Matt and Lauren Pt. 04


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We arrived at the property and I liked it as soon as I saw it. The house was in a small cul-de-sac of similar properties that all seemed to have fairly large gardens, which in itself was unusual for this part of the city.

We started outside and had a walk around the gardens, which were lovely and well kept. Mr Dempsey agreed with me when I said that if the inside was anything like the gardens we would take it like a shot.

We went inside, Mr Dempsey holding the back door open for me to allow me to enter first. As soon as I went past him I knew his eyes would be locked onto my bum. I took a quick glance over my shoulder and bingo ... sure enough they were. He looked sheepish when he realised I'd caught him looking.

He cleared his throat before speaking. "Erm ... this obviously is the kitchen. You can see that it needs a bit of work doing. The landlord had been fitting new units himself but hurt his arm and ran out of time. He will of course complete the work for you."

"Why can't he just get someone in to do it for him?" I asked as I scanned the room taking in the cupboard and drawer units that were only partially assembled. They seemed to be of a good quality.

"No he would never do that. Mr Croft is a cautious man with his money, always bartering, you know trading one thing off against another. He loves to wheel and deal," Mr Dempsey said with a slight smirk. It was like he knew an inside joke that I wasn't going to be party to.

"Oh," I replied as I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. It was a good size but looked like it needed a lick of paint to freshen it up.

We looked in every room and every one either needed something doing to it or finishing off. I was confused.

"So you said that the couple just moved in and then moved out again? Was this before he started working on the property or did they move in with it like this?"

Mr Dempsey shuffled his feet before answering. "No it was ... erm ... like this when they moved in."

He stopped talking so I raised my arms as if to tell him to carry on. He grimaced but then continued.

"Mr Croft said he would get around to doing the work but he wasn't to be rushed. I think he made them a proposition, you know, did a bit of wheeler dealing but they decided that it would be better for them if they moved on. And that's what they did. Yesterday to be precise."

"Oh, I see."

"So ... what do you think? Do you like it?" Mr Dempsey said as he licked his lips. He seemed nervous, like he was trying to build up the courage to do something.

"Well yes, I do," I replied with a smile. "I like it a lot, even though there's quite a bit of work to finish off but I can see past that. It's nice. So ... what are our chances for getting it?"

"Won't your husband want to view before you make that decision? Will he be coming back this afternoon to meet you here?"

At first it struck me as a strange question but then I guessed he was just wondering whether he'd have to give me a lift back home or drop me off somewhere.

"No, Matt will go with what I want. I know he'll love it. And no ... he's not coming back to pick me up so if you wouldn't mind giving me a lift I'd be ever so grateful." I then gave him my best sizzling hot smile.

He looked delighted with the news. "Excellent," he said with a strange smile, "Shall we have a look upstairs again? There are a few things you need to see that I think you missed the first time."

He didn't wait for an answer, he just walked out of the living room and went back upstairs. I followed on behind, wondering what it was that I could have possibly missed.

We went into the second bedroom first and then into the third. There was nothing in either that I hadn't seen before. He then took me into the bathroom and explained that the bath was a jacuzzi bath, which I'd already seen and that the separate shower wasn't electric, it was gravity fed and heated by the combi boiler that was in the downstairs utility room. All things I knew already.

We went into the master bedroom last. It appeared perfect, which is what I said to him.

"Indeed it is," he replied nervously. He seemed to be swallowing hard and licking his lips a lot. "I ... I don't think you took time to look out of the window the first time you came in here. The ... erm ... the view is really something."

I walked over to the window and peered out. I have to admit, it was a good view. Not spectacular but good enough.

I then sensed Mr Dempsey had come up behind me. I could smell his cheap cologne. "You can see the park from here," he said quietly.

"Where?" I replied, his closeness and soft voice making me feel funny for some reason, "I can't see anything like that."

"If you stretch up onto your tiptoes and lean forward a bit to the right you should be able to see it," he said.

I did as instructed and it was true, I could just about make out the trees in the park about half a mile away. I stretched up and to the side to see more but was now struggling to maintain my balance.

