Martha in America Ch. 07


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But then she pulled the curtain open, standing in the nude and smiling at me as she said:

"I couldn't let you have to be naked all by yourself, ... though it was tempting to see what you would do," and she grinned.

"Maybe put my clothes back on and go home," I suggested as I stepped out of the tub.

"Oh, then I'm glad I did," she replied: "... but I liked that we didn't before, dinner, and waiting. That was nice; that you didn't suggest it. I would have, but it was nice that we enjoyed ourselves with clothes on."

I nodded and agreed:

"I was thinking that too, but then wondering what would happen, not wanting to say anything, myself."

"Um-hmm," she agreed and took my towel from me and hung it up as she added:

"And I still don't," and she snorted and added:

"Well sort of, but not immediately. I turned off the lights and got the candles."

"Um-hmm, I was thinking about them before, too," I replied, and then she took my hand and turned off the light in the bathroom, and we went into her candlelit bedroom.

Martha squeezed my hand and then slipped into her bed, moving over and holding up the covers, and I slipped in next to her, sliding my arm under her head.

"Um-hmm," she agreed softly, and then my other hand found her breast.

"Mmmm, ... hm-umm, ... I just want to lie here next to you."

I nodded and rolled onto my back, and she cuddled up closer to me again with another "um-hmm," drawing her thigh up on mine as her hand slid down, and her fingers slipped around my balls, massaging them gently like she had done the night before.

"I just love to hold you this way," she murmured, and her fingers moved familiarly.

"Um-hmm," I agreed and rubbed her back: "... me too."

She nodded her head on my shoulder as she went on: "It's a lot better than just doing it the way it happened sometimes - not with you - more intimate, ... being able just to be like this: all naked and close," and her fingers moved: "... without feeling like we have to do it, ... without feeling like I have to do it, because that's all he wants."

"Um-hmm," I agreed again: "... real good, ... for me, too, ... 'more intimate'."

Martha nodded again, and then was silent for a few moments as her fingers just moved gently on my balls.

"I just love to feel you this way," she murmured again softly: "... to know I'm holding you," and she chuckled softly: "... holding this part of you, ... what makes you a man."

She chuckled again as her fingers demonstrated what she meant.

"And I just love to hold you in my mouth, ... that's so good, ... better than when someone just wants to do it, and I'm not ready for it yet, even though I want it, ... but not yet. But being able to do that, knowing it's so good for you. ... But you never are like that, just wanting to do it. ... Oh, that was wonderful, the first night, ... that you did it to me, ... and that I then wanted to, to just try it, still thinking we had to do it. It was so arousing - like I told you - and then so much more arousing when I realized that I wanted to really do it. ... Oh, I just love you for that!"

Her thigh pressed down on mine as her fingers moved my balls.

I nodded and held her closer, wondering if I should reply as I enjoyed her feeling my balls, but she seemed satisfied just with what she was doing and maybe also a little pleasantly aroused, I thought when I felt her thigh twitch again.

"Mmmm, yes, that was wonderful," I murmured: "... it was so arousing when you said that you wanted to, arousing to know that you wanted to try it for the first time, and then almost unbearably good, anticipating, when you said you were going to, wanted to like it. That was just so good, knowing you wanted to really do it, that it was your first time, and that you wanted it to happen, wanted to let me do it, that I was going to be the one who let you enjoy it the first time. That was especially arousing. I just loved that."

"Um-hmm, like that," Martha murmured as her hips rocked up against me and her thigh slid down a little between mine and held me.

"Um-hmm," she repeated: "... it was like that," as her fingers continued to move my balls.

Then she chuckled softly and said:

"I remember: when I started, I was thinking to myself: and I had to come all the way to America to find out about this; and then as I was telling you about it afterwards, that thought suddenly returned and I was thinking it had been worth it - having to forego having sex to discover it and that I just loved it."

Her thigh held mine tighter again, and I rubbed my hand on her side in response, enjoying hearing her telling about it so much that I was afraid anything I might say would somehow suggest we should stop just talking about it.

She massaged my balls and then snickered softly and said:

"I should have thought of that before. It was sort of unfair - if I felt that way - to talk about trying to make up for the missed times; that was enough ... and everything else, too."

She snickered again as I chuckled with a nod and then replied:

"But it was fun trying, and we agreed this morning that that wasn't our goal any more."

"Um-hmm," Martha agreed cheerful, and tilted her head back to look up at me as she nodded with a smile. I rubbed her cheek, and then she relaxed her neck again, her head slipping back to where it had been, and my hand unconsciously slid down to her breast, just resting on it.

Her fingers stilled, and we just lay there like that, really as intimate as we could be together, it occurred to me. Having sex together is very intimate, I thought, but being able to not have sex is even more so, somehow. "A greater meeting of the minds," occurred to me as an expression for it. And again, it seemed that anything I could say would only upset our special intimacy. Maybe we really didn't have to do it. My cock didn't seem to feel like we did, and her soft nipple - I could just feel where it was in my palm - seemed to suggest that she didn't either.

