Married Mature Woman's First BBC

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Mature Extra-Marital Interracial Sex.
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A little about myself...I'm a 60 year old Mom and Grandmother, three kiddos and three Grandsons! Happily Married for the past 38 years! I'm in pretty good shape for my age...5' 3", 130 pounds, 36D's that don't sag a lot...kind of a big ass tho...not my best asset, but later found out that it is actually a benefit when seducing Black guys...little did I know back then! LOL

I've never cheated on my Husband before the "Seduction", nor has he cheated on me...we're both old fashioned and believed in our Marriage Vows.

As we got older (me at 48, Hubby at 50) and with the Kiddos moved out and married, my Husband brought up the subject of possibly inviting another Man into our bed...I was shocked, to say the least...I truly thought that we have had a great sex life up to this point and saw no reason for him bringing this subject up, except as a pretext to enable him to "get some on the side" and I accused him of such. He assured me that this was not the case, that he thought that after all these years of being a "Good Girl", that I should reward myself by bedding a strange Man...he re-assured me that our sex life was the cat's meow, but with the Kids gone and me rambling around an empty house during the day I should take advantage of all that free time and pursue an interest that would keep me busy while having fun at the same time. He saw it as a harmless hobby that maybe he could participate in as well.

After he said that, it dawned on me that he wanted to try a three-some...wanting to tag-team me with another Man...I honestly didn't want any part of that...after all...Marriage Vows! I couldn't have been more wrong, tho!

Still perplexed by his suggestion and after I had questioned him more on his motive to have me do this, he finally admitted his true seems he had grown a fetish of wanting to watch me have sex with another our Marriage Bed, to boot!

Now, by this time, I was getting pretty steamed, thinking we had the perfect Marriage and what-not and now he brings up this nonsense!?! got even turned out that his desire to see me fucked by someone else was even stranger...he told me that he wanted to see a Black guy take me...for me to surrender my pussy to a Black Stranger whole-heartedly and with no hesitation! We have lived in Texas our whole lives, except for when he was stationed out of state back when he was in the Marines after we first got married....that was something that just wasn't done...especially back in the's different nowadays, I know...but I was still shocked!

To say I was flabbergasted would be an understatement...I sat there, my jaw almost hitting the table with disbelief as he described how he had started watching porn while working out of town, (He works out of town during the week, only coming home on the weekends) and had really latched onto watching Interracial porn and that it really turned him on...I carefully asked if it consisted of watching Black women having liaisons with white men as well and he shook me by telling me that he preferred watching Black guys with white women...and his favorites were ones where young Black studs seduced and bedded Mature white women like me...he told me that he didn't watch any with Blonde women...only Brunettes like me.

Now, inwardly, I was intrigued...but I continued to question his reasoning...and his Loyalty to me! Why now? And why would he wish me to give up something we had lovingly shared throughout our Marriage...namely, Fidelity!

His reasoning was him, at least. He countered with the reason he was wanting to do this aside from HIS gratification was that after being monogamous all our Married life, he thought I deserved to be pampered...if you consider bringing a strange Cock to my bed being pampered...which I didn' the time...

He carried on about it for awhile... I truly don't remember all he said as he tried to reason with me...quite frankly, my mind was in a fog and I was torn between the excitement of fucking another Man and on the other hand, mad as Hell that he would even bring something like that up!

We ended the conversation with me being a hard NO...but he just wouldn't give it up...over the next few weeks, he would randomly bring the subject back up, hoping to soften my resolve. I must admit, that during that period, I DID start thinking along those lines myself, but still brought up several arguments against the idea, while also thinking to myself that maybe I DID deserve this, that maybe it wouldn't be so bad...especially since he was so amenable to it and adamant that we at least try...

So...I started throwing certain scenarios at him during our many discussions on this matter, hoping to trip him know, see what would really get his blood boiling and perhaps causing him to back off on this pipe dream of his.

Alas, since I has shown small signs of relenting, he was steadfast in his eagerness to put his plan in action and would not be steered clear of it...some of that West Texas bull-doggedness that he still possesses...since it seemed to him that I had softened up just a bit...enough so that he thought it was all downhill from that point...he had a Plan that he wouldn't be deterred from, the only hump left was finding the right Black Lover for me, one that would suit our needs and be discrete as well.

