck a pussy.

You literally make other cucks feel almost straight and manly.

Is nakedcraving your adopted kid because you couldnt have a child the way most people do, as it would require you inserting your wee wee in a vagina...and clearly trhats an icky proposition for you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

useless dog scum

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Another low life doormat scum.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
you so love the site that...

you don't include your username, 'anonymous'

Bzzzzt.... you have no respect for the author, or ths site, or considering you're trolling on an adult erotica website flaming stories and suggesting people die or kill themselves, obviously yourself!

pilbeam, not 1% of the people reading here will ever write a story, much less nut up and submit. So F the haters and keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
literotica please remove this story.....

this story is so unrealistic that it sucks so please remove this story from this site or else i my lose my respect for this 1 site that i love so much.

thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Far too stupid to live

I am not talking about the author as that is a given but about the billionaire that has unprotected sex with some slut he just met and cums in her pussy putting himself at risk of std's as well as risking pregnancy. He also allows an outsider who he has also just met acess to video of himself and said slut fucking what's to stop the cuck from taking out his phone taping the action and posting it on any number of websites or news sites as I'm sure that news agencies would love this story.

Please let this be your first and last story as it was total crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
At least it was well written.

It was well written. I just didn't care for the story line. I think it is unfair to have cuckolds and unknown (but revealed) infidelity in the same category. It confuses readers. The title told me something different from what I ended up reading. And while I recognize that is site is all about fantasy there has to be SOME plausibility in the storyline.

rcrmonte3rcrmonte3over 11 years ago
He really fits the name...

El Stupido Dumb Dumb

What man in his right mind would marry a slut like that. Hmmm, maybe he wasn't in his right mind. He sure had his head up his ass.

This is sooo stupid that I have to give it -10*

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago
Sick Tale

He actually married her? Damn

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Yeah, pretty crappy story.

Low scores tell the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Excellent score 1.91 stars out a possible 5 stars. I know the scoring system on this site is stupid but it does appear that most of the 9460 people have so far rated this story well below average. I am sure all the wife watchers and swingers and cucks just got their rocks off and couldn't vote because they were too busy watching their wife get fucked and jerking off.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
To Nasty Critics

Did someone drop you on your head when you were little? Regardless of whether this belongs in LW's.Fetish or in the toilet the story made no sense.Hey critics, one question. How many people let their wives get fucked by another man on their honeymoon? I would guess the answer to this would be none. Unless of courrse the hubby had an issue. This was just plain stupid. Why would they possibly be married? What's the point? Doesnt matter where you put this its just plain silly.BTW not very erotic either.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
The score

The score tells the story. The people have spoken. Fuck the anonymouse twit who can't deal with the rejection of the mentality projected in this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Don't buy into nasty "critics"

Good job. Nice story. Thank you for taking the time to write it. Keep writing!

There. I have said what really should have been said about this story. It is a good story, well written. Your 2 flaws are putting it in the coveted LW section (get over it, the ignorant people who criticize a story because they don't like it invading their sense of what LW should contain are truly horrible people and then not warning them that the contents might insult their tiny little egos--sometimes it seems to work, but not always.

Now, to them. What the fuck is wrong with you people. LW is a perfectly acceptable section for this genre. Perhaps it's only that you are seeking a story to soothe your lonesome life. No wonder you haven't touched a woman since Nixon was in office. What woman would want to be around auch nasty, sarcastic people? Get a life. Did your mother not love you? Perhaps she should have read more to you. See if you remember this one, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Yes, Thumper's mother in Bambi. Read it instead of Lit. stories. Learn a lesson.

Does that mean you should only say syrupy sweet things? No, of course not. If you have some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, write that, ESPECIALLY with a new author.

Pilbeam, I thought your story was great. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

What a trash, nonsensical tale! I clicked a 1, as there are no negatives available-and it returned a 5. Go figure?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
It figures Matt M and MattblackUK

would praise something like this,considering that both put out the same trash. As one comment pointed out, the good writers put out very few stories, but the ones they do are worth reading. The loving wives category has been taken over by the wimp ass cuckold writers, who refuse to put their trash in "fetish". Only thing one can do is leave nasty remarks and a resounding 1* for a score, but then that doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent for these scum bags.

ErotonautErotonautover 11 years ago
"the changed circumstances of our relationship"

What relationship? Okay, she had sex with other guys before he bothered to make his desires clear, but marriage should have wiped the slate clean. However, she chooses to cheat - and rub her new spouse's nose in that infidelity - at the very first opportunity. And he's excited by this? Sorry, but I find this nonsensical.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 11 years ago
I was OK with this one until the cuck honeymoon

Author asked for specific feedback. Plot: My comment is that this site is FULL of cuckold stories and it is really tiring to find yet another. One comment suggested posting in Fetish - I agree. I had no problem with the business trip part of the story, but after they get married, what good is the marriage if she runs right back to the lover, especially on the honeymoon? I'd go home and get the marriage annulled. Should have left off the last five paragraphs of the story and it would have been OK. Writing: OK but could use better character development.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

HE marries the whore and lets her continue her fucking ways and thinks it cool.. where are the normal writers. this was pure trash.

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