Maximum Badonkadonk Ch. 10


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One of the double doors of the garage was up as Phoebe parked a few feet from the front door. I noticed two double stacks of boxes just inside the garage making me think she might me legit.

There was no doubt I was reeling from an unfortunate series of events as Phoebe switched off her car sitting behind the wheel for a bit. The doubt started coming in when she popped the trunk making me suddenly embarrassed. Phoebe got out of the car walking to the trunk where she retrieved a white garbage bag filled with empty plastic bottles making me facepalm as I stepped out.

"What? The human race has to be responsible for the planet or we'll leave a barren wasteland for future generations. Collecting a few plastic bags full of these empty bottles is the least I can do, and it all gets donated to a charity for underprivileged kids."

"It's not that, but I didn't figure you for a tree hugger."

"It's not about being a tree hugger, it's about common sense on a global level, excuse you." I waved off ceding defeat walking into the garage for the boxes. There were about six boxes which fit snuggly in her trunk. Once I finished closing the trunk, I found Phoebe just inside her screen door watching me intently.

"Ready, we can go back now."

"Would you come inside for a moment please?" At this point I had Phoebe pegged as a new age weirdo or someone who just happened to be especially nosey.

Inside her home I found the retro kitsch continued with furniture that looked vintage but was actually designed to appear that way. This was offset by a large projection style television adjacent to a fireplace in the living room. The screen was lowered as I glanced in the opposite direction noticing the paneled walls covered with some framed photos of Phoebe and her husband Oliver.

I walked over taking a look finding them in various locations and a few with friends. Phoebe was seen on a boat off Catalina Island while Oliver appeared in another hiking some mountainous region with friends. After a few seconds, I noticed the majority of these photos didn't feature them together other than the larger one which depicted a fairytale like wedding. Phoebe's dress was incredible white, inset sequins, veil, and long flowing train. Oliver wore a simple black tux but pulled it off well.

"Excuse me, do you drink? I'd like to have a glass of wine with you." The entrance to her kitchen was one of those Dutch doors that opened halfway, looking kind of like a window. Phoebe was visible from the waist up holding a bottle of red wine.

"Uhm, sure." She opened the lower half allowing me into her kitchen which looked like something you'd find in a magazine shoot. Everything was white while the walls were covered with various drawers each with little red knobs. I noticed a huge cookbook on a countertop somewhat cluttered with various culinary odds and ends.

"Lafite Rothschild; care to help me finish this off so that I can recycle the bottle?"

"It's a little rich for my blood, but I'll take a glass." There was a cutting board with some cheese there along with an open box of crackers written in some foreign language. Phoebe poured me a glass refilling her own. We toasted leaning against the countertop sipping the wine. I was economically intimidated to say the least.

"Now you have to help me polish this off."

"Are you going to be able to drive without getting a D.U.I.?" Phoebe snickered into her glass as we toasted again taking duel sips of the wine. She cut me a slice of the cheese placing it on a cracker, but instead of giving it to me, she put it in my mouth herself.

"Hey, what's up?"

"What do you mean?" She asked shrugging a little as I finished chewing on the cracker noticing a napkin in her other hand. Phoebe dabbed at my lips cleaning off the crumbs with a straight face.

"Come on, don't you think this feels kind of weird? Correct me if I'm wrong about this shit, whatever it is Phoebe."

We were leaning against the counter facing her cluttered kitchen table. It was one of those foldable models cover with this a vintage checkered red and white table cloth. Every bit of Phoebe's home was designed for entertaining and dare I say it, flossing. She turned facing the counter sort of bent over it pondering my question. I caught her eyeballing me out the corner of my eye feeling anxious.

"Well, I was hoping I could get you to handle me like you did Tressie; I can't get the image of the way you grabbed her ass, out of my mind." Phoebe finally admitted drawing my full attention.

"You guys talked, didn't you?"

"Girls understand one another; we drank the first half of this bottle before she told me what you were like." Part of me wondered if Phoebe intentionally got Tressie sauced up to find out.

"Curious huh?"

Phoebe cupped my cheek leaning up on the tips of her toes giving me a light peck on the lips. Her left leg rose upward until her knee was rubbing the underside of my crotch. I was surprised still holding the wine glass which she gingerly took placing it on the counter.