"Here let me hold you steady," he said. I felt his hands come onto my hips. "That's right, just like that," he muttered. I swallowed hard as a surge of disgust flowed through my body to be immediately counteracted by a flush of unwanted arousal.

"I'm not sure I can see," I said, "maybe you could help me a bit?"

I know I should have been batting his hands away but I couldn't help myself. I was going to have some fun at his expense and it would probably give me a good orgasm later tonight when I masturbated to the memory. Yes, I really have become that perverted.

Both hands were on my arse in a flash, groping and pulling at my cheeks in the pretence of lifting me higher whilst at the same time trying to move me to the right. Eventually he stopped. I was as high as he was going to lift me without giving himself a hernia and he seemed to have his hands in a good position, both cupping my ample bum cheeks very nicely indeed. I could feel his fingers moving like tentacles probing and fondling my arse cheeks.

I let him have his fun for a bit longer than I should have done if his contact had been accidental before I indicated he should let me down. He reluctantly removed his hands from my arse. "Well thank you for that," I said, "you were right about the view."

He smiled weakly back, his face flushed and beaded with sweat. We went back downstairs and out into the garden. It really was a lovely property.

"So what's the procedure now? Do we have to register with your agency to get the ball rolling? No doubt you will want references, bank details, things like that."

He smoothed back his slick, gelled hair with one hand and gave me a leer. "I can see you have a million questions and whilst we should discuss these back at my office, I was thinking, as it's a warm day can I suggest that we adjourn to a quiet little riverside bar I know instead? It's far less stuffy then my office and I could do with a refreshing and cooling drink."

"Oh ... erm ... I don't know? Give me a couple of minutes. I just need to make a phone call." I walked to the bottom of the garden and phoned Matt.

"Hey babe, so ... what's it like? Is it okay?" he said as he answered his phone not even waiting for me to say hello or anything.

"Yeah it's great, really great," I replied.

"Uh-oh, I sense a but coming ..." Matt interrupted.

"No ... no there's no but ..." I turned to look back to see if Mr Dempsey was listening in on our conversation. He wasn't but I lowered my voice anyway. "... it's turned a little bit weird that's all."

"What do you mean, weird?"

"Mr Dempsey ... he's come on to me. He wants to take me to a bar ... now ... for a drink and to answer all my questions. Don't you find that a little weird?"

"No not really," he chuckled, "it's a hot day, maybe he's just thirsty?"

"He fondled my bum Matt," I said firmly.

"Oh right ... did you enjoy it?"

"That's not the point Matt," I said.

"Well did you?" Matt interrupted me again, "It's okay babe if you did. You know I don't mind. If you want to fulfil your fantasy about older men with Mr Dempsey then go ahead."

"He's not that old," I hissed, "besides ... he's smarmy ... and creepy ... and it's the way he looks at me ..."

I could hear some background noise at Matt's end. It sounded like a car engine. "Look babe, I've got to go, my appointments just arrived. Do what you have to do. I've checked on-line again and there is absolutely nothing else listed in that area that we can afford. If you like the house that's good enough for me. Go for it. Just don't lose it, okay?"

"Okay," I replied, "love you."

"Love you too babe."

Then I heard another voice. It was faint but I could clearly hear every word. "Mr Stephens? How lovely to see you again. Are you ready to show me around this delightful property." I heard Matt begin to reply but then he terminated our call from his end.

"Mrs Stephens?" Mr Dempsey said, making me jump and bringing me back to the here and now, "shall we go?"

"Why not," I answered, just catching his gleeful smile as he turned and led me back to his car.

We arrived at the riverside bar where he found us a seat that was private. Not that it mattered much. It was still early, too early even for happy hour. With me safely ensconced he went off to get us both a drink. He didn't even ask me what I wanted.

He came back with two large glasses that were rather garishly adorned with slices of fruit, little parasols and a couple of straws each. The glass was full of fruit too but I took a sip and it was delicious. I took another deeper drink. I hadn't realised how thirsty I was. It was very refreshing.

He too took a taste before putting his glass down on the table. I held onto mine and continued to sip from it. It really was good.

"So Mrs Stevens, you said you wanted to know what happens next ... so fire away."

"Oh yes right ... I asked if we had to register with your agency and whether you would want our bank details and references."

