Massage Table in a Fishbowl Pt. 01

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A three person show for the neighbors.
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This story (like all of mine) has a basis in reality from my past. I did post a profile on a dating site as outlined in the story and I did meet "Brenda" at her home for strip backgammon and a massage in front of her living room window. Brit is a figment of my imagination. Brenda and I did see each other for an extended period of time and may prove inspiration for future stories. If you want to skip the intro about how I met Brenda, fast forward to "skip to here".


My wife and I had been separated for several months and I was trying to move on with my life. She was bitter and angry and we were not getting along. Everything seemed to be a source of contention, up to and including my visitation with the kids. Eventually, we settled on a schedule that left me free on the weekends.

I did not want to get back into the bar scene. I was 45 years old and still very interested in sex, but didn't want to go through the hassle of trying to meet someone who my interests and (let's be frank here) kinks through the usual dating scene.

As it turned out, there was a newer way of meeting prospective partners that alllowed you to meet over the phone from the comfort of your own home. Called L*** L*** (LL), it was a service that allowed users (clients) to leave "profiles" on the system in a variety of categories : just friends, casual encounters, long-term relationships, etc. and seemed perfect for my needs. At this early stage of the genre of phone dating, it was strictly for heterosexuals.

The basic premise was to record a profile (which was free), choose a category to place it in and an age range (part of the profile). Once it was submitted and approved of, it was just a matter of waiting for any interested parties to get back to you. The monetization for the system was the purchase of time (minutes) that were required to respond to another user's profile or to return any responses to yours. They allowed users to leave any number of profiles with a common ID account.

Of course, there were many more men using the system than women. Only the men were charged for their time - women could leave profiles, respond to any number of other profiles and "fish" as much as they wanted. Of course, men could do the same, but at a cost. LL sold minutes in various blocks of time (up to six hours!) and it was easy to lose track and use up your time and then have to buy more. It could be expensive if you weren't careful. For me though, much cheaper than the bar scene would have been.

I learned quickly that some of the women used the system to get free and often expensive meals. They had a much larger audience to chose from and some milked "newbies" (those that had not already heard her profile) for all that they were worth. Even the cheaper "coffee dates" often turned out to be a waste of my time because I was looking for partners that shared some of my "interests" without having to go through the time and effort of finding out otherwise. If I found a compatible partner, that was the time to date and court her.

I had to find a method of capturing the interest of those women with intriguing profiles with my responses to minimize the constant (and expensive) back and forth that was the usual course of events. We (the men using LL) wanted to establish a rapport early in our exchanges in order to get a personal phone number. Once you had a number, you could talk to your heart's content with her without the expense of using the system. This is what "we" (the men) wanted. The women knew this and (because of the addictive nature of unending "interest" in their profiles) they were often reluctant to give up the "fishing" by giving you their number.

I spent a lot of time and effort editing and fine-tuning a profile that was explicit and to the point. I was honest in describing myself because I could afford to be : tall, blonde (sort of) with a slim, muscular build and that I was "clean shaven" - in more ways than one. "Clean shaven" did elicit responses as I implied that I had minimal body hair. Intimate waxing for men had just become popular and often piqued women's' interest. I had a "Brazilian" and let prospective partners know when they responded to my profile.

The gist of the profile was that I loved the challenge of a good game, that strip backgammon with a good wine was a good way to get to know one another and a variety of interesting stakes could be played for, including massage.

I did receive some (a lot of) responses that were not positive, that found my outright talk of strip backgammon and massage on a first date blatant exploitation, but they weren't the partners I was looking for, so I didn't bother responding. But those that did get back and WERE intrigued by my blunt approach I got back to with flattery and encouragement.

I took women's profiles at face value because I counted on them doing the same. Few (none) of the women's profiles were as bold as mine and I was told that mine was unique. It wasn't crude or crass but complimentary and to the point. Let's meet (for a coffee first?), I will bring my backgammon board, my portable massage table in the back of my SUV and we'll play a few games, drink some wine and have a candid and open exchange. Get to know each other.