"Grab my ass, hard."

All ten of my fingers dug into her butt curving at the tips nails deep into flesh somewhere between solid and spongy soft. There was a contrast with in feel almost watery to the touch near the bottom of her cheeks. Her softness conformed bulging between my fingers as Phoebe moaned standing on the tips of her toes going upward nuzzling the underside of my chin.

"Squeeze harder." She gasped flicking her tongue on my Adam's apple.

Lady's prerogative ruled the moment as I did my best to close my fingers into dual fists bringing the torturous pressure she desired. Phoebe gasped emitting these huffs of heated breath onto my neck lapping at my chin again before nipping it with her teeth. She buried her face in my chest breathing hard starting to sound oddly euphoric. Her lower back arched into my upper left thigh, knee rising again into the underside of my business.

"HARDER!!" Phoebe whined louder in shrill fashion grinding her mound on my available leg.

She was probably just under five seven with this medium build a bit on the wide side horizontally speaking. I found myself lifting her off the kitchen floor making our uglies level with one another as she started trembling. Phoebe locked her lips on my throat vacuum sucking like a vampire or something.

I was all the way erect, diamond hard and ready to give it to her in the worst way. Her arms hung limply at her sides as she started shivering uncontrollably in my grasp. It was kind of like she was being jolted or tasered as I realized this woman was having a particularly powerful orgasm.

"OOOHHHHH FUCK, I'M CUMMMING AH!! AHH!! AWWWWW!!" I just held on for dear life letting her ride it out suspended just above the kitchen floor which had this even weirder tiling scheme of black squares offset by white.

I felt her legs stiffen up under her ankle length skirt wedged against my body.

Actually Phoebe went fully rigid in my arms like this human ironing board or something. Her hands rose caressing and squeezing my biceps. She seemed to be applying her own desires to my arms gasping and wheezing as she crested. I didn't know what to make of it figuring it was something on her bucket list. I kept up the pressure as she tilted her head upwards capturing my bottom lip between hers sucking on it as well.

"Ah, that's just how I imagined it would feel; you've got a damn good pair of hands. Put me down now, I want to suck your dick." Honestly, she sounded drunk, but I knew that wasn't the case as she was utterly lucid before we got into the clench.

Phoebe went after my belt with nimble fingers nervous working at my buckle before finding my zipper yanking it down so hard I felt it under my navel.

I was literally jerked forward with the sudden motion automatically reaching towards my crotch as her fingers managed to pull me free of my pants. My hand hovered over her head as she slurped me between her lips. Phoebe didn't look like she had a wealth of experience in this department bent at the waist at a literal ninety degree angle.

"OW, HEY WHAT THE-?!!" Phoebe nipped the head of my cock with a tooth.

"Oh sorry about that, I really don't get to do things like this very often; don't worry I'll make it feel better." She was sort of babbling, then got on her knees back straightened facing my endowment. I was further alarmed when she handled me with two hands looking like she was going to yank my cock free of my body.

"HEY GODDAMMIT!!" I swatted her hands away concerned. She remained there hands raised like I was pointing a gun at her which should have been comedic.

"Uhm, can you just kind of show me how to suck on your penis? I want to do this the right way; so uh, just kind of go for it." Her apologetic tone set off a number of alarms and red flags.

"Don't you do this for your husband, Oliver?"

"Well he does his own thing." Her explanation was puzzling.

"What's that supposed to mean Phoebe?" She was kneeling before me with both hands palms flat on the tops of her covered thighs. I saw her eyes flicker at the question knowing there was trouble in paradise.

"Forget about Oliver, we can talk about it some other time if you want but I need to have sex with you in my kitchen. I want you to really ravish and fuck me vigorously like you did Tressie. She said that you know how to make a woman, really feel it. I want to feel it, I want to feel anything!! You can do what you want, just fuck me in this kitchen."

"It has to be the kitchen?"

"Yes, that's the dream I keep having. I see you grope Tressie in the church, then I come home and you're here to fuck me like an animal!! I want you to do me like you did her; she got me so fucking wet that I jumped at the chance to pick you up today."