Now, by me saying that I had softened up a bit, I mean that I had really thought long and hard on this (no pun intended, LOL) and had come to the conclusion that if the right circumstance were to present itself, I might just take the plunge! Of, course, I didn't say that out loud. I confess to you, Good Readers, that I had indulged myself by starting to watch Interracial porn while he was out of town and the more I watched, the stronger the fire built up inside of me, pushing me towards the inevitable outcome he so desired for me.

So...I slowly started to come around to his thinking and planning, causing him to get very excited and ready to put the plan into play...on my terms, of course!

Our one barrier was whom to choose for my "Awakening". I was dead-set against trying Black guys from the internet, as it seemed highly risky and quite possibly dangerous as well...same with going Clubbing...just seemed to be a non-starter.

He finally put forth the idea of trying someone we already knew...warning flags went up in my head and I hesitated at this idea as I didn't really want someone we knew getting to know me intimately...too close to Home, if you know what I mean.

We did have a few Black guys in our circle of friends, so finding one that I could entice into fucking me would not be a problem...he told me as much...telling me that any one of them would jump at the chance to bed me. Still, I was hesitant about sharing my body with someone we'd known for so long.

It finally boiled down to an old friend of my Husband...we have know him for about 15 years, he had worked with my Husband on a few Projects and was also a former Marine, so to my Hubby, this was like sharing me with a Brother.

After pleading his case to me, I told him that maybe Dominic (who was 35 at the time, almost 15 years my Junior) WAS the perfect choice...but that I would have to sleep on it before I determined if I was actually going to go through with it.

Well...the opportunity came sooner than I had planned...I still wasn't sold on the idea of Dominic fucking me when my Husband called me from work...

He told me that he had called Dom and invited him over for dinner and drinks this coming Saturday night...he hoped I wasn't mad, but that he would be Home well before Dom arrived and that if I had a change of heart, we would just have dinner and drinks, party a little and then send Dom on his way, with him being non the wiser. He told me that he had NOT talked to Dom about fucking me, so as far as Dom knew, it would just be a normal weekend party night, as we've often done before many times. He told me that IF I gave him the "look" during the evening, then he would clue Dom into our little plan and hope that he wouldn't run like Hell to the nearest exit!

I folded and agreed and resigned myself to the fact that this weekend will either turn out great...or be a total disaster! As I was still ambivalent about this "plan", I wasn't sure if I should be happy or crestfallen.

Then, the plan fell apart that Friday when my Husband called to tell me that he wouldn't be able to come home this weekend as planned and for me to call Dominic to cancel...he said he would call him as well...

At this point after all the talking and planning and then this, I felt deflated...disappointed to say the least, but it wasn't to be helped.

I resigned myself to a boring Saturday night of being alone. with no chance of any sex, since Hubby wasn't coming home and set about the usual household tasks so that I could at least relax, maybe get drunk and watch old Horror movies, a favorite pastime of mine, until I fell asleep...I made myself a pitcher of Margaritas, dressed down...slipping on an old loose, short skirt and cropped tank top and made myself comfortable. I decided against wearing any panties or bra...after all, I would be home alone, so no need to be prudish.

I was about halfway thru my first pitcher of Margaritas and was settled comfortably on the couch, feeling a little tipsy, when the doorbell rang! Suddenly, I remembered that I had forgotten to call Dominic to cancel until next weekend! OMG!

Here I was, slightly drunk, not dolled-up or dressed up, certainly not presenting myself in the best manner to entice a Man between my legs! But what was I to do except answer the door and let Dom know that we had cancelled our plans due to Hubby still working...and apologize for not calling him as he had driven quite a distance to get here...

So, being a bit tipsy, I did just that, opened the door and invited him in, closing the front door as I apologized for my forgetfulness...he took it ok, so I offered him a drink, telling him there was no reason for him to go home empty-handed, so to speak...he looked me up and down and with a slight smile, accepted my offer and sat on the couch as I made him a hit me for a moment that maybe he would not be going home empty-handed, but dismissed the idea as soon as it entered my head...mostly...

I had already turned out all the lights earlier and lit candles in the Living Room only, as I liked to watch my old Horror movies in that kind of atmosphere, so it was kinda dark throughout the house...I left it that way as he didn't seem to mind it being a little dark...with that, I asked him if he wanted to stay awhile and watch movies with me before he went home and he told me that sounded like a good plan, so I went to the Kitchen to make his drink.

