Mated to the Pack Ch. 03


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"We're having Chinese food tonight. Someone else is bringing it, so you won't have to cook. I also need you to look after Brenda's little boy until it's his bedtime, so I have some time to talk to her and Gretchen. It's possible Gretchen will spend the night. I sort of invited her to if she's still interested in sex with me."

She raised her eyebrows, then laughed. I hugged her and we walked up to the house together.

After lunch, Dad took Brigitte upstairs. I asked Mom if she wanted to go down to the water and wait like Dad did.

"No, I'm going to give Simon a little alone time with her. He said if I wanted to come in the bedroom and watch, I could. That's what I'm going to do. Maybe I can pick up some pointers so I can be more pleasing to your father." She grinned at me as she said it. "It doesn't hurt to learn new things. I certainly learned some things from Conor I intend to teach him."

That did it. All the sex going on around me, I dragged Conor up to my bedroom and had my way with him. He'd taught me a lot of things as well, and I wanted to experience all of them, several more times.

Brigitte kept Dad occupied for ninety minutes, then she knocked on my door and asked if she could enter. I told her she could. Her pussy was quite messy when she entered because Dad never learned to clean up after himself.

"Lick me clean, puppy," she said.

I was riding him cowgirl at the time, so he just pointed to his face and Brigitte settled her loins over Conor's mouth and he did what he was told. Good boy.


When we got up to shower at 4:30, Mom and Dad were still in their bedroom, but it didn't seem they were having sex, just a low murmur of conversation I couldn't hear, but perhaps the wolves did. We dressed, then we three picked up because we were having company. Mom and Dad joining us at 5:30. Dawn and Gerhard arrived at ten minutes to six, carrying several bags of Chinese food. We brought them into the kitchen, but I held off on introductions until everyone was there. Gretchen arrived five minutes early, giving me a hot kiss when she did. It was about seven minutes after seven when Brenda arrived.

She looked harried and frazzled. Her son was named Thomas, Jr, and he looked like he might have been on sugar all afternoon, going eight different directions at once.

"Mom, Dad, Brenda, Gretchen, I'd like to introduce you to Gerhard and Dawn. Gerhard provided the Chinese food tonight, so thank him for feeding us. Dawn is like a family member. These are my friends, Conor and Brigitte. More than friends actually, they're also my lovers and bodyguard...

"Why do you need a bodyguard?" Gretchen interrupted.

"All will be explained, I promise. If you have questions after all the explanations are done, ask away. I know you came regarding a possible employment offer, but it's best if we enjoy the food Gerhard brought while it's still warm. Brenda and Gretchen, I know you've met my parents before, if only briefly, but this is my Father, Simon Huppert, and Mother, Anita. Gerhard, and Dawn, these are my high school friends, Brenda Gleason, and Gretchen Shriver. They will be considering the positions you have available when we have time to chat about them. Please sit, and enjoy. We can discuss business, when Tommy, Jr. goes to bed."

Everybody sat down and we started passing the food around. The conversation was light, exploratory chit chat for the most part. Dawn indicated she worked in accounting, having gotten her accounting degree at Marquette. Gerhard said he was a businessman.

"Oh, did everyone hear they caught the rapist who's been terrorizing the women in Rhinelander for the last two months," Gretchen said. "Caught him red handed, apparently, hoping to rape someone else."

"Did they happen to mention where he was caught?" I asked.

"I missed the first part of the news blurb," Gretchen said. "I was channel surfing when I caught them promoting tonight's news stories."

"He was caught here, on our property. Brigitte nabbed him."

"No shit!" Gretchen blurted. "Here."

"Right down by the dock," I said. "We were skinny dipping and heard him trying to sneak up on us. Brigitte slipped into the trees and caught him sneaking up on us armed with a gun. She videoed his skulking and then disarmed him. You should have heard her. 'Drop your weapon or the next place you're going is a hole in the ground.' It was quite exciting."

"Wow. Beautiful and dangerous," Gretchen said. "Well done. Have you been rewarded yet?"

"I was rewarded with sex," Brigitte said, kissing me on the cheek. "Does that count?"

"It does in my book, but I was referring to the $20,000 dollar reward for information leading to his capture. You did more. You captured him yourself."

"They didn't mention anything last night. That would be nice. We still have to go in to sign our statements. Perhaps they'll mention it then."

