Mass Effect - A Hero Rises Ch. 15

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A Mass Effect trilogy novelisation.
10.9k words

Part 15 of the 69 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/11/2019
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Book 1, Chapter 15 -- Sacrifice and Grief


"The target planet is Virmire. You may have heard of it, though perhaps not. The Alliance was, at one time, seriously considering this as a planet worthy of colonisation, equivalent to an Eden Prime or an Elysium. Unfortunately, it is located in just the wrong position, as it would take an incredible defensive network to be set up to ensure its safety, and it's just something the Alliance are currently not willing to invest in. The Alliance has even approached the Council, willing to lead efforts, but instability along the frontier, quite frankly, scares them off.

Now to why we are actually here. There is a Salarian Task Group (STG) on the planet. They had been tracking anything to do with Saren and his ship and eventually located him on the planet. They have since started their investigation and confirm Saren has a base of operations on the planet and his ship has also been sighted. At the moment, we only have a vague location of where the STG team is, though it is understood they are still alive, or were when the transmission was made.

There are two objectives to this mission. The first is to link up with the STG and learn what they have discovered. The second, and arguably more important, is to find Saren and finally end whatever it is he has planned in that head of his. We will drop in by Mako as always. Anticipate serious resistance from the geth. If this is Saren's central base, there will be fortifications and..."

"Commander, we've got a problem."

"What is it, Joker?"

"Saren's base, Commander. It is surrounded by enormous defensive cannons. There is no way I could drop you anywhere close to the base or where the STG team could be dug in. I'm going to have to drop you some distance and you'll have to make your way forward by Mako or on foot."

"How close can you get us?"

"Without drawing the attention of their cannon? You're looking at a few clicks, Commander."

"Get us close as you can, Joker. We'll do the rest."

"Aye, Commander. I'll have you on the ground in five minutes."

Shepard turned to his team. "You heard the man. Suit up, pack your shit, and get on board."

Wrex didn't really need to suit up nor pack his shit. He was already wearing armour and never walked anywhere without at least one weapon, even when on the Normandy. He watched as others put armour on, checked weapons, or filled small packs with supplies in the event they were planet-side longer than expected. He could also see the relationships formed. Ashley and Tali were obvious in their affection. Liara and Shiala had found a common bond. Benezia, though not invited to join them on the ground, hovered close by. Others cut solitary figures. Shepard, as Commander, still kept his distance, though would lead from the front once on the ground. Garrus was a born soldier but awkward as fuck around anyone else. Alenko seemed rather lonely, and even Wrex would admit he missed some of the comradery the pair had shared when they'd fucked. He didn't regret the decision to stop their physical relationship, knowing the price would be any friendship they had built beforehand. It always does once you involve sex.

Loading himself last into the back of the Mako as normal, he heard Shepard start the engine, rolling it to the edge, hearing Joker call over the radio the marks to get ready for descent. He was as used to these air drops as everyone else, but considering his size and breadth, he still hadn't figured out how to position his body to stop his head smacking into the roof.

It happened again when they landed on Virmire. Before Shepard even started, he called out, "Who wants out?"

Everyone piled out except Tali and Ashley, no surprise the latter remained, taking over the gun from Garrus, who didn't mind getting out into the fresh air for once. Alenko took control on the ground as always, though he generally let everyone do what they do best. Liara and Shiala biotics, Garrus was just like Ashley, deadly with assault or sniper rifle, Alenko would mix up his technical and biotic abilities, while Wrex would just run rampage through enemy lines. He'd be left bleeding and sore at the end of the day, but krogan could sustain much more damage than anyone else.

Shepard kept the Mako at a constant speed that only required them to lightly jog. Given they only carried weapons and wore armour, it wasn't as gruelling as it could have been. The weather was mild, little humidity, even a light breeze at times. Even Wrex thought it was rather idyllic, at least until they ran into geth drones, that rained rockets down on them. Ashley had the Mako's machine gun singing quickly enough. Those on the ground found cover where they could and did their best to assist.

The intelligence had been right about one thing. The geth were there in force. In fact, there were probably more geth just on Virmire than on all the planets they'd fought geth out in the Armstrong Nebula. If that didn't prove this was Saren's most important base, he wasn't sure what else the turian had up his sleeve.

