Matmos Mud


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When they had finally removed all the Mud I was exhausted, drained and effectively unconscious. I slept most of the night while two women aroused themselves with Matmos Mud replicas of my erection because the real thing was obviously worn out.

The next morning Angela looked at the instructions for Matmos Mud. There was a warning that overuse could lead to sexual overload and exhaustion but nothing about creating a full body mould of it. Perhaps the suppliers thought that no one could afford so much?

The next night I had to satisfy two demanding women while the Matmos Mud was put back in its wrappings. I wasn't as effective as the Mud replicas of me had been but they seemed reasonably satisfied with my efforts. I was happier with two real women who were no threat, unlike the Mud.

So - if you ever buy Matmos Mud, read the instructions and warnings, never use it when alone, and don't buy too much. It may be a pleasant experience but it might be your last, and fatal.

You have been warned.

Author's Note: The idea for Matmos Mud came from the movie 'Barbarella'. I have assumed that the evil Matmos liquid was not so dangerous when just Mud.

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