"Yes and no," he replied, "You will have to register with us and we will need your bank details but we won't require a reference from your previous landlord. Mr Croft doesn't believe in them."

I was a bit taken aback by that information. "So if you don't apply for references, how does he make his decision about who to rent to? Surely he must want to know if he's going to get his rent paid?"

Mr Dempsey smirked. "He leaves that entirely up to me. I vet everyone first before he meets with you to make the final decision. As regards payment, as a responsible letting agency that is bound by a strict code of practice we still apply for a bank reference but Mr Croft doesn't believe in banks. He much prefers to deal in cash at all times."

"Oh, how strange," I said with no doubt a perplexed look on my face.

"Not really. If you knew of Mr Croft's background you might understand why he does what he does."

"He's not a criminal is he?" I said with a laugh.

"No, no nothing like that," Mr Dempsey replied immediately.

"How's your drink? Fancy another?" He was up and out of his seat in an instant and already walking inside to the bar before I could even react. He came back a couple of minutes later with another drink just for me.

"Thank you ... you not having another?" I asked as he placed the drink down on the table in front of me.

"No, I'm driving," he said.

"This is alcoholic?" I blurted out, looking at my drink with disbelief.

"Yes, I thought you knew. Why, is it a problem?"

"It's not got gin in it, has it?" I said slowly, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, as a matter of fact it has. Nice isn't it? If I hadn't have been driving I would have had another one too."

As soon as he said yes I got that fuzzy feeling, which is usually the first hint of my impending arousal. Gin does that to me and the older I get the earlier and easier it seems to take it's hold on me.

He relaxed back into his chair and gazed out over the river. "It's lovely here, I often come to have a drink on my own to reflect on the meaning of life. It's great to relax and take in the sights."

As he said that I saw him gaze across at my breasts. As I said before my top was fairly low cut and as it was quite warm I'd opened some more buttons so there was quite a bit of boob flesh showing together with some cleavage.

"Liking what you see?" I said, probably a bit too loudly. Another side effect of the gin. And so soon.

He didn't seemed fazed by my remark, he just nodded his head. "Very much so. I was wondering if your tan covers all your breasts or whether you've got bikini tan lines?"

"It's all over," I answered huffily.

"Prove it," he replied quietly with a smile, "show me."

"What here ... now?"

He nodded his head. I don't know what made me do it, I should have told him to fuck off but for some reason I felt compelled to show him how wrong he was. I unfastened a few more buttons and pulled my top lower, exposing more of my boobs than I should have been.

"Satisfied?" I said, but for some reason still holding my top down.

"Not really," he replied with a leer, "you might have been wearing one of those bikini's that just have little modesty triangles to cover your ... you know ... bits!"

"What? Here's your proof," I scoffed irritably, as this time I pulled my top up from the bottom lifting my bra up with it at the same time. My breasts plopped free. I glanced down and noticed my nipples were jutting out from my breasts quite alarmingly.

"Satisfied now," I eventually snapped out as I pulled my top back down. I crossed my legs a couple of times, watching him watch me intently. I took another drink but realised the glass was empty. I picked up the other one and took a healthy sip.

"WOW," he said breathlessly, before gulping, "you weren't kidding."

It took him a while to compose himself but then he began to chat inanely about all manner of subjects whilst I sipped continuously on my gin cocktail. I had no idea of time when he finally stood up and suggested we go back to his office to fill out the paperwork.

I stood on unsteady legs and followed him outside, cursing myself for wearing 4" heels with my skinny jeans. Not good for walking when you have trouble even standing upright.

We duly arrived at his offices. JP Dempsey, Property Management was the name above the door. We entered and he was right. It was extremely stuffy. He opened a few windows to let in some fresh air and then we went through into his office.

"Do you work alone?" I asked as I looked around his offices noting that all his computers and office equipment looked to be of a good quality. He certainly hadn't stinted on price.

"No, my office clerk only works part time and she's already left for the day. She does some paperwork but mainly she covers the office whilst I'm out on my viewing appointments."

He took a form out of his desk drawer and slid it across to me. "Right, if you could just fill out this form Mrs Stephens." He handed me a pen. When I'd finished filling it out, which took a while due to me finding it hard to focus my eyes properly, I passed it back across the desk to him.