He quickly lost count of how many geth he put on the ground. He had an assault rifle for distance, shotgun for when they were up close, and his fists if they were within striking range. He could even use his biotics if tempted, but he left most of that stuff to the two asari and Alenko. The trio could mix up their attacks, causing at least some confusion in geth lines, leaving them as easy pickings for the rest of them.

The geth had set up what appeared to be a serious of gatehouses. Wrex had no idea why they'd do it, but that is where the geth well and truly dug in. The big krogan took it upon himself to clear the first one, charging up the ramp, using his shotgun to blast away anything that came within range. One or two geth found themselves hurled over the barricade to the ground below. Once it was all clear, he found the lever to open the gate, strolling back, grumbling about the sheer stupidity of it all.

With each metre they covered, the geth threw more in their faces. Rocket troopers were now a major part of their defences, and it was only quick thinking that kept them all in one piece. The machine gun of the Mako was incessant, Ashley only backing off when it was clearly overheating. Shepard was trying to do about three things at once. Beat the geth. Protect those outside the Mako. And ensure the vehicle wasn't blown up at the same time. Hard work, and he imagined Shepard inside, covered in sweat, muscles all tense as he tried to make the lumbering machine do what he wanted.

So that's what he told Alenko, wondering what sort of reaction it would get. Alenko just looked at him and grinned after he'd biotically thrown a geth a few metres. "Don't tease, Wrex. It's not funny."

"Just wondering if you've ever looked at him in a certain way."

"Of course I have; I won't deny that. But Shepard certainly isn't interested in men. That is plain and clear."

"Not sure he's interested in women on the Normandy though," Liara muttered.

"Hey, he's gone rather cold on me, Liara," Shiala added.

"Least you got your chance with him. He likes chatting to me, there's flirting, and I think I'm rather blunt at times about what I like and want, but he doesn't seem to react in the way I'd really like him to."

"It's because you're under his command," Alenko said, as the group moved out of cover, following the Mako, "He gave into temptation with you, Shiala, because I believe he didn't think you'd still be with us. As for anyone else, he's the commander and I guess believes he needs to keep his distance from his subordinates, whether they are part of the Alliance or not."

Wrex noticed Liara lean into Shiala. "Guess I'll just have to keep using sex todays then," she said with a giggle.

"Oh, do tell, Liara." She met his eyes and immediately blushed. "Come on, you're over one hundred years old and, if not sexually active with others, you'll certainly know what to do by yourself. Okay, how about this. Ever had someone else use a sex toy, something like a dildo, on you?"

Liara tried desperately not to glance at Shiala, but the latter gave it away with the shy grin that appeared on her face. "Damn it, Wrex, I didn't want anyone to know."


"No, it's just private. Shiala and I are... We've done a lot of talking, much of it about Benezia obviously, but as we've talked, we grew closer. Now there are reasons why I won't be particularly intimate with one of my own kind, but... well... we experimented a little bit..."

"I have to say, I am enjoying this conversation," Garrus joked from behind them.

"Don't you start, Captain Awkward," Liara warned.

"What? You too!" The turian sighed. "Damn Shepard and his teasing..."

"Garrus, it's because you are one fucking awkward turian when it comes to the opposite sex," Wrex bellowed, chuckling away.

"Though it can be endearing in the right circumstances. Chloe seems to like it," Alenko added.

"Can we get back to the two asari pleasuring each other please? Need more details in here." Everyone froze at the sound of Shepard's voice, his laughter soon echoing through. "Seriously, guys, how the fuck did you forget you were linked in here? Liara, Shiala, I hope you know Ashley and Tali were very interested in your shenanigans. I thought I was on the verge of getting a free show in here."

"Shepard, if we can seal these doors, I'm getting my suit off," Tali exclaimed, Ashley suggesting that sounded like a bloody good idea.

"You can have a free show if you want, Shepard," Shiala said in such a sultry tone, it even made Wrex do a double take.

"Noted, Shiala. Now, being serious, while I would love to hear all about Liara and Shiala getting intimate with each other, and I know you're now looking for a hole in the ground to swallow you, Liara, let's get out heads back in the game." There was a brief pause before he added, "Liara, if you want to send me a video of yourself and Shiala..."