The takers were few and far between, but there was some intriguing phone sex with interested if timid respondents. But there were some memorable afternoons spent with interested and interesting women who did agree to allow me to come to their homes and play strip backgammon and get to know them.


SKIP TO HERE. __________________________________________________________________

Brenda owned her own home north of the city. She agreed to meet early on a Saturday afternoon just before Christmas for a coffee. We had already spent a few hours on the phone over several days acquainting ourselves with each other. We shared some intimate details and had titillated each other with daring and provocative teasing. We had to meet. She gave me the address of a coffee shop close to her home that was an easy and uncomplicated drive from my home.

Meeting first in a neutral location was a safe way for us to check each other out to determine that we were who we had said we were by our descriptions. If we were comfortable with each others' looks, then I would follow her home in my car. We could then spend the afternoon together playing backgammon. She had held off on promising to play a strip version despite our many conversations. She was being coy I guessed.

I was a cold day and it had snowed overnight. When I got to the coffee shop and parked, there were three vehicles in the lot. She was already sitting by the front door - the only customer there. As I exited my car and she was checking me out, she had decided that I was who I said I was and stood up. She finished her coffee and met me at the door. We exchanged pleasantries, hugged briefly and I gave her a peck on the cheek. I too was pleased that her self description was accurate and that she was well put together. We got into our vehicles and I followed her home - a short, five minute drive.

The house was on a wide corner lot at the top of a quiet cul-de-sac off of a main thoroughfare close to the highway. There were no sidewalks and traffic would be at a minimum as it terminated in a turn around court. Access to a large wooded area here did attract a lot of foot traffic as couples out for a stroll or walking their dogs used the area a lot. Pedestrian traffic was steady all day but busiest at night for the dog walkers.

The most prominent feature of her home was the large bay window of the living room to the right of the driveway and front door. As I pulled in behind her, I brought the wine and my backgammon board, following her to the door. She invited me in, but I told her I had to go back to the car to get the massage table. She appeared enthusiastic at that as I reminded her that it was cold outside and that leaving it in the car until later would not give it a chance to warm up.

She smiled at that and gave me her blessing and I returned with it shortly. As she held the door for me and I slipped in, I asked her where I could set it up. Directly over a heating vent in the floor would be best. she directed me to set it up in front of the living room window. It was a beautiful, five pane bay window set in a gentle arch, forming an alcove. The floor was carpeted and warm. There was a two foot high padded bench/storage area spanning the breadth of the alcove formed by the base of the windows, which reached to the vaulted ceiling. A fish bowl in effect. The only window coverings were sheer drapes.

As I unzipped the massage table from it's carrying case, Brenda excused herself to change into more appropriate attire. I took that to mean a change from the jeans and bulky sweater she had on now so it was bound to be an improvement. I had the table set up in a matter of minutes, and put a warm flannelette sheet on covering the vinyl surface. Placed over two floor vents pumping out warm air, it would be warmed up in no time.

As I busied myself in the adjacent kitchen opening the wine, there was a knock at the door. Brenda called down the stairs "could you get that for me?" I called back yes and opened the door. A vision to behold, her neighbor Brittany was standing there and looked a little startled at my greeting her, but she recovered quickly and introduced herself as "Brit".

Brenda yelled down "Come on in" so I held the door open and let her slip by. I introduced myself as well. Brit lived across the road from Brenda and had popped by for a quick visit and a drink. She held up a bottle of wine in one hand her heels in the other.

She seemed poorly dressed for the weather outside with a short leather skirt and stocking clad thighs, her blouse loose fitting and flimsy. Her coat was unbuttoned and she appeared a bit drunk and disheveled. She handed the wine to me as she sat down (almost fell down) on the hall bench to exchange her boots for the heels she had brought.

I offered to give her a hand and she seemed relieved. I knelt down in front of her and her lacey panties were immediately and clearly visible, her skirt hem having ridden high, her thighs indiscreetly parted. I managed to pull her boots off with some difficulty. She looked at me sheepishly, aware that I now knew the color of her panties. She handed me her heels and I slipped each one on slowly, holding her by each calf as I did so.