"Wow, an actual heroine. I'm impressed. What were you doing when she was making the capture, Jess?" Gretchen asked.

"Conor and I were fooling around in the water, splashing, trying to draw him closer and mask any noise Brigitte might be making."

"By fooling around, are you talking about sex?"

"The sex had pretty much ended by then," I said. "It was mostly just splashing, with a little kissing thrown in."

"What I want to know, is why Brigitte made the capture and not Conor?" Brenda asked.

"Brigitte is the more experienced and placed in charge," I said. "Conor does what he's told."

"As he should," Gerhard said. "Any paramilitary group should have a chain of command and a clear hierarchy. With age and experience, comes wisdom. Conor will rise up in the organization when he's ready."

"What organization?" Brenda asked.

"The security company he works for, Loup-Garou, isn't it, Conor?" I said. "It's a French Canadian term isn't it."

"Yes. That is the company." He smiled his million watt smile and turned it on Brenda. She dropped her eyes. I think even I could smell her begin to heat up.

After supper, when the food had been put away, Mom and Dad took charge of Junior and the rest of us went out onto the porch and lit a fire in the fire pit, just for a little light. I started my pitch.

"As I think I told both Brenda and Gretchen, I lost my job four weeks ago. I'd just purchased a house, and had a hundred thousand dollars in student loans to repay. I couldn't find a similar job for love nor money. Large ships aren't being built during this recession, and with the easing of tensions between the US and other countries. I had three months of expenses saved in the bank, when I lost my job and in two weeks, I hadn't gotten even a whiff of a job, even overseas. After my last job search, I got a pop-up ad on my computer. Normally, I ignore them, but as I said, I was getting desperate.

"I put in a real simple application and I was contacted the next day. Some people have trouble conceiving a child for genetic reasons. I can get into that later. What they wanted, was a surrogate mother to carry a child to term, such child to be given to the family that needed the help. I would be paid for that child, a nice sum of money equal to even a little more than my annual salary at my job. For reasons that we'll discuss once you indicate that you are interested, conception of the child has to occur naturally. During the five days of the month that I'm fertile, I am required to have sex with the male whose mate can't be fertilized. All of the males who would provide the fertilization are guaranteed to be disease free, and all of them are fine physical specimens, such as Conor and Gerhard here.

"When I arrived here, Gerhard indicated that some members of his organization have the same genetic problems with conception. If you are interested in helping out. Gerhard would be willing to pay $75,000 dollars per child. If you provide four children in this way, there's a bonus to be paid of $300,000 dollars. That would be a total of $600,000 for four children. You can stop after one child, or carry on with additional children. No one would force you to do this breeding program. The money is to encourage participation. Obviously, four children could be expected to take about six years of your life, although once a child is born, you have no responsibility for it. Medical costs related to delivery are covered by the infertile parents.

"Have sex, get pregnant, deliver a baby and pass it to the parents who need the child. Gretchen, you could continue working as an artist, you'd just be doing it as a pregnant artist. You can hold other jobs, earn money in other ways, but you'd be paid for renting out your womb. That's the way I looked at it. I'm renting out my womb. If you should happen to meet someone, get married, whatever; you can, as long as if you're pregnant with one of those children, you give it to the contractual parents upon delivery. If you're not pregnant at the time, you just stop participating. Brenda, you've got a child and I'm sure he's a handful to raise as a single parent, but you don't have to raise any additional children, just collect your check."

"You know I'm a gold star lesbian," Gretchen said.

"What's that?" Brenda asked.

"A woman who's never had a dick in her," I said.

"Oh, wow, so you're like a virgin?"

"Not strictly," Gretchen said. "I've had things in my vagina, just not human dicks."

"I know being a gold star lesbian may be very important to you, Gretchen, but would you rather have a certificate on your wall that says you've never touched a dick, or fuck for five days and have $75,000 in the bank? You don't have to fall in love, or emotionally bond with the male breeding you, just fuck and send him on his way. The rest of the time, you can have all the pussy you want."

"When you put it that way..."