I came back into the Living Room and handed him his drink and then sat down on the opposite end of the couch and we proceeded to watch the movie, with occasional chit-chatting between us, keeping it light as we talked...nothing intimate, for sure...

As he finished his first drink, I got up to make him another and when I came back, I handed it to him and then sat down next to him so we could hear each other better over the TV we chatted and drank, I got bold and moved my hand to settle on his thigh, the Margaritas making me feel warm and comfortable...and obviously a bit more rambunctious, as I started to rub my hand up and down his thigh slowly as we talked and watched the movie...I was surprised to find my pussy getting warm and a little moist as I stroked his thigh. It didn't seem to phase him, so I increased my hands movement, moving farther up his leg towards his crotch...he responded by placing his big, warm hand on my thigh, gently squeezing it before slowly moving up my thigh, closer to my quickly moistening pussy!

By now, my mind was racing with wicked thoughts, hoping that he would explore farther until his fingers found my encourage such action, still watching the movie, I wiggled around a bit, turning towards him slightly, spreading my legs a bit wider in order to give him better access to my wet pussy and slowly moved my hand farther up his thigh to his crotch, with my fingers about an inch away from his Cock, he reciprocated by taking advantage of me spreading my legs wider apart, inching his fingers up until they were grazing my pussy lips when the phone rang!

DAMN, I thought to myself...bad timing! I looked at Dom, telling him I better answer it as it might be Hubby and sure enough it was...he asked me if I had contacted Dom to cancel as he couldn't get ahold of him...I was torn between telling him the Truth, that Dom was here and I was planning on letting him fuck my brains out, or lie and tell him I couldn't get ahold of him as well, but he hadn't shown up, so maybe something fell through and he couldn't make if a switch went off in my head, I made my mind up...I lied to my Hubby for the first time since we started dating lo those many years ago!

We chatted for a few minutes and then I told him I loved him and would see him next weekend and then hung up and went to the kitchen, asking Dom if he wanted another drink while I was in there...he just said "please and thank you", so I mixed him another and made my way back to the Living Room where I was hoping more "exploring" would occur...

As I entered the Living Room, I noticed that the candles above the couch were going out, so I handed Dom his drink and went to fetch more candles...

I came back and as I leaned forward over Dom to replace them, it hit me that as I leaned over him and stretched to replace the candles, he could look up my loose top, giving him a full view of my free-swinging breasts from underneath...but I was already in motion and thought, "To Hell with it...let him see them...what do I care at this point??? I mean, just 5 minutes ago, his strong fingers were about to explore my most intimate parts...what could it hurt if he saw my titties, eh?

Before I could even finish that thought, his hands were up inside my top, grabbing my tits like they belonged to him and always had! As he massaged and groped them, he thumbed my quickly hardening nipples, causing them to stand out further than I ever thought possible! Still gripping my tits, he pulled me down on his lap so he could give my nipples a little attention from his I lowered myself onto his lap, I reached down and grabbed my top and pulled it up and over my head and off, giving him better access to them!

As I sat there, reeling in delirium as he fondled my breasts, I could feel his cock growing harder between my ass cheeks...even through his pants! I started to slowly rock back and forth, sliding my ass along the length of his cock, feeling it grow at a faster I rocked, I arched my back, shoving my titties closer into his face as he hungerly sucked and nibbled on my nipples as he then started moving his hips around and up and down a little, putting a much desired pressure against my pussy lips, causing me to shudder with delight and grind down harder on him!

He suddenly let go of my tits and told me to sit up a bit and as I got on my knees, straddling him, he reached down and pulled his pants and underwear down to his knees and then told me that NOW I could sit back down on him...I slowly started to settle back down on his lap, feeling the head of his Cock slip and slide between my now very moist lips and my ass cheeks...I immediately reach down and grabbed my skirt and pulled it over my head and I sat up the little bit I needed to pull my skirt off, his Cock bounced up against my pussy lips, the head pushing just a bit in as I slowly sat down...I wiggled just a bit to get him positioned and once I felt his head parting my lips, I slowly settled down the rest of the way...I say slowly because he was a LOT to take in! He was big, not Porn Star big, but thicker and bigger than any other Cock that I've allowed to take I settled all the way down, taking all of him in me, I leaned back, placing my hands behind me on his legs and arched my back again as I slowly started to ride him up and down...he filled me all the way and I suddenly erupted into a mind-blowing, leg-shaking orgasm, the first of many that night! As I slowly came down from that high, I rocked back and forth slowly on his thick Cock, building up speed until I exploded again within a few I shuddered again and leaned back a bit, I looked him in the eyes and spread my legs as wide as they would go, allowing him MAXIMUM penetration! He obliged me and took advantage of my soaking wet, stretched to the max pussy and started pounding, literally, into my swollen pussy, going deeper with each stroke until I thought he would punch out the other side!