"But I want to," she murmured, apparently to whatever she had been thinking as her fingers moved again.

"Want to what?" I asked softly.

"This is just so good," she replied softly: "being able to talk about it and not having to do it, just enjoying being like this, ... being able to be like this."

"That's what I was just thinking," I agreed, liking her confirmation of my "a greater meeting of the minds."

"But I want to," she repeated: I want to just hold him, more intimate than just holding you like this," and her fingers moved again.

She snorted softly and continued:

"Oh, I know, if I do, something else will happen," and she snorted again - and I did too:

"... but in theory, I just want to hold him, and her hand slid up and found my cock as I had to snort at her "but in theory."

"Nice and floppy," she murmured: "... can't you tell him to just stay that way?"

"I doubt it, ... he has a mind of his own in his little head."

Martha snickered softly as her fingers played with him, experimenting with his floppiness, and then she let go of him and flung back the covers so she could see him as her hand found him again, but after a few seconds, he wasn't floppy, just wobbly as her fingers held him and made him move. Martha snorted and agreed:

"Yes, I guess so," as we both watched him wag back and forth.

"But I still want to," she murmured as her fingers played at moving the loose skin around on him and moving it up and down a little, and he wasn't wobbly any more, just moving with her hand.

"He would like that," I murmured: "... and I want to, too."

"But not with him," Martha replied with a snicker: "... He's mine," and started to move her head down towards him.

"He's all yours," I agreed: "... I want you to have him, to kiss him. And if you want to hold him, I want to kiss your other soft, moist mouth, just kiss you, if you want to just hold him."

"Um-hmm," Martha agreed: "... I would like that, too," and she slid further down and gave him a kiss and then turned around on the bed as I slid myself down it.

Martha raised her thigh, exposing her pussy in the light from the candles as her hand found my cock again, but waiting for me to rest my head on her thigh and draw her hips to me with both hands and draw my thigh up under her head before she let him slip between her lips. And then I found her other soft lips, kissing them and tasting that she was already as aroused as my cock was, hoping it was also letting her taste that it was aroused, the slippery, salty taste that she had liked the first time, that had helped her want to taste more.

Then we were trying to just enjoy it with our mouths: she just holding me as I gently kissed her, just nibbling with my lips and sucking as I held her firm ass with both hands. It was so intimate, like she had said she wanted, as intimate as we could be - "a greater meeting of the minds" - both of us just wanting to enjoy being as physically close as possible, enjoying the sexual arousal that each of us felt and knew that the other was feeling: my stiff cock in her mouth and her moist pussy on my lips.

Doing this with my Diotima, and with Pam and Sukie - and my sister - had always been good, but this was different. "A greater meeting of the minds?" A strange way to describe pure physical - sexual - intimacy. But if we both understood that we weren't seeking sexual satisfaction - and being this close to doing it - it must be a great common understanding - a meeting of the minds. And when we wanted to do it, then that would be, too. Oh, I just loved Martha!

And she just loved to nurse on my cock, just keeping him aroused as she sucked, and her tongue gently moved, the rough surface of it rubbing on its head. It was so loving and intimate, much more so than just fucking - especially like that had been in the winter. Oh, that was always good - more or less - but doing this, a girl's wanting to do this, was so much more intimate and loving. Or maybe not? I loved to do it to every girl, just loved to do it for my own enjoyment - hoping, of course, that it was good and special for her. Only Martha had said how much she liked to do it - also my sister, but my recollections about what we had done and said were becoming diffuse after all the nights with Martha. But still, this was special - Martha was special - both of us wanting to do it like this, to enjoy the shared intimacy of being like this, keeping each other aroused without feeling as though we had to do more.

But we loved that, too; Martha loved to have me come in her mouth, loved to taste it and know that it had been so good for me, like I loved to taste her sweet love juice and know I had made it so good for her. Was she waiting for me to suggest it after having said that she just wanted to hold him, but knowing that we eventually would?

My tongue slipped between my lips, and then between hers - all slippery! She nodded and sucked with an "uhn-hnn," sucking him deeper in her mouth, making him surge, and responding with another "uhn-hnn," and then with a moan deep in her throat as my tongue found her aroused clitoris and her pelvis moved.

Oh yes, we wanted to now! Each of us wanted the other to enjoy it as much as possible now, and our mouths wanted to enjoy doing it! It was so good to lick her aroused pussy, tasting it and finding her aroused hole, plunging my tongue into it as I felt her suck my cock deeper in her mouth. Was she thinking that she was complementing what I was doing? I was fucking her with my tongue while she was fucking him with her mouth, each of us trying to do with our mouth what our sex organs wanted to do with each other. But we both just loved to do it this way. Oh, we loved to fuck, but it was so good to do it with our mouths, to taste each other, and to know that we both loved to do it this way and to experience it this way!