Putting on the heels had a magical effect and completed the look. As she stood up, she had transformed into the perfectly made suburban housewife out on the town. Her warm personality was the equal of her looks it seemed and I took to her right away.

Brenda was coming down the stairs at that moment. I did a double take because she was dressed identically to Brit, right down to the color of their skirts. I had a full up skirt view as she paused at the landing and I noticed right away that she was wearing a garter belt. Her panties appeared to match Brittany's as they were clearly visible, her short skirt offering little in the way of modesty.

Brenda welcomed Brit warmly with an extended hug. They stood together, arms draped over each other's shoulder and then explained her presence here on our date. Brit was recently separated and was a single mom. Brenda had introduced her to L*** L*** and she was just getting into the swing of it. Her kids were with their father on weekends, so she was free to date from Friday evening through Sunday evening. Brit had been exploring her limits and had gained some insights into her wants and needs.

Brenda had made her aware of our date today and she had asked Brit to "drop by" early on to make sure that I was on the up-and-up. Well before any "stripping" had happened yet. I finished opening the wine I brought and poured a glass for each of us as I listened. Although disappointed that we wouldn't be playing strip backgammon at the moment, I couldn't be displeased that I had two very attractive ladies sharing drinks with me.

They had obviously bought their outfits together. Their heels were tall and sexy and added about four inches to their heights. Brit was the taller of the two and had a slim waist with hips and breasts that flared out into a true hourglass figure. Brenda was shorter with wide hips, large breasts and a thicker torso, but her outfit showed it all off to best effect.

The skirts were red leather and short, very short and they wore identical blouses. White and semi-transparent, they clung to their breasts offering little real concealment. Their demi-cup bras were equally revealing, Brit's fairly putting her tits out there on display. I asked them to confirm that they were both wearing garter belts and they glanced at each other, then lifted the edges of their skirts, proving that they undoubtedly were.

Brit wandered over to where I had set up the massage table and looked out the window. Without saying a word, she slipped off her heels and sat down, twisting herself and her legs up onto the table. She bent one knee up and leaned back on her hands producing a provocative pin-up pose right out of the fifties. Right down to the tantalizing glimpse of thigh over her stockings.

As Brenda and I both sat back and admired what we were seeing, I asked her "What was this with Brit?" She whispered that she had been a lingerie model before she got pregnant. She had had to get married a few years back and was no longer modelling professionally. Now that the marriage was over, she was trying to pump some adventure into her now free weekends.

Brit continued to put herself on display in front of the window, the massage table acting as an elevated stage. She continued changing poses while quietly reveling in her sexiness and exposure to anyone watching from the roadway. After a few minutes, she wrapped things up and stepped back down to the carpet and into her heels. She had a dreamy look to her eyes, having lost herself there for a moment or two.

As she came back and joined us in the kitchen, she picked up her glass and drained it, holding it out for a refill. As I complied, Brenda too drained her glass and held it out for a refill. I told Brit I was reminded of the cheesecake prints from the 50's and 60's, pin-up art from old ad campaigns or calendars. I actually had a calendar of his Pin-Ups in the car at the moment. I bought one every year.

I had piqued their interest. They wanted to see it for themselves. I slipped on my boots, went out to the car to retrieve the calendar and noticed a small group of dog walkers on the road, at the foot of the driveway. They had been talking and pointing back to and looking attentively at Brenda's front window, but grew silent as I approached. I took a look back and saw that Brenda was now on the table herself, sans both skirt and blouse. I wasn't sure what was going on, but Brit was standing beside her and had unbuttoned her own blouse, slipping it off her shoulders when she had finished. They were both clearly visible, the ceiling light providing plenty of illumination.