"Tell me more."

As soon as she started to explain, I pushed my cock into her mouth making her gag, then quickly withdrew it while Phoebe coughed. I poked it inside again as she started to speak again, withdrawing tapping it on her chin and right cheek. Phoebe picked up on my impromptu technique opening her mouth like she was about to take some medicine accepting a third inside. This time she used a softer, cautious suction on the head of my member. I poked her directly but didn't really get into it realizing its what was asked of me.

"When I push it into your mouth just a bit, suck really hard like you don't wanna let it go. Force me to pull it out while you suck on it as hard as you can Phoebe." She nodded starting to go harder, but I drew back freeing myself.

Phoebe hesitated about to speak but held her mouth open waiting. The resultant suction when I went inside was incredible this time. She was following my direction diligently as I pulled out getting an audible pop and little splash of saliva. We continued with this series of repetitions and I doubted it dawned on her that I was gradually fucking her mouth. Excess saliva was pooling in her mouth starting to bubble up on her chin. Phoebe cupped a hand under it trying to keep it from soiling her floor.

"Don't, let it run off your chin, you've got to get nasty for me if you want the rest Phoebe."

"The rest?" She gasped between slurps of my member.

Phoebe had long straight shoulder length brownish hair done up in what could only be called some sort of retro ponytail style. My left hand got ahold of that ponytail softly wrapping it around my fist while her head bobbed becoming monotonous. Foamy drool was running down landing on her blouse making it visibly wet and drenched.

"Hey?" My member slipped from her lips easily leaving the housewife visibly anxious.


"You really want me to uh, "ravish" you?" I guess it was my demeanor or the abrupt manner in which I asked, but she glanced away for a second or two before answering.

"More than anything in the world; I just want to be, uh desired."

I tightened my grip on that ponytail fucking away at her mouth like it was going out of style. Phoebe went with it settling on just keep her maw slightly agape providing this bit of friction as the head of my cock brushed her lips on every stroke. I noticed her eyes were a lighter shade of brown than mine and her flushed cheeks as she coughed and gagged on my member.

The top of her short sleeved blouse was nearly translucent from the continuous deluge of salvia and precum providing glimpses of what looked like some floral print underneath. Her breasts were two handfuls at least and solid looking from my vantage point over her. Vastly different from Vicky Stone's smaller kind of deflated offerings.

"Aw shit."

I leaned back against the counter disengaging us. Phoebe brought both hands up near her face one about to cup or wipe her chin but hesitating while the other covered her left breast like she were going to pledge allegiance or something.

"What did I do wrong this time?"

"Nothing." I was disgusted with myself for letting images of Vicky invade my mind.

"It's okay."


"I don't mind if you think about her."

Phoebe called it on the nose as I leaned against the counter with my business hanging out the front of my jeans. She sat there on her haunches orally defiled, palms flat on the tops of her thighs waiting, breathing in huffs through her mouth.

Her husband came to mind as I stared at her face, frothy drool running off her chin, this married housewife desperate for attention; starving for any kind of attention. This didn't make sense in the least as I stared at her beauty noting that other than some nosiness, Phoebe was sort of bland. The photos hanging in the living room told the tale in that her and husband Oliver appeared separate in all of them except for the wedding photo centerpiece.

"I grope Tressie, in the dream, you come home to find me waiting for you and then what? Tell how it is in your dream Phoebe. I want to do it right; can you help me do it right for you? I want to satisfy you instead of myself. It's kind of what I've been doing for the longest time now. I think we should put my "training" to good use, don't you?"

I was remorseful and mad at myself for going into autopilot. Ever since that first day at her apartment, Renee Kelly had been subtly training and vetting me for her circle. I wondered if it was revenge for what I'd said when she intended to storm out of Jaquan's house when she didn't find him there.

She kept me close and probably found the fact that I was intimidated by her, intoxicating. She'd slowly brought up my sexual endurance and tangentially altered my programming, sexually speaking. It was a deep personal defeat even admitting it to myself internally. Looking at the desperate woman kneeling in front of me spoke to that truth.

"I want to make it just as you dreamed; help me Phoebe."