It felt so good, what she was doing with her mouth, and her gently rocking pelvis suggested that what I was doing felt just as good for her. I hoped so as I clutched the cheeks of her ass, like she was holding mine, neither of us making a move to touch, excite each other with our fingers. Yes, we wanted to try to just enjoy this as long as we could, and I tried to control myself despite the wonderful way she was arousing my cock, making me want to thrust it deeper into her mouth, but I resisted, just letting him surge - not able to keep him from surging as I nibbled on her aroused clitoris. But I wasn't going to be able to resist much longer! And Martha seemed to recognize that I was about to come, and wanted me to, wanted to arouse me more, her fingers slipping in to find my asshole.

"Uhn-hnnnn!" I hummed with my nose buried in her cunt and found hers. Yes, now we just had to come! My cock surged as my asshole moved under her fingers, and then I had to let him moved, and her hand and finger encouraged me as she held him firmly to the roof of her mouth with her tongue and sucked, letting him fuck her slowly. But then I couldn't resist the reflex to let my hips jerk quickly. "Uhn-hnnn!" Martha acknowledged, then moaning as he came - pleased, aroused moans each time he spurted. Oh yes, she loved it, to do it and make me come, let me give her "the proof of my pleasure!"

And it aroused her, her pelvis twitching against my mouth, wanting me to make her come now as she just held him, now moaning in response to what I was doing, moaning each time her hips moved her engorged clitoris as I sucked and licked it and felt her asshole contract, and then relax and let me probe in it, probe deeper after each contraction, her finger still in mine, encouraging me. She wanted to feel it like that, like I was, both of them moving in us. Oh yes, she liked that, my finger moving in her clutching asshole, clutching like her aroused cunt as she gasped and moaned as her thighs quivered and clasped my head. And then she almost bit me as she spurted the first time. "Ummm!" I responded as her sweet love juice bathed my face, and then again and again - so much, being so good for her! Her thighs quivering as she came again and again as she gasped around my cock, and I was almost as aroused, my hips moving him in her half-opened mouth.

When she drew her head back, I already anticipated her aroused demand. "Fuck!" she gasped, raising her thigh as she rolled on her back. My hand swept under the pillow and found a rubber, and I raised myself up on my knees as I tore open the foil, and then had it on as I got between her open thighs and dropped down over her as my hand guided my cock into her wet cunt.

"Uhnnn!" she gasped as it went into her, and her thighs held me as I supported myself on my elbows and held her head, and then we did. We kissed, our mouths wide open as our tongues sought each other. And then she was just gasping and moaning again as we fucked, she rocking her hips up to meet my thrusts, and her cunt clutching my cock as it went deep in her, and then she started to come again, gasping and groaning. And I did, coming again as she spurted, my hips smacking up against her ass as her drawn up thighs quivered and clutched my waist, fucking her until she gave a final gasp and relaxed.

I dropped down on her, heavy on her as our stomachs heaved, and her thighs slipped down. And then our breathing slowly returned to normal, at first, both of us inhaling at the same time, and then I held my breath for a moment so that we were alternating, hers and then my stomach expanding.

After exchanging several breaths like that way, Martha murmured:

"God, that was good. ... I just had to do it again!"

"Me too. I wanted to, too."

"Um-hmm," she snorted in agreement, her stomach moving under mine.

I rolled off her, and she immediately found my cock in the rubber and slipped it off.

She smirked at me and said:

"You know what I want to do now," and with another smirk she squeezed the contents from the rubber into her mouth.

"Kiss me, I want it, too," I murmured.

With a muffled chuckle, Martha clambered over me and waited for me to open my mouth, opening hers after it was on mine, our tongues finding each other as my come slid into my mouth.

"Let's go sleep in my bed," I suggested.

Martha felt the wet spot where she had come twice and nodded with a smirk and agreed: "That's a good idea," and then smirked again and suggested:

"We can come back here, if we want to do it again in the morning."

I snorted with a smirk of my own and asked:

"Wasn't that enough?" She grinned and replied:

"It sure was, thank you, but from experience ..."

"Um-hmm," I agreed with a smile adding: "I hope so," and she snickered with a nod.

Then we got up and went to the bathroom, using the toilet and washing and disposing of the rubber, and then went back and blew out the candles and in the dark found our way to my bed.

It was nice, joining her in a fresh bed, and then with my hand on her breast, after saying good night, we fell asleep.

I rolled over at sometime, vaguely aware of the narrower bed in my half sleep as I moved back from the edge, feeling Martha's hips and back against mine, nice and comfortable to know she was there, and then I fell asleep again. Then I was mildly stirred when she turned over sometime, but then was sleeping again.

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