"Conor, Brigitte and I were talking about the differences in how different people view sex. For some people it requires an emotional connection. Those people want to be in love, have sex to make families. Other people view sex as pleasure, which can be experienced with anyone. If you're the first type, making babies is probably not for you. If you're the second type, and enjoy the act of procreation for fun, which I do, because I haven't met my someone yet, it works for me. Some women know it would be difficult to carry a new life inside of you for nine months, then let it go. If you don't think you can do that, this is probably not for you.

"Before we go any further into explanations, Gerhard needs to know if you're at all interested. If you know for sure this isn't your deal, walk away now. You won't be hurting anyone's feelings if you do. Having a child is a huge commitment. Brenda, do you want to hear more?"

"I'm fifty-fifty about taking this farther, but I'm definitely willing to listen."


"I'd love to move out of my parents house and get my own place. I'd say 70-30, I'm in."

"I know those odds may change once you hear the rest, but before we go any further, there's paperwork to be signed. The first thing is a non-disclosure agreement. You can't speak about the rest of this to anyone, anytime, anywhere, without violating US law. You can be arrested if you do. My parents wanted to know what's going on, so I'm going to check and see if they're free. Could I get a couple of the NDA's to take in the house?"

Dawn handed them to me. I went into the house and found Mom reading a bedtime story to Junior.

"Can I interrupt for a second."

"Sure," Mom said.

"We're getting to all the secret stuff we haven't been able to talk about. Here are the forms you have to read and sign."

"Give it to me, I'll sign it," she said. "Simon can read it over and tell me about anything I need to know."

"Mom, it's crucial you never speak about any of this stuff, ever, to anyone. Let me repeat that. Ever. You can be arrested and prosecuted under US laws. It's top secret stuff. I don't know if they'll drop you in a hole somewhere or dump you in an insane asylum, so doped up you can't speak, but it's serious. If you understand that, you can sign, the rest is just details, but it never leaves your lips to anyone, unless they sign the same documents you're signing. It's like handing out our nuclear codes, okay. Zip the lip."

"Fine. I know how to keep my mouth shut. Tommy is almost asleep. I'll be out there in a few minutes. Honey, you go listen to what they have to say."

I handed her the form and showed her where she had to sign, and she signed it. Dad followed me back out onto the porch.

When I got back, Gretchen asked me, "You had to sign one of these forms."

"Yes, and I've signed a contract too, because I've obligated myself to have two children, and they've already paid me for one."

"Okay. It just seems so serious."

"It is serious. It's going to alter your view of reality. Everything you thought you ever knew, will be different. First I'll tell you what you're dealing with, then why it works that way. Has everyone who needed to sign, signed. Let me see them."

Gretchen, Brenda and Dad handed me the form to go with Mom's. I handed them to Gerhard.

"Okay, first of all, Conor, Brigitte, Dawn and Gerhard are not human. They are shapeshifters, specifically, wolves, or what you've been taught all you life are werewolves."

Brenda snorted. "Bullshit." Dad looked startled. He'd fucked one too.

"I will prove it to you in a moment. I thought the exact same thing when I was told. Why don't we know about this? Wouldn't the government know? This is a load of crap. I thought I was being taken in by some kind of con game. Think of werewolves as a tribe. They call themselves a pack, but for our purposes, they're a tribe. They are not the only shape shifters out there. A lot of the fables and legends that have been passed down, things like centaurs, dragons, Yeti, Bigfoot, are probably shapeshifters. Most of them are solitary creatures. Wolves are pack animals. They used to be hunted down, but in 1899, the US government signed a treaty with the leaders of the various tribes, or packs of wolves. Not all wolves are werewolves. Some are just wolves. Conor and Brigitte are members of the New England pack. Gerhard and Dawn are members of the Northern Wisconsin/Upper Peninsula pack. They're mostly concentrated in the wooded areas of the Unites States.

"The genetic difficulty werewolves have which prevents them from having children, is that if they mate as wolves, they produce pure wolves, wolves that are introduced to real wolf packs at about one year of age. If they mate in their human form, they produce pure humans, humans they really shouldn't raise themselves for a variety of reasons, so most are given up for adoption. If they mate as a wolf to a human form, they're infertile. The most common way to get a new werewolf before the treaty was signed, was to bite a human. They would become a werewolf. The treaty outlawed the making of werewolves by biting humans.