"So ... what do we do now? Can we meet Mr Croft? Are you going to recommend us to him?" I asked hopefully.

"Well it's not that straightforward," he replied, as he looked through a stack of yellow post-it notes that were lying on his desk. "I do have other people who would be very interested in this property. I think I owe it to them to give them a viewing." He picked up the post-it notes and waved them in the air at me. "We've had nineteen phone calls alone since it went back on our website and no doubt there will be email enquiries too."

"No ... no you can't do that," I blurted out abruptly, "is it possible to give us first refusal? We really want this house." I know I was almost begging but Matt had made it quite clear to me that I had to get first refusal.

"Well I'm not sure," he scoffed, "it's hardly fair to all the others if I do that ... now is it Mrs Stephens?"

"Please ... is there anything I can do to persuade you that we would be the ideal tenants for this house." As soon as I uttered the words I was regretting them. I knew what was coming.

"Mmmm ... let me think," he said pursing his lips as he rubbed his chin with his left hand, "what have you got that could possibly interest me?"

There was then a pause that seemed to drag on for ages. Eventually he stood up from his chair and came around his desk and moved towards me. I followed him with my eyes as he circled around behind me. I steeled myself for what I knew was coming next. My breath caught in my throat.

"Why don't you stand up Mrs Stephens," he said, his voice dripping with lust. I stood immediately. I don't know why, I just felt compelled to do so. He took my hand and eased me away from the chair to stand in the middle of the office. He stood behind me for what seemed an eternity. I took a glance over my shoulder just to confirm what I already knew. He was positively salivating as he looked at my backside.

And then he was tight up behind me, his hands briefly on my hips before they slipped lower to land on my arse cheeks. I heard him sigh. He was gentle at first, just circling around my shapely bum with the palm of his hands before he began to get a bit more energetic. Soon he was fondling my cheeks more aggressively, sinking his fingers into my abundant flesh and making me rock backwards and forwards as the intensity of his groping grew.

I couldn't help myself. It's a big turn on for me to have my arse groped violently. How did he know?

"Ohhh ... fuckkk," I moaned as my hips began to move from side to side. He was getting to me even though he disgusted me. And maybe that was why.

I could feel the wetness between my legs and shook my head. Christ, was I that easily aroused?

He moved around until he was stood facing me. In my 4" heels I was the same height as him. He pulled me to him as his hands went back onto my bum cheeks. I was now crushed against his body. I could smell his manliness. It wasn't pleasant but it seemed to fan the flames of my arousal.

After a couple of minutes of his groping and pulling I was almost gone. I added him to the list of people that could get me horny just by groping my arse. Disgustingly, he was near the top.

And then he kissed me. God help me, I didn't want to but I soon found myself kissing him back. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and we frenched for a bit. When he broke away I was breathless.

Now turned on, I was ill prepared for what happened next. His hands left my bum to land on my shoulders. He pressed down on them forcing me to buckle. I was soon on my knees and looking at his cock. I'd no idea when he'd freed it from his trousers.

The first thing I noticed was that it was uncircumcised. And that was probably the reason it didn't smell very nice. The second thing I noticed was that it was fat but not very long. But it already looked fairly hard. The third thing I noticed was that his piss-hole in the end was gaping wide open. It was most peculiar. I half expected to see a tongue come flicking out of it like it was some kind of alien movie monster.

"Put it in your mouth and suck it bitch!" Mr Dempsey snarled. I nearly started laughing, it seemed so out of character. Maybe he thought he was some kind of hard-nosed stud.

But disgustingly I complied. I took it in my hand, bent lower and closed my lips around it, gagging slightly from the taste of piss. I sucked on the head, swirling my tongue around before taking it as deep as I could. If I had to guess I would reckon it was around 5" long. But it was certainly thick and the more I sucked the fatter it got.

I was on my knees but sitting back on my legs as I gave him the best blow-job I could. He for his part reached down and grabbed at my tits, giving them a good mauling when he eventually freed them from my top and bra. He was very adept at twisting and tweaking my nipples which were now rock hard nubs of granite.