Shiala leaned into Liara. "You know, it would one hell of a tease. Might just give into temptation."

Wrex looked back and noticed that, during all the chatter, they'd mown their way through the geth and at least one of those gatehouses the geth had set up. It was amazing how easily the killing now came to all of them, anticipating the moves of their squad mates without a second guess. Everyone fought with confidence that they'd made the right decision, and apart from the occasional failure of shields, and scuffing of armour, no-one had suffered what he would call a severe wound so far, certainly nothing life threatening. Even if someone was shot, medi-gel would usually do the trick until they could visit Chakwas back on the Normandy. Not always, though. Shepard had already spoken of the young soldier they'd lost on Eden Prime. Wrex knew that still rankled with the commander...

The Mako came to a halt with the third gatehouse in the distance. "Garrus, pull out your sniper. You seeing what we're seeing?"

The turian moved to side of the Mako, pulling out his sniper rifle, getting into position. He heard the turian mutter to himself before replying. "I count six armatures, Shepard. I repeat, six armatures."

"Copy that, Garrus. That's what I have too. Right, this isn't going to be easy. Ashley will be focusing solely on those. Ground team, you are mopping up the rest. It's clear this is their last stand. The STG team must be somewhere beyond."

Wrex would admit that the next few minutes of his life were probably the closest he'd really come to death in quite a long time. The Mako simply couldn't provide the cover, focusing on the armatures as it was, never stopping as Ashley rarely missed her shot, but everyone could see the Mako was taking a pounding. It was a good enough distraction that the rest could focus on the geth troopers, getting in and around the legs of the armatures.

The geth had some rocket troops, Alenko proving to be rather devious, and the geth surprisingly stupid, as they fired rockets at the ground troops taking cover near their armatures. Wrex wasn't the only on to roar with joy when the back legs of one armature found themselves blown up by a couple of rockets, the team splitting up as the thing then exploded.

"Do that again!" Shepard shouted over the comm, "We're getting pounded here."

"Shields at forty percent, Shepard," Tali reported, "I'm re-routing what I can, but unless you want the Mako a sitting duck..."

The geth weren't that stupid. What happened once didn't exactly happen again, but being in and around the armatures was a good enough distraction. Unbeknownst to nearly all of them, Garrus had disappeared and found elevation, and was soon picking off geth troops with ease. Wrex wasn't the only one to look around for the turian. "Where the hell is he?" Alenko asked, overloading the shields of a nearby geth.

Wrex was in cover behind him, one of the rare instances of using his biotics. "Fucked if I know but he's doing a damned good job."

"Got a tear in my eye hearing you say that, Wrex," Garrus whispered over the comm before there was the sound of another shot. "Right in the optics! Take that, you geth bastard."

"Anyone get the feeling none of us like the geth?" Alenko asked himself.

Wrex answered that with a blast of his shotgun, a couple of geth trying to sneak up to them. Noticing their numbers had wilted, and most of those armed with rocket launchers had disappeared, Wrex took a deep breath and simply charged for the nearby ramp, shotgun singing as more than a trio of geth tried and failed to stop him in his tracks. Arriving at the top, his shields failed within seconds as gunfire turned his way, roaring as he charged towards the gaggle of geth nearby. He felt himself shot at least a couple of times but that didn't stop him blasting until his weapon overheated, swinging it in his hands so he could use it to club the last remaining geth units. The very last one, he grabbed it by the head and used all his strength to just squeeze it until there was the sound of crushed metal...

Feeling the rage building up, he walked to the nearby wall, put a hand against it and took a few deep breaths. He heard footsteps behind him. "Just give me a minute," he warned.

"Okay. But... you okay?"

"Just cooling down, Alenko. But thanks, I'll be fine."

"You realise you left none for us?"

He chuckled. "That was the point. Get them out of the way so we move on."