"However, just as biting a human makes a werewolf, mating with a human also makes a werewolf. They can't go around raping humans any more than they can biting humans. Since the treaty, wolves have had to seduce human women, first as a human, and then convincing them to have sex with their wolf form, and I say that for a reason, wolf males as wolves, have to have sex with human women. Wrap your heads around that. It could also work the other way, Human males could mate with wolf females in wolf form, but males need erections to procreate, and human males would not normally fuck a wolf bitch. They're not naturally attracted, so would lose their erections. For that reason, it works better in the opposite direction, because wolf males have no problem mating with women, as they often have sex as humans. Having sex with human women in a human form, also produce human children. It doesn't work to make werewolf pups. I've had sex with both Conor and Brigitte as humans, and the sex with him is incredible. I could see how it could work to be seduced into mating with a wolf, but instead of hoping to seduce women into breeding with a wolf, they're taking a direct approach, and decided it might be more productive if they just pay you for their needs

"So what Gerhard is asking of you, is that you accept sex with a wolf, in order for them to create more of their kind. Now, I'm going to prove to you that they are in fact, werewolves. In order to prevent replacing of clothes, it's easier if they're naked, so tell me if you'd like to have a female or male shift, and they will strip off their clothes and change, right before your eyes. It doesn't look the way shifting is normally portrayed in movies. It looks like the shifting in the Twilight movies, almost instantaneous. Who shall it be?"

"I vote for Conor," Brenda said.

"I vote for Brigitte," Gretchen said.

"You just want to see her naked, dyke."

"You've been eyeing Conor all night long. You can't wait to get a hold of his cock, you sanctimonious slut."

"Ladies, and I use that word loosely, tone it down. They'll both do it, okay."

"I still feel like this is some cheap parlor trick," Brenda said, "but let's see it."

"Strip boys and girls," I said.

Conor and Brigitte removed their clothes. Conor had an erection. What else is new.

"One of you women is aroused, Conor always gets that way when he smells an aroused pussy."

"Both of them are," Conor said, "although I suspect the blonde to be hot for Brigitte."

"Conor, why don't you start. Give it ten or so seconds. Let them touch you if they're not afraid of the big, bad wolf, then shift back."

Just like that, Conor shifted. Mom was just coming out the door when he did, and having missed the preceding conversation, was totally shocked when her lover from this morning turned into a wolf. She fainted. Luckily, Gerhard was close enough and fast enough to catch her before she hit the floor, Dad, Gretchen and Brenda gasped. Gerhard lowered Mom into a chair. Conor, the young rascal, padded slowly up to Brenda, and snuffled her crotch in her jeans.

"Go ahead, Brenda, touch him. He's not a wolf, he's a werewolf, and not dangerous at all unless you threaten his pack." Brenda slowly reached out and touched him. He sat there like a dog, though still with his erection, since he was directly smelling Brenda's pussy. "The rapist that was caught last night, was caught not because they heard him sneaking up on us, but because they smelled him sneaking up on us. They have an incredible sense of smell, which is how he can tell you're aroused. Conor, behave yourself. She's our guest."

He pulled back with that loopy wolfish grin of his, then switched back, just in time for Mom to wake up and see him switching again, promptly fainting once more, although she had nowhere to fall. Conor leaned down and kissed Brenda on the cheek.

"I'd love to have sex with you if you want."

"Pull your pants on, Conor," I said.

Conor pulled them up. I went to Mom and patted her cheek until she woke up. "Mom, this is the news we couldn't tell you before. Conor and Brigitte are werewolves, or wolf shapeshifters. Not like the movies and books you're familiar with, but smart, beautiful, intelligent beings who can go from wolf to human and back again. Brigitte is going to shift now. Expect it, and try not to faint again."

She nodded. Brigitte shifted, and a wolf bitch was standing in our midst. Brigitte walked up to Gretchen and laid her head on Gretchen's lap. Gretchen started stroking her head.

"Now that you know that werewolves and other shapeshifters really exist, I'm sure you're wondering about a lot of other things. Vampires did exist, but if they're not extinct, they're in hiding as the wolves haven't seen one in 200 years. If you have sex with a wolf male, you won't have a litter of puppies. It will be a normal nine month pregnancy, resulting in the birth of a single child, who will appear human in all respects except for this. He or she will reach full maturity at about the age of seven or eight. Because of the growth rates, packs have to raise their own children, they can't go to human schools.