I came once again, hard! Hard enough that my wildly climaxing and quaking pussy gripping his thick shaft caused him to start bucking wildly, erupting his first load deep into he emptied his balls into me, my shuddering slowed and I leaned forward, resting my head on his chest...spent and tired...but more was to come!!

He fucked me on the couch again, on the floor, then the Bedroom and finally, in the backyard under the full was a glorious night...the night of my "Awakening"!!!

We never told Hubby about that night...and I regret nothing!!!

I've since told Hubby that I've cooled to the idea of extra-marital sex and he hasn't pushed me on it since...

So I've been fucking Dominic for the past ten years....and no one is the wiser!

Think I'll keep it that way!


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TopRocketTopRocketabout 1 month ago

No reason not to let him enjoy your slutty side too.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

great story but i think you schould tell hubby he will understand and love it

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

only a gutter rat whore would write stories like this

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

if my wife did what that wife did in the story i would wait till she fell asleep then douse her in gasoline while she is sleeping then set her whore ass on fire. Nothing worse that a old 60 yr old whore wife like in this story and burning would be exactly what one would do to a OLD POS whore wife

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I had a similar experience with a young black man from work. After 30 years of marriage I was curious what it would feel like to re-live my wild side. It had been many years since I accepted a nother man's advances. Well, long story short, it was an amazing adventure and I still see him from time to time. It feels so good to be desired again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

in a long marriage like 50 yrs a wife does and will enjoy another cock most likely bigger and sometimes black-50 yrs is a long ass time. some husbands know it and some never know it and it does not mean the wife doesn't love her hubby. sometimes as husbands you just got to be kind and loving toward your wife and be good to her and let her enjoy her being a woman and let her enjoy life and the hubby's who do know the wife actually appreciates her husbands love and understanding as they love each other and work it out in their own way. hell some wives even want their husbands there supporting them and love having their husbands watch and is something they cherish together when they are old and can't fuck anymore

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nice story. Better late to the action than never! We divorced in our early fifties, mutual and friendly, kids were fine with it, we'd just lost interest in one another. I felt guilty at first, going to another man's place but once I parted my legs and he sank his cock into me all those thoughts vanished. Soon I was thinking about any guy that looked my way and bedding quite a few so it was no surprise when I got the itch for black guys. Always looking for new experiences.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice story, it was a random interracial spin selection but your story was right up my alley today. I'd been with a black guy in college and later a few shags with a couple of co-workers while on the road. Today was a bad day at work, stress on deadlines, covid delays, thank god my kids are off to college, mad a my husband's golf outing. I got home, powered up my laptop, had a vibe nearby, relaxed on my living room couch with a nice Cabernet and I needed some stress relief, any. The first two stories were dull, yours popped up, hmm, ok I'm late 40's, a tad overweight, sex is routine, I'll read it and call Lit quits if its dull. I needed a good hard cock to suck, none around, so I read this twice, drained my glass and vibed dreaming about that BBC in college fucking away at me on my couch, I came several times. THX

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why most of the SHIT COMMENTS come from ANONYMOUS persons???

Under the mask of ANONYMOUS they can escape with murder!!!

What dick -heads...

One may like a story or not, but then why to give dirty and filthy remarks? Why?? WHY???

Sadistic pleasure! Huh...

I generally hate these set of couch-potatos... If you're that genius, then please write a couple of stories and let us mark them... Good, Bad, or Ugly...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Cute little story!!!

Full marks for though an interfacial story, no bragging as to 'I won this pussy'; 'you're my slut/whore/cum-dump.

Neatly written and well executed.

5***** is just a formality... ❤️❤️❤️

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