The Mako was still functional, Shepard leading the way. The machine had taken significant damage, left with the feeling it would soon be abandoned, as it would take a mechanic a few days to get it back into working order. The geth had disappeared, assuming that last gatehouse truly was their last stand. Apart from the rumble of the Mako's engine, the only things we could hear were the crashing of the waves, the occasional bird whistling overhead, or the rustle of the wind through nearby trees. That word again. Idyllic. Enough to make some men or women want to retire.

"Commander, we've got a problem," Joker called in over the radio.

"Copy, Joker. What's up?"

"I've just landed the Normandy but we are grounded for the time being. The salarian in charge can explain everything when you arrive. Name is Captain Kirrahe."

"No worries, Joker. We'll find out what's going on."

Shepard managed to drive the Mako back onto the Normandy as the rest of the team spread out. Wrex counted out the salarian STG squad, numbering only a dozen or so. He simply scoffed at the pitiful number. To take on Saren and his geth, unless you were Shepard and his crew, you would need an army.

Shepard greeted the salarian commander, and he could already feel the wary glares of the other salarians around him. He just ignored them, keeping to himself as usual, though keeping an ear out for what was being discussed. The more he heard, the less he liked, figuring that someone should just order a fleet in and blow the damn base sky high, and if the Traverse wanted to get angry about it, then blow them up too.

But then the salarian captain mentioned something that grabbed his undivided attention. "We believe Saren is researching a cure for the genophage. That must be destroyed."

And that just pissed Wrex off, immediately storming towards the salarian captain, sensing the other salarians grow nervous with each stride he took. Shepard seemed to sense he was closing in, stepping to the side as Wrex jabbed a finger into the chest of the salarian. "Over my dead body, salarian. That is a cure for my people you are talking about."

"Your people don't deserve a cure, krogan. You people are clearly a mistake."

Wrex almost saw red straight away. Instead, he puffed himself up so he towered over the salarian, bumping his chest into the salarian. "My people are not a mistake," he growled, "And you salarians had best remember that going forward."

He turned and walked away, the urge to kill all the salarians damn near overwhelming, and he figured if he did that, it would piss Shepard off. In fact, he'd earn the ire of the man and would end up fighting him too. And he didn't want that.

So he walked away, probably for only the second, maybe third time in his way he backed away from an inevitable fight. He made do with standing by the shore, closing his eyes and just relaxing, letting the rage disappear from his veins. He'd already done plenty of killing today, would likely do a lot more killing going forward.

"Yeah, I don't think Kirrahe knows diplomacy very well," Shepard stated.

"I don't like salarians, Shepard. And I don't like them when they are telling me that a cure for my people has to be destroyed."

"I understand, Wrex."

"My people are dying, Shepard. We need this cure so we can once again thrive."

"While my heart does go out to your people, Wrex, I have just one question. Would you trust Saren to give you a cure more than myself saying you should destroy it?"

That gave Wrex pause for thought. He'd just heard the word 'cure' and thought that would be it. "It's still a cure, Shepard."

He turned to look at Shepard, who shook his head. "No, it won't be, Wrex, and deep down, you already know that. Saren isn't looking for a cure for the genophage, not when he believes Reapers are coming to destroy everything. Why would he waste time doing that?" Wrex saw that point immediately. "No, what Saren wants is the belief there is a cure, so he can get the krogan on his side, and with you and the geth as his personal servants? He may just end up getting what he wants."

"Do you think he's doing any sort of cure though?"

Shepard shrugged. "I don't know, Wrex. It's possible he's doing something about the genophage, but the sort of cure you and your people desperately want? No, I wouldn't trust in Saren like that. He certainly won't give you the freedom you want. And you do know I'm right."

"If I let this go, Shepard, I'm putting an awful lot of trust in you."

Shepard stepped forward and lowered his voice. "Look, we've done a lot of talking, right? About your people in general, but the genophage in particular. I'm not sure what Kirrahe is planning, but he's got a full blown assault on his mind. So while we're doing that, we take a look at what Saren has been doing. If what we find is compelling enough, we at least take something that's viable and give it to some eggheads to see what they make of it."

Wrex turned away from Shepard, walking towards the water's edge, giving himself time to think. A cure lay possibly so close, but he knew the human was right. Saren was insane, and there was no possible way he'd make a cure to the benefit of his people. They would end up puppets or worse, under the control of a madman.