Matthew and Melody Ch. 01


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"Yes, I knew it would happen."

"That doesn't bother or upset you?"

"No. That's one of the main aspects of my fantasy that you fulfilled. It's what every man who shares his wife wants to happen. It's what every man who shares my fantasy wants to witness for himself."

"Why didn't you warn me that this would happen to me?"

"Because I wanted it to happen for you naturally, organically. If you had expectations going into it, the experience would not have been so profound. What I witnessed last night was your sexual awakening and re-birth. For the first time since I've known you I saw you drop the charade of being the type of woman everyone expects you to be, the type of woman you want me to think that you are, and reveal the woman you truly are, the slut that you've always wanted to set free but were always so afraid to."

"You liked seeing me like that? You likes seeing me be a slut? Even if I'm being a slut for another man instead of you?"

"Oh yes," I whispered in response, "I liked it especially because you were being a slut for another man." My orgasm, the result of her hand continuing to stroke my erection, was fast approaching. She could sense it as well.

"You likes seeing me suck on that big cock? You liked seeing it stretch my tight little pussy deeper and wider than yours ever could? You liked seeing me getting filled with another man's cum?" She paused and then whispered softly in my ear, "I liked it. I loved it. In fact, I want to do it again. I need to do it again. I need to be fucked like that almost as much as I need to eat and breathe."

Upon hearing her words, I climaxed and began ejaculating onto my stomach. When my orgasm subsided, she cuddled even closer against me.

"You know that I love you, Matthew. I love you more than any man in this world."

"I know," I whispered in response, "and I love you, Melody."

"But you do understand this need I have now? The need that you can never possibly satisfy?"

I kissed her softly and looked lovingly into her eyes, "My love, you act as if this need of yours is new. It's not. You've always had this need. I just made it possible for you to be aware of it, and I will continue to make it possible for you to satisfy it in any way I can."

"In a way I almost despise you for making me aware of it. On the other hand, I love you even more for allowing me to satisfy it last night. You really won't mind if we do that again?"

"No, I really don't mind. In fact, I'm looking forward to witnessing you again in that state."

"I do have one other question, though," she asked, "There's something that I'm somewhat confused or even... troubled about."

"What's that?"

"When you went down on me and made me cum with your mouth after he had finished inside me..." her words trailed off.

"Yes? What about it?" I asked playfully.

"Don't get me wrong - I really enjoyed it. It felt amazing. But... you tasted another man's cum. You actually swallowed it, too. Didn't you?"

"I did. I tasted both of you, the combination of your sexual pleasure and climaxes. It was a very erotic experience for me to do that."

"Honestly I was kind of shocked that my own husband would actually taste and swallow another man's cum."

"Think of it as being 'reclaimed' by me. My desire to have you gave me an overwhelming urge to remove your lover's sperm from inside you and replace it with my own."

"I see," she responded pensively.

"My question to you is, beyond the pleasure of the orgasm you had from my mouth and tongue, did the thought of me doing that arouse you? Or did it disgust you?"

"Honestly? It really turned me on. It really hot to think you would do that just to satisfy me, and to take me back for yourself afterward of course."

"I also did it to show you how much I desire you, to prove to you just how much I love you," I added.

"Is that something you want to do again? I mean, clean me afterward?"

"If you'll let me," I whispered, "You may also discover that you enjoy falling asleep next to me while you're full of another man's cum."

"I'd rather you 'reclaim' me the way you did. Besides, I think there's still plenty of Spencer's cum left inside me this morning."

"Then you can expect me to lick you clean each and every time, assuming you want to do this again, and again..."

"I really do love you," she whispered, "but I really love huge cocks now, too."

"I know, and I love you even more now that you realize it. I love you even more now that you are comfortable with allowing your inner slut to reveal herself in my presence."

"You'll probably be seeing a lot more of her now that she has been revealed. But she'll need your help in other ways, too."

"Like how?" I asked.

"Ideas. Suggestions. Encouragement. She's depending on you to help her grow and flourish. There might be some things that she has wanted to explore for a very long time."

"I will cherish her as I do all of those things. She will know that she is always loved and desired."

"I think she already knows," Melody whispered softly into my ear before we fell asleep next to each other once more.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

'praising this stink' lol

its just a story man

a bit of fun

im not a cuck an dont desire to be so but the stories dont half get ye blood pounding haha

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The comments are hilarious. The cucks are falling all over themselves praising this stink.