By the time I had hustled myself back inside, slipped off my boots and I sidled myself on over and took up a position beside the two of them, I was just in time to help Brit with the zipper on the back of her skirt. As Brit struggled with removing the tight skirt, I dropped to my knees and grabbed the hem in both hands and tugged. She wriggled her hips as we worked her short skirt down over those fabulous hips and let it drop to the carpet, her lace covered pussy just inches from my chin.

She thrust her crotch forward (for a kiss I assumed), but not before she had pulled the ties to the side of her skimpy panties, letting them drop to the floor as well. My lips met her smooth, bare lips (she had had a Brazilian) and I kissed her clit with puckered lips, my tongue lapping at the inside edges of her labia. Brenda was watching closely -- I hoped that there was no envy on her part -- I fully intended to give her my undivided attention before too long.

I glanced at the window and saw our three reflections looking back. The bright, ceiling light had turned the windows into mirrors, not allowing us to see outside beyond the first few feet. At the same time, it illuminated the room so that we were on display. Brit and Brenda were putting on a show and might not even be aware of it! I couldn't believe what was happening.

As I stood up my member was doing what was expected of it, but I didn't want to interrupt the ladies as they were getting themselves naked. I helped them both remove their bras. Brenda's panties came next. She was still reclined on the table and she allowed me to tug the ties myself, using my teeth, her bare labia dripping juices as I used my tongue to push the front of her panties aside. I continued lapping with the tip of my tongue to taste her juices and flick the tip of her clit. Brit was unconsciously playing with and tweaking her nipples, still not aware (or was she?) that she had an audience.

They were now both exposed, their cle5ran shaven pussies evident for all to see. Having removed their clothing, only their matching garter belts, stockings and heels remained. This, of course, was incredibly sexy. We retired to the kitchen momentarily, the two of them still apparently unaware that they were on full display. I struggled with whether to tell them or not, not wanting to spoil the obvious joy they were experiencing at the moment in their debauchery.

They showed no hesitation in being so exposed to me and they both allowed me to nibble on their nipples. I was still fully dressed, the two of the them in their stockings and heels. I poured us another glass each and asked them what they were up to. Why the sudden nudity? I knew what I wanted to do, but this was their neighborhood and tomorrow would be another day. Would they come to regret their wanton (if unconscious) display for the neighborhood? Neighbors they were going to run into in their day-to-day lives?

They answered the question for me. I had a Hardon that was screaming to be released. Brit was a bit tipsy and started to pull at my belt while Brenda was pulling my shirt over my head. I got the hint and took over, down to my briefs in no time. I had dressed with the anticipation of playing a game or two of strip backgammon, so my briefs were transparent and flesh colored. I slipped them off too.

Now that we were getting down to it, we gravitated back to the massage table where I guided them to stand side by side, on the opposite side of the table from the window. Still unaware of their exposure to the neighborhood, they both leaned forward over the table, their breasts on full display for our audience, which I imagined might be growing. They were admiring themselves in the reflections from the windows and tweaked their own nipples, thrilling in the sensation. I told them that we had no way of knowing whether we might have an audience without being aware of it, but they both looked at each other and shrugged. Neither of them seemed concerned about WHO was watching them, only that they might be being watched. They were bubbling with excitement.

I was facing a pair of beautiful behinds framed by their matching garter belts and stockings. I unwrapped and put on a condom as I approached them both and extended a hand to each of them. Placing my hands in their tailbone area, I started a rhythmic stroking of both, each hand mirroring the actions of the other. I alternated between each cheek before allowing my fingers to slip down and under, playing with the lowest portion of their labia. I was pinching ever so gently before inserting two fingers into their pussies and playing some more.

Both were already well lubricated and it was time to put on a show for their neighbors. It was cold out and we all agreed that if someone was watching, they deserved a show that would warm them up. I unwrapped and put on a condom over my rock hard cock. I started with Brenda, if only because she was my original "date" tonight. My rod was pulsing and the glans was engorged, bouncing slightly with each heartbeat. With a heads up to her, I thrust my erection in deep and to the hilt, her flowing juices making for a smooth passage.