"Well, I suck on you, but in the dream I'm doing it good like the nasty movies and then; well, its so good that you're really hot and bothered, so much that you pick me up and set me down on that counter behind you."

The minute the words left her mouth I quickly grabbed her at the biceps getting Phoebe to her feet before handling her at the waist. I planted her carefully on the counter facing her closely.

"Now what happens next in the dream?"

Phoebe grabbed both of my thumbs drawing my hands up to her bust. I followed her lead covering her breasts squeezing hard like I'd done earlier with her butt. I was surprised to find both of her tits resistant to my groping fingers feeling extremely solid, and heavy.

Phoebe suddenly grabbed fistfuls of that canary yellow blouse ripping it open sending buttons flying everywhere revealing her breasts encase in a tight fitting underwire brassiere. It was a white floral print, with thousands of tiny little green stemmed roses decorating the material. Her breasts had these defined tan lines that went high above the brassiere revealing her original skin tone was a shade and a half lighter.

"34DD, the doctor said these were a pretty good size for my body type; I'm uh, thick boned and I just wanted to even my figure out because my torso looked weird without bigger boobs. I was like, a 34B-Cup before , so it didn't really work with a 26 inch waist and a 38 inch butt. Well, my waist is a little bigger now." Phoebe was ranting going into this sort of babbling cacophony absentmindedly revealing some body issues.


"My friend Barb highly recommended this doctor down in Miami; Oliver sure as heck didn't care and uhm, you think I should've gone smaller, or bigger?" She covered both of her enhanced tits with her hands continuously kvetching.



"What's next?"

She dipped her chin, but I raised it up staring at her soft spoken beauty unintentionally comparing her to the other women I'd been with. Memories of being called out for being physically spoiled came to the fore. Shawnee's words in her car stabbed at me as she tried to call me out for using her for profit in a roundabout way even as I vacated the vehicle at an intersection. Now, she was likely selling her body through social media after being mentally warped by Renee Kelly.

I didn't believe my pale mentor had these thoughts, and I hated her for it as Phoebe hooked both pointer fingers into the cups tugging until her own saucer sized areolas were visible topped with thick nipples. Her tits were decidedly "bolt ons" with very minimal scarring visible.

Phoebe seemed to just want them bulging out of the top of her brassiere as she hunched up getting two timid fistfuls of the ankle length skirt covering her legs so much only the black toes of her flats were visible. She didn't move or tug up on the abundant material staring at me expectantly until I got her meaning. I reached down gathering the hem up exposing her feet and calves.



She quickly covered her legs again almost ashamed, but I raised the floor length dress again up to her thighs having been surprised to find a pair of legs that were smaller shorter versions of ones I personally associated with Rashida Sikes aka Chi Town Thunda. The difference in these gams lie in the tone and musculature.

Her lap was still covered with the excess material pooled there hiding her virtue. I went after it baring her crotch finding the same sharp well defined tan lines extending above the waistband of her panties which matched her bra, white with a floral print. I guess her underwear was a set.

"Okay, I've got horse legs I admit it; I thought running would help trim the fat off my big thighs, but they just got like this. I'm dieting, hopefully that will fix these ugly-MFFRRGHH!!" I stifled another blathering rant with my lips giving her a kiss that let her know we were done talking about shit.

I pressed between her legs with the head of my member tapping the underside of the kitchen counter. Phoebe was startled at my sudden passion, adjusting seconds later allowing my tongue to swirl about in her mouth. She acted like some inexperienced teen and that puzzled me after looking at her semi-clothed body. My hands went back to her lap gathering the material there as she reached down handling the excess.

I pried her panties to the side finding a shaved muff and tight slit could best be described as a single line. My thumb pushed against it finding that it open easily looking soft and tender. There was a juicy looking tenderness inside it that called out to my secondary proclivity as I handled the back of her knees pulling her butt to the edge of the counter.

Phoebe howled the moment my tongue entered her snatch involuntarily arching her lower back. Her mound mashed into my lips as I went for the five star treatment attacking her folds initially before tickling and suckling the clit in a shamefully phallic manner. She was already palming my head cooing PG-Flavored encouragements as I happily serviced her cunt like it was my last meal. I, was very loud working intentionally sloppy.