Leroi123Leroi12312 months ago

Beautifully written, sensitive to both the husband and wife, and very erotic! No deriding the husband--Perfect.

1509196215091962about 1 year ago

Enjoyed this, hope you continue their journey.

luvtodoitluvtodoitalmost 2 years ago

Very sexy story! Would love to see a part two.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

My wife found this story and we both loved it – good job! It was unique because it was subtle and not overt. To show the hubby’s inadequacy you did not have to resort to humiliating, hurtful, verbal abuse from the wife in your story.

The facts simply spoke for themselves – hubby was sexually worthless when compared with his big-cocked friend who knew how to make her feel like a real woman. A good cuckold story should humiliate the husband and make him feel sexually second class, and yours did so perfectly.

By the end, it was confirmed that the husband had small genitalia. He understood he was an inadequate lover. Lastly, the wife realized that she was now a ‘ruined’ and would heretofore need big cock to satisfy her, instead of her husband’s small penis.

Your story was even hotter because the husband realized that his wife’s eggs should be fertilized by another man’s sperm. If a husband does not contribute his chromosomes he is essentially a genetic eunuch which, is the highest and most noble form of cuckolding!

Here are some quotes from your story that we found very exciting:

“Every aspect of his genitalia outclassed my own. His erection was longer, thicker, and veins stood out prominently on its shaft's surface. The glans of his cock had to be as large as a plum, its wide crown made it visibly distinct at the end of its shaft.” My wife licked her lips as we read that! Every lover that my wife has had, during our 10 years of marriage, had a cock like that. That is why our wives deserve to take lovers.

“Strangely enough, what made me feel the most envious of him were his large testicles. They hung pendulously between his legs. I had no doubt that they were swollen with sperm, sperm that would soon be included in his insemination of my wife.” That was hot! A husband’s admitting he is envious of the lover’s testicles is essential. None of our three children were sired by me. Each was from a different lover that my wife had. Once I saw their huge, virile testicles I knew I had no right to impregnate her.

“Watching my wife worship his large cock and balls with her mouth did not invoke one bit of jealousy in me. I only felt pride. Pride, and lust.” That clearly captures what a cuckold should feel! I am always proud of my wife in these type of situations.

“…she looked over at me and smiled. But it was not a warm, loving smile like she typically gave me. It was a smile of lust and satisfaction. It was the smile that only a slut would convey.” Wonderful! From good wife; to slut wife!

“Only her thigh-high stockings and garter belt remain on her.” Very hot! All three of our children were conceived when my wife was dressed like that!

“I asked him, "Please fuck my wife. Please make her feel the way I can never make her feel. I interrupted … by asking, "May I have the honor of placing you at her entrance?" He agreed by only nodding his head yes as he stared into her eyes. Excellent! My wife always insists that I perform this honor with each new lover she takes. When I hold their big, heavy, meaty cocks in my hand I can understand how sexually inferior I am.

"You're so big inside me. I've never been stretched so wide, so deep. I could get use to this. Please cum inside me, I beg you, please fill my womb with your seed." Wow! My wife wishes every wife in America could experience this – they could get used to it. A wife begging to be knocked up by the Alpha male is the way Mother Nature intended it.

“Finally she resumed speaking, "Last night ruined me. You understand that, right? You had to have known that would happen." Hearing these words, from your own wife, is nirvana for a husband. When my wife first told me this my little penis and tiny testicles shriveled up even more – and, it was the happiest day of my life!

My wife, being a bit mischievous, encourages most of her married, girlfriends to try big cock ‘just once’. Of course, she knows that most of them will be ‘ruined” which, is exactly what she hopes for. She knows that once a wife’s pussy has been stretched beyond all recognition and she has achieved total sexual satisfaction from a lover, the power dynamic in a marriage is changed. Turning a husband into a sexual eunuch should be the goal of all wives. That leads to a much happier marriage.

Great story. We are looking forward to more of Matthew and Melody!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


DoubleduttyDoubleduttyabout 2 years ago

To each his own. However, I think he (in my opinion) needs to be more dominant. He just ate another man’s cum out of his wife. Insane to me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is my fantasy to a T other than I’d like it to be a stranger or a bull we seek out to be with Jennifer. To have Jennifer experience sexual pleasure that another man give that I can’t. I feel it would be totally selfish to deny her such pleasure. I wish I were the man who could do it for her, but unfortunately I am not.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I see this as a love story. Husband wants wife to enjoy different sexual things... love it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

he needed to suck the guys dick clean when he finished

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